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& RAND LODGE was opened on the 2 nd . inst . ' by the M . W . G . M . ; who stated , in answer to a question by Lord CARNARVON , that several communications had passed between himself and the late P . G . M . for Quebec relative to Canadian independence , and he promised that they should be laid before G . L . His lordship
forgot to state why it was that they were not produced on this occasion ; but those who read them in another part of our impression will have no difficulty in supplying a reason . The confirmation of the minutes was opposed by Bro . WARRENwho wished the decision upon the suspension
, of the ; Tasmanian Lodge to be modified . The D . G . M . agani . 'defended the somewhat arbitrary conduct of Bro . Ewihg ; the P . G . M . ; and the minutes were confirmed . The G . M . then moved , that the rank of Past Grand Deacon should be conferred on . Bro . CHAPMAN , for his long and faithful service ? as Assistant Director of
Ceremonies . The Rev . Bro . PORTAL was opposed to a course which would dissociate Bro . CHAPMAN from his own office , and connect him fictitiously with one in which he had never rendered any service to the Craft ; and he proposed that a Past Jewel should be given him instead . This view was ably supported by Lord VALLETORT ,
and Bros . BINCKES and MASON : and opposed by Bro . HAVERS—who stated that he could produce precedents for the course recommended by the G . M . —and by Bro . ARIA . The amendment was carried , amid loud cheers from the independent members of G . L . Upon the Report of the Board of General Purposes being read by the President , who moved that it be
received and entered on the minutes—Lord CARNARVON asked if the title to the houses lately purchased for the Society had been approved by their legal advisers . Bro . ROXBURGH replied , that there had been doubts as to its soundness , but that it had been fully investigated , and finally approved .
Bro . BEADON then moved an amendment to that portion of the Report , which stated the opinion of the Board to be , that no increase should be made in the salaries of the officers in the Grand Secretary ' s department ; but was overruled by the G . M . ; who * said that no amendment could be moved to a clausewhich it was
, not proposed to " adopt" but only to " receive : " upon which , Bro . GREEN moved its " adoption ; " but this was again overruled by the advice of the GRAND REGISTRAR , who stated his opinion that such a motion required
notice . A somewhat angry discussion ensued ; .. and the . .. Executive succeeded , after their usual ^ fashion , ' -in preventing Bro . BEADON ' motion coming on , till it was time to close G . L ., which was done at eleven , after a spirited protest from Bro . STEBBING against the whole proceeding , as an insult to G . L . and especially to those Provincial Masons who had come a long distance to
take part in the debate . Bro . STEBBING is not tiie first person who has experienced the practical inconvenience , as well as absurdity , of leaving the government of the Craft in the hands of the London Lodges . The secession of Canada is the best commentary upon our existing constitution .
. . A GRAND LODGE OF EMERGENCY was held on the 16 th , and was very numerously attended . : : The G . M . referred at length to his decision upon Bro . BEADON ' motion at the last-G . L ,,. for which he gave his reasons ; and he complained of the imputation upon his fairness implied in Bro . STEBBING ' remarks upon that
occasion . . Bro . STEBBING , amid loud cheers , denied having imputed unfairness , to the G . M ., but to those whom he allowed to influence his decisions . An animated debate then took place upon the motion for giving a gratuity to Bro . PARNFIELD for his lon
g and faithful services to the Craft , which stood in Bro . BEADON ' name ; " but was very ably brought forward in his absence by Bro . WHITMORE ; supported by Bros . UDALL , BINCKES , DOBIE , SAVAGE , and PORTAL ; and opposed by Bros . ROXBURGH , . HAVERS , SLIGHT , and others : and on a show of handswas declared to be
, carried by a large majority . A grant to both branches of the Benevolent Institution was made , on the motion of Bro . BINCKES , seconded by Bro . BARRETT , after amendment by Bro . SAVAGE . The G . M . stated , that lie had recommended the P . G . M . of BUCKS and BERKS to hold a P . G . L . at least
once a year , either personally or by deputy . The Rev . Bro . PORTAL thereupon withdrew his motion for the production of the minute-book of that Province . Bro . HAVERS asked Bro . PORTAL , what use lie intended to make of the returns for which he had moved ; who stated , amid laughter , that he would answer the question
after due notice had been given of it . Bro . HAVERS said , that Bro . PORTAL had already had a year-and-ahalf in which to make up his mind . G . L . was then adjourned , at eleven p . m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
& RAND LODGE was opened on the 2 nd . inst . ' by the M . W . G . M . ; who stated , in answer to a question by Lord CARNARVON , that several communications had passed between himself and the late P . G . M . for Quebec relative to Canadian independence , and he promised that they should be laid before G . L . His lordship
forgot to state why it was that they were not produced on this occasion ; but those who read them in another part of our impression will have no difficulty in supplying a reason . The confirmation of the minutes was opposed by Bro . WARRENwho wished the decision upon the suspension
, of the ; Tasmanian Lodge to be modified . The D . G . M . agani . 'defended the somewhat arbitrary conduct of Bro . Ewihg ; the P . G . M . ; and the minutes were confirmed . The G . M . then moved , that the rank of Past Grand Deacon should be conferred on . Bro . CHAPMAN , for his long and faithful service ? as Assistant Director of
Ceremonies . The Rev . Bro . PORTAL was opposed to a course which would dissociate Bro . CHAPMAN from his own office , and connect him fictitiously with one in which he had never rendered any service to the Craft ; and he proposed that a Past Jewel should be given him instead . This view was ably supported by Lord VALLETORT ,
and Bros . BINCKES and MASON : and opposed by Bro . HAVERS—who stated that he could produce precedents for the course recommended by the G . M . —and by Bro . ARIA . The amendment was carried , amid loud cheers from the independent members of G . L . Upon the Report of the Board of General Purposes being read by the President , who moved that it be
received and entered on the minutes—Lord CARNARVON asked if the title to the houses lately purchased for the Society had been approved by their legal advisers . Bro . ROXBURGH replied , that there had been doubts as to its soundness , but that it had been fully investigated , and finally approved .
Bro . BEADON then moved an amendment to that portion of the Report , which stated the opinion of the Board to be , that no increase should be made in the salaries of the officers in the Grand Secretary ' s department ; but was overruled by the G . M . ; who * said that no amendment could be moved to a clausewhich it was
, not proposed to " adopt" but only to " receive : " upon which , Bro . GREEN moved its " adoption ; " but this was again overruled by the advice of the GRAND REGISTRAR , who stated his opinion that such a motion required
notice . A somewhat angry discussion ensued ; .. and the . .. Executive succeeded , after their usual ^ fashion , ' -in preventing Bro . BEADON ' motion coming on , till it was time to close G . L ., which was done at eleven , after a spirited protest from Bro . STEBBING against the whole proceeding , as an insult to G . L . and especially to those Provincial Masons who had come a long distance to
take part in the debate . Bro . STEBBING is not tiie first person who has experienced the practical inconvenience , as well as absurdity , of leaving the government of the Craft in the hands of the London Lodges . The secession of Canada is the best commentary upon our existing constitution .
. . A GRAND LODGE OF EMERGENCY was held on the 16 th , and was very numerously attended . : : The G . M . referred at length to his decision upon Bro . BEADON ' motion at the last-G . L ,,. for which he gave his reasons ; and he complained of the imputation upon his fairness implied in Bro . STEBBING ' remarks upon that
occasion . . Bro . STEBBING , amid loud cheers , denied having imputed unfairness , to the G . M ., but to those whom he allowed to influence his decisions . An animated debate then took place upon the motion for giving a gratuity to Bro . PARNFIELD for his lon
g and faithful services to the Craft , which stood in Bro . BEADON ' name ; " but was very ably brought forward in his absence by Bro . WHITMORE ; supported by Bros . UDALL , BINCKES , DOBIE , SAVAGE , and PORTAL ; and opposed by Bros . ROXBURGH , . HAVERS , SLIGHT , and others : and on a show of handswas declared to be
, carried by a large majority . A grant to both branches of the Benevolent Institution was made , on the motion of Bro . BINCKES , seconded by Bro . BARRETT , after amendment by Bro . SAVAGE . The G . M . stated , that lie had recommended the P . G . M . of BUCKS and BERKS to hold a P . G . L . at least
once a year , either personally or by deputy . The Rev . Bro . PORTAL thereupon withdrew his motion for the production of the minute-book of that Province . Bro . HAVERS asked Bro . PORTAL , what use lie intended to make of the returns for which he had moved ; who stated , amid laughter , that he would answer the question
after due notice had been given of it . Bro . HAVERS said , that Bro . PORTAL had already had a year-and-ahalf in which to make up his mind . G . L . was then adjourned , at eleven p . m .