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Grand Lodge.
parchment without getting into a sea of troubles ; and for himself he had to say , that , although in all building speculations he acted with all care and caution , he had not been out of Chancery for the last twenty years . ( Hear , Hear , and laughter . ) He had nothing more to say than to implore Grand Lodge not to stimulate small lodgesin which their members know less of Masonry than of building speculation—to rush into the erection of Masonic halls . BI-O . MCINTYRE said that one would think from his observations that Bro . Whitmore had not taken the trouble to read the resolution
which he opposed , for if he had he would have seen that it was not proposed to lend any money except on good and ample security . He would also remind him with respect to the difficulty in reclaiming the money to which he referred , on the authority of some great unknown lawyer , that the money with which it was proposed to deal was not invested in the name of Grand Lodge , but in that of trustees , who would be the parties to the loan , and who could enforce its repayment . That disposed of the legal part of the question . The opposition of Bro . Stebbinghoweverrested on the ground of
expe-, , diency , and he mentioned large towns where the brethren were numerous and wealthy enough to build halls at their own expense , and it was therefore clear that those towns would not get any of the money of Grand Lodge as they did not want-it ; but he considered it right that when provincial Lodges wished to advance Freemasonry and separate it from all connection with the public-house , they ought to have the countenance and support of Grand Lodge , provided only the funds of the Board of Gentral Purposes were not jeopardized . Who knew but if in those towns where , as stated by Bro . Stebbing ,
the halls had fallen in desuetude , Grand Lodge had originally helped the undertakings , that help might not have kept alive the Masonic enthusiasm of the brethren ? The DEPUTY GRAND MASTER in putting the resolution for confirmation , 'stated that he fully concurred in the views of the Board of General Purposes in regard to the matter . The resolution was then carried by a large majority . The President of the Board of General Purposes then moved , " That in future the brother presiding at the General Committee shall
not receive , nor shall the Grand Secretory record , any nomination , except it be in writing , signed by a member of the Grand Lodge , in which the names of the candidates , together with the numbers of their respective Lodges , and whether Masters or Past Masters , shall be specified . " This was seconded by Bro . SYMONDS , and unanimously approved of . The DEPUTY GRAND MASTER , in putting the motion for the adoption of the report , called attention to the paragraph in reference to the spurious Lodge at Stratford , and gave it as his opinion , that under the provisions of the 30 th George III ., it was an illegal assembly . That act excepted the regular Masonic Lodges , hut required that the members should be registered with the clerk of the peace , and ho would advise them to fulfil the law in every respect .
REPORT or THE COLONIAL BOARD . The Colonial Board beg to report , that in the case of the memorial presented to Grand Lodge by the District Grand Lodge of Victoria , praying for a reduction of fees on registration and certificate , which memorial was referred back by Grand Lodge to this board at the quarterly communication held on the 2 nd day of March last , the board caused a friendly letter to bo addressed to the memorialists , pointing out the objections that lay in the way of complying with their request after the very great reduction in fees so recently made by Grand
Lodge in favour of provincial brethren . The board are now happy to be able to state to Grand Lodge that a communication has been received from the Provincial Grand . Secretary for the province of Victoria , to the effect that such letter having been read at the quarteily communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge the 20 th of June last , a unanimous opinion was expressed that the said dues were as low as they p ssibly could be , and that therefore no further action was taken in the matter . And the Provincial Grand Secretary adds that the Masonic bodin that colonyhailing under the English
y , constitution , are devotedly attached to their Mother Grand Lodge , a statement which the hoard are sure Grand Lodge will receive with great satisfaction . ( Signed ) J . LI . EVANS , President . Freemasotis' Hall , November Tdrd , 1859 . The President of the Colonial Board , in moving the adoption of the report of that Board , congratulated Grand Lodge on the settlement of the Victorian question with regard to the feesand at the
expres-, sion of the warm attachment of the brethren of Victoria to the mother Grand Lodge . The report was then adopted without opposition . A grant of 50 ? . was then on the motion of Bro . Barrett made to the inmates of the Masonic Asylum , at Croydon , for the purchase of coals , & c , during the winter , after which Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and adjourned to the first Wednesday in March next .
Colonial .
VICTORIA . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge , holding under the Grand Lodge of England , was held at Tattersall ' s Hotel , Lonsdale street , West Melbourne , on Monday , the 20 th June . The ll . W . Bro . Francis Thomas Gell , D . Prov . G . M ., in the Chair . It was announced that £ 285 10 s . 6 d . had been voted by the Masons of Victoria towards the Indian Relief Fund .
The report of the Lodge of Benevolence , of the 3 d of June was read ; the V . W . Bro . Lowry , Prov . S . G . W ., in the chair . Two petitioners were relieved with the following sums : Bro . Holland , £ 7 ; the widow of the late H . 31 . Tnrnbnll , £ 10 ; and the Committee recommended that the District Provincial Grand Master grant a further sum of £ 10 from the fund to Mrs . Tnrnbnll . The Provin ial Grand Treasurer declared a balance in the Bank of Victoria , of £ 266 12 s . lOd . belonging to the following funds : Grand Lodge £ 97 IBs . 6 d . ; Provincial Grand Lodge , £ 54 Is . 6 d . ; Benevolent
Fund , £ 114 ] 2 s 10 s . The sum of £ 20 voted to ihs . TurnbuH . is not deducted from this last amount . A letter , received from Prince Frederic William of Prussia , in reply to an address from this Provincial Grand Lodge , forwarded for presentation to that prince , congratulating him on his marriage with the Princess Iioyal of England , was read , and entered on the minutes . A communication was read from the Colonial Board on the subject of fees payable from colonial lodges ; and , it being the feeling among the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge that the fees payable by the Masons of Victoria to the Grand Lodge were as low as they could
possibly be made , no further action was taken in the matter . Bro . H . W . Lowiy , Prov . G . S . W ., stated that it was found quite impossible to carry on ( lie business of the province without having a paid secretary , and , as-the funds at the disposal of the Provincial Grand Lodge are inadequate to do so , he intended to give notice that a new scale of fees should be adopted . He would propose : — " That each private lodge shall pay to the Provincial Grand Lodge for each brother initiated 20 s ., which sum shall include all fees payable to Provincial Grand Lodge and to Grand Lodge tor registration
and certificate . " For each joining brother , 7 s . Bel . If the brother is not previously registered in the hooks of the Grand Lodge and requires a Grand Lodge certificate , a further sum of 7 s . 6 c ? . shall be charged . " That tire Provincial Grand Secretary shall he paid a salary of ] 00 i per annum , to date from the beginning of this year . " That the metropolitan lodges shall pay to the Lodge of Benevolence 2 s . per quarter , or 8 s . per annum ; but that country lodges , having to give relief in their own districts , shaU pay as heretofore Is . per
quarter , or 4 s . per annum . " Bro . Lowry stated that the foregoing fees were very fullv considered and discussed by the Board of General Purposes , and that the Board unanimously agreed to recommend their adoption . All business being concluded , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in form , and with solemn prayer . A large number of the brethren afterwards dined together , under the presidency of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., and an exceedingly convivial and agreeable evening concluded the Masonic proceedings of the day .
NEW ZEALAND . The P . G . L . of Canterbury was inaugurated on the 19 th of July . The Provincial Grand Master was installed in clue form ; and when this and other necessary business of the lodge had been completed , the appointment of tlis officers of the first Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons was proceeded with . The roll , as far as it has been completed , is thus filled up : —Bros . J . C . Watts Kussell , Prov Gil C . B . Fooks , D . Prov . G . M . ; A . J . Alport , Prov . S . G . W .: W . Donald Mathias
Prov . J . G . W . ; Yen . O . , Pro . G . Chaplain ; W . G . Brittan ' Prov . G . Treas . ; C . E . Fooks , Prov . G . Sec ; C . W . Bishop , Prov ' S . G . D . ; Brandon , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Wykle , Prov . G . Organist . The appointments to the other offices were postponed . CANADA . LAYTK & TITS CORNER STONE OP ST . JAMES ' S CHURCH , LONDONCANADA WEST . '
On . Friday , the 9 th of September , the M . W . Grand Master of Canada , accompanied by the officers of the Grand Lodo-e and a lar" -e body of brethren from the various western and eastern lodges performed the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new church of St . James , in connexion with the Established Church of Scotland The day was very fine , and the ceremony passed off with the greatest possible eclat . °
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
parchment without getting into a sea of troubles ; and for himself he had to say , that , although in all building speculations he acted with all care and caution , he had not been out of Chancery for the last twenty years . ( Hear , Hear , and laughter . ) He had nothing more to say than to implore Grand Lodge not to stimulate small lodgesin which their members know less of Masonry than of building speculation—to rush into the erection of Masonic halls . BI-O . MCINTYRE said that one would think from his observations that Bro . Whitmore had not taken the trouble to read the resolution
which he opposed , for if he had he would have seen that it was not proposed to lend any money except on good and ample security . He would also remind him with respect to the difficulty in reclaiming the money to which he referred , on the authority of some great unknown lawyer , that the money with which it was proposed to deal was not invested in the name of Grand Lodge , but in that of trustees , who would be the parties to the loan , and who could enforce its repayment . That disposed of the legal part of the question . The opposition of Bro . Stebbinghoweverrested on the ground of
expe-, , diency , and he mentioned large towns where the brethren were numerous and wealthy enough to build halls at their own expense , and it was therefore clear that those towns would not get any of the money of Grand Lodge as they did not want-it ; but he considered it right that when provincial Lodges wished to advance Freemasonry and separate it from all connection with the public-house , they ought to have the countenance and support of Grand Lodge , provided only the funds of the Board of Gentral Purposes were not jeopardized . Who knew but if in those towns where , as stated by Bro . Stebbing ,
the halls had fallen in desuetude , Grand Lodge had originally helped the undertakings , that help might not have kept alive the Masonic enthusiasm of the brethren ? The DEPUTY GRAND MASTER in putting the resolution for confirmation , 'stated that he fully concurred in the views of the Board of General Purposes in regard to the matter . The resolution was then carried by a large majority . The President of the Board of General Purposes then moved , " That in future the brother presiding at the General Committee shall
not receive , nor shall the Grand Secretory record , any nomination , except it be in writing , signed by a member of the Grand Lodge , in which the names of the candidates , together with the numbers of their respective Lodges , and whether Masters or Past Masters , shall be specified . " This was seconded by Bro . SYMONDS , and unanimously approved of . The DEPUTY GRAND MASTER , in putting the motion for the adoption of the report , called attention to the paragraph in reference to the spurious Lodge at Stratford , and gave it as his opinion , that under the provisions of the 30 th George III ., it was an illegal assembly . That act excepted the regular Masonic Lodges , hut required that the members should be registered with the clerk of the peace , and ho would advise them to fulfil the law in every respect .
REPORT or THE COLONIAL BOARD . The Colonial Board beg to report , that in the case of the memorial presented to Grand Lodge by the District Grand Lodge of Victoria , praying for a reduction of fees on registration and certificate , which memorial was referred back by Grand Lodge to this board at the quarterly communication held on the 2 nd day of March last , the board caused a friendly letter to bo addressed to the memorialists , pointing out the objections that lay in the way of complying with their request after the very great reduction in fees so recently made by Grand
Lodge in favour of provincial brethren . The board are now happy to be able to state to Grand Lodge that a communication has been received from the Provincial Grand . Secretary for the province of Victoria , to the effect that such letter having been read at the quarteily communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge the 20 th of June last , a unanimous opinion was expressed that the said dues were as low as they p ssibly could be , and that therefore no further action was taken in the matter . And the Provincial Grand Secretary adds that the Masonic bodin that colonyhailing under the English
y , constitution , are devotedly attached to their Mother Grand Lodge , a statement which the hoard are sure Grand Lodge will receive with great satisfaction . ( Signed ) J . LI . EVANS , President . Freemasotis' Hall , November Tdrd , 1859 . The President of the Colonial Board , in moving the adoption of the report of that Board , congratulated Grand Lodge on the settlement of the Victorian question with regard to the feesand at the
expres-, sion of the warm attachment of the brethren of Victoria to the mother Grand Lodge . The report was then adopted without opposition . A grant of 50 ? . was then on the motion of Bro . Barrett made to the inmates of the Masonic Asylum , at Croydon , for the purchase of coals , & c , during the winter , after which Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and adjourned to the first Wednesday in March next .
Colonial .
VICTORIA . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A quarterly communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge , holding under the Grand Lodge of England , was held at Tattersall ' s Hotel , Lonsdale street , West Melbourne , on Monday , the 20 th June . The ll . W . Bro . Francis Thomas Gell , D . Prov . G . M ., in the Chair . It was announced that £ 285 10 s . 6 d . had been voted by the Masons of Victoria towards the Indian Relief Fund .
The report of the Lodge of Benevolence , of the 3 d of June was read ; the V . W . Bro . Lowry , Prov . S . G . W ., in the chair . Two petitioners were relieved with the following sums : Bro . Holland , £ 7 ; the widow of the late H . 31 . Tnrnbnll , £ 10 ; and the Committee recommended that the District Provincial Grand Master grant a further sum of £ 10 from the fund to Mrs . Tnrnbnll . The Provin ial Grand Treasurer declared a balance in the Bank of Victoria , of £ 266 12 s . lOd . belonging to the following funds : Grand Lodge £ 97 IBs . 6 d . ; Provincial Grand Lodge , £ 54 Is . 6 d . ; Benevolent
Fund , £ 114 ] 2 s 10 s . The sum of £ 20 voted to ihs . TurnbuH . is not deducted from this last amount . A letter , received from Prince Frederic William of Prussia , in reply to an address from this Provincial Grand Lodge , forwarded for presentation to that prince , congratulating him on his marriage with the Princess Iioyal of England , was read , and entered on the minutes . A communication was read from the Colonial Board on the subject of fees payable from colonial lodges ; and , it being the feeling among the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge that the fees payable by the Masons of Victoria to the Grand Lodge were as low as they could
possibly be made , no further action was taken in the matter . Bro . H . W . Lowiy , Prov . G . S . W ., stated that it was found quite impossible to carry on ( lie business of the province without having a paid secretary , and , as-the funds at the disposal of the Provincial Grand Lodge are inadequate to do so , he intended to give notice that a new scale of fees should be adopted . He would propose : — " That each private lodge shall pay to the Provincial Grand Lodge for each brother initiated 20 s ., which sum shall include all fees payable to Provincial Grand Lodge and to Grand Lodge tor registration
and certificate . " For each joining brother , 7 s . Bel . If the brother is not previously registered in the hooks of the Grand Lodge and requires a Grand Lodge certificate , a further sum of 7 s . 6 c ? . shall be charged . " That tire Provincial Grand Secretary shall he paid a salary of ] 00 i per annum , to date from the beginning of this year . " That the metropolitan lodges shall pay to the Lodge of Benevolence 2 s . per quarter , or 8 s . per annum ; but that country lodges , having to give relief in their own districts , shaU pay as heretofore Is . per
quarter , or 4 s . per annum . " Bro . Lowry stated that the foregoing fees were very fullv considered and discussed by the Board of General Purposes , and that the Board unanimously agreed to recommend their adoption . All business being concluded , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in form , and with solemn prayer . A large number of the brethren afterwards dined together , under the presidency of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., and an exceedingly convivial and agreeable evening concluded the Masonic proceedings of the day .
NEW ZEALAND . The P . G . L . of Canterbury was inaugurated on the 19 th of July . The Provincial Grand Master was installed in clue form ; and when this and other necessary business of the lodge had been completed , the appointment of tlis officers of the first Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons was proceeded with . The roll , as far as it has been completed , is thus filled up : —Bros . J . C . Watts Kussell , Prov Gil C . B . Fooks , D . Prov . G . M . ; A . J . Alport , Prov . S . G . W .: W . Donald Mathias
Prov . J . G . W . ; Yen . O . , Pro . G . Chaplain ; W . G . Brittan ' Prov . G . Treas . ; C . E . Fooks , Prov . G . Sec ; C . W . Bishop , Prov ' S . G . D . ; Brandon , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Wykle , Prov . G . Organist . The appointments to the other offices were postponed . CANADA . LAYTK & TITS CORNER STONE OP ST . JAMES ' S CHURCH , LONDONCANADA WEST . '
On . Friday , the 9 th of September , the M . W . Grand Master of Canada , accompanied by the officers of the Grand Lodo-e and a lar" -e body of brethren from the various western and eastern lodges performed the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new church of St . James , in connexion with the Established Church of Scotland The day was very fine , and the ceremony passed off with the greatest possible eclat . °