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THE ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL , in GrayVinn-road , from its peculiar principle of keeping open its doors day and night , to all applicants , without letters of recommendation , is pre-eminently suited to be the medium fur carrying out the charitable wishes of those who have not either the leisure or opportunity of personally ascertaining the fittest recipients for their bounty . Vast nuinln-rstfrequenily upwards of 3 l ) 0 j are here daily relieved with advice and medicine , and the most urgent aud distressing cases admitted into the wards as far as the funds from time to time , at the disposal of the Committee will permit During the past month ( October )
9 , G 80 sick poor /" many from distant parts of the country ) received the benefits of this Charity , either as out or in door patients , on their personal application alone , and since its foundation in 1828 , the number relieved is upwards 56 > , Q 00 . The recent addition of the Sussex Memorial Wing will not only afford greater facility in administering relief to applicants , but also an opportunity of increasing the number of in-patients . The Committee therefore confidently rely on the benevolent to aid them in their efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the afflicted poor . John Masterman . Esq ., M . P ., Nicholas Lane , is Treasurer , and will gladly receive contributions ; as . dso the following : —Messrs . Coutts
and Co . ; Drummond ana Co . ; Hemes and Co ; Ransom and Co . ; Pres ^ cott , Grote , and Co ; Smyth , Payne , and Co .: Glyn and Co .: Jones Lloyd and Co . j Barclay and Co . ; Denison aud Co .: Williams , Deacon ; and Co . ; Overend . Gufney , and Co ; Nisbet and Co ., Berners Street ; Masterman and Co . ; and the Secretary at the Hospital . The management of the Hospital is in the hands of 30 Governors , yearly elected from the general body of subscribers at the Annual General Meeting in January . A Board is held every Thursday , at four o ' clock , to conduct the business , when any subscriber may attend , if so disposed , the Board being at all times desirous of receiving suggestions or giving explanations .
New School Atlases.
BY ALEX . KEITH JOHNSTON F . K . S . E . P . R . G . S . F . G . S . Geographer to the Queen , Author of the " Physical Atlas , " & c . ( jg ^* These A TLASES lay claim to a degree of accuracy and an amount of information not hitherto attempfedin Educational Works The Maps have been constructed with a special view to the purposes of sound instruction , and are not copied from any existing Atlas ; hence they will
be found free from the common faults of overcrowding and confusion with which so many School Atlases are justly chargeable . By means of a new process of production , the Maps combine the accuracy and neatness of the highest style of engraving with si inech'inical application of Colours , the effect of which is to secure a clearness , correctness , and elegance unapproached by former methods . I . PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY , illustrating , ™ a Series of Original Designs , the Elementary Facts of Geology , Hydrology , Meteorology , and Natural History , i wenty Maps .
II . CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY , comprising , in Twenty Plates Maps and Plans of all the important Countries and Localities referred to by Classical Authors ; accompanied by a Complete Index of Places , in which the proper Quantities of the Syllables are marked , by T HAKVEY , MA ., Oxon . III . GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY . exhibiting the Actual and Comparative Extent of all the Countries in the World ; with their present Political Di » isions . Twenty-two Maps .
IV . ASTRONOMY . Edited by J . R . HIND , Esq ., RR . A . S ., & c , With Notes and Descriptive Letterpress to each Piute , embodying all recent Discoveries in Astronomy . Eighteen Maps . The above are all uniform in size . Price of each Atlas : —In Octavo { for School use ) , strongly half bound , l'is ( id . In a Portfolio , each Map separate , and mounted on canvass , llis . ( id . In Quarto , halt-bound morocco , £ 1 , Is . Separate Maps mounted on canvass , each tid . V . ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATLAS OP GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY , for the Use of Junior Classes . Twenty Maps , includingu Map of Canaan aud Palestine , price 7 s Cd half-bound . . WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS , Edinburgh and London .
NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS . The MASONIC OBSERVER will be published Quarterly , and may be obtained of the London Publishers , through any local bookseller , or direct from Bath .
Published and Sold by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , & Co ., Stationers ' Hall Court , London ; and R . E . PEACH , Bridge Street , Bath .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL , in GrayVinn-road , from its peculiar principle of keeping open its doors day and night , to all applicants , without letters of recommendation , is pre-eminently suited to be the medium fur carrying out the charitable wishes of those who have not either the leisure or opportunity of personally ascertaining the fittest recipients for their bounty . Vast nuinln-rstfrequenily upwards of 3 l ) 0 j are here daily relieved with advice and medicine , and the most urgent aud distressing cases admitted into the wards as far as the funds from time to time , at the disposal of the Committee will permit During the past month ( October )
9 , G 80 sick poor /" many from distant parts of the country ) received the benefits of this Charity , either as out or in door patients , on their personal application alone , and since its foundation in 1828 , the number relieved is upwards 56 > , Q 00 . The recent addition of the Sussex Memorial Wing will not only afford greater facility in administering relief to applicants , but also an opportunity of increasing the number of in-patients . The Committee therefore confidently rely on the benevolent to aid them in their efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the afflicted poor . John Masterman . Esq ., M . P ., Nicholas Lane , is Treasurer , and will gladly receive contributions ; as . dso the following : —Messrs . Coutts
and Co . ; Drummond ana Co . ; Hemes and Co ; Ransom and Co . ; Pres ^ cott , Grote , and Co ; Smyth , Payne , and Co .: Glyn and Co .: Jones Lloyd and Co . j Barclay and Co . ; Denison aud Co .: Williams , Deacon ; and Co . ; Overend . Gufney , and Co ; Nisbet and Co ., Berners Street ; Masterman and Co . ; and the Secretary at the Hospital . The management of the Hospital is in the hands of 30 Governors , yearly elected from the general body of subscribers at the Annual General Meeting in January . A Board is held every Thursday , at four o ' clock , to conduct the business , when any subscriber may attend , if so disposed , the Board being at all times desirous of receiving suggestions or giving explanations .
New School Atlases.
BY ALEX . KEITH JOHNSTON F . K . S . E . P . R . G . S . F . G . S . Geographer to the Queen , Author of the " Physical Atlas , " & c . ( jg ^* These A TLASES lay claim to a degree of accuracy and an amount of information not hitherto attempfedin Educational Works The Maps have been constructed with a special view to the purposes of sound instruction , and are not copied from any existing Atlas ; hence they will
be found free from the common faults of overcrowding and confusion with which so many School Atlases are justly chargeable . By means of a new process of production , the Maps combine the accuracy and neatness of the highest style of engraving with si inech'inical application of Colours , the effect of which is to secure a clearness , correctness , and elegance unapproached by former methods . I . PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY , illustrating , ™ a Series of Original Designs , the Elementary Facts of Geology , Hydrology , Meteorology , and Natural History , i wenty Maps .
II . CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY , comprising , in Twenty Plates Maps and Plans of all the important Countries and Localities referred to by Classical Authors ; accompanied by a Complete Index of Places , in which the proper Quantities of the Syllables are marked , by T HAKVEY , MA ., Oxon . III . GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY . exhibiting the Actual and Comparative Extent of all the Countries in the World ; with their present Political Di » isions . Twenty-two Maps .
IV . ASTRONOMY . Edited by J . R . HIND , Esq ., RR . A . S ., & c , With Notes and Descriptive Letterpress to each Piute , embodying all recent Discoveries in Astronomy . Eighteen Maps . The above are all uniform in size . Price of each Atlas : —In Octavo { for School use ) , strongly half bound , l'is ( id . In a Portfolio , each Map separate , and mounted on canvass , llis . ( id . In Quarto , halt-bound morocco , £ 1 , Is . Separate Maps mounted on canvass , each tid . V . ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATLAS OP GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY , for the Use of Junior Classes . Twenty Maps , includingu Map of Canaan aud Palestine , price 7 s Cd half-bound . . WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS , Edinburgh and London .
NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS . The MASONIC OBSERVER will be published Quarterly , and may be obtained of the London Publishers , through any local bookseller , or direct from Bath .
Published and Sold by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , & Co ., Stationers ' Hall Court , London ; and R . E . PEACH , Bridge Street , Bath .