Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Grand Lodge.
« To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . " The Colonial Board beg to present the following Report upon the M- W . Grand Master's communication relative to Colonial Lodges and Brethren : " 1 st . The M . W . Grand Master states , that' representations have been made to him by Memorials and otherwise from Lodges and Brethren in some of the Colonies , as to the great inconvenience experienced by them , owing to the inevitable delay in obtaining Grand
Lodge certificates , which occupies in some cases twelve months ; and further , some thinking that the interests of the Craft in such Colonies would be greatly promoted , if power were given to them to nominate at stated periods their own Provincial Grand Masters , subject to the approval of the M . W . Grand Master . ' " 2 . The M . W . Grand Master further states , ' that he has taken these several matters into his considertion , and after tne most mature deliberation , is of opinion that some remedies ought to be applied to meet the alleged inconveniences . '
" 3 rd . The M . W . Grand Master is of opinion that the same mea-. sure of relief should apply to all District Grand Lodges without distinction . " 4 th . The M . W . Grand Master proposes that the registration fee for every newly-initiated Brother be 7 s . 6 d ., which will entitle the Brother to a Grand Lodge Certificate ; the registation fee for joining Brethren to remain at 2 s . 6 d . That each Lodge shall make a return to Grand Lodge annually , together with the amount of dues payable , unless there be a District Grand Master , in which case
the payment may be made to him or to his Deputy , to be by him transmitted to London . That the district Grand Master shall be supplied with blank forms of certificates for distribution . " 5 th . With a view to remedying the grievance relative to the appointing of the District Grand Masters , the M . W . Grand Master proposes that every third year an account should be furnished him by every district Grand Lodge of their proceedings and transactions , on receipt of which he will determine whether the interests of the Craft would be best promoted by the continuance in office of the District Grand Master , and the decision of the M . W . Grahd Master will be communicated to the District Grand Lodge . " 6 th . The Board is of opinion that the remedies proposed by the M . W . Grand Master , as regards the payment of fees and issuing of
certificates , are satisfactory , but they would recommend the attachment to the latter of the Seal of the District Grand Lodge , as well as the counter-signatures of the District Grand Lodge Authorities . " 7 th . The Board regrets that it cannot express its approval of the proposal relative to District Grand Masters , as affording a remedy for the gvievawee complamed of , since it only involves the exercise of a power which has already been vested by the Constitutions in the M . XV . Grand Master , and which the Grand Lodge is bound to suppose has hitherto been exercised with all the vigilance
which is demanded by his high responsibility . " 8 th . With regard to the Brethren in Canada West , the Board find that there is a special grievance complained of , via . : that while they have no voice in the election of the M . W . Grand Master of England , they have no control over the conduct of their own District Grand Master , and that while they are themselves best qualified to select fit persons for that important post , Brethren have been appointed by an authority altogether external to them , who have not possessed their confidence , and who have neglected their
interests , and that Masonry has , in consequence , suffered much damage . " 9 th . The Board does not consider that these grievances would be remedied by the transmission to England , once in three years , of the minutes of the District Grand Lodge " 10 th . In accordance , therefore , with the precedent afforded by the Grand Lodge of England , the Board unanimously recommends that a Meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Canada West should be held annuallyon the first Wednesday in December , at which
, nominations should be made by ballot of Brethren to fill the office of District Grand Master . That of these names , not more than three ( having the largest number of votes ) , should be forthwith transmitted to the M . W . Grand Master , with the number of votes given to each . That ho shall , within a month after the receipt of such List , appoint one of them to the office of District Grand Mastor , and the installation shall take place on the first Wednesday in March . If no appointment shall have been received by the Provincial Grand Secretary at that timethe Brother having the greatest
, number of votes shall be so installed , and shall be considered to all intents and purposes , to have been appointed by the M . W . Grand Master . '' 11 th . The Board further recommends that with a view to the better representation of the Provincial G . L . of Canada West , in
the Grand Lodge of England , the said Provincial Grand Lodge be permitted to appoint a representative in the Grand Lodge of England , subject to the same conditions , and having the same rank as the representative of a Foreign Grand Lodge . '' The Board cannot conclude this report on the communication of the M . W . Grand Master without expressing its deep sense of the careful consideration given by him to the subjects treated of , while , at the same time , they feel bound to express a unanimous opinion that nothing but the prompt concession of the points they have
recommended will be accepted by the Canadian Lodges , or avail to remedy the unhappy discontent at present existing . " Referring to an application received from Canada West , and under present circumstances , the Board unanimously recommends the Grand Lodge not to recognize the Grand Lodge of Canada West . " ( Signed ) WILLIAM BURLTON , " P . P . G . M ., Bengal . P . M . 97 , 125 , 552 & 596 , ¦ ' Chairman . "Free Masons' Hall , 6 th February , 1857 . "
W . Bro . the Eev . G . R . PORTAL said it would perhaps be hotter it G . L . were to adopt the first six paragraphs , and refer the rest to the M . W . the G . M . B XV . Bro . BURLTON expressed his concurrence in this suggestion , which was unanimously agreed to .
PETITION FROM THE PROV . G . L . OF CANADA WEST . W . Bro . the Bev . G . E . PORTAL said , he had a petition to present from the Prov . G . L . of Canada West . He would not enter into the details , but state generally—that it contained a statement of their grievances , and detailed the steps that had been taken from time to time , since 1853 , for obtaining redress . After the very Masonic and handsome expression of regret , which had fallen from the G . M . relative to past neglect , he was sure that all would concur with him in a desirethat byegones should be byegones . ( Loud cheers . ) He trusted
, the Prov . G . L . of Canada would agree with him ; ( hear , hear ) and as the Prov . G . Secretary had stated to him , that they wore anxious for a reply to their memorial by May , when there would be a Prov . G . L . —he begged to move , that the memorial be referred to the Colonial Board to reply to , in eonjunction with , the M . W . the G . M . ( Cheers ) E . W . Bro . * Lord PANMURE had a deeper interest than any Brother present in seeing peace restored to the Canadian Lodges , and co-operation again established with Grand Lodge here . The reason why he
felt this deeper interest was , because it was in Cauada that he had been first admitted into the Craft , and it was on that account he felt the greatest pain at viewing the differences that had prevailed . He trusted however , reunion would be established . And he had listened with much pleasure to the observations of his friend Bro . Portal , which came from him with peculiar propriety , as a minister of peace . ( Cheers . ) He was quite sure , they might now safely rely on the word of honor of the G . M ., that no efforts would be spared to promote peace and harmony between the G . L . of England and the Prov . G ,
L . of Canada . ( Hear , hear . ) The M . W . the GRAND MASTER said : —The present position was ' an exceptional case . It was quite unprecedented its being referred to the Colonial Board , and he hoped that such a course would not be deemed a precedent . W . Bro . ROXBURGH thought it would be advisable , te prevent misapprehension in future , to introduce words in the resolution for referring the petition , which would show that this reference was made on account of the emergency of the case . The suggestion was acceded to .
EXCLUSION OF STRANGERS AT FESTIVALS . W . Bro . WARREN rose to move his resolution , that in future no person , not being a member of the Craft , be allowed to dine at any of the Masonic festivals . He had given notice of his intention , to ' the Grand Secretary , to bring forward his motion , in order not to take the M . W . Grand Master by surprise . The M . W . GRAND MASTER had received no intimation of the motion . The GRAND SECRETARY had received the notice , but it had got mislaid his
among papers , and had not been given to the M . W . Grand Master . W . Bro . WARREN in reference to his motion , spoke of the inconvenience of having strangers not masons to dine at their festivals . It often happened that allusions were made to secrets of the craft at their festivals ; and by such means strangers became acquainted with matters which ought to be exclusively known to Masons . He brought forward his motion on constitutional principles ; for if singers could obtain admission , why should not other parties not Masons have the same privilege ?
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Grand Lodge.
« To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . " The Colonial Board beg to present the following Report upon the M- W . Grand Master's communication relative to Colonial Lodges and Brethren : " 1 st . The M . W . Grand Master states , that' representations have been made to him by Memorials and otherwise from Lodges and Brethren in some of the Colonies , as to the great inconvenience experienced by them , owing to the inevitable delay in obtaining Grand
Lodge certificates , which occupies in some cases twelve months ; and further , some thinking that the interests of the Craft in such Colonies would be greatly promoted , if power were given to them to nominate at stated periods their own Provincial Grand Masters , subject to the approval of the M . W . Grand Master . ' " 2 . The M . W . Grand Master further states , ' that he has taken these several matters into his considertion , and after tne most mature deliberation , is of opinion that some remedies ought to be applied to meet the alleged inconveniences . '
" 3 rd . The M . W . Grand Master is of opinion that the same mea-. sure of relief should apply to all District Grand Lodges without distinction . " 4 th . The M . W . Grand Master proposes that the registration fee for every newly-initiated Brother be 7 s . 6 d ., which will entitle the Brother to a Grand Lodge Certificate ; the registation fee for joining Brethren to remain at 2 s . 6 d . That each Lodge shall make a return to Grand Lodge annually , together with the amount of dues payable , unless there be a District Grand Master , in which case
the payment may be made to him or to his Deputy , to be by him transmitted to London . That the district Grand Master shall be supplied with blank forms of certificates for distribution . " 5 th . With a view to remedying the grievance relative to the appointing of the District Grand Masters , the M . W . Grand Master proposes that every third year an account should be furnished him by every district Grand Lodge of their proceedings and transactions , on receipt of which he will determine whether the interests of the Craft would be best promoted by the continuance in office of the District Grand Master , and the decision of the M . W . Grahd Master will be communicated to the District Grand Lodge . " 6 th . The Board is of opinion that the remedies proposed by the M . W . Grand Master , as regards the payment of fees and issuing of
certificates , are satisfactory , but they would recommend the attachment to the latter of the Seal of the District Grand Lodge , as well as the counter-signatures of the District Grand Lodge Authorities . " 7 th . The Board regrets that it cannot express its approval of the proposal relative to District Grand Masters , as affording a remedy for the gvievawee complamed of , since it only involves the exercise of a power which has already been vested by the Constitutions in the M . XV . Grand Master , and which the Grand Lodge is bound to suppose has hitherto been exercised with all the vigilance
which is demanded by his high responsibility . " 8 th . With regard to the Brethren in Canada West , the Board find that there is a special grievance complained of , via . : that while they have no voice in the election of the M . W . Grand Master of England , they have no control over the conduct of their own District Grand Master , and that while they are themselves best qualified to select fit persons for that important post , Brethren have been appointed by an authority altogether external to them , who have not possessed their confidence , and who have neglected their
interests , and that Masonry has , in consequence , suffered much damage . " 9 th . The Board does not consider that these grievances would be remedied by the transmission to England , once in three years , of the minutes of the District Grand Lodge " 10 th . In accordance , therefore , with the precedent afforded by the Grand Lodge of England , the Board unanimously recommends that a Meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Canada West should be held annuallyon the first Wednesday in December , at which
, nominations should be made by ballot of Brethren to fill the office of District Grand Master . That of these names , not more than three ( having the largest number of votes ) , should be forthwith transmitted to the M . W . Grand Master , with the number of votes given to each . That ho shall , within a month after the receipt of such List , appoint one of them to the office of District Grand Mastor , and the installation shall take place on the first Wednesday in March . If no appointment shall have been received by the Provincial Grand Secretary at that timethe Brother having the greatest
, number of votes shall be so installed , and shall be considered to all intents and purposes , to have been appointed by the M . W . Grand Master . '' 11 th . The Board further recommends that with a view to the better representation of the Provincial G . L . of Canada West , in
the Grand Lodge of England , the said Provincial Grand Lodge be permitted to appoint a representative in the Grand Lodge of England , subject to the same conditions , and having the same rank as the representative of a Foreign Grand Lodge . '' The Board cannot conclude this report on the communication of the M . W . Grand Master without expressing its deep sense of the careful consideration given by him to the subjects treated of , while , at the same time , they feel bound to express a unanimous opinion that nothing but the prompt concession of the points they have
recommended will be accepted by the Canadian Lodges , or avail to remedy the unhappy discontent at present existing . " Referring to an application received from Canada West , and under present circumstances , the Board unanimously recommends the Grand Lodge not to recognize the Grand Lodge of Canada West . " ( Signed ) WILLIAM BURLTON , " P . P . G . M ., Bengal . P . M . 97 , 125 , 552 & 596 , ¦ ' Chairman . "Free Masons' Hall , 6 th February , 1857 . "
W . Bro . the Eev . G . R . PORTAL said it would perhaps be hotter it G . L . were to adopt the first six paragraphs , and refer the rest to the M . W . the G . M . B XV . Bro . BURLTON expressed his concurrence in this suggestion , which was unanimously agreed to .
PETITION FROM THE PROV . G . L . OF CANADA WEST . W . Bro . the Bev . G . E . PORTAL said , he had a petition to present from the Prov . G . L . of Canada West . He would not enter into the details , but state generally—that it contained a statement of their grievances , and detailed the steps that had been taken from time to time , since 1853 , for obtaining redress . After the very Masonic and handsome expression of regret , which had fallen from the G . M . relative to past neglect , he was sure that all would concur with him in a desirethat byegones should be byegones . ( Loud cheers . ) He trusted
, the Prov . G . L . of Canada would agree with him ; ( hear , hear ) and as the Prov . G . Secretary had stated to him , that they wore anxious for a reply to their memorial by May , when there would be a Prov . G . L . —he begged to move , that the memorial be referred to the Colonial Board to reply to , in eonjunction with , the M . W . the G . M . ( Cheers ) E . W . Bro . * Lord PANMURE had a deeper interest than any Brother present in seeing peace restored to the Canadian Lodges , and co-operation again established with Grand Lodge here . The reason why he
felt this deeper interest was , because it was in Cauada that he had been first admitted into the Craft , and it was on that account he felt the greatest pain at viewing the differences that had prevailed . He trusted however , reunion would be established . And he had listened with much pleasure to the observations of his friend Bro . Portal , which came from him with peculiar propriety , as a minister of peace . ( Cheers . ) He was quite sure , they might now safely rely on the word of honor of the G . M ., that no efforts would be spared to promote peace and harmony between the G . L . of England and the Prov . G ,
L . of Canada . ( Hear , hear . ) The M . W . the GRAND MASTER said : —The present position was ' an exceptional case . It was quite unprecedented its being referred to the Colonial Board , and he hoped that such a course would not be deemed a precedent . W . Bro . ROXBURGH thought it would be advisable , te prevent misapprehension in future , to introduce words in the resolution for referring the petition , which would show that this reference was made on account of the emergency of the case . The suggestion was acceded to .
EXCLUSION OF STRANGERS AT FESTIVALS . W . Bro . WARREN rose to move his resolution , that in future no person , not being a member of the Craft , be allowed to dine at any of the Masonic festivals . He had given notice of his intention , to ' the Grand Secretary , to bring forward his motion , in order not to take the M . W . Grand Master by surprise . The M . W . GRAND MASTER had received no intimation of the motion . The GRAND SECRETARY had received the notice , but it had got mislaid his
among papers , and had not been given to the M . W . Grand Master . W . Bro . WARREN in reference to his motion , spoke of the inconvenience of having strangers not masons to dine at their festivals . It often happened that allusions were made to secrets of the craft at their festivals ; and by such means strangers became acquainted with matters which ought to be exclusively known to Masons . He brought forward his motion on constitutional principles ; for if singers could obtain admission , why should not other parties not Masons have the same privilege ?