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GEAND LODGE was presided over by the D . G . M ., Mn tlie absence of Lord ZETLAND , owing to illhealllj and to other engagements . His . lordship was , as usual , re-nominated as G . M . The BOARD of GENERAL PURPOSES reported that they had received memorials from various Lodges in favour of the elective officers of the Craft being chosen by
means of voting papers , but that they did not recommend the adoption of such a course . Bro . STEBBING wished the matter to stand over till next G . L ., which was opposed by Bro . HAVERS , who begged G . L . not to to refer the matter back to the Board—which it was never proposed to do—in whomsince they had elected
, them , they ought to have confidence . Though the Board \ yas appointed by Bro . ROXBURGH and his friends , the London Brethren , who compose G . L ., acquiesced in the conclusive argument of Bro . HAVERS , and the amendment was lost . Bros . WHITMORE and STEBBING also objected to a
recommendation of the Board that the funds of G . L . should be expended in advances in aid of Masonic Halls in the Provinces , and . the latter brother instanced two towns in Hampshire in which those buildings had been alienated from their purpose . ' . A flippant nisi priiis speech from Bro . MCINTYRE was
however of quite sufficient weight to induce G . L . to sanction the proposal . A grant of £ 50 was voted to the Masonic Asylum at Croydon , and G . L . was adjourned . COMPLAINTS continue to arrive from the Colonies of the confusion caused by the existence of three separate and independent jurisdictions . We cannot but think
, however , that if a new District G . M . were elected b y the vote of his Pr . G . L ., every two or three years , there would be little difficulty in inducing the Scotch and Irish to unite with those hailing under the G . L . of England . THE Pr . G . L . of WORCESTER has complimented away
fifty guineas , besides four pounds a-year , in order to make its Pr . G . M . a Vice-President of one of the Charities . We can hardly suppose that a gentleman of Bro . VERNON ' high character can have been particularly gratified by this act of foolish , though , no doubtwell meantadulation . A donation of ten
, , guineas for five years , would have given the Pr . G . M . five votes during its existence , with an additional vote for every additional ten guineas . But then , no compliment would have been paid to the dispenser of purple aprons . IT APPEARS that there have been some trifling differences between the Head and the Assistant Master
of the Boys' School .. The House Committee have done what they could to settle them amicably , but we must take the opportunity of reiterating our opinion , that no school can be properly conducted in which the Head Master is not independent alike of Under Masters and House Committees ; and also , that those parents who prefer that their children should be educated under their
own eye , have a right to the same sum for their maintenance , as it would cost to board them at the ., schoolhouse . WE ARE glad to see that the Provinces generally are beginning to ask why . they should , not have . their share in the Election of the Boards , without being taxed with their expenses to London . ..,- ..
WE cannot but congratulate the Craft bn ' the con ciliatory and liberal spirit : displayed on , all hands at the last Quarterly Communication , .. v ., ; .- , > , ' .. ; . ' .. ¦! , ;;!; : To " ride on the whirlwind and direct the storm" hat seemed of late the normal condition of the G . M . ' ,, and the halcyon calm of the , 7 th December must , have
affected Bro . Lord Panmure with quite a novelty oi sensation . We believe that we are indebted for , the repose of the evening , for the moderation of tone , and the scarcel y more than skirmishing opposition manifested , to the sincere and laudable desire of the zealous Brethren who
ventured to question the policy suggested by the Board of General Purposes , not to prejudice the reforms for which they strive , or the general Craft in whose interest they labour , by petulance in demanding , or impatience to obtain a boon , which our Masonic legislators , if truly conscientious , will not much longer deny .
Our allusion is of course to the subject of proxy voting in G . L . That , iu the election of the M . W . G . M ., and of the members of the different Boards , "it would not be to the advantage of the Craft , but would be likely to lead to confusion and abuse , " that Provincial Brethren should
have a voice at alt , would be only a more general and logical resolution than the one framed by Bro . HAVERS and his colleagues ; nor would its adoption materially affect the present state of . things . Moreover we would rather lay the burthen of the argument on the broad shoulders of justicethan confide itas we are requested
, , to do , to the tottering anatomy of expediency . Is it a fact , that the enormous majority of Provincial Lodges , though taxed , are practically unrepresented in G . L . ? If so , it is just the abuse should be remedied :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GEAND LODGE was presided over by the D . G . M ., Mn tlie absence of Lord ZETLAND , owing to illhealllj and to other engagements . His . lordship was , as usual , re-nominated as G . M . The BOARD of GENERAL PURPOSES reported that they had received memorials from various Lodges in favour of the elective officers of the Craft being chosen by
means of voting papers , but that they did not recommend the adoption of such a course . Bro . STEBBING wished the matter to stand over till next G . L ., which was opposed by Bro . HAVERS , who begged G . L . not to to refer the matter back to the Board—which it was never proposed to do—in whomsince they had elected
, them , they ought to have confidence . Though the Board \ yas appointed by Bro . ROXBURGH and his friends , the London Brethren , who compose G . L ., acquiesced in the conclusive argument of Bro . HAVERS , and the amendment was lost . Bros . WHITMORE and STEBBING also objected to a
recommendation of the Board that the funds of G . L . should be expended in advances in aid of Masonic Halls in the Provinces , and . the latter brother instanced two towns in Hampshire in which those buildings had been alienated from their purpose . ' . A flippant nisi priiis speech from Bro . MCINTYRE was
however of quite sufficient weight to induce G . L . to sanction the proposal . A grant of £ 50 was voted to the Masonic Asylum at Croydon , and G . L . was adjourned . COMPLAINTS continue to arrive from the Colonies of the confusion caused by the existence of three separate and independent jurisdictions . We cannot but think
, however , that if a new District G . M . were elected b y the vote of his Pr . G . L ., every two or three years , there would be little difficulty in inducing the Scotch and Irish to unite with those hailing under the G . L . of England . THE Pr . G . L . of WORCESTER has complimented away
fifty guineas , besides four pounds a-year , in order to make its Pr . G . M . a Vice-President of one of the Charities . We can hardly suppose that a gentleman of Bro . VERNON ' high character can have been particularly gratified by this act of foolish , though , no doubtwell meantadulation . A donation of ten
, , guineas for five years , would have given the Pr . G . M . five votes during its existence , with an additional vote for every additional ten guineas . But then , no compliment would have been paid to the dispenser of purple aprons . IT APPEARS that there have been some trifling differences between the Head and the Assistant Master
of the Boys' School .. The House Committee have done what they could to settle them amicably , but we must take the opportunity of reiterating our opinion , that no school can be properly conducted in which the Head Master is not independent alike of Under Masters and House Committees ; and also , that those parents who prefer that their children should be educated under their
own eye , have a right to the same sum for their maintenance , as it would cost to board them at the ., schoolhouse . WE ARE glad to see that the Provinces generally are beginning to ask why . they should , not have . their share in the Election of the Boards , without being taxed with their expenses to London . ..,- ..
WE cannot but congratulate the Craft bn ' the con ciliatory and liberal spirit : displayed on , all hands at the last Quarterly Communication , .. v ., ; .- , > , ' .. ; . ' .. ¦! , ;;!; : To " ride on the whirlwind and direct the storm" hat seemed of late the normal condition of the G . M . ' ,, and the halcyon calm of the , 7 th December must , have
affected Bro . Lord Panmure with quite a novelty oi sensation . We believe that we are indebted for , the repose of the evening , for the moderation of tone , and the scarcel y more than skirmishing opposition manifested , to the sincere and laudable desire of the zealous Brethren who
ventured to question the policy suggested by the Board of General Purposes , not to prejudice the reforms for which they strive , or the general Craft in whose interest they labour , by petulance in demanding , or impatience to obtain a boon , which our Masonic legislators , if truly conscientious , will not much longer deny .
Our allusion is of course to the subject of proxy voting in G . L . That , iu the election of the M . W . G . M ., and of the members of the different Boards , "it would not be to the advantage of the Craft , but would be likely to lead to confusion and abuse , " that Provincial Brethren should
have a voice at alt , would be only a more general and logical resolution than the one framed by Bro . HAVERS and his colleagues ; nor would its adoption materially affect the present state of . things . Moreover we would rather lay the burthen of the argument on the broad shoulders of justicethan confide itas we are requested
, , to do , to the tottering anatomy of expediency . Is it a fact , that the enormous majority of Provincial Lodges , though taxed , are practically unrepresented in G . L . ? If so , it is just the abuse should be remedied :