Article CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BILL SYKES AND THE CREEPING CRACKSMAN ON MASONRY IN GENERAL AND G. L. IN PARTICULAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
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Correspondence Between Bill Sykes And The Creeping Cracksman On Masonry In General And G. L. In Particular.
( ENCLOSURE II . ) sicks deze - Aiteenfivtysicks . Dear Creeper , I'd stand yer 3 arf p ints o' porter Not to feel , as vile in , ve vos nothink but fules ,
Lor , the swag as ve ' n mist , vy it makes my mouth vorter , Them kollers , an' borders , an ' allmity joo'ls . ' But bles yer like b ' rittns ve'll look on the brite side , I ' ve a cuzzen as gets in ( e am ' t bin took yet ) , Gets into grand lodge , lad , an' wotes on the rite side ,
An agen e keps rite , oo noes vot he maint get ? "Veil , " e ses , "Bill , " e ses , " ven the blue gents makes moshuns As our guvner don ' t like " ( ere e lcum to a paws ) , " Vot d' yer think ? vy , e hax upon vun o' yure noshuns ,
An' a stopper e clapps upon them ' ere gents jaws . " Veil , I'd eat a big brekfus , old pal , an' set lading Till I'd like to a' busted avay on the spot ; Vy they grabs all the grain , tho ' they vont let the chaffin , Kicks out the had kroeters , an' keeps the garotte . Allers yours W . S .
Notes And Queries.
AN ENIGMA . I am what this may be to you , " Strange , puzzling , wonderful , and new , Sought out by those who know me not , And soon as known , so soon forgot . In me has been concealed the fate
Of young and old , of good and great ; I shadow o ' er a Prince ' s doom , His shortened life and fated tomb : The far-famed " Iron mask " to me Owes half his sad celebrity ; And ruined cities , proud and old ,
My silent mantle round them fold , Defying all the hopes of man , Their origin and fate to scau . — Long time ago man by my aid A league with unknown ages made , And undiscovered by the crowd , Who yet my name proclaim aloud ,
I hold o ' or many a noble mind . An influence to bless mankind . E ' en life so often hides in me Its ever varying destiny , That surely here you'll have a clue , Reveal my name , and own me true .
The following Resolutions have been adopted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada West : — Provincial Grand Lodge , C . TV . Toronto , October 23 , 1856 . Resolved unanimously , "That this P . Grand Lodge desires to in the
express strongest terms their disapproval of the unjust and uncourteous treatment which they have experienced at the hands of the M . W . the Grand Master of England , and to express their conviction that most of the difficulty which has occurred in Canada has arisen from the loss or mislaying of documents transmitted by this Grand Lodge , in the Grand Secretary's office ; and which , if they had been properly preserved and carefully read , would have removed that lamentable ignorance of Canadian affairs which has been
exhibited by those high in office who ought to have been better acquainted with our position . " Resolved unanimously , " That inasmuch as this P . G . Lodge petitioned the Grand Lodge of England through the M . W . the Grand Master , and in doing so imagined that they were paying the highest compliment to the M . \ V . the Grand Master ; and inasmuch
as the M . W . the Grand Master has refused to allow the Grand Lodge of England to be recognized in his person : Re it resolved , that this P . Grand Lodge do now present a petition to the Grand Lodge of England in the place of the one forwarded to the M . W . the Grand Master . " Resolved unanimously , " That this P . Grand Lodge bas been deeply pained that
the Grand Master of England should have received in such a manner the constitutional conduct which this P . Grand'Lodge has pursued throughout their difficulties and grievances ; and their pain is rendered more intense that he should in any manner have blamed for unconstitutional conduct their Deputy P . Grand Master , who has , by the direction of the P . Grand Master , conducted the entire business of the Province , and whose zeal for Masonry , and whose efforts to maintain it in unsullied purity have gained for him the deepest respect of all true Masons of Canada . " Resolved unanimouslv .
" That the cordial thanks of this P . Grand Lodge bo tendered to the Rev . Brother Portal for the interest he has taken in our affairs , and that he be requested to act as our representative in the Grand Lodge of England , and that the Grand Secretary be informed thereof . " FRANCIS RICHARDSON , P . G . Secretary . The following petitions have been received for presentation
to G . L ., but were inadvertently omitted by the Grand Secretary at the last Quarterly Communication : — In favour of circulating business Paper—From lodges , Nos . 48 , Bath —313 , Dudley—349 , Worcester—435 , Tipton—689 , Birmingham—772 , Worcester—730 , Dudley—819 , Dudley—824 , Stourbridge—83 S , Dudley . In favour of granting petition of Prov . G . L . of Canada West—From lodges , Nos . 48 , Bath—152 , Southampton—313 , Dudley—349 , Worcester—435 , Tipton—689 , Birmingham—730 , Dudley—772 , Worcester—819 , Dudley—824 , Stourbridge—838 , Dudley .
Correspondence .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE MASONIC OBSERVER . Dear Sir and Brother , The remarkable contrast afforded by the Quarterly Communication of the 3 rd instant , to the Special Grand Lodge of November 19 th , cannot but be matter of congratulation to every true Mason . To what cause is to be attributed the conciliatory spirit which was undoubtedly evinced at the meeting first mentioned , it boots not to inquire . AVhether the firm front presented by that largely -in-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence Between Bill Sykes And The Creeping Cracksman On Masonry In General And G. L. In Particular.
( ENCLOSURE II . ) sicks deze - Aiteenfivtysicks . Dear Creeper , I'd stand yer 3 arf p ints o' porter Not to feel , as vile in , ve vos nothink but fules ,
Lor , the swag as ve ' n mist , vy it makes my mouth vorter , Them kollers , an' borders , an ' allmity joo'ls . ' But bles yer like b ' rittns ve'll look on the brite side , I ' ve a cuzzen as gets in ( e am ' t bin took yet ) , Gets into grand lodge , lad , an' wotes on the rite side ,
An agen e keps rite , oo noes vot he maint get ? "Veil , " e ses , "Bill , " e ses , " ven the blue gents makes moshuns As our guvner don ' t like " ( ere e lcum to a paws ) , " Vot d' yer think ? vy , e hax upon vun o' yure noshuns ,
An' a stopper e clapps upon them ' ere gents jaws . " Veil , I'd eat a big brekfus , old pal , an' set lading Till I'd like to a' busted avay on the spot ; Vy they grabs all the grain , tho ' they vont let the chaffin , Kicks out the had kroeters , an' keeps the garotte . Allers yours W . S .
Notes And Queries.
AN ENIGMA . I am what this may be to you , " Strange , puzzling , wonderful , and new , Sought out by those who know me not , And soon as known , so soon forgot . In me has been concealed the fate
Of young and old , of good and great ; I shadow o ' er a Prince ' s doom , His shortened life and fated tomb : The far-famed " Iron mask " to me Owes half his sad celebrity ; And ruined cities , proud and old ,
My silent mantle round them fold , Defying all the hopes of man , Their origin and fate to scau . — Long time ago man by my aid A league with unknown ages made , And undiscovered by the crowd , Who yet my name proclaim aloud ,
I hold o ' or many a noble mind . An influence to bless mankind . E ' en life so often hides in me Its ever varying destiny , That surely here you'll have a clue , Reveal my name , and own me true .
The following Resolutions have been adopted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada West : — Provincial Grand Lodge , C . TV . Toronto , October 23 , 1856 . Resolved unanimously , "That this P . Grand Lodge desires to in the
express strongest terms their disapproval of the unjust and uncourteous treatment which they have experienced at the hands of the M . W . the Grand Master of England , and to express their conviction that most of the difficulty which has occurred in Canada has arisen from the loss or mislaying of documents transmitted by this Grand Lodge , in the Grand Secretary's office ; and which , if they had been properly preserved and carefully read , would have removed that lamentable ignorance of Canadian affairs which has been
exhibited by those high in office who ought to have been better acquainted with our position . " Resolved unanimously , " That inasmuch as this P . G . Lodge petitioned the Grand Lodge of England through the M . W . the Grand Master , and in doing so imagined that they were paying the highest compliment to the M . \ V . the Grand Master ; and inasmuch
as the M . W . the Grand Master has refused to allow the Grand Lodge of England to be recognized in his person : Re it resolved , that this P . Grand Lodge do now present a petition to the Grand Lodge of England in the place of the one forwarded to the M . W . the Grand Master . " Resolved unanimously , " That this P . Grand Lodge bas been deeply pained that
the Grand Master of England should have received in such a manner the constitutional conduct which this P . Grand'Lodge has pursued throughout their difficulties and grievances ; and their pain is rendered more intense that he should in any manner have blamed for unconstitutional conduct their Deputy P . Grand Master , who has , by the direction of the P . Grand Master , conducted the entire business of the Province , and whose zeal for Masonry , and whose efforts to maintain it in unsullied purity have gained for him the deepest respect of all true Masons of Canada . " Resolved unanimouslv .
" That the cordial thanks of this P . Grand Lodge bo tendered to the Rev . Brother Portal for the interest he has taken in our affairs , and that he be requested to act as our representative in the Grand Lodge of England , and that the Grand Secretary be informed thereof . " FRANCIS RICHARDSON , P . G . Secretary . The following petitions have been received for presentation
to G . L ., but were inadvertently omitted by the Grand Secretary at the last Quarterly Communication : — In favour of circulating business Paper—From lodges , Nos . 48 , Bath —313 , Dudley—349 , Worcester—435 , Tipton—689 , Birmingham—772 , Worcester—730 , Dudley—819 , Dudley—824 , Stourbridge—83 S , Dudley . In favour of granting petition of Prov . G . L . of Canada West—From lodges , Nos . 48 , Bath—152 , Southampton—313 , Dudley—349 , Worcester—435 , Tipton—689 , Birmingham—730 , Dudley—772 , Worcester—819 , Dudley—824 , Stourbridge—838 , Dudley .
Correspondence .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE MASONIC OBSERVER . Dear Sir and Brother , The remarkable contrast afforded by the Quarterly Communication of the 3 rd instant , to the Special Grand Lodge of November 19 th , cannot but be matter of congratulation to every true Mason . To what cause is to be attributed the conciliatory spirit which was undoubtedly evinced at the meeting first mentioned , it boots not to inquire . AVhether the firm front presented by that largely -in-