Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge.
should not all do our best : first' of all , to maintain the authority of the Grand Officers , or rather the Officer appointed by the G . M . ; and secondly , to bring the contumacious to a sense of what they have offended in . The prayer of Bro . Toby is this . He and those who have signed the memorial ask , that the province of Tasmania should be divided into two separate provinces , and that Hobart Town should bo one of those provinces : and to effect that , they petition for two new warrants for Lodges , to be severally called the Dorwent and the Pacific . This application of theirs is curiously signed ; it is not
signed by Brethren willing to constitute a new Lodge , but only by the Brethren of No . 781 , plainly showing the intention to split up the one Lodge into three to make a province . We do not wish to interfere with the prerogative of the G . M ., but we may say that it would not bo a right thing to divide a single province into two under such circumstances , and that too while the Lodge which asks to have the province broken up is contumacious . It would not do to listen to any application for the erection of a province at Hobart Town . But it has been stated , that it is impossible for the Grand Master to confer
on hobart Town proper Masonic privileges . That is not so ; because Bro . Toby himself acknowledges , that Bro . Ewing intimated his willingness to take his D . G . M . from No . 781 , and every year to hold a Grand Lodge at Hobart Town , thus showing every disposition to extend harmony throughout the province and to govern it in all true Masonic spirit . As to the present Masonic arrangements in Tasmania , the M . W . the Grand Master has stated to me that as in the course of time the population there may extend itself into other cities , and Masonry , as it is hoped it will , increase with the
population , he will not be indisposed to create new provinces there , but he must in every instance be satisfied that there are enough of Lodges in the district to entitle it to be made a province of , and Masons connected with them deserving of the rank of Grand Officers . I have thus stated to you the gist of this matter , and I shall conclude by proposing that we assert the authority of the P . G . M . in Tasmania , because I do think that if we do not assert the authority of the officers of the M . W . G M . abroad , we are likely to throw Masonry into confusion ; for whatever may become of dynasties and states , Masonry "
must remain the same now and for ever , for it contains within itself the principles of union , harmony , and Christian fellowship ; and if we do not exert ourselves to maintain the authority of those whom we appoint to preside over us , we shall not do that justice to the Craft which in our hearts we are anxious to do . The noble lord concluded his speech by moving a resolution to the effect that the appeal of the Brethren of 781 should be dismissed—that the suspension of that Lodge by the P . G . M . should bo confirmed—and that the five Brethren who had made submission to his authority should be restored to their Masonic functions .
W . Bro . ROXBURGH seconded the motion . W . Bro . WARREN moved , as an amendment , that the consideration of the question should be postponed for three months , to give the Brethren time to investigate all the particulars . He thought it was clear that no sufficient notice had been given to the Brethren of No . 781 , of the intention to hold a P . G . L . The Rev . Bro . PORTAL said , that one of the disadvantages necessarily attending the government of lodges in the Colonies , by a G . L . sitting in Londonwas the length of time that must elapse between
, the transmission of a complaint and the decision of G . L . upon it . Ho therefore thought that it was of the greatest importance that the memorial they had just heard should be dealt with at once , and not be postponed for three months longer . As to the point urged by Bro . Warren that the Brethren of 781 had got a very short notice of the meeting of the P . G . L ., he ( Bro . Portal ) did not think it had anything to do with the question , as the Lodge had not been suspended for neglecting to attend the P . G . L ., but because they had deliberatel y refused to send certain returnto the
s P . G . M ., after having been duly summoned to do so . There was one point on which he should be glad to be allowed to make a suggestion to the G . M ., and that was , that considering the irritation that evidently existed on the part of the _ Brethren , at Hobart Town , against the P . G . M ., it might be worth while to consider the propriety of excluding that district from his jurisdiction , and placing it under the immediate authority of the M . W . G . M . himself . W . Bro . ARIA said , that he was convinced that oven an adverse
decision would be more agreeable to the memorialists than delay . The M . W . the G . M . said , that he had a few observations to address to G . L . upon the matter before them ; he had expressed to G . L ., and to the provinces generally , that when it could be shown to him that to divide a province would be for the benefit of the Craft , ho should be willing to do so ; but to do so in the present instance was altogether out oftlie question , inasmuch as there was only one Lodge in the district which they wished to have erected into a province , and that Lodge contumacious and continuing in its contumacy . What might be done at a future time he was not prepared to say , but first they
should vindicate the law , assert the authority of the G . M ., and bring the lodge into submission . lie could not agree with Bro . Portal with respect to his taking the province under his own control , for that would be only making matters worse ; for if it were inconvenient to have the Grand Lodge at a distance of 150 miles , how ranch more so would it bo to have it at the distance of H ' ,, 000 miles . At all events it was necessary to postpone any stop until the contumacious lodge made submission . The motion was then agreed to .
W . Bro . HAVERS then proposed the resolution of which ho had given notice , preventing any member of G L . from bringing forward , without regular notice , any motion to alter the recommendations of relief made by the Lodge of Benevolence , as it was not proper that G . L should be taken by surprise . W . Bro . J . SMITH seconded the motion . W . Bro . ARIA opposed it , as it proposed to deprive G . L . of its privileges . W . Bro . SAVAGE took the same view of it , and said it would
completely tie their hands in regard to charity . W . Bro . SYMOXDS supported the motion , which was opposed by Bro . Singer . R . W . Bro . Lord PANMTRE was , lie said , swayed by the objections urged by Bro . Savage , and requested Bro . Havers to withdraw his motion . W . Bro . . HAVERS could not resist a request so urged , and withdrew his motion . It being now past eleven o ' clock , G . L . was closed in ample form , and with solemn prayer .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
THE BON-ACCORD LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . We notice that this is the second year of office of Bro . Cole , and as this prosperous Lodge has no lack at' aspirants , such a mark of iionor must be duly valued . On 10 th of February the Lodge met at Freemasons' Tavern , and Brethren from all quarters of the globe were advanced , among whom we may name , Bro . Geo . A . F . Norris , from Hong Kong ; Bro . Frank Hacs , from New South Wales ; and Bro . Norris , from Macao . Bro . Read , of Singapore , was a candidate , but did not attend . The sister isle was ably represented by an . excellent
Brother , whom some day we trust to see upon the woolsack , namely , Bro . Wm . John O'Donavan , of the Temple . Bro . Keddell , W . M ., of the Adam ' s Lodge , Shecrness , worked the degree most admirably , in the absence of Bro . Cole ; and no less efficiently presided at the banquet , where his jovial wit and good fellowship were most apparent . Among the Brethren present was Bro . Piirton Cooper , the P . G . M . of the Mark for Kent ; Bro . Ridgway , G . Reg ., and many others , well known and esteemed .
THE VHCENIX LODGE OF MARK "MASTERS . No . 2 , PORTSMOUTH . On the 15 th of February this Lodge held a meeting , Bro . Woolley , G . Chaplain , the W . M . installed his successor in the chair . Two Brethren were advanced , namely , Bro . Wm . White , and Bro . Wm . Woodward . Very great satisfaction was expressed at the announcement made with regard to the Albany and Munda Lodge of Mark Masters , held at Newport , Isle of Wight , having joined the Brotherhood of the Mark , under the Grand Lodge : this union so gratifying lo the Craft in general cannot fail to bo especially pleasing to the
Portsmouth Mark Masters , who have long felt the bar placed betwixt themselves and their neighbours on the island . TUE 31 ALLET AND CHISEL LODGE . No . 5 . Under the able mastership of Bro . Barnes , this Lodge met at the " Three Tons , " in this Borough , on the 10 th of Feb ., when several distinguished members of the Grand Lodge took part in the proceedings ; amongst others , Bro . Bremridgc , to whose efforts in the province of Devon the progress of the degree in the west is mainly clue . The
W . M . with the eye of a good general , singled out a worthy Bro . Jessie Turner , although only advanced on this occasion , for the post of Secretary , and in his appointment of the other officers was equally successful in securing able coadjutors . Bro . Harris is S . W ., and Bro . Trcbcck . J . W .
THE KEVSTONE LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . Nb . 3 . A meeting of this Lodge took place at the " Ship and Turtle , " Loadcnhall Street , on the 1 st of March , when Bro . Painter , the host , and several others , were advanced to the degree , by Bro . T . S . Barriuger , J . G . W . the W . M . Everything in this excellent Lodge seems in harmony from the chaunts to the ingredients of the Turtle soup .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
should not all do our best : first' of all , to maintain the authority of the Grand Officers , or rather the Officer appointed by the G . M . ; and secondly , to bring the contumacious to a sense of what they have offended in . The prayer of Bro . Toby is this . He and those who have signed the memorial ask , that the province of Tasmania should be divided into two separate provinces , and that Hobart Town should bo one of those provinces : and to effect that , they petition for two new warrants for Lodges , to be severally called the Dorwent and the Pacific . This application of theirs is curiously signed ; it is not
signed by Brethren willing to constitute a new Lodge , but only by the Brethren of No . 781 , plainly showing the intention to split up the one Lodge into three to make a province . We do not wish to interfere with the prerogative of the G . M ., but we may say that it would not bo a right thing to divide a single province into two under such circumstances , and that too while the Lodge which asks to have the province broken up is contumacious . It would not do to listen to any application for the erection of a province at Hobart Town . But it has been stated , that it is impossible for the Grand Master to confer
on hobart Town proper Masonic privileges . That is not so ; because Bro . Toby himself acknowledges , that Bro . Ewing intimated his willingness to take his D . G . M . from No . 781 , and every year to hold a Grand Lodge at Hobart Town , thus showing every disposition to extend harmony throughout the province and to govern it in all true Masonic spirit . As to the present Masonic arrangements in Tasmania , the M . W . the Grand Master has stated to me that as in the course of time the population there may extend itself into other cities , and Masonry , as it is hoped it will , increase with the
population , he will not be indisposed to create new provinces there , but he must in every instance be satisfied that there are enough of Lodges in the district to entitle it to be made a province of , and Masons connected with them deserving of the rank of Grand Officers . I have thus stated to you the gist of this matter , and I shall conclude by proposing that we assert the authority of the P . G . M . in Tasmania , because I do think that if we do not assert the authority of the officers of the M . W . G M . abroad , we are likely to throw Masonry into confusion ; for whatever may become of dynasties and states , Masonry "
must remain the same now and for ever , for it contains within itself the principles of union , harmony , and Christian fellowship ; and if we do not exert ourselves to maintain the authority of those whom we appoint to preside over us , we shall not do that justice to the Craft which in our hearts we are anxious to do . The noble lord concluded his speech by moving a resolution to the effect that the appeal of the Brethren of 781 should be dismissed—that the suspension of that Lodge by the P . G . M . should bo confirmed—and that the five Brethren who had made submission to his authority should be restored to their Masonic functions .
W . Bro . ROXBURGH seconded the motion . W . Bro . WARREN moved , as an amendment , that the consideration of the question should be postponed for three months , to give the Brethren time to investigate all the particulars . He thought it was clear that no sufficient notice had been given to the Brethren of No . 781 , of the intention to hold a P . G . L . The Rev . Bro . PORTAL said , that one of the disadvantages necessarily attending the government of lodges in the Colonies , by a G . L . sitting in Londonwas the length of time that must elapse between
, the transmission of a complaint and the decision of G . L . upon it . Ho therefore thought that it was of the greatest importance that the memorial they had just heard should be dealt with at once , and not be postponed for three months longer . As to the point urged by Bro . Warren that the Brethren of 781 had got a very short notice of the meeting of the P . G . L ., he ( Bro . Portal ) did not think it had anything to do with the question , as the Lodge had not been suspended for neglecting to attend the P . G . L ., but because they had deliberatel y refused to send certain returnto the
s P . G . M ., after having been duly summoned to do so . There was one point on which he should be glad to be allowed to make a suggestion to the G . M ., and that was , that considering the irritation that evidently existed on the part of the _ Brethren , at Hobart Town , against the P . G . M ., it might be worth while to consider the propriety of excluding that district from his jurisdiction , and placing it under the immediate authority of the M . W . G . M . himself . W . Bro . ARIA said , that he was convinced that oven an adverse
decision would be more agreeable to the memorialists than delay . The M . W . the G . M . said , that he had a few observations to address to G . L . upon the matter before them ; he had expressed to G . L ., and to the provinces generally , that when it could be shown to him that to divide a province would be for the benefit of the Craft , ho should be willing to do so ; but to do so in the present instance was altogether out oftlie question , inasmuch as there was only one Lodge in the district which they wished to have erected into a province , and that Lodge contumacious and continuing in its contumacy . What might be done at a future time he was not prepared to say , but first they
should vindicate the law , assert the authority of the G . M ., and bring the lodge into submission . lie could not agree with Bro . Portal with respect to his taking the province under his own control , for that would be only making matters worse ; for if it were inconvenient to have the Grand Lodge at a distance of 150 miles , how ranch more so would it bo to have it at the distance of H ' ,, 000 miles . At all events it was necessary to postpone any stop until the contumacious lodge made submission . The motion was then agreed to .
W . Bro . HAVERS then proposed the resolution of which ho had given notice , preventing any member of G L . from bringing forward , without regular notice , any motion to alter the recommendations of relief made by the Lodge of Benevolence , as it was not proper that G . L should be taken by surprise . W . Bro . J . SMITH seconded the motion . W . Bro . ARIA opposed it , as it proposed to deprive G . L . of its privileges . W . Bro . SAVAGE took the same view of it , and said it would
completely tie their hands in regard to charity . W . Bro . SYMOXDS supported the motion , which was opposed by Bro . Singer . R . W . Bro . Lord PANMTRE was , lie said , swayed by the objections urged by Bro . Savage , and requested Bro . Havers to withdraw his motion . W . Bro . . HAVERS could not resist a request so urged , and withdrew his motion . It being now past eleven o ' clock , G . L . was closed in ample form , and with solemn prayer .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
THE BON-ACCORD LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . We notice that this is the second year of office of Bro . Cole , and as this prosperous Lodge has no lack at' aspirants , such a mark of iionor must be duly valued . On 10 th of February the Lodge met at Freemasons' Tavern , and Brethren from all quarters of the globe were advanced , among whom we may name , Bro . Geo . A . F . Norris , from Hong Kong ; Bro . Frank Hacs , from New South Wales ; and Bro . Norris , from Macao . Bro . Read , of Singapore , was a candidate , but did not attend . The sister isle was ably represented by an . excellent
Brother , whom some day we trust to see upon the woolsack , namely , Bro . Wm . John O'Donavan , of the Temple . Bro . Keddell , W . M ., of the Adam ' s Lodge , Shecrness , worked the degree most admirably , in the absence of Bro . Cole ; and no less efficiently presided at the banquet , where his jovial wit and good fellowship were most apparent . Among the Brethren present was Bro . Piirton Cooper , the P . G . M . of the Mark for Kent ; Bro . Ridgway , G . Reg ., and many others , well known and esteemed .
THE VHCENIX LODGE OF MARK "MASTERS . No . 2 , PORTSMOUTH . On the 15 th of February this Lodge held a meeting , Bro . Woolley , G . Chaplain , the W . M . installed his successor in the chair . Two Brethren were advanced , namely , Bro . Wm . White , and Bro . Wm . Woodward . Very great satisfaction was expressed at the announcement made with regard to the Albany and Munda Lodge of Mark Masters , held at Newport , Isle of Wight , having joined the Brotherhood of the Mark , under the Grand Lodge : this union so gratifying lo the Craft in general cannot fail to bo especially pleasing to the
Portsmouth Mark Masters , who have long felt the bar placed betwixt themselves and their neighbours on the island . TUE 31 ALLET AND CHISEL LODGE . No . 5 . Under the able mastership of Bro . Barnes , this Lodge met at the " Three Tons , " in this Borough , on the 10 th of Feb ., when several distinguished members of the Grand Lodge took part in the proceedings ; amongst others , Bro . Bremridgc , to whose efforts in the province of Devon the progress of the degree in the west is mainly clue . The
W . M . with the eye of a good general , singled out a worthy Bro . Jessie Turner , although only advanced on this occasion , for the post of Secretary , and in his appointment of the other officers was equally successful in securing able coadjutors . Bro . Harris is S . W ., and Bro . Trcbcck . J . W .
THE KEVSTONE LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . Nb . 3 . A meeting of this Lodge took place at the " Ship and Turtle , " Loadcnhall Street , on the 1 st of March , when Bro . Painter , the host , and several others , were advanced to the degree , by Bro . T . S . Barriuger , J . G . W . the W . M . Everything in this excellent Lodge seems in harmony from the chaunts to the ingredients of the Turtle soup .