Article "Roar you as gently as any sucking dove." ← Page 2 of 2 Article [From the Masonic Journal, Brunswick, Maine. ] Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL MESS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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"Roar You As Gently As Any Sucking Dove."
Then success to the Holy Alliance ! Henceforth we are all hand in glove ; And the lips , that once breathed but defiance , Are attuned to the murmurs of love . Come up from all parts of the nation , Country brethren , our meetings to cram ; And see for your edification , The lion lie down with the lamb .
[From The Masonic Journal, Brunswick, Maine. ]
[ From the Masonic Journal , Brunswick , Maine . ]
According to Section 2 of Art . III . of the Constitution of our Grand Lodge , if a candidate is rejected in any Lodge , he cannot be initiated in any other Lodge ' without the recommendation of six members of said Lodge to which he first applied , of whom the Master and Wardens shall be three . " And when the Master and Wardens are unwilling so to recommend a candidate who has been rejected , it shall be their duty to communicate such rejection to the Grand Lodge or to the District Deputy . "
A GOOD SIGN . —The Grand Secretary of Texas reports two hundred and eighty-six rejections for initiation in the year 1855 . While we are so hard pressed by those wishing to " take the degrees , " we look upon the above as a favorable sign . It shows caution , a virtue which is much needed just now . The man who couldn't " trust his feelings , " is supposed to do business strictly on the cash principle .
PROVINCIAL MESS . —Our readers are aware that an arrangement has been made for the convenience of Provincial Brethren attending Grand Lodges , whereby they may dine together at a very moderate cost . The first meeting took , place on the 4 th inst ., when the following Brethren were present . Brs . Hearn . No . 204 , P . D . P . G . M . Isle of Wight ; Holden , No , 252 ; Madigan , ditto : Mc'Queen , No .
338 , D . P . G . M ., Super ; Smithers , No . 338 ; Verrall , ditto , P . G . S . Sussex ; Stuckey , ditto , P . P . G . S . B , Sussex ; Bacon , No . 394 ; Portal , No . 460 ; P . P . S . G . W „ Oxford ; Matthews , No . 862 , P . G . T ., Gloucestershire . The dinner and wines gave great satisfaction . WESTMINSTER AND KEYSTONE LODGE , No . 10 . —There are few , if any , instances of such complete success attending the revival of a Lodgeas in the case of the above . The oriinal warrant bears the
, g date of 172 ] , and the numbers having fallen off to n great extent , it was revived by some brethren of the Province of Oxford , in the early part of 1855 ; since which time it has been joined by above 70 brethren , including amongst others the P . G . M . for Oxford ; the P . G . M . for the Isle of Wight ; the P . P . G . M . for Bengal ; the Earl of Carnarvon , the Earl of Lincoln , the Earl Cowper , Viscount Vaughan , Viscount Valletort , Viscount Howard , Lord North , Lord Skelmorsdale , the Hon . W . W . Vernon , the Hon . W . H .
North , the Lord Holmesdale , Sir G . Beaumont , bart ., Sir John Harington , bart . The active interest in all matters that concern the welfare of the Order , evinced by the members of this distinguished Lodge , both in London and the Provinces is well known . The installation of the Earl of Carnarvon as W . M . will take place towards the end of May . The attendance of visitors is likely , we understand , to be very numerous ; and the Freemason ' s hall has been secured for the banquet . The invitations will , we believe , include a large number of grand officers , and the M . W . the G . M . as well as Lord Panmure have signified their intention of being present on the
. ATTENDANCE OF GRAND OFFICERS . —There have been Six Grand Lodges held during the past ( Masonic ) year . Of which the M . XV . the G . M . has attended five ; the D . G . M ., none ; the S . G . XV ., two ; the J . G . W , four . ERRATUM . —We are requested to amend our report of the proceedings of the Special Grand Lodge of 11 th Februaryunder the head of
, " Intolerance of the Roman Catholic Priesthood , " by the substitution of the following , in lieu of the paragraph in Bro . Binkes' remarks , now standing at lines 5 , 6 , and 7 , from the bottom p . G : " Had our suffering brethren been labouring under disabilities imposed by Jew or Mahometan , he should have counselled a similar course of action to that now proposed . The Eoman Catholic Church , " & c , & c .
Provincial Mess.
IN order to facilitate the attendance of Provincial Brethren at the Quarterly Communications in London , the following arrangement has been made : — 1 . Any Provincial Mason , on payment of £ 1 annually , will be entitled to attend the Provincial Mess , at F . M . Tavern , on the day of each Quarterly Communication , when he will be provided with a
plain dinner and a pint of wine . 2 . All Country Lodges will be at liberty to subscribe at the same rate for any number of their members . 3 . Provincial Masons who are not subscribers may attend the mess on payment of 7 s . 6 o ! . 4 . Brethren , attending in right of Lodge subscriptions , must
bring a note from the XV . M . of their Lodge , to authorise them in so doing . 5 . Notice must be sent to Ths Landlord , Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen Street , London , by every Brother intending to dine at the mess , two days before each Quarterly Communication . 6 . The chair will be taken at 5 p . m ., by the Treasurer or some
Brother deputed by him ., 7 . Subscriptions must be paid in advance before the first Quarterly Communication in each year to the Treasurer , the Rev . Geo . Raymond Portal , P . Prov . S . G . W . Oxon , 3 , Wilton Crescent , London , by post-office order on the Knightsbridge Office .
NOTICE . . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published immediately after each Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , and may be obtained direct from Bath ; or from the London Publishers through any local bookseller . Communications must be addressed to the care of the Publisher , Bridge Street , Bath ,
not later than one week after each Grand Lodge . An extra number is published after a G . L . of emergency . SUBSCEIBEES , desirous of being supplied from the Office , are requested to send their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath .
ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pulteney Street , London , by the 15 th of March , June , September , and December , and not later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
Bath : Printed and Published by ROBERT EDWARD PEACH , NO . 8 , Bridge Street ; Published also by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers , Hall Court , and by J . CLEMENTS , 21 , Little Pulteney Street , London ; and sold also , by H . M . ARLISS , 15 , Great Queen Street , and by all Booksellers in London and the Country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Roar You As Gently As Any Sucking Dove."
Then success to the Holy Alliance ! Henceforth we are all hand in glove ; And the lips , that once breathed but defiance , Are attuned to the murmurs of love . Come up from all parts of the nation , Country brethren , our meetings to cram ; And see for your edification , The lion lie down with the lamb .
[From The Masonic Journal, Brunswick, Maine. ]
[ From the Masonic Journal , Brunswick , Maine . ]
According to Section 2 of Art . III . of the Constitution of our Grand Lodge , if a candidate is rejected in any Lodge , he cannot be initiated in any other Lodge ' without the recommendation of six members of said Lodge to which he first applied , of whom the Master and Wardens shall be three . " And when the Master and Wardens are unwilling so to recommend a candidate who has been rejected , it shall be their duty to communicate such rejection to the Grand Lodge or to the District Deputy . "
A GOOD SIGN . —The Grand Secretary of Texas reports two hundred and eighty-six rejections for initiation in the year 1855 . While we are so hard pressed by those wishing to " take the degrees , " we look upon the above as a favorable sign . It shows caution , a virtue which is much needed just now . The man who couldn't " trust his feelings , " is supposed to do business strictly on the cash principle .
PROVINCIAL MESS . —Our readers are aware that an arrangement has been made for the convenience of Provincial Brethren attending Grand Lodges , whereby they may dine together at a very moderate cost . The first meeting took , place on the 4 th inst ., when the following Brethren were present . Brs . Hearn . No . 204 , P . D . P . G . M . Isle of Wight ; Holden , No , 252 ; Madigan , ditto : Mc'Queen , No .
338 , D . P . G . M ., Super ; Smithers , No . 338 ; Verrall , ditto , P . G . S . Sussex ; Stuckey , ditto , P . P . G . S . B , Sussex ; Bacon , No . 394 ; Portal , No . 460 ; P . P . S . G . W „ Oxford ; Matthews , No . 862 , P . G . T ., Gloucestershire . The dinner and wines gave great satisfaction . WESTMINSTER AND KEYSTONE LODGE , No . 10 . —There are few , if any , instances of such complete success attending the revival of a Lodgeas in the case of the above . The oriinal warrant bears the
, g date of 172 ] , and the numbers having fallen off to n great extent , it was revived by some brethren of the Province of Oxford , in the early part of 1855 ; since which time it has been joined by above 70 brethren , including amongst others the P . G . M . for Oxford ; the P . G . M . for the Isle of Wight ; the P . P . G . M . for Bengal ; the Earl of Carnarvon , the Earl of Lincoln , the Earl Cowper , Viscount Vaughan , Viscount Valletort , Viscount Howard , Lord North , Lord Skelmorsdale , the Hon . W . W . Vernon , the Hon . W . H .
North , the Lord Holmesdale , Sir G . Beaumont , bart ., Sir John Harington , bart . The active interest in all matters that concern the welfare of the Order , evinced by the members of this distinguished Lodge , both in London and the Provinces is well known . The installation of the Earl of Carnarvon as W . M . will take place towards the end of May . The attendance of visitors is likely , we understand , to be very numerous ; and the Freemason ' s hall has been secured for the banquet . The invitations will , we believe , include a large number of grand officers , and the M . W . the G . M . as well as Lord Panmure have signified their intention of being present on the
. ATTENDANCE OF GRAND OFFICERS . —There have been Six Grand Lodges held during the past ( Masonic ) year . Of which the M . XV . the G . M . has attended five ; the D . G . M ., none ; the S . G . XV ., two ; the J . G . W , four . ERRATUM . —We are requested to amend our report of the proceedings of the Special Grand Lodge of 11 th Februaryunder the head of
, " Intolerance of the Roman Catholic Priesthood , " by the substitution of the following , in lieu of the paragraph in Bro . Binkes' remarks , now standing at lines 5 , 6 , and 7 , from the bottom p . G : " Had our suffering brethren been labouring under disabilities imposed by Jew or Mahometan , he should have counselled a similar course of action to that now proposed . The Eoman Catholic Church , " & c , & c .
Provincial Mess.
IN order to facilitate the attendance of Provincial Brethren at the Quarterly Communications in London , the following arrangement has been made : — 1 . Any Provincial Mason , on payment of £ 1 annually , will be entitled to attend the Provincial Mess , at F . M . Tavern , on the day of each Quarterly Communication , when he will be provided with a
plain dinner and a pint of wine . 2 . All Country Lodges will be at liberty to subscribe at the same rate for any number of their members . 3 . Provincial Masons who are not subscribers may attend the mess on payment of 7 s . 6 o ! . 4 . Brethren , attending in right of Lodge subscriptions , must
bring a note from the XV . M . of their Lodge , to authorise them in so doing . 5 . Notice must be sent to Ths Landlord , Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen Street , London , by every Brother intending to dine at the mess , two days before each Quarterly Communication . 6 . The chair will be taken at 5 p . m ., by the Treasurer or some
Brother deputed by him ., 7 . Subscriptions must be paid in advance before the first Quarterly Communication in each year to the Treasurer , the Rev . Geo . Raymond Portal , P . Prov . S . G . W . Oxon , 3 , Wilton Crescent , London , by post-office order on the Knightsbridge Office .
NOTICE . . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published immediately after each Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , and may be obtained direct from Bath ; or from the London Publishers through any local bookseller . Communications must be addressed to the care of the Publisher , Bridge Street , Bath ,
not later than one week after each Grand Lodge . An extra number is published after a G . L . of emergency . SUBSCEIBEES , desirous of being supplied from the Office , are requested to send their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath .
ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pulteney Street , London , by the 15 th of March , June , September , and December , and not later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
Bath : Printed and Published by ROBERT EDWARD PEACH , NO . 8 , Bridge Street ; Published also by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers , Hall Court , and by J . CLEMENTS , 21 , Little Pulteney Street , London ; and sold also , by H . M . ARLISS , 15 , Great Queen Street , and by all Booksellers in London and the Country .