Article MEETING OF MARK MASTERS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article GRAND MARK LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE CANADIAN MOVEMENT. Page 1 of 3 →
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Meeting Of Mark Masters.
Brother KING was reminded that the only known Irish Mark Lodge in England was already represented in the Committee . Brother SMITH appealed to the Chairman , as a Warwickshire man ; to see that the numerous Brethren of the Mark in his Province were represented , for none were more anxious than they to promote union . Lord LEIGH felt much pleasure in responding to this appeal , and suggested the addition of the names of Brother Bassett Smith
and Brother Dee , of Birmingham , to the Committee , which was agreed to by the proposer , and seconder , as also , that Brother Aria , as representing the West Indies , should also be added . Several other names were also suggested ; but , no amendment being proposed , the resolution , with the addition of these three names , was put and carried . Brother WARREN , then addressing the Chairman , remarked that some little time would be required before the Committee
could make their report ; it certainly could not be done before the 10 th of June . He , therefore , hoped that his Lordship would defer the appointment of his grand officers until after the report had been presented . Lord LEIGH saw no objection to his complying with Brother Warren ' s suggestion , and , indeed , felt most anxious to consult the wishes of the brethren in every respect . Brother RIDGWAY remarked that any pledge on this point could
hardly be expected from his Lordship . The Committee might never make their report , and if the report were long delayed , the effect would be to impede the business of the Grand Lodge . Bro . WARREN stated that he did not desire a pledge to that extent , and it was eventually understood that Lord Leigh intended to delay making any fresh appointment of grand officers before the expiration of two months from the present time . After a vote of thanks to Lord Leigh for his conduct in the chair , proposed by Mr . COLE , the meeting separated .
Grand Mark Lodge Of England.
The regular half-yearly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 10 th of June ; the Grand Mark Master , Lord LHGH , on the Throne , supported by Brothers-Dr . Jones , S . G . W . ; Cole , I . G . W . ; Rev . G . R . Portal , G . B . ; Hervey , S . G . D . ; Dr . Kent , I . G . D . ; Collins , G . S . ; Ridgway , G . R . ; Beach M . P ., G . Steward , and the Masters and Wardens of Lodges working under the English Constitution . A great deal of business connected with the internal
arrange ments of the Craft was transacted , but the most interesting portion to our general masonic readers was , probably , the series of resolutions recommended by the report of the General Board , with a view to faeiliate a union of the several Mark Lodges in England , We have especially to notice the following , which , it is to be hoped , will open the door to many Lodges following the course adopted by their brethren , who have already united under a central jurisdiction .
" When any body of Freemasons shall , to the satisfaction of " the General Board , with the approvalof theGrand Master , prove " themselves to have actually met , and worked as a Lodge of " Mark Masters , previously to the Quarterly Committee of the "United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , "held in June , 1856 , such body shall be deemed to have the inherent right of forming a union with the Lodges working under " this constitutionand be entitled to all the privileges of a dul
, y " registered Lodge on accepting a warrant of conformation , '' and thereby agreeing to support the regulations for the govern" ment of the Craft , as laid down in the Book of Constitutions , " and any such Lodge so uniting shall take precedence , without " a number and rank above the Phoenix Lodge No . 2 , on the roll " provided , also that when any Lodge , proved in like manner to "have been working in England , Wales , or any of the Colonies , " or possessions of the British Crownunder warrant granted
, a " by any Foreign Grand Lodge , having authority to grant a " warrant for working a Lodge of Mark Masters , within its own "jurisdiction , such Lodge shall also have a right of forming a " union with the Lodges working under this constitution , and be " entitled to all the privileges of a duly registered Lodge , on the ^ brethren causing their charter to be enrolled on the books of " the Grand Lodge , and a memorandum of their union , with the
" Lodges under this constitution endorsed thereon , or on their " accepting a warrant of confirmation , and thereby agreeing to " support the said constitution . " "Any such Lodge shall take precedence , and rank with the " other Lodges on the roll , according to the date of their respective " charters , taking , in common , thenumber | of the Lodge nextbefore " it on the roll , with the addition of a distinguishing letter , until " such time as a re-arrangement of members shall be deemed
" advisable . " "There shall he no fee on the registration of any brethren , " whose names shall be returned as members of any such uniting "Lodges at the time of the Union . " " Every Mark Master who shall give to the Lodge satisfactory " proof of having served the office of W . M . of a Lodge of Mark " Masters , or of having conferred the Degree upon two or more " brethren previous to the month of June , 1856 , shall be deemed
" to be a Past Master of a Lodge of Mark Masters , and enjoy all " the privilege of that rank , during such time as they shall con" tinue subscribing member of any Lodge on the roll . " Lord LEIGH was reelected Grand Master , and in acknowledg ing this mark of confidence on the part of the brethren , mentioned that it was his desire to delay , for two months , any fresh appointment of Grand Officers , as he had been appealed to on this subject , and was desirous of giving time for a more general
union of the Craft , and , selecting his officers from this enlarged body . The Treasurer's Account was read , and the result was highly satisfactory . The office of the Grand Lodge was decided to be held , in future , at No . 40 , Leicester Square , and the Grand Master personally proposed a vote of thanks to Brother Ridgway , the Grand Registrarfor affording this accommodationas well as in
acknowledg-, , ment of the practical interest he had evinced in the degree and the manner in which he had laboured to promote the union of its members . There appears little doubt that such a union will daily become more firm , as well as more extensive , when we find that the principles , on which such an union is sought , are so liberal and straightforward as those above noticed .
BON ACCORD LODGE OF MARK M ASTERS . —A meeting of this distinguished Lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on the 10 th inst ., when Brother Cole , W . M ., in the chair ; when Brother the Earl of Carvarvon , the Rev . W . H . Davies , John Hammerton , J . A . D . Cox , and several other brethren were advanced to the degree . Among the members present were Lord Leigh , P . G . M . for Warwick ; Dr . Kent P . G . M . for Australia ; Beach , M . P ., P . S . GW . Oxford : Rev . G . R . Portal , P . P . S . G . W . Oxford ; Hervey , P . G . D ., Symonds , Lambert , Collins , Ridgway , Bowyen , Woolley , and several others . About forty sat down to the banquet .
The Canadian Movement.
We beg tlie earnest and careful attention of our readers to the following extract from a communication addressed by the M . W . Bro . Tucker , Grand Master of Vermont , to his G-. L ., relative to the status of the " Independent G-. L . of Canada . " It lays down , with singular clearness and ability , those ancient landmarks which seem in danger of being
obliterated by the upholders of the modem system of Freemasonry , but which alone , we believe , will afford a correct standard by which to test the legitimacy of any body of Masons , as they are certainly the only princip les of action which are held in common reverence by the whole Masonic world .
" Grand Lodges , as thoy exist at the present , and as they have existed from the year 1717 J are wholly new institutions . They are not institutions of ancient date , and have no odour of antiquity about thorn . In the olden time every single Lodge was wholly independent , and the privilege of practising the Masonic rites was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Meeting Of Mark Masters.
Brother KING was reminded that the only known Irish Mark Lodge in England was already represented in the Committee . Brother SMITH appealed to the Chairman , as a Warwickshire man ; to see that the numerous Brethren of the Mark in his Province were represented , for none were more anxious than they to promote union . Lord LEIGH felt much pleasure in responding to this appeal , and suggested the addition of the names of Brother Bassett Smith
and Brother Dee , of Birmingham , to the Committee , which was agreed to by the proposer , and seconder , as also , that Brother Aria , as representing the West Indies , should also be added . Several other names were also suggested ; but , no amendment being proposed , the resolution , with the addition of these three names , was put and carried . Brother WARREN , then addressing the Chairman , remarked that some little time would be required before the Committee
could make their report ; it certainly could not be done before the 10 th of June . He , therefore , hoped that his Lordship would defer the appointment of his grand officers until after the report had been presented . Lord LEIGH saw no objection to his complying with Brother Warren ' s suggestion , and , indeed , felt most anxious to consult the wishes of the brethren in every respect . Brother RIDGWAY remarked that any pledge on this point could
hardly be expected from his Lordship . The Committee might never make their report , and if the report were long delayed , the effect would be to impede the business of the Grand Lodge . Bro . WARREN stated that he did not desire a pledge to that extent , and it was eventually understood that Lord Leigh intended to delay making any fresh appointment of grand officers before the expiration of two months from the present time . After a vote of thanks to Lord Leigh for his conduct in the chair , proposed by Mr . COLE , the meeting separated .
Grand Mark Lodge Of England.
The regular half-yearly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 10 th of June ; the Grand Mark Master , Lord LHGH , on the Throne , supported by Brothers-Dr . Jones , S . G . W . ; Cole , I . G . W . ; Rev . G . R . Portal , G . B . ; Hervey , S . G . D . ; Dr . Kent , I . G . D . ; Collins , G . S . ; Ridgway , G . R . ; Beach M . P ., G . Steward , and the Masters and Wardens of Lodges working under the English Constitution . A great deal of business connected with the internal
arrange ments of the Craft was transacted , but the most interesting portion to our general masonic readers was , probably , the series of resolutions recommended by the report of the General Board , with a view to faeiliate a union of the several Mark Lodges in England , We have especially to notice the following , which , it is to be hoped , will open the door to many Lodges following the course adopted by their brethren , who have already united under a central jurisdiction .
" When any body of Freemasons shall , to the satisfaction of " the General Board , with the approvalof theGrand Master , prove " themselves to have actually met , and worked as a Lodge of " Mark Masters , previously to the Quarterly Committee of the "United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , "held in June , 1856 , such body shall be deemed to have the inherent right of forming a union with the Lodges working under " this constitutionand be entitled to all the privileges of a dul
, y " registered Lodge on accepting a warrant of conformation , '' and thereby agreeing to support the regulations for the govern" ment of the Craft , as laid down in the Book of Constitutions , " and any such Lodge so uniting shall take precedence , without " a number and rank above the Phoenix Lodge No . 2 , on the roll " provided , also that when any Lodge , proved in like manner to "have been working in England , Wales , or any of the Colonies , " or possessions of the British Crownunder warrant granted
, a " by any Foreign Grand Lodge , having authority to grant a " warrant for working a Lodge of Mark Masters , within its own "jurisdiction , such Lodge shall also have a right of forming a " union with the Lodges working under this constitution , and be " entitled to all the privileges of a duly registered Lodge , on the ^ brethren causing their charter to be enrolled on the books of " the Grand Lodge , and a memorandum of their union , with the
" Lodges under this constitution endorsed thereon , or on their " accepting a warrant of confirmation , and thereby agreeing to " support the said constitution . " "Any such Lodge shall take precedence , and rank with the " other Lodges on the roll , according to the date of their respective " charters , taking , in common , thenumber | of the Lodge nextbefore " it on the roll , with the addition of a distinguishing letter , until " such time as a re-arrangement of members shall be deemed
" advisable . " "There shall he no fee on the registration of any brethren , " whose names shall be returned as members of any such uniting "Lodges at the time of the Union . " " Every Mark Master who shall give to the Lodge satisfactory " proof of having served the office of W . M . of a Lodge of Mark " Masters , or of having conferred the Degree upon two or more " brethren previous to the month of June , 1856 , shall be deemed
" to be a Past Master of a Lodge of Mark Masters , and enjoy all " the privilege of that rank , during such time as they shall con" tinue subscribing member of any Lodge on the roll . " Lord LEIGH was reelected Grand Master , and in acknowledg ing this mark of confidence on the part of the brethren , mentioned that it was his desire to delay , for two months , any fresh appointment of Grand Officers , as he had been appealed to on this subject , and was desirous of giving time for a more general
union of the Craft , and , selecting his officers from this enlarged body . The Treasurer's Account was read , and the result was highly satisfactory . The office of the Grand Lodge was decided to be held , in future , at No . 40 , Leicester Square , and the Grand Master personally proposed a vote of thanks to Brother Ridgway , the Grand Registrarfor affording this accommodationas well as in
acknowledg-, , ment of the practical interest he had evinced in the degree and the manner in which he had laboured to promote the union of its members . There appears little doubt that such a union will daily become more firm , as well as more extensive , when we find that the principles , on which such an union is sought , are so liberal and straightforward as those above noticed .
BON ACCORD LODGE OF MARK M ASTERS . —A meeting of this distinguished Lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on the 10 th inst ., when Brother Cole , W . M ., in the chair ; when Brother the Earl of Carvarvon , the Rev . W . H . Davies , John Hammerton , J . A . D . Cox , and several other brethren were advanced to the degree . Among the members present were Lord Leigh , P . G . M . for Warwick ; Dr . Kent P . G . M . for Australia ; Beach , M . P ., P . S . GW . Oxford : Rev . G . R . Portal , P . P . S . G . W . Oxford ; Hervey , P . G . D ., Symonds , Lambert , Collins , Ridgway , Bowyen , Woolley , and several others . About forty sat down to the banquet .
The Canadian Movement.
We beg tlie earnest and careful attention of our readers to the following extract from a communication addressed by the M . W . Bro . Tucker , Grand Master of Vermont , to his G-. L ., relative to the status of the " Independent G-. L . of Canada . " It lays down , with singular clearness and ability , those ancient landmarks which seem in danger of being
obliterated by the upholders of the modem system of Freemasonry , but which alone , we believe , will afford a correct standard by which to test the legitimacy of any body of Masons , as they are certainly the only princip les of action which are held in common reverence by the whole Masonic world .
" Grand Lodges , as thoy exist at the present , and as they have existed from the year 1717 J are wholly new institutions . They are not institutions of ancient date , and have no odour of antiquity about thorn . In the olden time every single Lodge was wholly independent , and the privilege of practising the Masonic rites was