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This was seconded by Bro . Jennings j and a Committee appointed to prepare the address to the M . W . G . M . LEICESTERSHIRE . The corner stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid at Leicester , on the 18 th February , by Earl Howe , P . G . M ., supported by a large and influential body of Brethren . The entire cost is to be £ 1500 . WARWICKSHIRE .
The P G . L . having voted an address to Bro . J . W . Boughton Leigh , on his retirement from the office of D . P . G . M . after 10 years' zealous service , it was presented to the worthy Brother , at his seat , Brownsoner Hall , by the R . W . Lord Leigh , P . G . M ., accompanied by a distinguished deputation . The D . P . G . M . having made a suitable reply , the proceedings terminated with a superb banquet . EAST LANCASHIRE . On Thursday last , the 3 rd March , the quarterly meeting of the
Provincial Grand Lodge for East Lancashire was held at the Peel Institute , Accrington . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at twelve o ' clock , and at one o'clock , p . m ., the following Prov . Grand Officers were present : — Bros . Albert Hudson Royds , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; William Romaine Calender , jun ., Prov . G . Treas . ; Thomas Faulkner Pollitt , Prov . G . Reg . ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec ; Thomas Parker , Prov . J . G . D . ; Robert Mnnn , jun ., Prov . G . Supt . Works ; Reuben Mitchell , Prov . G . S . B . ; John Aspinwal , Prov . G . Organist ; William Roberts , Prov . G .
Purs . ; William Dawson , Prov . G . Tyler ; and four Prov . G . Stewards . The Prov . Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the sum of £ 10 voted as a donation to Bro . Pendlebury , of the Lodge of Faith , No . 430 , Kadcliffe Bridge . Tho votes of the Province for the Royal Benevolent Fund for decayed Masons , wore awarded to Bro . Barlow , of Haslingden ; Bros . H . Maiden , of Bury , J . Shaw , of Accrington , and E . J . Marley , of Blackburn , were appointed auditors of the accounts for the past year , and the Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form .
LANCASHIRE WEST . LIVERPOOL . —Domnshire Lodge , No . 864 . —On Tuesday , the 28 th December , the Brethren of this Lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , by dining together in the Lodge room , Crown Hotel , Limestreet . Bro . James Heyes , W . M ., presided , and proposed the health of "The Queen ; " "The Prince Consort ; " & c . The W . M . said , the next toast he had the pleasure to give , was "The M . W . G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland . " He could speak from his own experience
of the manner in which his lordship conducted the affairs of Grand Lodge . A more worthy and straightforward man they cannot have to preside over them . He regretted to say there were some Ephvaimites amongst tho Brethren in Grand Lodge . They had come from Oxford , and were called the Oxford party . To them is attributable all the unpleasantness and unbrotherly conduct , which was manifested at the last meeting of the Grand Lodge . But he was happy to say , their M . W . G . M . still reigned in the affections of the Brethren , notwithstanding the attacks which had been madeand the charge of
, partiality brought against him by the Brethren alluded to . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden at Dewsbury , on Wednesday , Jan . 5 th , by R . W . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , the D . Prov . Grand Master announced , that through an unavoidable engagement , the E . W . Prov . G . M . the Eight Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , could not be present .
The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Sheffield , on the 6 th October , were read and confirmed ; and we would here draw particular attention to one clause in those minutes , as follows : — " That in the opinion of this Prov . Grand Lodge , it is highly desirable that an effort should be made by the Craft on behalf of the Boys ' Institution , to increase its accommodation for inmates to an equality with the Girls' School . That with this view , this Prov . Grand Lodge requests the committee of tho governors of the Boys' Institution , to organize a Canvass for subscriptions to enlarge the present building
to the requisite extent ; and feeling confident that such an appeal to the Brethren will be liberally responded to , this Prov . Grand Lodge grants the sum of one hundred guineas from its funds in aid of the proposed enlargement ; the votes in respect of this grant to he secured in perpetuity _ to the Prov . Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master of this province for the time being , in equal proportions . " A motion to form a canvassing committee in the province on behalf of the Masonic charities was brought forward and discussed ; but was deferred until the next Prov . Grand Lodge , in order to obtain further
information , but in the meantime the Prov . Grand Secretary is to issue a circular to the W . M . of each Lodge in the province , calling their attention to the state of the Masonic charities , and to impress upon them the necessity and importance of calling upon their Brethren to support the different charities , particularly the Boys' Institution .
WE the Worshipful Master , Wardens , and Members of Masonic ' ¦ Lodge , No . 431 , Ireland , following our daily avocations in Ballymena , a town in the County of Antrim , have little or no opportunity of witnessing the important events of the times , and therefore have less reason for participating in public excitement than those whose lot is cast in more populous or influential communities . But we know enough to be assured that the present year has beamed most auspiciously on our country in the social alliance which has
drawn Prussia and Great Britain together , and which has given to both the pledge of enduring friendship . We , in our humble condition , have warmly sympathised in the demonstrations of joy which have so vividly , and so sincerely , pervaded our country on the day that the Royal Families of the two great Protestant Powers of Europe mutually established that bond of union which is of God ' s own ordinance , and embraces within it all the elements of love and peaceto the promotion of which our
Bro-, therhood aims in its subordinate but widely extended influence . And if we have been tardy in expressing our congratulations upon an event of such gladness , and to one who is such an ornament to our Craft , and who in his own realm is , as it were , the key-stone of the Royal Arch of Masonry , we pray that our obscurity , and our remoteness from the centre of rejoicing , may be graciously received as our plea ; and that in token thereof , your Royal Highness will consent to accept the accompanying memorial of our own devotion , which has been
formed by our own hands , and though , in itself , worthless , and of verv perishable materials , yet in symbols , shadows forth the mystic rudiments of our Great Craft which embodies observances as ancient as the oldest works of man , and principles more sound than the most enduring structures of time . Heartily we pray that it may please the will of the Great and Supreme Architect of the Universe to vouchsafe to your Royal Highnessand your illustrious Partneralonghappyand glorious career
, , , , ; and after this life is ended to attain everlasting joy and felicity . ( Signed ) ABRAHAM KIDD . W , MASTER . JOHN R . MATHEWS , SEN . W . JAMES A . O'NEILL , Jus . W . DAVID M'KILLOP , SECRETARY .
BERMN , October 24 th , 1858 . E . Worshipful Sir—It was with the greatest satisfaction that I received your very valuable present ; and it afforded me the most heartfelt pleasure to observe that the Brethren of the Ballymena Lodge have so warmly sympathised in the establishment of that bond of union which , I am sure , will be the greatest blessing of my future life . Expressing my very sincere thanks for your great kindness , I assure you that I feel all those emotions of gratitude which your affectionate addressand cordial wishes
, , are calculated to inspire . I request you , R . W . Sir and Brother , to take the earliest opportunity of communicating to the illustrious Lodge over which you preside , the assurance of my siricerest gratification and thankfulness . May the Great Architect of the Universe be propitious to the Ballymena Lodge ; and may He shed upon yon , the officers and Brethren of the Lodge , the inexhaustible fruits of His benevolence . —Saluting you by the Sacred Numbers , I am yours fraternally , FREDERICK WILLIAM , PRINCE OF PRUSSIA . TO ABRAHAM KIDD , Esq ., M . D ., R . W . M . of the Lodge , Ballymena , County of Antrim , Ireland .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
This was seconded by Bro . Jennings j and a Committee appointed to prepare the address to the M . W . G . M . LEICESTERSHIRE . The corner stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid at Leicester , on the 18 th February , by Earl Howe , P . G . M ., supported by a large and influential body of Brethren . The entire cost is to be £ 1500 . WARWICKSHIRE .
The P G . L . having voted an address to Bro . J . W . Boughton Leigh , on his retirement from the office of D . P . G . M . after 10 years' zealous service , it was presented to the worthy Brother , at his seat , Brownsoner Hall , by the R . W . Lord Leigh , P . G . M ., accompanied by a distinguished deputation . The D . P . G . M . having made a suitable reply , the proceedings terminated with a superb banquet . EAST LANCASHIRE . On Thursday last , the 3 rd March , the quarterly meeting of the
Provincial Grand Lodge for East Lancashire was held at the Peel Institute , Accrington . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at twelve o ' clock , and at one o'clock , p . m ., the following Prov . Grand Officers were present : — Bros . Albert Hudson Royds , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; William Romaine Calender , jun ., Prov . G . Treas . ; Thomas Faulkner Pollitt , Prov . G . Reg . ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec ; Thomas Parker , Prov . J . G . D . ; Robert Mnnn , jun ., Prov . G . Supt . Works ; Reuben Mitchell , Prov . G . S . B . ; John Aspinwal , Prov . G . Organist ; William Roberts , Prov . G .
Purs . ; William Dawson , Prov . G . Tyler ; and four Prov . G . Stewards . The Prov . Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the sum of £ 10 voted as a donation to Bro . Pendlebury , of the Lodge of Faith , No . 430 , Kadcliffe Bridge . Tho votes of the Province for the Royal Benevolent Fund for decayed Masons , wore awarded to Bro . Barlow , of Haslingden ; Bros . H . Maiden , of Bury , J . Shaw , of Accrington , and E . J . Marley , of Blackburn , were appointed auditors of the accounts for the past year , and the Lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form .
LANCASHIRE WEST . LIVERPOOL . —Domnshire Lodge , No . 864 . —On Tuesday , the 28 th December , the Brethren of this Lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , by dining together in the Lodge room , Crown Hotel , Limestreet . Bro . James Heyes , W . M ., presided , and proposed the health of "The Queen ; " "The Prince Consort ; " & c . The W . M . said , the next toast he had the pleasure to give , was "The M . W . G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland . " He could speak from his own experience
of the manner in which his lordship conducted the affairs of Grand Lodge . A more worthy and straightforward man they cannot have to preside over them . He regretted to say there were some Ephvaimites amongst tho Brethren in Grand Lodge . They had come from Oxford , and were called the Oxford party . To them is attributable all the unpleasantness and unbrotherly conduct , which was manifested at the last meeting of the Grand Lodge . But he was happy to say , their M . W . G . M . still reigned in the affections of the Brethren , notwithstanding the attacks which had been madeand the charge of
, partiality brought against him by the Brethren alluded to . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden at Dewsbury , on Wednesday , Jan . 5 th , by R . W . George Fearnley , M . D ., D . Prov . G . M . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , the D . Prov . Grand Master announced , that through an unavoidable engagement , the E . W . Prov . G . M . the Eight Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , could not be present .
The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Sheffield , on the 6 th October , were read and confirmed ; and we would here draw particular attention to one clause in those minutes , as follows : — " That in the opinion of this Prov . Grand Lodge , it is highly desirable that an effort should be made by the Craft on behalf of the Boys ' Institution , to increase its accommodation for inmates to an equality with the Girls' School . That with this view , this Prov . Grand Lodge requests the committee of tho governors of the Boys' Institution , to organize a Canvass for subscriptions to enlarge the present building
to the requisite extent ; and feeling confident that such an appeal to the Brethren will be liberally responded to , this Prov . Grand Lodge grants the sum of one hundred guineas from its funds in aid of the proposed enlargement ; the votes in respect of this grant to he secured in perpetuity _ to the Prov . Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master of this province for the time being , in equal proportions . " A motion to form a canvassing committee in the province on behalf of the Masonic charities was brought forward and discussed ; but was deferred until the next Prov . Grand Lodge , in order to obtain further
information , but in the meantime the Prov . Grand Secretary is to issue a circular to the W . M . of each Lodge in the province , calling their attention to the state of the Masonic charities , and to impress upon them the necessity and importance of calling upon their Brethren to support the different charities , particularly the Boys' Institution .
WE the Worshipful Master , Wardens , and Members of Masonic ' ¦ Lodge , No . 431 , Ireland , following our daily avocations in Ballymena , a town in the County of Antrim , have little or no opportunity of witnessing the important events of the times , and therefore have less reason for participating in public excitement than those whose lot is cast in more populous or influential communities . But we know enough to be assured that the present year has beamed most auspiciously on our country in the social alliance which has
drawn Prussia and Great Britain together , and which has given to both the pledge of enduring friendship . We , in our humble condition , have warmly sympathised in the demonstrations of joy which have so vividly , and so sincerely , pervaded our country on the day that the Royal Families of the two great Protestant Powers of Europe mutually established that bond of union which is of God ' s own ordinance , and embraces within it all the elements of love and peaceto the promotion of which our
Bro-, therhood aims in its subordinate but widely extended influence . And if we have been tardy in expressing our congratulations upon an event of such gladness , and to one who is such an ornament to our Craft , and who in his own realm is , as it were , the key-stone of the Royal Arch of Masonry , we pray that our obscurity , and our remoteness from the centre of rejoicing , may be graciously received as our plea ; and that in token thereof , your Royal Highness will consent to accept the accompanying memorial of our own devotion , which has been
formed by our own hands , and though , in itself , worthless , and of verv perishable materials , yet in symbols , shadows forth the mystic rudiments of our Great Craft which embodies observances as ancient as the oldest works of man , and principles more sound than the most enduring structures of time . Heartily we pray that it may please the will of the Great and Supreme Architect of the Universe to vouchsafe to your Royal Highnessand your illustrious Partneralonghappyand glorious career
, , , , ; and after this life is ended to attain everlasting joy and felicity . ( Signed ) ABRAHAM KIDD . W , MASTER . JOHN R . MATHEWS , SEN . W . JAMES A . O'NEILL , Jus . W . DAVID M'KILLOP , SECRETARY .
BERMN , October 24 th , 1858 . E . Worshipful Sir—It was with the greatest satisfaction that I received your very valuable present ; and it afforded me the most heartfelt pleasure to observe that the Brethren of the Ballymena Lodge have so warmly sympathised in the establishment of that bond of union which , I am sure , will be the greatest blessing of my future life . Expressing my very sincere thanks for your great kindness , I assure you that I feel all those emotions of gratitude which your affectionate addressand cordial wishes
, , are calculated to inspire . I request you , R . W . Sir and Brother , to take the earliest opportunity of communicating to the illustrious Lodge over which you preside , the assurance of my siricerest gratification and thankfulness . May the Great Architect of the Universe be propitious to the Ballymena Lodge ; and may He shed upon yon , the officers and Brethren of the Lodge , the inexhaustible fruits of His benevolence . —Saluting you by the Sacred Numbers , I am yours fraternally , FREDERICK WILLIAM , PRINCE OF PRUSSIA . TO ABRAHAM KIDD , Esq ., M . D ., R . W . M . of the Lodge , Ballymena , County of Antrim , Ireland .