Article GRAND LODGE, JUNE 3rd, 1857. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Grand Lodge, June 3rd, 1857.
THE LATE GRAND SECRETARY . The M . W . GRAND MASTER , in pursuance of the notice of motion which ho had given at the Grand Festival , rose to move : That in consideration of the faithful and distinguished services rendered by Bro . William H . White to the Craft , during a period exceeding fiftyfive years , the Grand Lodge grants to him as a retiring pension an amount equal to the full salary and gratuity he has been hitherto receiving as G . Sec . His Lordship said , I think the G . L . will agree with methat we ought to bestow on Bro . White some signal mark
, of our approbation , after the fifty-five years' services which he has as Grand Secretary rendered to the Craft . I know of no one , and indeed I think there never was any one , whose services in the cause of Freemasonry have been more zealous or more important , or who devoted more time and attention towards promoting its best interests . I therefore feel confident , that every Brother present will agree with mo , that in paying this compliment to our worthy Bro . White , we are only discharging our duty . ( Hearbear . ) It should also be borne in
, mind , that in conferring on him this mark of our high consideration , we not ouly shew ourselves grateful to him for the past , but we give him a retainer for future services , ( Hear , hear ) as it is by all means desirable that our new Secretary should have assistance and instruction from one , so conversant with every particular in relation to Masonry as his venerable predecessor is . Bro . White is so well-known
to you all , that I shall not add one word more of panegyric ; but I shall conclude by moving the resolution , which I hope will be carried by your unanimous vote . For myself I can say , that during the time I have been G . M ., I have received from Bro . White a great amount of aid and service , the value of which I cannot find words to express ; and I remember hearing my illustrious predecessor , the late Duke of Sussex , on several occasions state the same thing with respect to himself . R . W . Bro . HALL , P . G . M . of Cambridgeshire •—M . W . G . M . and
Brethren , I undertake the duty of seconding this motion , although I take it to be already seconded by your unanimous approbation . To mo no task can be mora pleasing , than to take part in paying Bro . White this debt of gratitude ; at the same time that I cannot but feel pained , that a connection , which has so long existed between him and us , has now officially come to an end . . In agreeing to this motion , wo shall not only show our respect and veneration for Bro . White , but pay an additional tribute to the memory of H . R . 11 . tho Duke of Sussexour late G . M . who so highlprized our venerable brother . I
, , y hope this debt of our gratitude to Bro . White , if it bo not out of place to wish for the continuance of a debt , may last many years ; and that our worthy Brother may be long spared to enjoy the pension which we now vote him . The motion was then put , and amid groat applause carried unanimously . - . .
ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND THEIR . WIDOWS . THE M . W . GRAND MASTER then submitted the Report of the proceedings of this Institution , with tho alterations in tho Rules and Regulations as adopted at a Special General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers , for the approval and sanction of Grand Lodge . Tho proposed alterations in the Rules and Regulations are as follow : —
" A Special General Meeting shall be held on the requisition , in writing , of twelve Life Governors , instead of eighteen ; ten to be a quorum ; should that number not be in attendance within fifteen minutes of the time specified in tho advertisement , no business shall be transacted . "A Donation of Fifty Pounds , in one or more payments within five years , instead of three years , shall constitute the Donor a Vice-President of the Institution . " That the Law requiring one-third of the Annual Subscriptions
to be invested , be abrogated . " No Brother having an income of £ > b per annum shall be admitted to tho benefit of the Institution . Formerly it was £ ' 20 . " On the death of any Male Annuitant leaving a widow ( to whom he was married not loss than ten years before his election , and who shall be not less than fifty-five years of age , or altogether incapacitated from obtaining her support ) not otherwise provided for , she shall be entitledif approved by the Committeeto receive from the
, , Widows ] Fund one-half of tho pension of such Annuitant , and , if she uo a resident in the Asylum , to continue such residence until the third Election next after bis death , iu order to give her the opportunity of applying for Election on the Widows' Fund . " A protracted discussion ensued on the reading of these various proposed alterations , in which Bros . SAVAGE , SriEns , Douin , WARREN , HERVEY , SMITH , G . P ., and JONES , took part ; they wore submitted
seriatim , and at length adopted , not however without a division on tho last clause , which was carried by 10 G against 66 . The debate was suspended when at its full height by the entrance of tho Y . W . Bro . W . H . WHITE , P . G . S ., who experienced a most cordial reception , the Grand Deacons conducting him to the Dais , when the M . W . G . M . in gracious terms announced to him the unanimous vote at which G . L . had arrived . V . W . Bro . WHITE , who seemed deeply affected , and was from that
circumstance almost inaudible , said , that he felt completely overpowered and unable to thank G . L . not only for this signal mark of their favour with which tliey had j ust now honoured him , but for the great kindness he had invariably received at their hands ; and he could only add , that as he had hitherto done so , ho should continue to devote all his time and attention towards promoting the interests of the Craft .
It was then determined on the motion of V . W . Bro . Cox , G . C , according to the recommendation of the Board of Benevolence , that a Grant of £ 30 bo made to Bro . Samuel W . Wood , of Lodge 33 , London , and another of the same amount to Br . John Pearson , of Lodge 115 , Benevolence .
RETORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . The M . W . GRAND MASTER then laid before Grand Lodge the Report of tho Board of General Purposes , which was as follows : "To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . "The Board of General Purposes beg to Report that , in pursuance of the Resolution of Grand Lodge , that the Laws relating to the period of the Meeting of the General Committee previously to tho Quarterly Communications should
be referred hack to this Board , they have taken the subject into their consideration , and do now recommend for the approval of Grand Lodge that the following alterations be made in the Book of Constitutions—at page 20 , to he inserted as a fresh paragraph : — " 'In order that all Lodges may be duly informed of the business to come before Grand Lodge , the printed Report of the Proceedings of tho last Grand Lodge shall bo sent , together with the printed Copy of the Notices of Motion for tho ensuing Grand Lodge , to all Lodges , at least ten days before each
Quarterly Communication . '" That , in consequence of the great increase of business in tho Grand Secretary ' s Office , it has been found absolutely necessary to employ an additional Clerk since the 1 st of January , at tho weekly salary of £ 1 10 s . That there being no prospect of any decrease of work , the Board recommend that tho services of the Brother now employed be retained at the same salary . "The Board considering it desirable that the remainder of the property situated in Queen ' s Court should belong to the Society , and tho same having been
offered for sale , negotiations have been entered on , and the Grand Superintendent of "Works has been authorized to offer tho sum of £ 3000 for the said property , consisting of 59 , Great Queen Street , and all the houses on the west side of Queen ' s Court . " A letter from Mr . Bacon , tho tenant of the Hotel , was road , offering to rent the premises in Middle Yard , now in the occupation of Mr . Lambert , who quits at Midsummer . The Board , having taken the subject into consideration , recommend that tho said premises be let to Mr . Bacon at an annual rent of
£ 50 , with an agreement to surrender the same at any quarter on receiving six months' notice . "A letter from Mrs . Barton , wife of the late Grand Tyler , was rend , stating her present state of destitution , and praying for some assistance . The Board beg to recommend the case to tho sympathy and consideration of Grand Lodge , and pray their consent to the grant of £ 20 , and that tho same bo paid to Mrs . Barton in weekly sums by the Grand Secretary . "
This Report having been received , R . W . Bro . DOBIE , P . G . R ., moved the adoption of tho paragraph ;—" In order that all Lodges may bo duly informed of the business to come before Grand Lodge , the printed Report of tho Proceedings of the last Grand Lodge shall be sent , together with tho printed Copy of the Notices of Motion for the ensuing Grand Lodge , to all Lodges , at least ten days before each Quarterly Communication . " Bro . ARIA inquired how , in case , of a Brother ' s Lodge not being held within the ten days specified , ho could be informed of what was to take place . R . W . Bro . DOME said the Grand Sec . could do no more than send the communication to the place where tho Lodge was held .
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Grand Lodge, June 3rd, 1857.
THE LATE GRAND SECRETARY . The M . W . GRAND MASTER , in pursuance of the notice of motion which ho had given at the Grand Festival , rose to move : That in consideration of the faithful and distinguished services rendered by Bro . William H . White to the Craft , during a period exceeding fiftyfive years , the Grand Lodge grants to him as a retiring pension an amount equal to the full salary and gratuity he has been hitherto receiving as G . Sec . His Lordship said , I think the G . L . will agree with methat we ought to bestow on Bro . White some signal mark
, of our approbation , after the fifty-five years' services which he has as Grand Secretary rendered to the Craft . I know of no one , and indeed I think there never was any one , whose services in the cause of Freemasonry have been more zealous or more important , or who devoted more time and attention towards promoting its best interests . I therefore feel confident , that every Brother present will agree with mo , that in paying this compliment to our worthy Bro . White , we are only discharging our duty . ( Hearbear . ) It should also be borne in
, mind , that in conferring on him this mark of our high consideration , we not ouly shew ourselves grateful to him for the past , but we give him a retainer for future services , ( Hear , hear ) as it is by all means desirable that our new Secretary should have assistance and instruction from one , so conversant with every particular in relation to Masonry as his venerable predecessor is . Bro . White is so well-known
to you all , that I shall not add one word more of panegyric ; but I shall conclude by moving the resolution , which I hope will be carried by your unanimous vote . For myself I can say , that during the time I have been G . M ., I have received from Bro . White a great amount of aid and service , the value of which I cannot find words to express ; and I remember hearing my illustrious predecessor , the late Duke of Sussex , on several occasions state the same thing with respect to himself . R . W . Bro . HALL , P . G . M . of Cambridgeshire •—M . W . G . M . and
Brethren , I undertake the duty of seconding this motion , although I take it to be already seconded by your unanimous approbation . To mo no task can be mora pleasing , than to take part in paying Bro . White this debt of gratitude ; at the same time that I cannot but feel pained , that a connection , which has so long existed between him and us , has now officially come to an end . . In agreeing to this motion , wo shall not only show our respect and veneration for Bro . White , but pay an additional tribute to the memory of H . R . 11 . tho Duke of Sussexour late G . M . who so highlprized our venerable brother . I
, , y hope this debt of our gratitude to Bro . White , if it bo not out of place to wish for the continuance of a debt , may last many years ; and that our worthy Brother may be long spared to enjoy the pension which we now vote him . The motion was then put , and amid groat applause carried unanimously . - . .
ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND THEIR . WIDOWS . THE M . W . GRAND MASTER then submitted the Report of the proceedings of this Institution , with tho alterations in tho Rules and Regulations as adopted at a Special General Meeting of the Governors and Subscribers , for the approval and sanction of Grand Lodge . Tho proposed alterations in the Rules and Regulations are as follow : —
" A Special General Meeting shall be held on the requisition , in writing , of twelve Life Governors , instead of eighteen ; ten to be a quorum ; should that number not be in attendance within fifteen minutes of the time specified in tho advertisement , no business shall be transacted . "A Donation of Fifty Pounds , in one or more payments within five years , instead of three years , shall constitute the Donor a Vice-President of the Institution . " That the Law requiring one-third of the Annual Subscriptions
to be invested , be abrogated . " No Brother having an income of £ > b per annum shall be admitted to tho benefit of the Institution . Formerly it was £ ' 20 . " On the death of any Male Annuitant leaving a widow ( to whom he was married not loss than ten years before his election , and who shall be not less than fifty-five years of age , or altogether incapacitated from obtaining her support ) not otherwise provided for , she shall be entitledif approved by the Committeeto receive from the
, , Widows ] Fund one-half of tho pension of such Annuitant , and , if she uo a resident in the Asylum , to continue such residence until the third Election next after bis death , iu order to give her the opportunity of applying for Election on the Widows' Fund . " A protracted discussion ensued on the reading of these various proposed alterations , in which Bros . SAVAGE , SriEns , Douin , WARREN , HERVEY , SMITH , G . P ., and JONES , took part ; they wore submitted
seriatim , and at length adopted , not however without a division on tho last clause , which was carried by 10 G against 66 . The debate was suspended when at its full height by the entrance of tho Y . W . Bro . W . H . WHITE , P . G . S ., who experienced a most cordial reception , the Grand Deacons conducting him to the Dais , when the M . W . G . M . in gracious terms announced to him the unanimous vote at which G . L . had arrived . V . W . Bro . WHITE , who seemed deeply affected , and was from that
circumstance almost inaudible , said , that he felt completely overpowered and unable to thank G . L . not only for this signal mark of their favour with which tliey had j ust now honoured him , but for the great kindness he had invariably received at their hands ; and he could only add , that as he had hitherto done so , ho should continue to devote all his time and attention towards promoting the interests of the Craft .
It was then determined on the motion of V . W . Bro . Cox , G . C , according to the recommendation of the Board of Benevolence , that a Grant of £ 30 bo made to Bro . Samuel W . Wood , of Lodge 33 , London , and another of the same amount to Br . John Pearson , of Lodge 115 , Benevolence .
RETORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . The M . W . GRAND MASTER then laid before Grand Lodge the Report of tho Board of General Purposes , which was as follows : "To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . "The Board of General Purposes beg to Report that , in pursuance of the Resolution of Grand Lodge , that the Laws relating to the period of the Meeting of the General Committee previously to tho Quarterly Communications should
be referred hack to this Board , they have taken the subject into their consideration , and do now recommend for the approval of Grand Lodge that the following alterations be made in the Book of Constitutions—at page 20 , to he inserted as a fresh paragraph : — " 'In order that all Lodges may be duly informed of the business to come before Grand Lodge , the printed Report of the Proceedings of tho last Grand Lodge shall bo sent , together with the printed Copy of the Notices of Motion for tho ensuing Grand Lodge , to all Lodges , at least ten days before each
Quarterly Communication . '" That , in consequence of the great increase of business in tho Grand Secretary ' s Office , it has been found absolutely necessary to employ an additional Clerk since the 1 st of January , at tho weekly salary of £ 1 10 s . That there being no prospect of any decrease of work , the Board recommend that tho services of the Brother now employed be retained at the same salary . "The Board considering it desirable that the remainder of the property situated in Queen ' s Court should belong to the Society , and tho same having been
offered for sale , negotiations have been entered on , and the Grand Superintendent of "Works has been authorized to offer tho sum of £ 3000 for the said property , consisting of 59 , Great Queen Street , and all the houses on the west side of Queen ' s Court . " A letter from Mr . Bacon , tho tenant of the Hotel , was road , offering to rent the premises in Middle Yard , now in the occupation of Mr . Lambert , who quits at Midsummer . The Board , having taken the subject into consideration , recommend that tho said premises be let to Mr . Bacon at an annual rent of
£ 50 , with an agreement to surrender the same at any quarter on receiving six months' notice . "A letter from Mrs . Barton , wife of the late Grand Tyler , was rend , stating her present state of destitution , and praying for some assistance . The Board beg to recommend the case to tho sympathy and consideration of Grand Lodge , and pray their consent to the grant of £ 20 , and that tho same bo paid to Mrs . Barton in weekly sums by the Grand Secretary . "
This Report having been received , R . W . Bro . DOBIE , P . G . R ., moved the adoption of tho paragraph ;—" In order that all Lodges may bo duly informed of the business to come before Grand Lodge , the printed Report of tho Proceedings of the last Grand Lodge shall be sent , together with tho printed Copy of the Notices of Motion for the ensuing Grand Lodge , to all Lodges , at least ten days before each Quarterly Communication . " Bro . ARIA inquired how , in case , of a Brother ' s Lodge not being held within the ten days specified , ho could be informed of what was to take place . R . W . Bro . DOME said the Grand Sec . could do no more than send the communication to the place where tho Lodge was held .