Article FREEMASONS' BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article OXFORD FOOD AND OXFORD FLATTERY. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Freemasons' Boys' School.
To the Editor of " The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle . " Sir and Brother , —Will you kindly allow me through the' medium of your columns to solicit the votes of your readers at the ensuing election of the above charity in favour of J . P . HARVEY , whose father died at the Cape , leaving a widow and eight children totally unprovided for . The poor child is a candidate for the fifth time . I am , Sir and Brother , vours fraternally , G . K . FOETAL , P . M ., 10 & 4 G 0 . : 3 , Wilton Crescent , London , S . W .
Oxford Food And Oxford Flattery.
" Mulcet adulator fictia virtutibns aurem . " To be saved from one ' s friends is a wish often told , And the Grand Master must have felt so , Though our welcome was warm and our Sillery cold , . And we brought out the best of Bordeaux . And when hearts with good cheer are aglow , We know How tbe speeches of orators flow ;
But the most metaphorical orator out Never drew like our Bowyer the bow . Was it irony ? that were too sadly misplaced ; What will Canada say , when they know That we thought it consistent with truth and with taste To butter our Grand Master so ? They'll that six centuries
say ago - . - ... Or so , In the days of the bold Ivanhoe , An archer there lived , who'd have been a good match With our Bowyer to draw the long bow . Perorations on union , exordiums on peace Were surely a little de trap ; For , though now wiser measures have bid the strife cease ,
I fear it was not always so . Why Apollo and Alfred and Co . - : ~ ~ . _ y . ; - ~' ¦¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ - ¦ - •" '¦ 'Well-know - - ' . ,-. That those measures came painfully slow . : ' And painfully wide of the mark fell the shaft , When our Bowyer thus drew the long bow . But the tribute that good English gentlemen earn , To England's Grand Master we owe
; And the same feeling bids us respectfully turn To you , my bold Bowyer , also . After bounds like a Briton you go , And show Good example to high and to low ; And your true love of sport perhaps led you to think , That a Bowyer should draw the long bow . Oxford , June , 1857 .
Notes And Queries.
The air of the song known as " A free and an accepted Mason , " was evidently composed prior to the year 1730 . In one of Henry Fielding ' s dramatic pieces , all of which were composed before that year , there is a stupid song in praise of tobacco , to which the stage direction is , "Air—Freemason ' s tune . " The first verse is quite sufficient to show that the air and words of our song were familiar to the composer of tbe parody" Let the learn'd talk of books ,
The glutton of cooks , The lover of Celia ' s soft smackrO ; No mortal can boast , So noble a toast , As a pipe of accepted tobacco . " Among the readers of the Masonic Observer I should be glad to meet with one who could recover the name of the composer of an air so dear to all Masons . I have a of the words in tho Freemasons '
copy Poekel Companion , for 1736 , which are precisely the same as those now in use , and are preceded by this title— "The entered 'Prentice ' s Song—by the late Mr . Matthew Birkhoad ; to be sung when all grave business is over , and with the Master ' s leave . " In the same volume are other curious Masonic songs and pieces , as well as a list of Lodges down to the year 1734 . —PAPLUS .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —The Biennial Festival of this admirable Institution , for the support of decayed Masons and their Widows , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday last the 17 th inst , when one hundred and forty-two Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet . The Chair was taken hy the R . W . Bro . Femvick , M . l ' ., J . G . W ., who kindly presided in the absence of the Earl of Durham , S . G . W . ; and was snpported by several past and present Grand Officers , including—Bros . Tomkins , G . T . ; Iiawson , p . G . M . for China ; Bowver , P . G . Iff . for Oxford ; H . Lloyd , P . G . D .: White , V . G . S . ; Clarke , G . S . ; Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Hervey , P . G . » . ; Beach , M . P . PGWOxfordRevGRPortalPGWOxford & c The
collec-, . . . ; . . . , . . . ; tion amounted to £ 1558 6 s . M . We cannot conclude this notice , without expressing our hope that this Festival , like the Boys' and Girls ' , may in future have au annual celebration ; and that the funds will , for the time to come , receive such support from the Craft at large , as will place it upon a more satisfactory footing , and permit of therelief of alargernumherof decayed Brethren . At present , out of fifty approved candidates , only eight can he assisted .
' " . ADVERTISEMENTS . f PHE "CANADIAN MASONIC PIONEER" is published 1 on the first of every month , at Montreal , GE . Terms : Five Shillings Cy ., per annum , payable invariably in advance . All communications must be pre-paid , and addressed to the Editors , Masonic Pioneer , Montreal .
Just published , in fcp . 8 vo ., price 7 s ., cloth . pATHERINE DE VERB : a Tale . B y H . M . W . \ J London : Longman and Co . : _
SHE ROYAL MASONIC mSTlivSION For Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . PATHON . —HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PBESIDENT ; -T 1 IC Right lion . THE EARL OF ZETLAND , M . W ., Grand Master . A QUARTERLY General Meeting of the Governors . and Subscribers of this Institution will ; be held at the " FREEMASONS' TAVERN , on MONDAY , the 20 th July , 1857 , ' at Twelve o'Clock at Noon precisely , to Elect EIGHT Boys out of FOURTEEN Candidates ; and on general business . The Ballot will commence at Twelve and close at Two o'Clock precisely . —By Order ,. AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary . 16 fl , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields .
WM LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF EMGLAHB A ! iQ WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE . BRITISH CROWN . Bro . The LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . Bro . The LORD METHUEN , Deputy Grand Master . T ODGES desirous of Uniting under the English Coustitu-- ^ tion , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree , are requested to communicate with Bro . W . L . COLLINS , the Grand Secretary , at the Office of the Grand Lodge , No . 40 , Leicester Square , London .
S J & GV 32 ? eX „ 4 . 2 i MBSS . DINNER is provided at 5 ' 30 P . M . on . the day of each Quar- ' terly communication , at F . M . Tavern , for any Provincial Brethren who signify their intention of dining by the morning of that : day . Price , including wine , 5 s ., to those who subscribe for the year ; 7 s . 6 d . for others .
NOTICE . Tbe Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published immediately after each Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , and may be obtained direct from Bath ; or from the London Publishers through any local bookseller . SUBSCRIBERS , desirous of being supplied from the Office , are requested to send their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath .
ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pulteney Street , London , by the 15 th of March , June , September , and December , and not'later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
Bath : Printed and Published by ROBERT EDWARD PEACH , NO . 8 , Bridge Street ; Published also by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers' Hall Court , and by J . CLEMENTS , 21 , Little Pulteney Street , London ; and sold also by H . M . ARI . ISS , 15 , Great Queen Street ; R . LIDSTONE , Plymouth ; and by all Booksellers in Loudon and the Country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasons' Boys' School.
To the Editor of " The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle . " Sir and Brother , —Will you kindly allow me through the' medium of your columns to solicit the votes of your readers at the ensuing election of the above charity in favour of J . P . HARVEY , whose father died at the Cape , leaving a widow and eight children totally unprovided for . The poor child is a candidate for the fifth time . I am , Sir and Brother , vours fraternally , G . K . FOETAL , P . M ., 10 & 4 G 0 . : 3 , Wilton Crescent , London , S . W .
Oxford Food And Oxford Flattery.
" Mulcet adulator fictia virtutibns aurem . " To be saved from one ' s friends is a wish often told , And the Grand Master must have felt so , Though our welcome was warm and our Sillery cold , . And we brought out the best of Bordeaux . And when hearts with good cheer are aglow , We know How tbe speeches of orators flow ;
But the most metaphorical orator out Never drew like our Bowyer the bow . Was it irony ? that were too sadly misplaced ; What will Canada say , when they know That we thought it consistent with truth and with taste To butter our Grand Master so ? They'll that six centuries
say ago - . - ... Or so , In the days of the bold Ivanhoe , An archer there lived , who'd have been a good match With our Bowyer to draw the long bow . Perorations on union , exordiums on peace Were surely a little de trap ; For , though now wiser measures have bid the strife cease ,
I fear it was not always so . Why Apollo and Alfred and Co . - : ~ ~ . _ y . ; - ~' ¦¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ - ¦ - •" '¦ 'Well-know - - ' . ,-. That those measures came painfully slow . : ' And painfully wide of the mark fell the shaft , When our Bowyer thus drew the long bow . But the tribute that good English gentlemen earn , To England's Grand Master we owe
; And the same feeling bids us respectfully turn To you , my bold Bowyer , also . After bounds like a Briton you go , And show Good example to high and to low ; And your true love of sport perhaps led you to think , That a Bowyer should draw the long bow . Oxford , June , 1857 .
Notes And Queries.
The air of the song known as " A free and an accepted Mason , " was evidently composed prior to the year 1730 . In one of Henry Fielding ' s dramatic pieces , all of which were composed before that year , there is a stupid song in praise of tobacco , to which the stage direction is , "Air—Freemason ' s tune . " The first verse is quite sufficient to show that the air and words of our song were familiar to the composer of tbe parody" Let the learn'd talk of books ,
The glutton of cooks , The lover of Celia ' s soft smackrO ; No mortal can boast , So noble a toast , As a pipe of accepted tobacco . " Among the readers of the Masonic Observer I should be glad to meet with one who could recover the name of the composer of an air so dear to all Masons . I have a of the words in tho Freemasons '
copy Poekel Companion , for 1736 , which are precisely the same as those now in use , and are preceded by this title— "The entered 'Prentice ' s Song—by the late Mr . Matthew Birkhoad ; to be sung when all grave business is over , and with the Master ' s leave . " In the same volume are other curious Masonic songs and pieces , as well as a list of Lodges down to the year 1734 . —PAPLUS .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —The Biennial Festival of this admirable Institution , for the support of decayed Masons and their Widows , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday last the 17 th inst , when one hundred and forty-two Brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet . The Chair was taken hy the R . W . Bro . Femvick , M . l ' ., J . G . W ., who kindly presided in the absence of the Earl of Durham , S . G . W . ; and was snpported by several past and present Grand Officers , including—Bros . Tomkins , G . T . ; Iiawson , p . G . M . for China ; Bowver , P . G . Iff . for Oxford ; H . Lloyd , P . G . D .: White , V . G . S . ; Clarke , G . S . ; Evans , P . G . S . B . ; Hervey , P . G . » . ; Beach , M . P . PGWOxfordRevGRPortalPGWOxford & c The
collec-, . . . ; . . . , . . . ; tion amounted to £ 1558 6 s . M . We cannot conclude this notice , without expressing our hope that this Festival , like the Boys' and Girls ' , may in future have au annual celebration ; and that the funds will , for the time to come , receive such support from the Craft at large , as will place it upon a more satisfactory footing , and permit of therelief of alargernumherof decayed Brethren . At present , out of fifty approved candidates , only eight can he assisted .
' " . ADVERTISEMENTS . f PHE "CANADIAN MASONIC PIONEER" is published 1 on the first of every month , at Montreal , GE . Terms : Five Shillings Cy ., per annum , payable invariably in advance . All communications must be pre-paid , and addressed to the Editors , Masonic Pioneer , Montreal .
Just published , in fcp . 8 vo ., price 7 s ., cloth . pATHERINE DE VERB : a Tale . B y H . M . W . \ J London : Longman and Co . : _
SHE ROYAL MASONIC mSTlivSION For Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons . PATHON . —HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PBESIDENT ; -T 1 IC Right lion . THE EARL OF ZETLAND , M . W ., Grand Master . A QUARTERLY General Meeting of the Governors . and Subscribers of this Institution will ; be held at the " FREEMASONS' TAVERN , on MONDAY , the 20 th July , 1857 , ' at Twelve o'Clock at Noon precisely , to Elect EIGHT Boys out of FOURTEEN Candidates ; and on general business . The Ballot will commence at Twelve and close at Two o'Clock precisely . —By Order ,. AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary . 16 fl , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields .
WM LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF EMGLAHB A ! iQ WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE . BRITISH CROWN . Bro . The LORD LEIGH , Grand Master . Bro . The LORD METHUEN , Deputy Grand Master . T ODGES desirous of Uniting under the English Coustitu-- ^ tion , and Brethren wishing to obtain New Warrants to work the Mark degree , are requested to communicate with Bro . W . L . COLLINS , the Grand Secretary , at the Office of the Grand Lodge , No . 40 , Leicester Square , London .
S J & GV 32 ? eX „ 4 . 2 i MBSS . DINNER is provided at 5 ' 30 P . M . on . the day of each Quar- ' terly communication , at F . M . Tavern , for any Provincial Brethren who signify their intention of dining by the morning of that : day . Price , including wine , 5 s ., to those who subscribe for the year ; 7 s . 6 d . for others .
NOTICE . Tbe Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published immediately after each Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , and may be obtained direct from Bath ; or from the London Publishers through any local bookseller . SUBSCRIBERS , desirous of being supplied from the Office , are requested to send their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath .
ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pulteney Street , London , by the 15 th of March , June , September , and December , and not'later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
Bath : Printed and Published by ROBERT EDWARD PEACH , NO . 8 , Bridge Street ; Published also by SIMPKIN , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers' Hall Court , and by J . CLEMENTS , 21 , Little Pulteney Street , London ; and sold also by H . M . ARI . ISS , 15 , Great Queen Street ; R . LIDSTONE , Plymouth ; and by all Booksellers in Loudon and the Country .