Article POSTSCRIPT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Colonial. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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and all Masters of Lodges were warned to be careful how they admitted any such Brethren among them ; and a notification was ordered to be issued to that effect . The report of the Colonial Board ( see report ) was received and entered on the minutes .
REPORT OF THE COLONIAL BOARD . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Colonial Board beg to report that they have received a complaint from Bro . V . S . Richardson against the Harmonic Lodge , No . 458 , Island of St . Thomas , for having refused to give him the third degreealthough he had been initiated in
, the Lodge . After carefully considering the case on the part of Bro . Richardson , together with the evidence laid before them by the Lodge , and it appearing that the Lodge had taken a ballot on the question whether the complainant should be permitted to take the said degree , the Board decided , That the Lodge was bound to confer the degree on Bro . V . S . Richardsonand that such ballot was illegal ; but if the Lod
, ge refused to confer the degree , the money , if any , paid in respect thereof should be credited or refunded to the complainant . The board have also to report that they have directed a letter lo be written to the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , in reply to the Memorial from that Body , which was referred back to the Board by Grand Lodge at the Quarterl
y Communication of the 2 nd March last , pointing out the difficulties that lie in the way of complying with the wishes of the Memorialists , and drawing their attention to the very small difference that exists between the aggregate sum now paid by the Lodges in the Colonies and Foreign parts for Registration and Certificate and that proposed by the Memorialists , and expressing a hope that , upon more mature
consideration , the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria will come to the conclusion that the important reduction in the fees recently made in favour of Lodges abroad should be acquiesced in as sufficient . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS , Freemasons' Hall , President . London , l & th May , 1859 .
Bro . BINCKES brought forward a motion condemning the official reports of G . L . proceedings , as at present issued from the Grand Secretary ' s office , on the ground of its unfair and imperfect character . The reports were defended by the Executive and their adherents , and Lord PANMTJRE , in a very conciliatory speech , stated his opinion that such motions should be brought
forward as questions of privilege . The motion was negatived , and G . L . was adjourned at II p . m .
ROMANISM AND FREEMASONRY . — "As secret societies are the cause of the greatest evils to religion , tending to promote impiety and incredulity , and most hostile to the public good , the Catholic church has solemnly excommunicated all her children who engage in them . Hence , no Catholic can be absolved who is a Freemason , a Ribandman , or enrolled in any other secret society . Drunkenness , a vice so degrading in itself and the occasion of so many evils , and
improper dances such as the polka and others of the same description , so repugnant to the purity of Christian morals , are to be avoided , not only during Lent but at all times , by Christians who profess to be followers of the immaculate Lamb of God , Jesus Christ . All are exhorted to perform works of piety and charity timing Lent , visiting the widow and orphan , relieving the poor , and above all , contributing to provide a good Catholic education , for Catholic children , and to preserve them from the innumerable snares now laid for them in mixed and proselytising schools . " — . Dr . Cullen ' s Lenten Pastoral .
Colonial .
Bn . o . DANIF . L HART has been recently appointed Prov . Grand Master for Trindad and St . Vincents , making the second Prov . Grand Master appointed from the West Indies . BRO . WATTS RUSSELL of Canterbury , New Zealand , has received the appointment of Prov . Grand Master for that colony . Buo . RAJISAV , late Prov . Grand Master for China , having resigned the appointment , it has been conferred upon Bro . the Hon . Wm . Mercer .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
HYDE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No 31 . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 16 th March , at the Norfolk Arms Hotel , Hyde ; Bros . John Yarker , W . M . ; S . P . Leather , S . W . ; and John Brierley , J . W . : when Bros . Huxton , Eelph , Jackson , and Adshead , were advanced , and several candidates proposed for the next meeting ; the entire ceremonies , considering the short time the Lodge has been at work , being conducted in a highly satisfactory manner . A code of bye-laws , resolved npon at a previous meeting , were then confirmed including the removal of the Lodto the above hoteland ordered to
ge , be sent to the General Board for approval . From the evident importance of this beautiful degree as a completing link in the Masonic system , we are not surprised to find that it is beginning to excite considerable interest : and 'we expect ere long to see other Lodges established in this neighbourhood . THISTLE LODGE . —This Lodge held its regular meeting ( being the second which has taken place under English authority ) at Dick ' s Coffee HouseFleet Streeton FridayApril 1 when the following brethren
, , , , were duly advanced to the Mark degree : —Bros . Young ( P . M ., No . 237 ) , Hind ( No . 219 ) , Gates ( No . 219 ) , and Taylor ( No . 752 ) . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . Cotterell , W . M ., after which Bro . Capt . Hamilton was admitted as a joining member . A copy of the amended by-laws was then submitted , and after some conversation they were adopted , and ordered to be printed . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a jewel be presented to BroSheenP . M . as well for his services whilst in the
. , , chair as for the interest he has taken in the prosperity of the Lodge from its formation . The business completed , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , and the evening passed most pleasantly . The only visitor present was Bro . Conery , St . Andrew's Chapter Boston , ' Massacbussets . NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE . —Northumberland and Berwick Lodge . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Wednesday ,
March 30 th , the W . M ., Bro . John Baker m the chair , assisted by Bro . Punsheon , Prov . G . S . W . ; Bros . Joseph Bell , S . W . ; Henry Hotham , J . W . ; A . Gillespie and C . J . Bannister , Deacons ; G . Ludwig , Keg . ; and other brethren . The Ballot was taken for Bros . Banning and Twigg , and being both iu attendance , they were advanced by the W . M . The time of meeting of this Lodge has been altered from Wednesday nearest the full moon to the fourth Wednesday of every month . The majority of the brethren present agreed to accompany the Worshipful Master to Hartlepool the 14 th Aprilwhoin bis capacity of Grand
on , , Dir . of Cers ., is to open in from the Eclectic Lodge of Mark Masters , which has just abtaiued a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England . DURHAM ; HARTLEPOOL . —Thursday , April the 14 th , was appointed for constituting and formally inaugurating the Eclectic Lodge ot Mark Masters , No . 39 , ( under the registry of the Graud Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales ) , in the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . The leading Mark Master of Newcastle and Stockton were assembled John Barker
to assist the Grand Director of the Ceremonies , Bro . , who was ordered to constitute and formally open this Lodge . At high twelve the brethren assembled in the above hall , which is a beautiful and commodious Lodge room , properly decorated , and large enough for the purposes of Masonry in Hartlepool . The brethren were marshalled by Bro . Andrew Gillespie , who acted as Senior Grand Deacon and Grand Director of the Ceremonies , and , on reaching the East , the worthBrother who presided over the ceremonies of the day
y pro ceeded to open Grand Lodge , assisted by the following brethren , who ably assisted him as acting Grand Officers—Bros . H . A . Hammerbom , as ' D . G . M . ; Henry Hotham , as G . S . W . ; J . J . Wilson , as G . J . W . ; T . P . Tate , as Grand Sec , Andrew Gillespie , as G . S . D . and Grand Director of Ceremonies ; G . Twigg , as G . iM . M . Overs . ; John Stokoe , as G . J . D . and S . G . Overs . ; Edward Hudson , as J . G . Overs . On the Grand Lodge being opened , the E . W . Bro . Barker announced the business of the . day , viz ., the formal constitution of the Eclectic Lodge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and all Masters of Lodges were warned to be careful how they admitted any such Brethren among them ; and a notification was ordered to be issued to that effect . The report of the Colonial Board ( see report ) was received and entered on the minutes .
REPORT OF THE COLONIAL BOARD . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Colonial Board beg to report that they have received a complaint from Bro . V . S . Richardson against the Harmonic Lodge , No . 458 , Island of St . Thomas , for having refused to give him the third degreealthough he had been initiated in
, the Lodge . After carefully considering the case on the part of Bro . Richardson , together with the evidence laid before them by the Lodge , and it appearing that the Lodge had taken a ballot on the question whether the complainant should be permitted to take the said degree , the Board decided , That the Lodge was bound to confer the degree on Bro . V . S . Richardsonand that such ballot was illegal ; but if the Lod
, ge refused to confer the degree , the money , if any , paid in respect thereof should be credited or refunded to the complainant . The board have also to report that they have directed a letter lo be written to the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , in reply to the Memorial from that Body , which was referred back to the Board by Grand Lodge at the Quarterl
y Communication of the 2 nd March last , pointing out the difficulties that lie in the way of complying with the wishes of the Memorialists , and drawing their attention to the very small difference that exists between the aggregate sum now paid by the Lodges in the Colonies and Foreign parts for Registration and Certificate and that proposed by the Memorialists , and expressing a hope that , upon more mature
consideration , the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria will come to the conclusion that the important reduction in the fees recently made in favour of Lodges abroad should be acquiesced in as sufficient . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS , Freemasons' Hall , President . London , l & th May , 1859 .
Bro . BINCKES brought forward a motion condemning the official reports of G . L . proceedings , as at present issued from the Grand Secretary ' s office , on the ground of its unfair and imperfect character . The reports were defended by the Executive and their adherents , and Lord PANMTJRE , in a very conciliatory speech , stated his opinion that such motions should be brought
forward as questions of privilege . The motion was negatived , and G . L . was adjourned at II p . m .
ROMANISM AND FREEMASONRY . — "As secret societies are the cause of the greatest evils to religion , tending to promote impiety and incredulity , and most hostile to the public good , the Catholic church has solemnly excommunicated all her children who engage in them . Hence , no Catholic can be absolved who is a Freemason , a Ribandman , or enrolled in any other secret society . Drunkenness , a vice so degrading in itself and the occasion of so many evils , and
improper dances such as the polka and others of the same description , so repugnant to the purity of Christian morals , are to be avoided , not only during Lent but at all times , by Christians who profess to be followers of the immaculate Lamb of God , Jesus Christ . All are exhorted to perform works of piety and charity timing Lent , visiting the widow and orphan , relieving the poor , and above all , contributing to provide a good Catholic education , for Catholic children , and to preserve them from the innumerable snares now laid for them in mixed and proselytising schools . " — . Dr . Cullen ' s Lenten Pastoral .
Colonial .
Bn . o . DANIF . L HART has been recently appointed Prov . Grand Master for Trindad and St . Vincents , making the second Prov . Grand Master appointed from the West Indies . BRO . WATTS RUSSELL of Canterbury , New Zealand , has received the appointment of Prov . Grand Master for that colony . Buo . RAJISAV , late Prov . Grand Master for China , having resigned the appointment , it has been conferred upon Bro . the Hon . Wm . Mercer .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
HYDE . —Fidelity Lodge ( No 31 . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 16 th March , at the Norfolk Arms Hotel , Hyde ; Bros . John Yarker , W . M . ; S . P . Leather , S . W . ; and John Brierley , J . W . : when Bros . Huxton , Eelph , Jackson , and Adshead , were advanced , and several candidates proposed for the next meeting ; the entire ceremonies , considering the short time the Lodge has been at work , being conducted in a highly satisfactory manner . A code of bye-laws , resolved npon at a previous meeting , were then confirmed including the removal of the Lodto the above hoteland ordered to
ge , be sent to the General Board for approval . From the evident importance of this beautiful degree as a completing link in the Masonic system , we are not surprised to find that it is beginning to excite considerable interest : and 'we expect ere long to see other Lodges established in this neighbourhood . THISTLE LODGE . —This Lodge held its regular meeting ( being the second which has taken place under English authority ) at Dick ' s Coffee HouseFleet Streeton FridayApril 1 when the following brethren
, , , , were duly advanced to the Mark degree : —Bros . Young ( P . M ., No . 237 ) , Hind ( No . 219 ) , Gates ( No . 219 ) , and Taylor ( No . 752 ) . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . Cotterell , W . M ., after which Bro . Capt . Hamilton was admitted as a joining member . A copy of the amended by-laws was then submitted , and after some conversation they were adopted , and ordered to be printed . It was then proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a jewel be presented to BroSheenP . M . as well for his services whilst in the
. , , chair as for the interest he has taken in the prosperity of the Lodge from its formation . The business completed , the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , and the evening passed most pleasantly . The only visitor present was Bro . Conery , St . Andrew's Chapter Boston , ' Massacbussets . NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE . —Northumberland and Berwick Lodge . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Wednesday ,
March 30 th , the W . M ., Bro . John Baker m the chair , assisted by Bro . Punsheon , Prov . G . S . W . ; Bros . Joseph Bell , S . W . ; Henry Hotham , J . W . ; A . Gillespie and C . J . Bannister , Deacons ; G . Ludwig , Keg . ; and other brethren . The Ballot was taken for Bros . Banning and Twigg , and being both iu attendance , they were advanced by the W . M . The time of meeting of this Lodge has been altered from Wednesday nearest the full moon to the fourth Wednesday of every month . The majority of the brethren present agreed to accompany the Worshipful Master to Hartlepool the 14 th Aprilwhoin bis capacity of Grand
on , , Dir . of Cers ., is to open in from the Eclectic Lodge of Mark Masters , which has just abtaiued a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England . DURHAM ; HARTLEPOOL . —Thursday , April the 14 th , was appointed for constituting and formally inaugurating the Eclectic Lodge ot Mark Masters , No . 39 , ( under the registry of the Graud Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales ) , in the Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . The leading Mark Master of Newcastle and Stockton were assembled John Barker
to assist the Grand Director of the Ceremonies , Bro . , who was ordered to constitute and formally open this Lodge . At high twelve the brethren assembled in the above hall , which is a beautiful and commodious Lodge room , properly decorated , and large enough for the purposes of Masonry in Hartlepool . The brethren were marshalled by Bro . Andrew Gillespie , who acted as Senior Grand Deacon and Grand Director of the Ceremonies , and , on reaching the East , the worthBrother who presided over the ceremonies of the day
y pro ceeded to open Grand Lodge , assisted by the following brethren , who ably assisted him as acting Grand Officers—Bros . H . A . Hammerbom , as ' D . G . M . ; Henry Hotham , as G . S . W . ; J . J . Wilson , as G . J . W . ; T . P . Tate , as Grand Sec , Andrew Gillespie , as G . S . D . and Grand Director of Ceremonies ; G . Twigg , as G . iM . M . Overs . ; John Stokoe , as G . J . D . and S . G . Overs . ; Edward Hudson , as J . G . Overs . On the Grand Lodge being opened , the E . W . Bro . Barker announced the business of the . day , viz ., the formal constitution of the Eclectic Lodge ,