Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Grand Lodge.
Samuel Aldrich , P . M ., No . 196 ; John Thomas Archer , P . M ., No . 23 ; F . Binckes , P . M , No . 11 ; H . S . Cooper , P M , No . 276 ; Alfred Day , W . M ., No . 78 ; Thomas Gole , P . M , No . 18 ; Benjamin Head , P . M ., No . 5 ; David Samuel , P . M ., No . 204 ; John Symonds , P . M , No . 275 ; Joseph Taylor , P . M , No . 21 . The M . W . G . M . then nominated Bros . C . P . Cooper , Prov . G . M ., Kent ; F . Pattison , P . G . W . ; W . G . Clarke , G . Sec . ; W . H . White , P . G . Sec ; T . Parkinson , P . G . D . ; W . Foster White , P . G . D . ; A . W . WoodsAsst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . LI . EvansP . G . S . B . ;
, , J . Smith , G . Purst . ; and F . W . Breitling , P . G . Purst . NEW MASONIC HALL FOB SCOTLAND . The M . W . G . M . then laid before Grand Lodge a communication which he had received from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , stating that the foundation stone of a new Masonic hall would be laid in Edinburgh , with Masonic honours , on the 24 th inst ., and inviting a deputation from the United Grand Lodge of England to be present on the occasion .
THE COLONIAL BOARD . Bro . ARIA said he was about to rise to put a question to the Grand Master when his lordship commenced to read the communication from Scotland . The question he wished to ask was this : he thought it was a recommendation of the committee that a certain number of those who had served the office of Master of colonial Lodges should be on the board . He did not find any such Master among those elected or appointed , and he therefore wished to know if the recommendation had been overlooked .
The M . W . G . M . said that the words " when practicable" qualified the recommendation , and he had not thought it practicable to appoint any such Brother . Bro . ARIA wanted to know how it was impracticable . The M . W . G . M . said he should decline to give that information . THE PROVINCES OF BERKS AND BUCKS . The M . W . G . M . handed in a return which he had received from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucksfrom which it appeared
, that , owing to the minute book having become lost , certain information applied for could not be furnished to Grand Lodge . His lordship added a statement to the effect , that he had himself written , on the 18 th of March , to Bro . the Marquis of Downshire , Prov . G . M ., upon the subject , but had not yet received an answer ; but as the noble Marquis was absent on the continent , he might not have received the communication .
DEPUTATION TO SCOTLAND . The M . W . G . M ., in reverting to the communication from Scotland , said , that as the interesting ceremony referred to would take place on the 24 th instant , there was not much time to consider what course Grand Lodge ought to adopt in reference to it . It was clear that the matter would not admit of delay , and he should be glad to hear some proposition made with respect to it . He was ready to appoint a deputation of not less than three members , and as many more as might volunteer to join them . ( Hear , hear . )
Bro . HAVERS , P . G . D ., thought Grand Lodge ought to act upon the very fraternal request which had been made to them . Such would be only a becoming act in them as Brother Masons and neighbours , and he should therefore move that a deputation be appointed to attend the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the interesting occasion of laying the foundation stone of a Masonic Hall for all Scotland . R . W . Lord PANMURE , D . G . M ., in seconding the proposition , observed that the most natural course would be , that the Brother
who represented the Grand Lodge at the Grand Lodge of Scotland , should be the head of the deputation . He had formerly filled that office , but as he had since been raised to much higherhonour in the Craft , the inferior became merged in the superior office . Under these circumstances he could not feel himself at liberty to take part in the deputation without the distinct authority of the Grand Master . The motion having been put and carried , BRO . HAVERS , P . G . D ., moved , that the deputation consist of Bro . F . Dundas , M . P ., Bro . Col . Burlton , the G . Dir . of Cers , and
the Grand Secretary , the Grand Master to have power to add to their number . Bro . TOMKINS , P . G . D ., seconded the motion . } Jro . MASON suggested that the Grand Chaplain should be a nvinber of the deputation . Bro . WILLIAMS thought the Grand Chaplain , being an Episcopalian , would scarcely feel himself at home in Scotland . The motion , as originally put , was then agreed to . BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE . The report of the Board of Benevolence was then read . Tt stated that in March nineteen petitioners had been relieved to the extent
of £ 179 10 s . ; that in April £ 125 had been given in relief to eleven petitioners ; that in May thirteen petitioners received in relief £ 128 12 s . Bro . Thomas Boardman , of Lodge No . 260 , Tormorden , and Bro . Thomas Slade , of Lodge 152 , Southampton , were recommended severally for £ 40 and for £ 60 . On the motion of Bro . SAVAOE the first recommendation was approved of . The same worthy Brother then moved as an amendment that the sum proposed to be given to Bro . Slade be increased to £ 100 . Tlds was seconded by Bro . Sir L . CURTIS , in a speech highly laudatory of Bro . Slade , and unanimously agreed to .
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . The report of the Board of General Purposes Was then read . " The Board of General Purposes beg to report that , in compliance with the resolution of Grand Lodge of the 3 rd of June , 1 S 57 , they have completed the purchase of No . 59 , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn , and all the houses situate in Queen ' s Place adjoining , for the sum of £ 3000 ; and that the title deeds thereof are in the hands of the Grand Secretary , to be placed with the other securities
belonging to the Society . "The Board have also to report , that frequent enquiries having been made with regard to the collars proper to be worn by Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers respectively , they have decided that the law requires that plain purple collars shall be worn only by Grand Officers , and that the collars of Provincial Grand Officers must be distinguished by a narrow edging of gold lace or cord . " The Board regret to draw the attention of Grand Lodge to the
continued irregularity exhibited by Lodges in improperly certifying to the petitions of applicants for relief from the Fund of Benevolence . " The following complaints laid before the Board by the Lodge of Benevolence have been considered and decided on , viz . ¦ "I . Against the Lodge No . 195 , London , for certifying to the petition of an applicant for relief that he had been a regular contributing member for 4 J years , whereas the Lodge had only paid dues for him for 3 years . The Board having investigated the circumstancesand finding that none of the present members of the Lod
, ge were members at the time referred to , ordered the Lodge to pay the arrears due , and admonished the W . Master to be more careful for the future . " 2 . Against the Lodge No . 48 , at Exeter , for certifying to the petition of a widow , that her late husband had been a regular contributing member for 20 years , whereas dues had only been paid for him for 13 years . The Board having fully investigated the case , and finding that considerable neglect had been exhibited in it , ordered the Lodge to pay the arrears for seven years and also a fine
of £ 2 2 s . to the Fund of Benevolence ; which arrears and fines have been paid . " 3 . Against the Lodge No . 34 , at Canterbury , for certifying that a Brother had been a contributing member for 3 years , whereas dues had only been paid for him for 2 years . The Board , taking into consideration the circumstances of the case , ordered the arrears to be paid , and admonished the Lodge to be more careful for the future . " Against the Lodge No . 206 , London , for certifying that a
petitioner had been for 8 years a contributing member , whereas Grand Lodge dues had only been paid for 5 £ years . It appeared , upon investigation , that the Brother had been a contributing member for only five years ; but the Board observing upon the effect of carelessly certifying petitions without ascertaining their correctness , together with several irregularities which were disclosed in the course of the case , seriously admonished the W . Master and Officers to be more circumspect for the future . " Complaints having been made of difficulties experienced in
obtaining the Charity Jewel , the Board recommend the following resolution for the adoption of Grand Lodge : 'That the right to supply Charity Jewels be not confined to any individual , but that any masonic jeweller he permitted to purchase . the Charity Medal , upon signing an undertaking that it shall be mounted in accordance with the pattern kept at the Grand Secretary ' s office , and have the name of the Brother and the dates of his Stewardships engraved thereon . ' " The Board have further to reportthat the subject of the duties
, and salaries of the officers in the Grand Secretary ' s department has been under their consideration for some months past , that they have thoroughly investigated the nature and extent of the duties discharged by each officer , and the whole of the books and accounts kept by each have been produced and examined . Having concluded such investigation , the Board are of opinion that , looking to the nature of the duties performed , the number of the staff employed ,
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Grand Lodge.
Samuel Aldrich , P . M ., No . 196 ; John Thomas Archer , P . M ., No . 23 ; F . Binckes , P . M , No . 11 ; H . S . Cooper , P M , No . 276 ; Alfred Day , W . M ., No . 78 ; Thomas Gole , P . M , No . 18 ; Benjamin Head , P . M ., No . 5 ; David Samuel , P . M ., No . 204 ; John Symonds , P . M , No . 275 ; Joseph Taylor , P . M , No . 21 . The M . W . G . M . then nominated Bros . C . P . Cooper , Prov . G . M ., Kent ; F . Pattison , P . G . W . ; W . G . Clarke , G . Sec . ; W . H . White , P . G . Sec ; T . Parkinson , P . G . D . ; W . Foster White , P . G . D . ; A . W . WoodsAsst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . LI . EvansP . G . S . B . ;
, , J . Smith , G . Purst . ; and F . W . Breitling , P . G . Purst . NEW MASONIC HALL FOB SCOTLAND . The M . W . G . M . then laid before Grand Lodge a communication which he had received from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , stating that the foundation stone of a new Masonic hall would be laid in Edinburgh , with Masonic honours , on the 24 th inst ., and inviting a deputation from the United Grand Lodge of England to be present on the occasion .
THE COLONIAL BOARD . Bro . ARIA said he was about to rise to put a question to the Grand Master when his lordship commenced to read the communication from Scotland . The question he wished to ask was this : he thought it was a recommendation of the committee that a certain number of those who had served the office of Master of colonial Lodges should be on the board . He did not find any such Master among those elected or appointed , and he therefore wished to know if the recommendation had been overlooked .
The M . W . G . M . said that the words " when practicable" qualified the recommendation , and he had not thought it practicable to appoint any such Brother . Bro . ARIA wanted to know how it was impracticable . The M . W . G . M . said he should decline to give that information . THE PROVINCES OF BERKS AND BUCKS . The M . W . G . M . handed in a return which he had received from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucksfrom which it appeared
, that , owing to the minute book having become lost , certain information applied for could not be furnished to Grand Lodge . His lordship added a statement to the effect , that he had himself written , on the 18 th of March , to Bro . the Marquis of Downshire , Prov . G . M ., upon the subject , but had not yet received an answer ; but as the noble Marquis was absent on the continent , he might not have received the communication .
DEPUTATION TO SCOTLAND . The M . W . G . M ., in reverting to the communication from Scotland , said , that as the interesting ceremony referred to would take place on the 24 th instant , there was not much time to consider what course Grand Lodge ought to adopt in reference to it . It was clear that the matter would not admit of delay , and he should be glad to hear some proposition made with respect to it . He was ready to appoint a deputation of not less than three members , and as many more as might volunteer to join them . ( Hear , hear . )
Bro . HAVERS , P . G . D ., thought Grand Lodge ought to act upon the very fraternal request which had been made to them . Such would be only a becoming act in them as Brother Masons and neighbours , and he should therefore move that a deputation be appointed to attend the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the interesting occasion of laying the foundation stone of a Masonic Hall for all Scotland . R . W . Lord PANMURE , D . G . M ., in seconding the proposition , observed that the most natural course would be , that the Brother
who represented the Grand Lodge at the Grand Lodge of Scotland , should be the head of the deputation . He had formerly filled that office , but as he had since been raised to much higherhonour in the Craft , the inferior became merged in the superior office . Under these circumstances he could not feel himself at liberty to take part in the deputation without the distinct authority of the Grand Master . The motion having been put and carried , BRO . HAVERS , P . G . D ., moved , that the deputation consist of Bro . F . Dundas , M . P ., Bro . Col . Burlton , the G . Dir . of Cers , and
the Grand Secretary , the Grand Master to have power to add to their number . Bro . TOMKINS , P . G . D ., seconded the motion . } Jro . MASON suggested that the Grand Chaplain should be a nvinber of the deputation . Bro . WILLIAMS thought the Grand Chaplain , being an Episcopalian , would scarcely feel himself at home in Scotland . The motion , as originally put , was then agreed to . BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE . The report of the Board of Benevolence was then read . Tt stated that in March nineteen petitioners had been relieved to the extent
of £ 179 10 s . ; that in April £ 125 had been given in relief to eleven petitioners ; that in May thirteen petitioners received in relief £ 128 12 s . Bro . Thomas Boardman , of Lodge No . 260 , Tormorden , and Bro . Thomas Slade , of Lodge 152 , Southampton , were recommended severally for £ 40 and for £ 60 . On the motion of Bro . SAVAOE the first recommendation was approved of . The same worthy Brother then moved as an amendment that the sum proposed to be given to Bro . Slade be increased to £ 100 . Tlds was seconded by Bro . Sir L . CURTIS , in a speech highly laudatory of Bro . Slade , and unanimously agreed to .
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . The report of the Board of General Purposes Was then read . " The Board of General Purposes beg to report that , in compliance with the resolution of Grand Lodge of the 3 rd of June , 1 S 57 , they have completed the purchase of No . 59 , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn , and all the houses situate in Queen ' s Place adjoining , for the sum of £ 3000 ; and that the title deeds thereof are in the hands of the Grand Secretary , to be placed with the other securities
belonging to the Society . "The Board have also to report , that frequent enquiries having been made with regard to the collars proper to be worn by Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers respectively , they have decided that the law requires that plain purple collars shall be worn only by Grand Officers , and that the collars of Provincial Grand Officers must be distinguished by a narrow edging of gold lace or cord . " The Board regret to draw the attention of Grand Lodge to the
continued irregularity exhibited by Lodges in improperly certifying to the petitions of applicants for relief from the Fund of Benevolence . " The following complaints laid before the Board by the Lodge of Benevolence have been considered and decided on , viz . ¦ "I . Against the Lodge No . 195 , London , for certifying to the petition of an applicant for relief that he had been a regular contributing member for 4 J years , whereas the Lodge had only paid dues for him for 3 years . The Board having investigated the circumstancesand finding that none of the present members of the Lod
, ge were members at the time referred to , ordered the Lodge to pay the arrears due , and admonished the W . Master to be more careful for the future . " 2 . Against the Lodge No . 48 , at Exeter , for certifying to the petition of a widow , that her late husband had been a regular contributing member for 20 years , whereas dues had only been paid for him for 13 years . The Board having fully investigated the case , and finding that considerable neglect had been exhibited in it , ordered the Lodge to pay the arrears for seven years and also a fine
of £ 2 2 s . to the Fund of Benevolence ; which arrears and fines have been paid . " 3 . Against the Lodge No . 34 , at Canterbury , for certifying that a Brother had been a contributing member for 3 years , whereas dues had only been paid for him for 2 years . The Board , taking into consideration the circumstances of the case , ordered the arrears to be paid , and admonished the Lodge to be more careful for the future . " Against the Lodge No . 206 , London , for certifying that a
petitioner had been for 8 years a contributing member , whereas Grand Lodge dues had only been paid for 5 £ years . It appeared , upon investigation , that the Brother had been a contributing member for only five years ; but the Board observing upon the effect of carelessly certifying petitions without ascertaining their correctness , together with several irregularities which were disclosed in the course of the case , seriously admonished the W . Master and Officers to be more circumspect for the future . " Complaints having been made of difficulties experienced in
obtaining the Charity Jewel , the Board recommend the following resolution for the adoption of Grand Lodge : 'That the right to supply Charity Jewels be not confined to any individual , but that any masonic jeweller he permitted to purchase . the Charity Medal , upon signing an undertaking that it shall be mounted in accordance with the pattern kept at the Grand Secretary ' s office , and have the name of the Brother and the dates of his Stewardships engraved thereon . ' " The Board have further to reportthat the subject of the duties
, and salaries of the officers in the Grand Secretary ' s department has been under their consideration for some months past , that they have thoroughly investigated the nature and extent of the duties discharged by each officer , and the whole of the books and accounts kept by each have been produced and examined . Having concluded such investigation , the Board are of opinion that , looking to the nature of the duties performed , the number of the staff employed ,