Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Charities. Page 1 of 5 →
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Mark Masonry.
No . 39 , and requested the Chaplain to give them the benefit of prayer . This having been done , the warrant was read , after which the consecration ceremony , including appropriate passages from the books of Ezekiel , Chronicles , Kings , and Isaiah , was performed in solemn form ; and the acting Grand Master declared the Eclectic Lodge , No . 39 , duly constituted , and ordered the same to be proclaimed , which was done in ancient form . He then proceeded to instal Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , the newly appointed R . W . Master , who , after having been duly proclaimed , proceeded to advance five Brethren
to this degree , and the manner in which the ceremony was performed did him great credit ; and , we must add , he was ably assisted by his two Wardens and other Brethren , who acted as his officers , among whom all praise is due to Bro . Andrew Gillespie , who acted as Senior Deacon . After the advancement of the Brethren , the R . W . M ., Bro . Hammerbom , proceeded to invest the following Brethren as officers for the ensuing year—Bros . T . P . Tate , S . W . and Treasurer ( elected to the latter office ); Edward Hudson , J . W . ; Rev . James Milner , Chaplain ; Simpson ArmstrongSecretary and Registrar of Marks ;
, George Moore , S . D . ; A . G . Dalziel , I . G . ; James Mowbray , Tyler . The Grand Lodge was closed by the acting Grand Master , and the Eclectic Lodge by the R . W . M . Bro . Hammerbom . The Brethren then adjourned to the Queen's Hotel , and partook of dinner . The loyal toasts having been given , the health of the Grand Master , Lord Leigh , and of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Carnarvon , were proposed and duly acknowledged . The R . W . M .. Bro . Hammerbom , then proposed the health of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , coupling it with that of the R . W . Bro . Barker ,
on his right , to whom the thanks of the Hartlepool Brethren were due for his kindness in coming over to assist in constituting their Lodge , and who had so ably performed the work of the day . R . W . Bro . Barker responded , thanking the Brethren , but added that , for him it was a labour of love , and he would always gladly give his bumble assistance , and trusted soon again to be called upon to do so , both in his neighbourhood and theirs , as he saw looming in the future two other Mark Masters' Lodges , which at no distant period would increase the roll But ho could not have done less than come here
to-day , as the R . W . M . presiding , and the S . W ., Bro . Tate , were not long ago advanced by him in his own Lodge ; of course they could claim by right his help , and the wa } r he was received amply repaid him . Before sitting down he would give them a toast , which he knew full well would be received with enthusiasm , and that was , the health of their presiding officer , Bro . Hammerbom ; no one who had been long a Mark Master , but must have been highly gratified with the very able manner in which the degree was conferred to the newly advanced Brethren ; heBro . Barkerneed add no moreas the worth
, , , of Bro . Hammerbom was well known to them all . The toast was duly acknowledged briefly by the R . W . M ., and with a few more toasts , viz ., those of the officers and newly advanced Brethren , & c , the Brethren separated early to return to their respective homes . CARNARVON LODGE . —The installation of the Rev . G . R . Portal , as R . W . M . of this distinguished Lodge , took place at Hampton Court on the 15 th inst , by Bro . Beach , M . P . There were present Bros . Wyndham Portal , R . Benson , Rev . W . Davies , Hammertoe , Binckes , & e .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL . A Special Meeting of the governors and subscribers to this Institution was held at the offices in Great Queen street , on Thursday , the 31 st of March , Bro . Udall , P . G . D ., in the chair , to take into consideration the report of the sub-committee on the means of promoting the interests of this Institution , and the Boys' School , and the following recommendations contained therein : — 1 That each province be requested to form a committeeto be
. , called " Provincial Committee of the Province of * ' * * * for promoting the interests of the Masonic Schools , " ( or , if the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution should wish to be included , " of the Four Masonic Charities . " ) 2 . That such committee do consist of a member of each Lodge in the province , to be annually elected or re-elected by the Lodge on the night of installation of W . M . 3 That each Lodge be requested to transmit to the Secretary of
. each School ( or Charity ) the name title , and address of the Brother so appointed . 4 . That the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , be requested to take the office of President and Vice-President of such committee .
5 . That the said Provincial Committee be requested to hold a general meeting at least once a year , and to present to the Provincial Grand Lodge a report showing the results of the labours of its members individually and collectively . After a short conversation it was resolved , on the motion of Bro . Hopwood , S . G . D ., seconded by Bro . C . Purton Cooper , Prov . GM ., for Kent , " That the report be approved ; and this Court being much impressed with the importance of uniform action on the part of the supporters of the Institution throughout the country , earnestly
recommend the Brethren in the province to adopt the suggestions offered on page 9 ( given above ) of the printed report . " It was also resolved , on the motion of Bro . Symonds , seconded by Bro Cooper , ' That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the M . W G . M ., and that his lordship he respectfully solicited to forward it to the R . W . Prov . Grand Masters , with a request that they will take the subject into their serious consideration , and bring the resolution and report under the . notice of the Brethren of their respective provinceseither at a Provincial Grand Lodgeor in such
, , other way as they may deem most fitting . " A vote of thanks to Bro . Udall for presiding , closed the proceedings . The quarterly court of the governors and subscribers to this institution was held at the offices , Great Queen street , on April 14 th , Bro . John Udall , V . P ., presiding . Th .: minutes of the hist quarterly court , and of the meetings of the different committees , having been read and confirmed , the last
quarter ' s accounts , amounting to £ 442 9 s . 3 d ., were ordered to be paid . The following children were then elected into the school without ballot , there being no other candidates : — Edith Grace Fitzgerald , Woodbridge , Suffolk . Rose Cooke , Ipswich , Suffolk . Mary Catherine Saunders , London . Louisa Margaret Bradley , Ditto . Mary Elizabeth Hervey , Ditto . The number of children now in the school is seventy , the full number that are at present received ; a number which there can be no doubt must be augmented as the number of applicants for admission increase .
THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL . The Seventy-first Anniversary Festival of this popular charity was celebrated by a very elegant dinner served under the personal superintendence of Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington , at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on May the 11 th . The Right Hon . the Earl of Ripon , P . G . W ., was President / supported by Bros . Capt . Bowyer , Prov . G . M ., Oxfordshire ; B . B . Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk , and Treasurer of the Institution ; Col . Burlton , P . Prov . G . M ., Bengal ; G Clarke , G . Sec . ; Savage , S . G . D . ; F . Slight , J G . D . ; Havers , P . G . D . ; Hervey , P . G . D . ;
T . H . White , P . G . D . ; Scott , P . G . D . ; Secondary Potter , P . G-D . ; Hopwood , P . G . D . ; Udall , P . G . S . B . ; Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; Gooch , P . G . S . B . ; W . E . Walmisley , P G . S . B . ; FarnfieH , Asst . G . Sec ; and above 300 other Brothers . Nearly 100 ladies graced the company by their presence in the gallery , who , during the repast in the hall , partook of a recherche cold collation in the glee-room , each lady finding in her champagne glass a very handsome bouquet , presented by the Board of Stewards . On the removal of the cloth the health of her Majestand of
y , H . R . H . the Prince Consort , and the rest of the Royal Family , was drunk with the usual honours , after which , The Chairman said no words ot his would be wanted to recommend to them the next toast , ' the Health of the M W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , " but he could not let the opportunity pass of expressing his strong conviction that it was highly conducive to the prosperity of the Craft that they had at its head in England such a man as " the noble earl . He ( the Earl of Ripon ) felt it as a high honour to have had the opportunity of serving as a Grand Officer under the noble
earl , and he would now ask the Brethren to join with him iu drinking to his health . ( Applause . ) The health of the D . G . M ., Lord Paunuu-o , was then drunk , after which the Children were introduced , and their healthy and interesting appearance was generally admitted and admired . Having sung the " Festival Hymn , " The Chairman said he rose to propose the toast of the evening . The presence of so many of the Brethren that evening was a sufficient proof of the deep interest they felt in the prosperity of the Institution
to support which they were then assembled , and he rejoiced , therefore , that he would have the less difficulty in commending the toast to them . He believed it was now seventy-one years since the School was first founded , and during that period he was told 734 girls had enjoyed the advantages of the education it afforded , of whom 664 had passed through the School , and he was assured that , out of that large number , there was not one who , by her conduct in after life , had in-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
No . 39 , and requested the Chaplain to give them the benefit of prayer . This having been done , the warrant was read , after which the consecration ceremony , including appropriate passages from the books of Ezekiel , Chronicles , Kings , and Isaiah , was performed in solemn form ; and the acting Grand Master declared the Eclectic Lodge , No . 39 , duly constituted , and ordered the same to be proclaimed , which was done in ancient form . He then proceeded to instal Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , the newly appointed R . W . Master , who , after having been duly proclaimed , proceeded to advance five Brethren
to this degree , and the manner in which the ceremony was performed did him great credit ; and , we must add , he was ably assisted by his two Wardens and other Brethren , who acted as his officers , among whom all praise is due to Bro . Andrew Gillespie , who acted as Senior Deacon . After the advancement of the Brethren , the R . W . M ., Bro . Hammerbom , proceeded to invest the following Brethren as officers for the ensuing year—Bros . T . P . Tate , S . W . and Treasurer ( elected to the latter office ); Edward Hudson , J . W . ; Rev . James Milner , Chaplain ; Simpson ArmstrongSecretary and Registrar of Marks ;
, George Moore , S . D . ; A . G . Dalziel , I . G . ; James Mowbray , Tyler . The Grand Lodge was closed by the acting Grand Master , and the Eclectic Lodge by the R . W . M . Bro . Hammerbom . The Brethren then adjourned to the Queen's Hotel , and partook of dinner . The loyal toasts having been given , the health of the Grand Master , Lord Leigh , and of the Deputy Grand Master , Lord Carnarvon , were proposed and duly acknowledged . The R . W . M .. Bro . Hammerbom , then proposed the health of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , coupling it with that of the R . W . Bro . Barker ,
on his right , to whom the thanks of the Hartlepool Brethren were due for his kindness in coming over to assist in constituting their Lodge , and who had so ably performed the work of the day . R . W . Bro . Barker responded , thanking the Brethren , but added that , for him it was a labour of love , and he would always gladly give his bumble assistance , and trusted soon again to be called upon to do so , both in his neighbourhood and theirs , as he saw looming in the future two other Mark Masters' Lodges , which at no distant period would increase the roll But ho could not have done less than come here
to-day , as the R . W . M . presiding , and the S . W ., Bro . Tate , were not long ago advanced by him in his own Lodge ; of course they could claim by right his help , and the wa } r he was received amply repaid him . Before sitting down he would give them a toast , which he knew full well would be received with enthusiasm , and that was , the health of their presiding officer , Bro . Hammerbom ; no one who had been long a Mark Master , but must have been highly gratified with the very able manner in which the degree was conferred to the newly advanced Brethren ; heBro . Barkerneed add no moreas the worth
, , , of Bro . Hammerbom was well known to them all . The toast was duly acknowledged briefly by the R . W . M ., and with a few more toasts , viz ., those of the officers and newly advanced Brethren , & c , the Brethren separated early to return to their respective homes . CARNARVON LODGE . —The installation of the Rev . G . R . Portal , as R . W . M . of this distinguished Lodge , took place at Hampton Court on the 15 th inst , by Bro . Beach , M . P . There were present Bros . Wyndham Portal , R . Benson , Rev . W . Davies , Hammertoe , Binckes , & e .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
ROYAL FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL . A Special Meeting of the governors and subscribers to this Institution was held at the offices in Great Queen street , on Thursday , the 31 st of March , Bro . Udall , P . G . D ., in the chair , to take into consideration the report of the sub-committee on the means of promoting the interests of this Institution , and the Boys' School , and the following recommendations contained therein : — 1 That each province be requested to form a committeeto be
. , called " Provincial Committee of the Province of * ' * * * for promoting the interests of the Masonic Schools , " ( or , if the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution should wish to be included , " of the Four Masonic Charities . " ) 2 . That such committee do consist of a member of each Lodge in the province , to be annually elected or re-elected by the Lodge on the night of installation of W . M . 3 That each Lodge be requested to transmit to the Secretary of
. each School ( or Charity ) the name title , and address of the Brother so appointed . 4 . That the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , be requested to take the office of President and Vice-President of such committee .
5 . That the said Provincial Committee be requested to hold a general meeting at least once a year , and to present to the Provincial Grand Lodge a report showing the results of the labours of its members individually and collectively . After a short conversation it was resolved , on the motion of Bro . Hopwood , S . G . D ., seconded by Bro . C . Purton Cooper , Prov . GM ., for Kent , " That the report be approved ; and this Court being much impressed with the importance of uniform action on the part of the supporters of the Institution throughout the country , earnestly
recommend the Brethren in the province to adopt the suggestions offered on page 9 ( given above ) of the printed report . " It was also resolved , on the motion of Bro . Symonds , seconded by Bro Cooper , ' That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the M . W G . M ., and that his lordship he respectfully solicited to forward it to the R . W . Prov . Grand Masters , with a request that they will take the subject into their serious consideration , and bring the resolution and report under the . notice of the Brethren of their respective provinceseither at a Provincial Grand Lodgeor in such
, , other way as they may deem most fitting . " A vote of thanks to Bro . Udall for presiding , closed the proceedings . The quarterly court of the governors and subscribers to this institution was held at the offices , Great Queen street , on April 14 th , Bro . John Udall , V . P ., presiding . Th .: minutes of the hist quarterly court , and of the meetings of the different committees , having been read and confirmed , the last
quarter ' s accounts , amounting to £ 442 9 s . 3 d ., were ordered to be paid . The following children were then elected into the school without ballot , there being no other candidates : — Edith Grace Fitzgerald , Woodbridge , Suffolk . Rose Cooke , Ipswich , Suffolk . Mary Catherine Saunders , London . Louisa Margaret Bradley , Ditto . Mary Elizabeth Hervey , Ditto . The number of children now in the school is seventy , the full number that are at present received ; a number which there can be no doubt must be augmented as the number of applicants for admission increase .
THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL . The Seventy-first Anniversary Festival of this popular charity was celebrated by a very elegant dinner served under the personal superintendence of Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington , at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on May the 11 th . The Right Hon . the Earl of Ripon , P . G . W ., was President / supported by Bros . Capt . Bowyer , Prov . G . M ., Oxfordshire ; B . B . Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk , and Treasurer of the Institution ; Col . Burlton , P . Prov . G . M ., Bengal ; G Clarke , G . Sec . ; Savage , S . G . D . ; F . Slight , J G . D . ; Havers , P . G . D . ; Hervey , P . G . D . ;
T . H . White , P . G . D . ; Scott , P . G . D . ; Secondary Potter , P . G-D . ; Hopwood , P . G . D . ; Udall , P . G . S . B . ; Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; Gooch , P . G . S . B . ; W . E . Walmisley , P G . S . B . ; FarnfieH , Asst . G . Sec ; and above 300 other Brothers . Nearly 100 ladies graced the company by their presence in the gallery , who , during the repast in the hall , partook of a recherche cold collation in the glee-room , each lady finding in her champagne glass a very handsome bouquet , presented by the Board of Stewards . On the removal of the cloth the health of her Majestand of
y , H . R . H . the Prince Consort , and the rest of the Royal Family , was drunk with the usual honours , after which , The Chairman said no words ot his would be wanted to recommend to them the next toast , ' the Health of the M W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , " but he could not let the opportunity pass of expressing his strong conviction that it was highly conducive to the prosperity of the Craft that they had at its head in England such a man as " the noble earl . He ( the Earl of Ripon ) felt it as a high honour to have had the opportunity of serving as a Grand Officer under the noble
earl , and he would now ask the Brethren to join with him iu drinking to his health . ( Applause . ) The health of the D . G . M ., Lord Paunuu-o , was then drunk , after which the Children were introduced , and their healthy and interesting appearance was generally admitted and admired . Having sung the " Festival Hymn , " The Chairman said he rose to propose the toast of the evening . The presence of so many of the Brethren that evening was a sufficient proof of the deep interest they felt in the prosperity of the Institution
to support which they were then assembled , and he rejoiced , therefore , that he would have the less difficulty in commending the toast to them . He believed it was now seventy-one years since the School was first founded , and during that period he was told 734 girls had enjoyed the advantages of the education it afforded , of whom 664 had passed through the School , and he was assured that , out of that large number , there was not one who , by her conduct in after life , had in-