Article GRAND LODGE OF EMERGENCY, Nov. 19. ← Page 6 of 6 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Grand Lodge Of Emergency, Nov. 19.
BRO . the E . OF CARNARVON replied that he had been content to leave the matter in the hands of the G . See ' s office and the Board of General Purposes , though the same objection had previously been pointed out to him , and he had then consented ' to the 4 th Wednesday of the month , previous to each Q . C He would not detain G . L . by entering into any argument in favour of that or of any particular day . If that day should be inconvenient he was fully prepared to consent to any other day . The REVBROPORTAL amended the motion in accordance with
. . these observations , naming the 4 th Wednesday in the month , previous to each Q C BRO . H . G . WARREN objected to that day , as it would at least once a year fall upon the same day as the G . Chap . He suggested that it should be the last Wednesday in January , April , & c . This would be a week earlier , and give time to get the notices out . The G . M . said Bro . Portal ' s amendment would alter the law , and notice must be given of it in the regular way .
BRO . DOBIE said the alteration proposed would divide the Board of Benevolence from the Board of Masters . A P . G . officer , whose name we did not learn , was strongly in favour of a fixed day for meeting on many grounds . The REV . BRO . PORTAL withdrew his amendment . BRO . SAVAGE said if the day of meeting was to be altered due notice must be given . The G . M . said the motion called upon the Board of General Purposes to make an alteration which it was not in their power to make . The motion as it originally stood was then put and carried .
THE CHARITY JEWEL . BRO . H . G . WARREN moved"That the Charity Jewel , now conferred on Brethren who had " served as Stewards to the Girls' and Boys' School , should be so " extended as to include the Benevolent Institution for Aged Free" masons and their Widows , so that Brethren serving as Stewards " at the festivals of any two of the charities should be entitled to " wear the medaland those who served the three Stewardshi
, ps " should be further entitled to wear a clasp on the ribbon by which " the medal was suspended . " He supported his motion by observing that his object was simply to place the three charities upon an equal footing . He did not wish to hurt any one of the charities , and he did not believe that his motion would have the slightest tendency that way . BRO . JNO . HERVEY opposed the motion , because he said he had the interests of the charities at heartIf masonic charities were to
. depend for their prosperity upon the privilege of wearing a medal the sooner they had done with them the better . ( Hear , hear . ) He did not think that the wearing of one bauble on his breast was worth so much attention . This motion would be detrimental to the other two charities . He asked the Brethren if it was for the purpose of wearing theirjewel that they served the charities . ( Laughter . ) He urged the Brethren to reject the motion . BRO . BARRETT also opposed the motion , and said the stewards of the School for the die of the medal
Boys' paid , and to take it for a subsequently established charity would be to defraud the Boys ' School . ( Hear , hear . ) BRO . BINCKES said he was at a loss to see why this resolution should be opposed . All the charities should have an equal hold upon their affections . It was quite right to say that they did not serve the charities for the sake of the jewels ; but still these jewels were honourable tokens of services rendered to the Order . ( Hear , hear . ) would
He not support the conclusion of G . L . motion at all if he thought it would injure either the charities . ( Hear , hear . ) The Rev . BRO . PORTAL thought that all the charities should certainly be placed upon an equal footing . When they made exertions for any one particular charity they were sure more or less to benefit all . ( Hear , hear . ) It seemed as if the brethren gradually got so into the habit of putting their hands into their pockets that they were unable to leave off doing so . ( Cheers and laughter . ) He was in favour of the motion .
. The Rev . BRO . Cox opposed the motion , on the ground that the jewel was instituted for the benefit of the two charities established a long time ago , and not for that charity which was more recent in its origin .
BRO . DOBIE said there were matters which had far better be left for the G . M . to decide . G . L . never interfered with them . He saw no reason why iliey should encumber the proceedings of G . L ., with things of this kind . BRO . SAVAGE , amidst loud laughter , called attention to the fact that although Brother Hervey called the jewel " a bauble , " he had that " bauble" upon his breast at that moment . His arguments had not , therefore , much weight . There was no 3 rd charity when the other 2
jewel was introduced , so that it necessarily belonged to the . G . L . divided . For the motion , 72 ; against , 54 . Carried by a maority of 18 . G . L . was then closed .
WE have been requested to publish the following PROVINCIAL MESS . In order to facilitate the attendance of Provincial Brethren at the Quarterly Communications in London , the following arrangement has been made : — 1 . Any Provincial Mason , on payment of £ 1 Annually ,
¦ will be entitled to attend the Provincial Mess , at F . M . Tavern , on the day of each Quarterly Communication , when he will be provided with a plain dinner , and a pint of wine , 2 . All Country Lodges will be at liberty to subscribe at the same rate for any number of their members . 3 . Provincial Masons who are not subscribers may attend
the mess on payment of 6 s . 4 . Brethren attending in right of Lodge subscriptions , must bring a note from the W . M . of their Lodge to authorize them in so doing . 5 . Notice must be sent to " The Landlord , Free Mason ' s Tavern , Great Queen Street , London , " by every Brother
intending to dine at the mess two days before each Quarterly Communication . 6 . The chair will be taken at 5 p . m ., by the Treasurer , or some Brother deputed by him . 7 . Subscriptions must be paid in advance before the first Quarterl y Communication , in each year , to the Treasurer ,
the Rev . George Raymond Portal , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Oxon , 3 , "Wilton Crescent , London , by post-office order on the Knightsbridge Office . Provincial Brethren attending the next Quarterly Com ., the 3 rd of December , -will be provided with dinner , including wine , for 5 s ., at the F . M . Tavern , at 5 p . m ., on announcing
their intention to the Landlord two days previously , A motion will be brought forward by the Prov . G . Secretary for Hampshire to empower G . L . to adjourn till its business has been transacted .
There are good grounds for believing that the Dais will oppose the confirmation of Lord Carnarvon ' s motion for making COUNTRY LODGES acquainted with the business to be brought forward in Grand Lodge . It is , therefore , most important that country Brethren should attend in G . L . on the 3 rd of December , to maintain their own rights , and support the confirmation of that portion of the minutes . We refer them to the arrangement made for their accommodation at the F . M . Tavern , mentioned in another part of our impression .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Emergency, Nov. 19.
BRO . the E . OF CARNARVON replied that he had been content to leave the matter in the hands of the G . See ' s office and the Board of General Purposes , though the same objection had previously been pointed out to him , and he had then consented ' to the 4 th Wednesday of the month , previous to each Q . C He would not detain G . L . by entering into any argument in favour of that or of any particular day . If that day should be inconvenient he was fully prepared to consent to any other day . The REVBROPORTAL amended the motion in accordance with
. . these observations , naming the 4 th Wednesday in the month , previous to each Q C BRO . H . G . WARREN objected to that day , as it would at least once a year fall upon the same day as the G . Chap . He suggested that it should be the last Wednesday in January , April , & c . This would be a week earlier , and give time to get the notices out . The G . M . said Bro . Portal ' s amendment would alter the law , and notice must be given of it in the regular way .
BRO . DOBIE said the alteration proposed would divide the Board of Benevolence from the Board of Masters . A P . G . officer , whose name we did not learn , was strongly in favour of a fixed day for meeting on many grounds . The REV . BRO . PORTAL withdrew his amendment . BRO . SAVAGE said if the day of meeting was to be altered due notice must be given . The G . M . said the motion called upon the Board of General Purposes to make an alteration which it was not in their power to make . The motion as it originally stood was then put and carried .
THE CHARITY JEWEL . BRO . H . G . WARREN moved"That the Charity Jewel , now conferred on Brethren who had " served as Stewards to the Girls' and Boys' School , should be so " extended as to include the Benevolent Institution for Aged Free" masons and their Widows , so that Brethren serving as Stewards " at the festivals of any two of the charities should be entitled to " wear the medaland those who served the three Stewardshi
, ps " should be further entitled to wear a clasp on the ribbon by which " the medal was suspended . " He supported his motion by observing that his object was simply to place the three charities upon an equal footing . He did not wish to hurt any one of the charities , and he did not believe that his motion would have the slightest tendency that way . BRO . JNO . HERVEY opposed the motion , because he said he had the interests of the charities at heartIf masonic charities were to
. depend for their prosperity upon the privilege of wearing a medal the sooner they had done with them the better . ( Hear , hear . ) He did not think that the wearing of one bauble on his breast was worth so much attention . This motion would be detrimental to the other two charities . He asked the Brethren if it was for the purpose of wearing theirjewel that they served the charities . ( Laughter . ) He urged the Brethren to reject the motion . BRO . BARRETT also opposed the motion , and said the stewards of the School for the die of the medal
Boys' paid , and to take it for a subsequently established charity would be to defraud the Boys ' School . ( Hear , hear . ) BRO . BINCKES said he was at a loss to see why this resolution should be opposed . All the charities should have an equal hold upon their affections . It was quite right to say that they did not serve the charities for the sake of the jewels ; but still these jewels were honourable tokens of services rendered to the Order . ( Hear , hear . ) would
He not support the conclusion of G . L . motion at all if he thought it would injure either the charities . ( Hear , hear . ) The Rev . BRO . PORTAL thought that all the charities should certainly be placed upon an equal footing . When they made exertions for any one particular charity they were sure more or less to benefit all . ( Hear , hear . ) It seemed as if the brethren gradually got so into the habit of putting their hands into their pockets that they were unable to leave off doing so . ( Cheers and laughter . ) He was in favour of the motion .
. The Rev . BRO . Cox opposed the motion , on the ground that the jewel was instituted for the benefit of the two charities established a long time ago , and not for that charity which was more recent in its origin .
BRO . DOBIE said there were matters which had far better be left for the G . M . to decide . G . L . never interfered with them . He saw no reason why iliey should encumber the proceedings of G . L ., with things of this kind . BRO . SAVAGE , amidst loud laughter , called attention to the fact that although Brother Hervey called the jewel " a bauble , " he had that " bauble" upon his breast at that moment . His arguments had not , therefore , much weight . There was no 3 rd charity when the other 2
jewel was introduced , so that it necessarily belonged to the . G . L . divided . For the motion , 72 ; against , 54 . Carried by a maority of 18 . G . L . was then closed .
WE have been requested to publish the following PROVINCIAL MESS . In order to facilitate the attendance of Provincial Brethren at the Quarterly Communications in London , the following arrangement has been made : — 1 . Any Provincial Mason , on payment of £ 1 Annually ,
¦ will be entitled to attend the Provincial Mess , at F . M . Tavern , on the day of each Quarterly Communication , when he will be provided with a plain dinner , and a pint of wine , 2 . All Country Lodges will be at liberty to subscribe at the same rate for any number of their members . 3 . Provincial Masons who are not subscribers may attend
the mess on payment of 6 s . 4 . Brethren attending in right of Lodge subscriptions , must bring a note from the W . M . of their Lodge to authorize them in so doing . 5 . Notice must be sent to " The Landlord , Free Mason ' s Tavern , Great Queen Street , London , " by every Brother
intending to dine at the mess two days before each Quarterly Communication . 6 . The chair will be taken at 5 p . m ., by the Treasurer , or some Brother deputed by him . 7 . Subscriptions must be paid in advance before the first Quarterl y Communication , in each year , to the Treasurer ,
the Rev . George Raymond Portal , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Oxon , 3 , "Wilton Crescent , London , by post-office order on the Knightsbridge Office . Provincial Brethren attending the next Quarterly Com ., the 3 rd of December , -will be provided with dinner , including wine , for 5 s ., at the F . M . Tavern , at 5 p . m ., on announcing
their intention to the Landlord two days previously , A motion will be brought forward by the Prov . G . Secretary for Hampshire to empower G . L . to adjourn till its business has been transacted .
There are good grounds for believing that the Dais will oppose the confirmation of Lord Carnarvon ' s motion for making COUNTRY LODGES acquainted with the business to be brought forward in Grand Lodge . It is , therefore , most important that country Brethren should attend in G . L . on the 3 rd of December , to maintain their own rights , and support the confirmation of that portion of the minutes . We refer them to the arrangement made for their accommodation at the F . M . Tavern , mentioned in another part of our impression .