Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Charities. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
THE C .-UlNAUVON I . OKGE Oy MARK MASTERS , No . 7 . The Carnarvon Lodge met at the " Freemasons' Tavern , " on the 2 nd of March , when the degree was admirably worked by Bro . W . W . Beach , M . P . for Hants , ably assisted by Bro . Portal , S . W ., and Bro . lliimmcrton , i . SY . Twenty-three Brethren were advanced to the degree on tliis occasion , the majority of whom came purposely from Oxford to be received into this excellent Lodge . The following amongst the number : —Bros W . If . Lyal ' lJ . T . Dillwyn
were , Llewelyn , T . M . Talbot , John E . 1 ) . Sliafto , Lord Hamilton , W . Morshead , J . E . Codrington , T . Norman , J . B . Strothcr , H . II . Richardson , Douglas Hcnty , J . Pratt , A . Champion Willyams , II . E . Astley , Broome Pinniger , ( 3 . F . D . Wakomau , E . Kenuard , A T . Blakc ' ston , A . A . Keiily , J . W . Ho / . ior , 'W . Thompson , Robert L . Watson , and E . S . Cosscus . After labour , the Brethren sat down to au excellent dinner , such as "The Tavern" can supply on choice occasions . It was highly gratifying to find the Mark degree , this
evening , the means of bringing together , what may be called , the present and past generation of Oxford Masons ; and hearty were the greetings of the newly advanced to the old " Anollos , " excellently represented by Bros . Portal and Beach , two P . M's . of the Apollo Lodge . The proceedings were varied by some excellent songs . Bro . Ridgway , totally oblivious for the mrment of his exalted dignity as Grand Registrar , transformed himself into a militiaman , and sung , in the Devonshire dialect , a song , written by himself . This loyal effusion , called "The Militia Volunteer , " the Brother gave with a chorus of drums , striking if not melodious . Earl Carnarvon , the WAV . ,
was , much to his regret , prevented attending the Lodge , having accepted office in the now ministry , and being , under the anxious circumstances , necessarily detained in Downing Street . . May ho be found as zealous and useful in the Craft of Politics as he has already proved to be iu the Craft of Masonry . THE MARK LODGE . No . 4 . This excellent Lodge met at the ' ¦ Freemasons' Tavern , " on Thursday , the 21 st of Jan , 1858 . This was the ( lay of installation , Bro .
Ridgway terminating his year of Office as W . M ., and being succeeded iu the chair of the Lodge by Bro . Lord Leigh , the K . W . Grand Master W . M . elect . His Lordship had been unavoidably obliged to leave town that morning , but had expressly commissioned ! Bro . Ridgway to place in the hands of Bro . Barnard , the Deputy-Master , the privilege of appointing the several officers . This he exercised as follows : —Bro . Chilton , S . W . ; Bro . Mark Tompkins , J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . Dr . Woolley , Chaplain ; Bro . Leeks , Secretary ; Bro . Clarke , Registrar of Marks ; Bro . EmpsonS . D . ; Bro . YoungJ . D . ; and
, , Bro . Doyle , S . G . A very handsome gift was presented to the Lodge in the name ofhis Lordship the W . M ., and a hearty vote of thanks recorded on the minutes . Two most excellent Masons , valued highly in their respective provinces of Devon and Hants , were elected joining members , namely , Bro . the Rev . John Huysho , Deputy Grand Master of Craft Masonry , for Devon , and Bro . the Rev . Dr . Woolley , one of the best Hebrew scholars , and most profound mathematicians of the day . The Brethren advanced to the degree expressed themselves highly gratified and impressed by the additional insight they thus
obtained in the beauties of the Masonic system . THE GRAND CHAPTER OF SCOTLAND AND THEIR SPURIOUS MARK DIPLOMAS . The Grand Chapter of Scotland , on the 3 rd inst ., considered a petition from Scotch Mark Masters in London , upon the above point , and came to the following resolution : — "The diploma issued by the Esk Dalkeith Chapter was wither spurious , nor irregular , as stated in the petition , although capable of being so misconstrued . In future
no Chapter shall affiliate , in absence , any companion exalted in an English , Irish , or Foreign Chapter , without the special sanction of one of the three Grand Principals , or Deputy Grand Principal , who before issuing his permission shall be satisfied with the expediency of the case , the proofs of the candidate ' s companionship , and that ho has signed the formula prescribed for all the inferior degrees . " So then it appears that with the sanction of certain officials a false certificate may be issued , declaring ( by implication ) that the withinnanicd brother has taken the Mark degree , when he has not . We commend this instance of the Scotch "double shufile" to the notice of all English Mark Masters .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
THE BOYS' SCHOOL . A Quarterl y General Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this Institution , was held at the offices , Great Queen Street , on Monday , 18 i . li of January , Bro . John Ilcrvey in the chair .
It was resolved that the Audit Committee should in future meet in February , . May , August , and November , instead of January , April , July , and October . It was also resolved to alter the title of the institution , by substituting the word " decayed" for " indigent , " so that the title will in future be " The Royal Masonic Institution for the Sous of Decayed and Deceased Freemasons . " The Building Fund was ordered to be closed , and the balance in
hand ( about t'S ) , carried to th-3 General Fund . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings . BOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . The animal Festival of this charity was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst . The chair was ied by the M . W . the G . M . supported bBros .
occup , y Cabbiil , Fcnwick , Hervcy , Parkinson , Jennings , Lo Yeaco , W . Portal , & c . In the course of his ' remarks , the M . W . G . M . observed upon the small amount contributed to the charity by the Provinces , although out of 25 boys in the School House , 15 are from the country , and tiie proportion is the same among the remainder of the 70 ; while the London Brethren contribute no loss than two-thirds of the funds . The amount subscribed at the dinner amounted to £ 1 , 139 ; which will , probablbo ultimatelincreased to £ 1200 ; an amountwhich is
y , y , , not so great as the claims of the charity warranted its supporters iu expecting . The thin attendance of Grand Officers was no less remarkable than reprehensible . The exertions of the Board of Stewards , and of the proprietors of the Tavern , merit all praise .
THE GIRLS' SCHOOL , The Quarterly Court of the Governors of the Girls' School was held on Thursday , 14 th of January , at the Freemasons' Tavern , the Worshipful Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., for Norfolk , in the chair . There were also present , Bros . White , P . G . Sec . ; Udall , P . S . G . D . ; Clerk , G . Sec ; J . Hervcy , P . G . D . ; Adlard , Taylor , Lyall , Binckes , Young , Robinson , Davis , & o ., & c . Bro . Crew having read the minutes of the several meetings of both the House and of the General Committeewhich took lace
, p within the period which has elapsed since the Quarterly Court in October , they were put to the mooting and unanimously confirmed , and six vacancies declared for the election in May next . In these minutes , the chief matters worthy of notice were tho following . Every care was being taken to remove from the children that feeling of diffidence , the existence of which has been complained of by the Inspector of tho Diocesan School Society . The aptitude of the children to undertake household duties has been tested by the House Committeeand found in every way satisfactory . Bro .
, William Henry Smith , stimulated by the generous example of Bro . Cabbell , has signified his intention of treating tho children to a day ' s amusement at the Crystal Palace , on some fine day during the holidays . Bro . Salomons , on leaving for St . Helena , where he holds a responsible colonial appointment , gave directions to his agent to expend £ 5 annually in the purchase of books to be distributed as praes to the more deserving girls upon the occasion of
each festival , j he House Committee upon ascertaining that one of tho pupils was being taught music at the expense of her friends , prevented her instruction being carried further in that accomplishment . The baker who has the contract for the supply of bread , on finding that since he entered upon his contract tho price of flour has fallen in the market , offered to make a deduction from his account , an offer which the committee declined to accept , however willing they were to receive back the amount in the shape of a subscription .
The auditors' report stated that the balance to the account of the Institution was £ < H 5 12 s . 3 d ., chargeable with £ 401 it ' s . <) d . for the payment of the tradesmen ' s quarterly bills , and £ 3 4 s . ( id . on account of the building fund . They recommended that , in reward for her effective and zealous services , the salary of Jliss Kcrnotr , the assistant school-mistress , should bo raised ' from £ 10 to £ 20 per annum . The payment of the account' -, both for the provisions and for Iho repair of the househaving been ordereda Ion ;; discuss-imi took
, , place in reference to the recommendation of the enrnmitieo with respect to illiss Kornott ' s salary , resulting in a resolution , moved by Bro . White , and seconded by liro . John Hervcy , to the effect that the committee had no right to make a recommendation upon a matter which fell under the cognisance of the Genera ! Court . As tho rule is somewhat ambiguous v . c quote it at length , and beg leave to say , that to us it appears conclusive of the right of tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
THE C .-UlNAUVON I . OKGE Oy MARK MASTERS , No . 7 . The Carnarvon Lodge met at the " Freemasons' Tavern , " on the 2 nd of March , when the degree was admirably worked by Bro . W . W . Beach , M . P . for Hants , ably assisted by Bro . Portal , S . W ., and Bro . lliimmcrton , i . SY . Twenty-three Brethren were advanced to the degree on tliis occasion , the majority of whom came purposely from Oxford to be received into this excellent Lodge . The following amongst the number : —Bros W . If . Lyal ' lJ . T . Dillwyn
were , Llewelyn , T . M . Talbot , John E . 1 ) . Sliafto , Lord Hamilton , W . Morshead , J . E . Codrington , T . Norman , J . B . Strothcr , H . II . Richardson , Douglas Hcnty , J . Pratt , A . Champion Willyams , II . E . Astley , Broome Pinniger , ( 3 . F . D . Wakomau , E . Kenuard , A T . Blakc ' ston , A . A . Keiily , J . W . Ho / . ior , 'W . Thompson , Robert L . Watson , and E . S . Cosscus . After labour , the Brethren sat down to au excellent dinner , such as "The Tavern" can supply on choice occasions . It was highly gratifying to find the Mark degree , this
evening , the means of bringing together , what may be called , the present and past generation of Oxford Masons ; and hearty were the greetings of the newly advanced to the old " Anollos , " excellently represented by Bros . Portal and Beach , two P . M's . of the Apollo Lodge . The proceedings were varied by some excellent songs . Bro . Ridgway , totally oblivious for the mrment of his exalted dignity as Grand Registrar , transformed himself into a militiaman , and sung , in the Devonshire dialect , a song , written by himself . This loyal effusion , called "The Militia Volunteer , " the Brother gave with a chorus of drums , striking if not melodious . Earl Carnarvon , the WAV . ,
was , much to his regret , prevented attending the Lodge , having accepted office in the now ministry , and being , under the anxious circumstances , necessarily detained in Downing Street . . May ho be found as zealous and useful in the Craft of Politics as he has already proved to be iu the Craft of Masonry . THE MARK LODGE . No . 4 . This excellent Lodge met at the ' ¦ Freemasons' Tavern , " on Thursday , the 21 st of Jan , 1858 . This was the ( lay of installation , Bro .
Ridgway terminating his year of Office as W . M ., and being succeeded iu the chair of the Lodge by Bro . Lord Leigh , the K . W . Grand Master W . M . elect . His Lordship had been unavoidably obliged to leave town that morning , but had expressly commissioned ! Bro . Ridgway to place in the hands of Bro . Barnard , the Deputy-Master , the privilege of appointing the several officers . This he exercised as follows : —Bro . Chilton , S . W . ; Bro . Mark Tompkins , J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . Dr . Woolley , Chaplain ; Bro . Leeks , Secretary ; Bro . Clarke , Registrar of Marks ; Bro . EmpsonS . D . ; Bro . YoungJ . D . ; and
, , Bro . Doyle , S . G . A very handsome gift was presented to the Lodge in the name ofhis Lordship the W . M ., and a hearty vote of thanks recorded on the minutes . Two most excellent Masons , valued highly in their respective provinces of Devon and Hants , were elected joining members , namely , Bro . the Rev . John Huysho , Deputy Grand Master of Craft Masonry , for Devon , and Bro . the Rev . Dr . Woolley , one of the best Hebrew scholars , and most profound mathematicians of the day . The Brethren advanced to the degree expressed themselves highly gratified and impressed by the additional insight they thus
obtained in the beauties of the Masonic system . THE GRAND CHAPTER OF SCOTLAND AND THEIR SPURIOUS MARK DIPLOMAS . The Grand Chapter of Scotland , on the 3 rd inst ., considered a petition from Scotch Mark Masters in London , upon the above point , and came to the following resolution : — "The diploma issued by the Esk Dalkeith Chapter was wither spurious , nor irregular , as stated in the petition , although capable of being so misconstrued . In future
no Chapter shall affiliate , in absence , any companion exalted in an English , Irish , or Foreign Chapter , without the special sanction of one of the three Grand Principals , or Deputy Grand Principal , who before issuing his permission shall be satisfied with the expediency of the case , the proofs of the candidate ' s companionship , and that ho has signed the formula prescribed for all the inferior degrees . " So then it appears that with the sanction of certain officials a false certificate may be issued , declaring ( by implication ) that the withinnanicd brother has taken the Mark degree , when he has not . We commend this instance of the Scotch "double shufile" to the notice of all English Mark Masters .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
THE BOYS' SCHOOL . A Quarterl y General Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this Institution , was held at the offices , Great Queen Street , on Monday , 18 i . li of January , Bro . John Ilcrvey in the chair .
It was resolved that the Audit Committee should in future meet in February , . May , August , and November , instead of January , April , July , and October . It was also resolved to alter the title of the institution , by substituting the word " decayed" for " indigent , " so that the title will in future be " The Royal Masonic Institution for the Sous of Decayed and Deceased Freemasons . " The Building Fund was ordered to be closed , and the balance in
hand ( about t'S ) , carried to th-3 General Fund . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings . BOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . The animal Festival of this charity was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst . The chair was ied by the M . W . the G . M . supported bBros .
occup , y Cabbiil , Fcnwick , Hervcy , Parkinson , Jennings , Lo Yeaco , W . Portal , & c . In the course of his ' remarks , the M . W . G . M . observed upon the small amount contributed to the charity by the Provinces , although out of 25 boys in the School House , 15 are from the country , and tiie proportion is the same among the remainder of the 70 ; while the London Brethren contribute no loss than two-thirds of the funds . The amount subscribed at the dinner amounted to £ 1 , 139 ; which will , probablbo ultimatelincreased to £ 1200 ; an amountwhich is
y , y , , not so great as the claims of the charity warranted its supporters iu expecting . The thin attendance of Grand Officers was no less remarkable than reprehensible . The exertions of the Board of Stewards , and of the proprietors of the Tavern , merit all praise .
THE GIRLS' SCHOOL , The Quarterly Court of the Governors of the Girls' School was held on Thursday , 14 th of January , at the Freemasons' Tavern , the Worshipful Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., for Norfolk , in the chair . There were also present , Bros . White , P . G . Sec . ; Udall , P . S . G . D . ; Clerk , G . Sec ; J . Hervcy , P . G . D . ; Adlard , Taylor , Lyall , Binckes , Young , Robinson , Davis , & o ., & c . Bro . Crew having read the minutes of the several meetings of both the House and of the General Committeewhich took lace
, p within the period which has elapsed since the Quarterly Court in October , they were put to the mooting and unanimously confirmed , and six vacancies declared for the election in May next . In these minutes , the chief matters worthy of notice were tho following . Every care was being taken to remove from the children that feeling of diffidence , the existence of which has been complained of by the Inspector of tho Diocesan School Society . The aptitude of the children to undertake household duties has been tested by the House Committeeand found in every way satisfactory . Bro .
, William Henry Smith , stimulated by the generous example of Bro . Cabbell , has signified his intention of treating tho children to a day ' s amusement at the Crystal Palace , on some fine day during the holidays . Bro . Salomons , on leaving for St . Helena , where he holds a responsible colonial appointment , gave directions to his agent to expend £ 5 annually in the purchase of books to be distributed as praes to the more deserving girls upon the occasion of
each festival , j he House Committee upon ascertaining that one of tho pupils was being taught music at the expense of her friends , prevented her instruction being carried further in that accomplishment . The baker who has the contract for the supply of bread , on finding that since he entered upon his contract tho price of flour has fallen in the market , offered to make a deduction from his account , an offer which the committee declined to accept , however willing they were to receive back the amount in the shape of a subscription .
The auditors' report stated that the balance to the account of the Institution was £ < H 5 12 s . 3 d ., chargeable with £ 401 it ' s . <) d . for the payment of the tradesmen ' s quarterly bills , and £ 3 4 s . ( id . on account of the building fund . They recommended that , in reward for her effective and zealous services , the salary of Jliss Kcrnotr , the assistant school-mistress , should bo raised ' from £ 10 to £ 20 per annum . The payment of the account' -, both for the provisions and for Iho repair of the househaving been ordereda Ion ;; discuss-imi took
, , place in reference to the recommendation of the enrnmitieo with respect to illiss Kornott ' s salary , resulting in a resolution , moved by Bro . White , and seconded by liro . John Hervcy , to the effect that the committee had no right to make a recommendation upon a matter which fell under the cognisance of the Genera ! Court . As tho rule is somewhat ambiguous v . c quote it at length , and beg leave to say , that to us it appears conclusive of the right of tho