Article REPORT OF GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Report Of Grand Lodge.
met with in England , despite of all the glittering temptations to a specious independency and false ambition , have been contented to remain true to themselves , true to us , and true to the obligations of their Masonic allegiance . ( Loud cheers . ) There is a better way of thanking them than in mere words for their aelions . ( Hear , hoar . ) It is reasonable to suppose that men who have shown such consistency and firmness , will not be persons likely to insist upon claims which are unjust and unreasonable in their nature . ( Hear . )
In 1853—I leave out minor matters for the present—they contended for the free and absolute right of electing their Prov . Grand Master . Now I candidly admit , that on this point I could not concur with them . I think it would lead rather to alienation ; but there are many steps between taking no notice whatever of their complaints , and granting them everything they asked . ( Hear . ) No notice whatever was taken of them till a few months ago , when a member of the Grand Lodge , who has shewn the greatest ability in these matters , I
mean Bro . Portal ( loud cheers ) , brought forward the subject by a motion in the Quarterly Communication , in which lie proposed that the Canadian Lodges should elect two candidates for the office of P . Grand Master , and send them to the M . W . the Grand Master , in order that he might select one of them . The Canadian Lodges met and agreed to this in the following resolution : — ' That this Grand Lodge heartily approves of the principle contained in the said intended motion , and would respectfully , but strongly , urge its adoption by the Grand Lodge of Englandsatisfied as they are—[ mark the words]—tiiat
, wide-spread dissatisfaction , resulting in disastrous consequences to the peace and prosperity of the Fraternity in Canada , will follow , should immediate action on their just complaints be longer delayed;—that this Grand Lodge would suggest that the said resolution be modified so as to provide that the election of the Grand Master be made by this Grand Lodge , with this proviso—that if disallowed by the Grand Lodge of England within six months after it shall have taken , it shall be void , but otherwise have full force and effect . ' Such is the language of the men who have played the temperate part which I have
described . I ask you , Brethren , is it the language of men wavering and uncertain in their opinions ? I fear very much the results , should we come this evening to a wrong and unsatisfactory conclusion . I entertain the greatest apprehensions as to the news which the next Canadian packet may bring us . But it may be said , you have a communication from the Grand Master who proposes , that henceforth every third year the Prov . Grand Master should send in a report , and if that report , under the auspices of the Prov . Grand Master , should be
unsatisfactory , that it should then be competent for the Grand Master to depose the Prov . Grand Master . But this proposal gives no new power to the Grand Master . He can at present insist upon reports , not every third year , but whenever ho likes . It is also , at present , in the power of the Grand Master to depose the Prov . Grand Master whenever he may think proper to do so . What improvement therefore , I ask , would be effected by the Grand Master ' s proposition ? What further independence or seif-govcrument would it confer upon the Colonies ? I answer , none . ( Loud applause . ) The only
reception which such a proposition could meet with in Canada , would bo scorn and irritation—scorn that you should think so meanly of their understanding ; irritation , that their patience should bo so trifled with . ( Hear , hear . ) We have heard of men slumbering while an earthquake was raging around them . Is it the case now ? Four years ago , there arose a clond significantly ominous , yet not larger than a man ' s hand . One single temperate despatch would have dissipated the tempest . But no notice whatever was taken of it . Our officials went slumbering on from to . At length the earthquake
year year broke which had been heralded by so many warnings ; and the Canadian Lodges burst forth into open secession . Yet for one whole year more these slumbers still continued , and no notice whatever was taken even of the secession , —no motion was brought forward , no policy no principles of government were announced , and when independent Brethren made motions of a remedial character , they were stifled under the pretence , that an ancient land-mark of the " Order was obliterated and Grand Lodge was attempted to be coerced by an overbearing temper and domineering despotism . ( Cheers . )
I have said too much , perhaps . ( No , no . ) One word more on the broad principles which 1 wish to see adopted in our colonial policy ; it is the greatest mistake in the world to confound quantity with quality . Let us never suppose that extent of dominion is any real test of power . Extent of dominion is no test of real prosperity , unless accompanied by a living spirit , breathing from the inmost centre to the utmost extremity . ( Loud cheers . ) The great secret of government is , that the governing body shall only attempt those duties which it is competent to perform . For instanceno man in this room is more
deeplim-, y pressed than I am with the necessity of maintaining the due dependence and allegiance of the Canadian Lodges to the Grand Lodge of England . I wish to see the Grand Lodge the fountain of appealthe source of our great policy , and the sole arbiter ; I wish to see all the allegiance due to the Grand Lodge preserved ; but I would utterly surrender to the Prov . Grand Lodge all the minutite of local business .
You will have to look long for a body of men who will unite those qualities which will enable them to take " a broad view of questions of policy necessary here at home , and to control the thousand and one details of local administration . ( Hear , hear . ) What I mean to say is , maintain their allegiance , and leave the local business under their own control Make them your friends , and do not seek to alienate them ; attempt not to depose them into the condition of slaves . ( Loud cheers . ) There are two principles of government—compulsion and persuasion . Compulsion is idle for us to talk of , and it is
irritating to them . Persuasion is a legitimate weapon ; it will not break in your grasp , because it is a well-tempered blade , on which are engraven the talismanic characters of " Brotherly love , relief , and truth . " ( Cheers . ) There is a third course and it is one which stares us like a phantom in the face . I protest against your standing with folded arms while the stately fabric falls to pieces . ( Hear , hear . ) Better have an indifferent policy than none at all . ( Loud cheers . ) Better have any principles than drift like the helmless vessel before the storm : —
" Come it slow or come it fast , This is the fate must come at last . " Make up your minds to it . Do not deceive yourselves . Be not satisfied -with closing your eyes ; look at the breakers which appear ahead , and seek not to escape your impending destiny ty ignoring this difficulty , for you can never shelve it . ( Loud cheers . ) The sands of your hour-glass are running low ; the time for deliberation has almost passed away , and the time for action has fully come . There stand the forms of the good and of the evil genius of this great Order ,
as it were , upon the threshhold . holding forth the emblems ol ascending prosperity , and of hopeless irremediable decay . Both are offered to you . Which " will you accept ? But whatever is to be done can only be done by free speaking , and free discussion . Let us do away for ever with that mistaken delicacy which would prevent us from discussing here those important topics which arc nearest to our hearts , and which we so freely canvass elsewhere . ( Loud applause . ) Away with the silence which is unjust to us and our Canadian Brethren : with that reserve between us and our authorities ; which is
away ruinous to the best interests of the Craft , and , if persisted in , will be fatal to the good understanding between you who sit upon the dais and us who are in the body of the Hall . ( Hear , hear . ) Therefore I move , Right Worshipful Sir , that the communication of the M . W . Grand Master be referred to the Colonial Board , to consider , and report upon our quarterly meeting in December . I move , also , that the report be printed and distributed amongst the Brethren at their entrance to the Grand Lodge , and that the Grand Lodge considers
that no scheme will be satisfactory which fails to approve of the Colonial Brethren having a voice in the appointment of the Prov . Grand Master . ( The noble Lord resumed his seat amidst loud applause ) . Bro . H . G . Warren , P . M ., No . 202 , seconded the motion and said , that he thought they would not be acting injustice towards the committee which they had just appointed , if they did not refer this matter to them ; if they refused to pass the present or some similar resolution , they would stultify all their previous proceedings , and it was , therefore , with the greatest pleasure that he seconded the motion . ( Loud cries of " Divide , divide ! " ) The Chairman then put the motion , which was carried unanimously
PRINTING THE PAPER OF BUSINESS . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon moved the following : — ¦ ' That in order that Masons resident in the country may be aware of the business to be brought forward in Grand Lodge , it is expedient that the Board of Masters meet at such a time as that the paper of business may be issued with the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication . And the Board of General Purposes is requested to give effect to this resolution . " He said , "After the indulgence I have just experienced at the hands of the Brethren , I cannot think of detaining you at any
length again ; the necessity of accomplishing the object sought to be attained by the present motion is palpable to every man of common sense . It will remedy an injustice of long standing , and I briefly recommend it to you on two grounds ; first , it is an extension of that principle which you have yourselves adopted and appreciated ; and , second , it is fully warranted by the Book of Constitutions . I appeal to yon to extend to the Provincial Brethren those advantages which you have acquired for yourselves , and which you so justly value . " Bro . Harwood seconded the motion ; and saidthat an accurate
, account of what was going on ought to be communicated throughout the length and breadth of the Fraternity . This resolution , if properly carried out , would do much to restore that sympathy which was at present in danger of being diminished . The Rev . Bro . Portal moved as an amendment , "That in order that Masons resident in the country may be made aware of the business of the Grand Lodge , the Board of Masters should meet on the fourth Wednesday before holding Grand Lodge , so that the Paper of Business might be issued with the Minutes . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Report Of Grand Lodge.
met with in England , despite of all the glittering temptations to a specious independency and false ambition , have been contented to remain true to themselves , true to us , and true to the obligations of their Masonic allegiance . ( Loud cheers . ) There is a better way of thanking them than in mere words for their aelions . ( Hear , hoar . ) It is reasonable to suppose that men who have shown such consistency and firmness , will not be persons likely to insist upon claims which are unjust and unreasonable in their nature . ( Hear . )
In 1853—I leave out minor matters for the present—they contended for the free and absolute right of electing their Prov . Grand Master . Now I candidly admit , that on this point I could not concur with them . I think it would lead rather to alienation ; but there are many steps between taking no notice whatever of their complaints , and granting them everything they asked . ( Hear . ) No notice whatever was taken of them till a few months ago , when a member of the Grand Lodge , who has shewn the greatest ability in these matters , I
mean Bro . Portal ( loud cheers ) , brought forward the subject by a motion in the Quarterly Communication , in which lie proposed that the Canadian Lodges should elect two candidates for the office of P . Grand Master , and send them to the M . W . the Grand Master , in order that he might select one of them . The Canadian Lodges met and agreed to this in the following resolution : — ' That this Grand Lodge heartily approves of the principle contained in the said intended motion , and would respectfully , but strongly , urge its adoption by the Grand Lodge of Englandsatisfied as they are—[ mark the words]—tiiat
, wide-spread dissatisfaction , resulting in disastrous consequences to the peace and prosperity of the Fraternity in Canada , will follow , should immediate action on their just complaints be longer delayed;—that this Grand Lodge would suggest that the said resolution be modified so as to provide that the election of the Grand Master be made by this Grand Lodge , with this proviso—that if disallowed by the Grand Lodge of England within six months after it shall have taken , it shall be void , but otherwise have full force and effect . ' Such is the language of the men who have played the temperate part which I have
described . I ask you , Brethren , is it the language of men wavering and uncertain in their opinions ? I fear very much the results , should we come this evening to a wrong and unsatisfactory conclusion . I entertain the greatest apprehensions as to the news which the next Canadian packet may bring us . But it may be said , you have a communication from the Grand Master who proposes , that henceforth every third year the Prov . Grand Master should send in a report , and if that report , under the auspices of the Prov . Grand Master , should be
unsatisfactory , that it should then be competent for the Grand Master to depose the Prov . Grand Master . But this proposal gives no new power to the Grand Master . He can at present insist upon reports , not every third year , but whenever ho likes . It is also , at present , in the power of the Grand Master to depose the Prov . Grand Master whenever he may think proper to do so . What improvement therefore , I ask , would be effected by the Grand Master ' s proposition ? What further independence or seif-govcrument would it confer upon the Colonies ? I answer , none . ( Loud applause . ) The only
reception which such a proposition could meet with in Canada , would bo scorn and irritation—scorn that you should think so meanly of their understanding ; irritation , that their patience should bo so trifled with . ( Hear , hear . ) We have heard of men slumbering while an earthquake was raging around them . Is it the case now ? Four years ago , there arose a clond significantly ominous , yet not larger than a man ' s hand . One single temperate despatch would have dissipated the tempest . But no notice whatever was taken of it . Our officials went slumbering on from to . At length the earthquake
year year broke which had been heralded by so many warnings ; and the Canadian Lodges burst forth into open secession . Yet for one whole year more these slumbers still continued , and no notice whatever was taken even of the secession , —no motion was brought forward , no policy no principles of government were announced , and when independent Brethren made motions of a remedial character , they were stifled under the pretence , that an ancient land-mark of the " Order was obliterated and Grand Lodge was attempted to be coerced by an overbearing temper and domineering despotism . ( Cheers . )
I have said too much , perhaps . ( No , no . ) One word more on the broad principles which 1 wish to see adopted in our colonial policy ; it is the greatest mistake in the world to confound quantity with quality . Let us never suppose that extent of dominion is any real test of power . Extent of dominion is no test of real prosperity , unless accompanied by a living spirit , breathing from the inmost centre to the utmost extremity . ( Loud cheers . ) The great secret of government is , that the governing body shall only attempt those duties which it is competent to perform . For instanceno man in this room is more
deeplim-, y pressed than I am with the necessity of maintaining the due dependence and allegiance of the Canadian Lodges to the Grand Lodge of England . I wish to see the Grand Lodge the fountain of appealthe source of our great policy , and the sole arbiter ; I wish to see all the allegiance due to the Grand Lodge preserved ; but I would utterly surrender to the Prov . Grand Lodge all the minutite of local business .
You will have to look long for a body of men who will unite those qualities which will enable them to take " a broad view of questions of policy necessary here at home , and to control the thousand and one details of local administration . ( Hear , hear . ) What I mean to say is , maintain their allegiance , and leave the local business under their own control Make them your friends , and do not seek to alienate them ; attempt not to depose them into the condition of slaves . ( Loud cheers . ) There are two principles of government—compulsion and persuasion . Compulsion is idle for us to talk of , and it is
irritating to them . Persuasion is a legitimate weapon ; it will not break in your grasp , because it is a well-tempered blade , on which are engraven the talismanic characters of " Brotherly love , relief , and truth . " ( Cheers . ) There is a third course and it is one which stares us like a phantom in the face . I protest against your standing with folded arms while the stately fabric falls to pieces . ( Hear , hear . ) Better have an indifferent policy than none at all . ( Loud cheers . ) Better have any principles than drift like the helmless vessel before the storm : —
" Come it slow or come it fast , This is the fate must come at last . " Make up your minds to it . Do not deceive yourselves . Be not satisfied -with closing your eyes ; look at the breakers which appear ahead , and seek not to escape your impending destiny ty ignoring this difficulty , for you can never shelve it . ( Loud cheers . ) The sands of your hour-glass are running low ; the time for deliberation has almost passed away , and the time for action has fully come . There stand the forms of the good and of the evil genius of this great Order ,
as it were , upon the threshhold . holding forth the emblems ol ascending prosperity , and of hopeless irremediable decay . Both are offered to you . Which " will you accept ? But whatever is to be done can only be done by free speaking , and free discussion . Let us do away for ever with that mistaken delicacy which would prevent us from discussing here those important topics which arc nearest to our hearts , and which we so freely canvass elsewhere . ( Loud applause . ) Away with the silence which is unjust to us and our Canadian Brethren : with that reserve between us and our authorities ; which is
away ruinous to the best interests of the Craft , and , if persisted in , will be fatal to the good understanding between you who sit upon the dais and us who are in the body of the Hall . ( Hear , hear . ) Therefore I move , Right Worshipful Sir , that the communication of the M . W . Grand Master be referred to the Colonial Board , to consider , and report upon our quarterly meeting in December . I move , also , that the report be printed and distributed amongst the Brethren at their entrance to the Grand Lodge , and that the Grand Lodge considers
that no scheme will be satisfactory which fails to approve of the Colonial Brethren having a voice in the appointment of the Prov . Grand Master . ( The noble Lord resumed his seat amidst loud applause ) . Bro . H . G . Warren , P . M ., No . 202 , seconded the motion and said , that he thought they would not be acting injustice towards the committee which they had just appointed , if they did not refer this matter to them ; if they refused to pass the present or some similar resolution , they would stultify all their previous proceedings , and it was , therefore , with the greatest pleasure that he seconded the motion . ( Loud cries of " Divide , divide ! " ) The Chairman then put the motion , which was carried unanimously
PRINTING THE PAPER OF BUSINESS . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon moved the following : — ¦ ' That in order that Masons resident in the country may be aware of the business to be brought forward in Grand Lodge , it is expedient that the Board of Masters meet at such a time as that the paper of business may be issued with the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication . And the Board of General Purposes is requested to give effect to this resolution . " He said , "After the indulgence I have just experienced at the hands of the Brethren , I cannot think of detaining you at any
length again ; the necessity of accomplishing the object sought to be attained by the present motion is palpable to every man of common sense . It will remedy an injustice of long standing , and I briefly recommend it to you on two grounds ; first , it is an extension of that principle which you have yourselves adopted and appreciated ; and , second , it is fully warranted by the Book of Constitutions . I appeal to yon to extend to the Provincial Brethren those advantages which you have acquired for yourselves , and which you so justly value . " Bro . Harwood seconded the motion ; and saidthat an accurate
, account of what was going on ought to be communicated throughout the length and breadth of the Fraternity . This resolution , if properly carried out , would do much to restore that sympathy which was at present in danger of being diminished . The Rev . Bro . Portal moved as an amendment , "That in order that Masons resident in the country may be made aware of the business of the Grand Lodge , the Board of Masters should meet on the fourth Wednesday before holding Grand Lodge , so that the Paper of Business might be issued with the Minutes . "