Article Colonial. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1
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CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . A grand Masonic ball and supper was given by the British Lodge , No 419 , on the 21 st of July , when Governor Sir George Grey was present , and was most cordially received by the brethren and public . The worthy brother afterwards laid the foundation stone of the new Somerset Hospital , in presence of the Government officials , the Masonic body , the Odd Fellows , and a numerous concourse of spectators . INDIA .
TISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was lioldcn at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 24 th of Juno , 1859 , by the R . W . Bro . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov . G . M . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master informed the District Grand Lodge that Freemasonry was recovering from the injuries which it had sustained in the upper provinces of Bengal during the mutiny . Lodge True Brothers , No . 609 , was again working at Dinaporo ; and Lodge Morning Star , No . 810 , which had been quenched immediately after
its reappearance previous to the disturbances , had again risen in December last , and a new warrant of confirmation had been procured for it from England . The warrant of the new lodge , Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 084 , at Lahore , had also been received from England , and forwarded to the Master . This lodge was already so strong that a Royal Arch Chapter was about to be attached to it . " The Deputy Prov . Grand Master announced his intention of conferring the rank of P . Prov . J . G . W . on W . Bro . II . D . Sandcman , Master of Lodge Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 0 S 4 , in consideration
of the valuable services rendered by him in the cause of Freemasonry in this province , and of the high estimation in which he was held by the Craft . The Prov . Grand Secretary read the following report of the Finance Committee on the audit of the Prov . Grand Treasurer's accounts : — District Grand Lodge—Balance of first quarter of IS 59 , 3 , 130 / . 13 s . 8 c ? . ; receipts during second quarter , l , HU . 14 s . ; disbursements during the second quarter , 885 ? . 7 s . id . ; balance in hand 3 , 357 ? . 4 s . Id . Fund of Benevolence—Balance of first quarter of 18591852 ? . 10 s . 5 c ?
,, ; receipts during the second quarter , 560 ? . ; disbursements during the second quarter , 531 ? . ; balance in hand , 1 , 881 ? . 10 s . 5 c ? . On a motion made by W . Bro . F . Jennings , P . S . G . D ., seconded by W . Bro . R . T . Callan , P . G . Steward , the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts , as audited , were passed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LONDON . —St . Marks Lodge . —Hie first meeting was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , October 5 th , Bro . Sharman presiding , when Bro . Simmonds was elected R . W . ; Bro . Fox D . M . ; Loewenstark , S . W . ; Arliss , J . W . LONDON . —Thistle Lodge ( No . 3 ) . —This Lodge commenced its autumnal sessions on Friday evening , October 5 th , at Dick's Hotel , Fleet Street . Bro . Catteral occupied the chair with his usual ability as a master , and with that tact as a chairman which he always evinces in any assembly over which he presides .
The principal business of the evening was the election of a Master ; the choice of the brethren conferring that dignity upon Bro . Figg , whose amiable and gentlemanlike bearing , and skill as a Mark Mason , ensure the good order and good working of the Lodge for the ensuing official year . Bros . Capt . Hamilton , Dr . Nolan , and Smith , ( editor of the Artisan * ) , were appointed as an audit committee . The affairs of the Lodge are prosperous , but much will depend as to its future progress upon the appointment as officers by the incoming Master , of men of ability and regularity of attendance .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 19 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday Sept . 29 th . There were present Bros . W . Kelly , ( Prov . G . M . M . ) , W . M , ; Bankart , J . W . ; Paul , S . D . ; Clephan , Trcas . ; R . Brewin , I . G . ; Bethrey , Director of Music and Ceremonies ; and J . H . Garnar ; -visitors , Bros . Underwood , ( D . Prov . G . M . M . ) , W . M . ; Pottifer , S . W . ; Windram , J . W . ; Nedham , Secretary of the Howe Lodge , No . 21 ; when several brethren were advanced . LEICESTER . —Howe Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 21 ) . —At a later
hour of the evening a meeting of this Lodge was held , Bro . Underwood , W M ., in the chair ; and three brethren were advanced . STONEUOUSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( So . 35 ) , —On Monday , the 26 th September , 1859 , this new Mark Master's Lodge was opened in St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , Plymouth , under a warrant from the Grand Mark Lodge of England and Wales ; on which occasion several Mark brethren were elected joining members , and four
candidates were duly balloted for and advanced to the degree . The ceremony was performed remarkably well by the W . M ., Bro . Hunt , agreeably to the ritual furnished by the Mark Grand Lodge . The Lodge having been closed in form , the brethren subsequently adjourned to dinner , and after the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , success and prosperity to the Mark Lodge of Sincerity was drunk with due Masonic honours , and responded to most enthusiastically . BiRtcisxiiEAD . —Joppa Lodge of Marls Masters ( I . C . ) No . 5 . —Tile
annual meeting of this well worked and flourishing Lodge , for the election of R . W . Master , Wardens , and other officers , took place on Tuesday , Sept . 27 th , at the Park Hotel , Birkenhead . HYDE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —A meeting of the Lodge was held on Oct . 15 th , at the usual place of meeting , the Norfolk Arms Hotel , Hyde , when a candidate was duly advanced , and two others , unavoidably absent , reserved for the next meeting of the Lodge . The principal business of the day was the installation of the W . M .
elect , Bro . S . P . Leather , 18 ° , by the immediate P . M . of the Lodge , Bro . John Yarker . An excellent dinner was provided for the brethren by the proprietress of the hotel , and in the c ' ourse of the evening the following toasts were given : — " The M . W . G . M . of M . M ., Lord Leigh , " " The R . W . D . G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , " " The Grand Officers . " The health of the immediate P . M . of the Lodge was then proposed by the W . M ., who , on returning thanks , adduced some proofs of the antiquity and great utility of the degree when properly understood , and expressed a hope that the officers would render every
assistance to their W . M ., not only by their punctual and regular attendance , but by strenuous exertions in attaining a correct knowledge of the duties incumbent upon them in respect of their several offices , and concluded by proposing the health of their esteemed W . M . Bro . Leather returned thanks hi a very appropriate speech , expressing his determination to do everything in his power to forward the interests of the Lodge , and in proposing the health of his officers expressed a hope that they would do all in their power to assist him in this object . Bro . Cooke , J . W ., appropriately returned thanks for " The Officers , " and " To all poor and distressed Masons" terminated a highly agreeable evening . It is purposed , ere long , to establish instruction meetings in the degree , and great hopes are expressed of the ensuing year being a highly prosperous one for the Lodge .
HARTLEPOOL . —Lcleclic Lodge of Mark Masters ( So . 39 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , on Friday , the 23 rd of September , Bro . Hammarbom , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Tate and Hudson , S . and J . Wardens , Bro . David Cunningham ( editor of the Stockton and I / artlepool Mercury ) having been balloted for and accepted , was duly advanced to this honourable degree ; another brother was also accepted , but absence from home prevented his attendance . The next business was the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the following brethren were
unanimously re-elected for the year 1860 : —H . A . Hammarbom , W . M . ; T . P . Tate , F . S . S . , Treas ., and J . Mowbray , Tyler . The installation of the W . M . and investiture of the other officers will not take place before January . No other business being before the Lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at the usual hour . NEWCASTLE-OX-TY . NE . — Northumberland and Benisick-on-Tweed Lodge . —The Lodge was opened in form on November 12 th , by the R . W . M ., Bro . John Burther , G . D . C ., assisted by the following
officers—Bros . W . Punshon . P . M ., ( Prov . G . Supt . of Works ) ; Sept . Bell , S . W . ; C . J . Bannister , as J . W . ; Andrew Gillespie , S . D . ; H . G . Ludwig , M . M . O . ; Herman Saniter , J . O ., and others . After balloting for three brethren for advancement , the following brethren were regularly advanced by the R . W . M . —Bros . Bousfield Atkins , Loades , and Waugh , Bro . Punshon , P . M ., than whom a more learned Mark Master does not exist in the north , ably assisting the I ! W . M . The brethren then proceeded to elect the R . W . M . for the ensuing year , and on the balloting papers being handed to the R . W . M ? , he declared Bell elect
Bro . Septimus as R . W . M . for the ensuing year , the R . W . M . stating that the election could not have fallen on a brother that would have given him greater pleasure to install as his successor , for no officer had given him such constant and regular assistance for the last twenty-four months as Bro . Bell , and from his antecedents hoped that the Lodge would progress more and more under his rule . The R . W . M . elect , in returning thanks for his election , hoped that by constant attendance and a cheerful co-operation of the officers and brethrenthis Mark Masters' Lod
, ge would be brought to as high an efficiency as possible , and might he the most efficient , as it is the most antient Lodge in the north of England . The Lodge then ballotted for Treasurer , when the unanimous vote fell on Bro . A . Gillespie , who has so ably filled the post during the last year . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed in love and harmony at nine o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . A grand Masonic ball and supper was given by the British Lodge , No 419 , on the 21 st of July , when Governor Sir George Grey was present , and was most cordially received by the brethren and public . The worthy brother afterwards laid the foundation stone of the new Somerset Hospital , in presence of the Government officials , the Masonic body , the Odd Fellows , and a numerous concourse of spectators . INDIA .
TISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was lioldcn at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 24 th of Juno , 1859 , by the R . W . Bro . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov . G . M . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master informed the District Grand Lodge that Freemasonry was recovering from the injuries which it had sustained in the upper provinces of Bengal during the mutiny . Lodge True Brothers , No . 609 , was again working at Dinaporo ; and Lodge Morning Star , No . 810 , which had been quenched immediately after
its reappearance previous to the disturbances , had again risen in December last , and a new warrant of confirmation had been procured for it from England . The warrant of the new lodge , Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 084 , at Lahore , had also been received from England , and forwarded to the Master . This lodge was already so strong that a Royal Arch Chapter was about to be attached to it . " The Deputy Prov . Grand Master announced his intention of conferring the rank of P . Prov . J . G . W . on W . Bro . II . D . Sandcman , Master of Lodge Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 0 S 4 , in consideration
of the valuable services rendered by him in the cause of Freemasonry in this province , and of the high estimation in which he was held by the Craft . The Prov . Grand Secretary read the following report of the Finance Committee on the audit of the Prov . Grand Treasurer's accounts : — District Grand Lodge—Balance of first quarter of IS 59 , 3 , 130 / . 13 s . 8 c ? . ; receipts during second quarter , l , HU . 14 s . ; disbursements during the second quarter , 885 ? . 7 s . id . ; balance in hand 3 , 357 ? . 4 s . Id . Fund of Benevolence—Balance of first quarter of 18591852 ? . 10 s . 5 c ?
,, ; receipts during the second quarter , 560 ? . ; disbursements during the second quarter , 531 ? . ; balance in hand , 1 , 881 ? . 10 s . 5 c ? . On a motion made by W . Bro . F . Jennings , P . S . G . D ., seconded by W . Bro . R . T . Callan , P . G . Steward , the Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts , as audited , were passed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LONDON . —St . Marks Lodge . —Hie first meeting was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , October 5 th , Bro . Sharman presiding , when Bro . Simmonds was elected R . W . ; Bro . Fox D . M . ; Loewenstark , S . W . ; Arliss , J . W . LONDON . —Thistle Lodge ( No . 3 ) . —This Lodge commenced its autumnal sessions on Friday evening , October 5 th , at Dick's Hotel , Fleet Street . Bro . Catteral occupied the chair with his usual ability as a master , and with that tact as a chairman which he always evinces in any assembly over which he presides .
The principal business of the evening was the election of a Master ; the choice of the brethren conferring that dignity upon Bro . Figg , whose amiable and gentlemanlike bearing , and skill as a Mark Mason , ensure the good order and good working of the Lodge for the ensuing official year . Bros . Capt . Hamilton , Dr . Nolan , and Smith , ( editor of the Artisan * ) , were appointed as an audit committee . The affairs of the Lodge are prosperous , but much will depend as to its future progress upon the appointment as officers by the incoming Master , of men of ability and regularity of attendance .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 19 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday Sept . 29 th . There were present Bros . W . Kelly , ( Prov . G . M . M . ) , W . M , ; Bankart , J . W . ; Paul , S . D . ; Clephan , Trcas . ; R . Brewin , I . G . ; Bethrey , Director of Music and Ceremonies ; and J . H . Garnar ; -visitors , Bros . Underwood , ( D . Prov . G . M . M . ) , W . M . ; Pottifer , S . W . ; Windram , J . W . ; Nedham , Secretary of the Howe Lodge , No . 21 ; when several brethren were advanced . LEICESTER . —Howe Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 21 ) . —At a later
hour of the evening a meeting of this Lodge was held , Bro . Underwood , W M ., in the chair ; and three brethren were advanced . STONEUOUSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( So . 35 ) , —On Monday , the 26 th September , 1859 , this new Mark Master's Lodge was opened in St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , Plymouth , under a warrant from the Grand Mark Lodge of England and Wales ; on which occasion several Mark brethren were elected joining members , and four
candidates were duly balloted for and advanced to the degree . The ceremony was performed remarkably well by the W . M ., Bro . Hunt , agreeably to the ritual furnished by the Mark Grand Lodge . The Lodge having been closed in form , the brethren subsequently adjourned to dinner , and after the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , success and prosperity to the Mark Lodge of Sincerity was drunk with due Masonic honours , and responded to most enthusiastically . BiRtcisxiiEAD . —Joppa Lodge of Marls Masters ( I . C . ) No . 5 . —Tile
annual meeting of this well worked and flourishing Lodge , for the election of R . W . Master , Wardens , and other officers , took place on Tuesday , Sept . 27 th , at the Park Hotel , Birkenhead . HYDE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —A meeting of the Lodge was held on Oct . 15 th , at the usual place of meeting , the Norfolk Arms Hotel , Hyde , when a candidate was duly advanced , and two others , unavoidably absent , reserved for the next meeting of the Lodge . The principal business of the day was the installation of the W . M .
elect , Bro . S . P . Leather , 18 ° , by the immediate P . M . of the Lodge , Bro . John Yarker . An excellent dinner was provided for the brethren by the proprietress of the hotel , and in the c ' ourse of the evening the following toasts were given : — " The M . W . G . M . of M . M ., Lord Leigh , " " The R . W . D . G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , " " The Grand Officers . " The health of the immediate P . M . of the Lodge was then proposed by the W . M ., who , on returning thanks , adduced some proofs of the antiquity and great utility of the degree when properly understood , and expressed a hope that the officers would render every
assistance to their W . M ., not only by their punctual and regular attendance , but by strenuous exertions in attaining a correct knowledge of the duties incumbent upon them in respect of their several offices , and concluded by proposing the health of their esteemed W . M . Bro . Leather returned thanks hi a very appropriate speech , expressing his determination to do everything in his power to forward the interests of the Lodge , and in proposing the health of his officers expressed a hope that they would do all in their power to assist him in this object . Bro . Cooke , J . W ., appropriately returned thanks for " The Officers , " and " To all poor and distressed Masons" terminated a highly agreeable evening . It is purposed , ere long , to establish instruction meetings in the degree , and great hopes are expressed of the ensuing year being a highly prosperous one for the Lodge .
HARTLEPOOL . —Lcleclic Lodge of Mark Masters ( So . 39 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , on Friday , the 23 rd of September , Bro . Hammarbom , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Tate and Hudson , S . and J . Wardens , Bro . David Cunningham ( editor of the Stockton and I / artlepool Mercury ) having been balloted for and accepted , was duly advanced to this honourable degree ; another brother was also accepted , but absence from home prevented his attendance . The next business was the election of officers for the ensuing year , when the following brethren were
unanimously re-elected for the year 1860 : —H . A . Hammarbom , W . M . ; T . P . Tate , F . S . S . , Treas ., and J . Mowbray , Tyler . The installation of the W . M . and investiture of the other officers will not take place before January . No other business being before the Lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at the usual hour . NEWCASTLE-OX-TY . NE . — Northumberland and Benisick-on-Tweed Lodge . —The Lodge was opened in form on November 12 th , by the R . W . M ., Bro . John Burther , G . D . C ., assisted by the following
officers—Bros . W . Punshon . P . M ., ( Prov . G . Supt . of Works ) ; Sept . Bell , S . W . ; C . J . Bannister , as J . W . ; Andrew Gillespie , S . D . ; H . G . Ludwig , M . M . O . ; Herman Saniter , J . O ., and others . After balloting for three brethren for advancement , the following brethren were regularly advanced by the R . W . M . —Bros . Bousfield Atkins , Loades , and Waugh , Bro . Punshon , P . M ., than whom a more learned Mark Master does not exist in the north , ably assisting the I ! W . M . The brethren then proceeded to elect the R . W . M . for the ensuing year , and on the balloting papers being handed to the R . W . M ? , he declared Bell elect
Bro . Septimus as R . W . M . for the ensuing year , the R . W . M . stating that the election could not have fallen on a brother that would have given him greater pleasure to install as his successor , for no officer had given him such constant and regular assistance for the last twenty-four months as Bro . Bell , and from his antecedents hoped that the Lodge would progress more and more under his rule . The R . W . M . elect , in returning thanks for his election , hoped that by constant attendance and a cheerful co-operation of the officers and brethrenthis Mark Masters' Lod
, ge would be brought to as high an efficiency as possible , and might he the most efficient , as it is the most antient Lodge in the north of England . The Lodge then ballotted for Treasurer , when the unanimous vote fell on Bro . A . Gillespie , who has so ably filled the post during the last year . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed in love and harmony at nine o ' clock .