Article Provincial. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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freshments ; and that as large a sum as possible should be annually given from the fund of General Purposes to the Masonic charities . " Bro . W . Rttss , P . M ., No . 90 , said he cordially concurred in the observation of the Rev . Bro . Portal ,-and with great pleasure seconded his resolution . Bro . Wyndbam Portal confessed there was some difficulty in handling this subject . It included a question of very great importance , both to the London and Provincial Brethren , and it was a misfortune that the facts as discussed in Grand Lodge concerning itwore so
, little known among the Brethren generally . The present accommodation of officers was wholly insufficient , and he wished their R . W . Brother had spoken more strongly on that point . He and many other Brethren had found the difficulty arising from not having a general place of assembly , where they could meet with Masons when in London . There was an excess of £ 2501 ) a year , and the Board of General Purposes might spend that , either in giving the Craft a general accommodation , ov in benevolent purposes . The Worshipful
Brother expressed his objection to any funds at all being expended for the purpose of providing refreshments in any shape . Bro . Stabbing further addressed the meeting in explanation of the exact appropriation of the funds of the Hoard of General Purposes ; and expressed his anxiety to make every Brother present feel that any very considerable expense for alteration of Grand Lodge property , would diminish the likelihood of assistance to the benevolent fund from that of General Purposes . Bro . Beach thought that these wore fit points upon which to
very call the attention of the Brethren . Although it was of some importance that they should have a building in accordance with the dignity of the Craft , still , at the same time , they should be careful not to entrench too far upon the funds . He thought a library of reference would be useful on matters of Masonry , but a general library , containing the standard authors of the day , he was of opinion was undesirable . He approved of the Rev . Bro . Portal ' s resolution . The resolution was then put to tho meeting , and carried without a
dissentient voice . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then said he believed the business was concluded for which they had been called together , and he would therefore proceed to close the Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Stebhing then proposed a motion , appreciating the kindness of the Prov . Grand Master in submitting the points to the discussion of the members of the province ; which was seconded by Brother Perkins , and carried by acclamation . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master briefly acknowledged the compliment , and the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form .
BERKSHIRE AND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . PROVISCIAL GRAND LODGE . The foundation stone of the Masonic Hall at Reading was laid on Wednesday , March 23 rd . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Town Hall , and was opened in due form by the most noble the Marquis of Downshiro , R . W . Prov . G . M ., in the presence of above one hundred brethren . The Prov . Grand Master for Oxfordwith some thirty brethren of
, that province , was announced , and was received with grand honours , as was also the D . Prov . Grand Masters for Surrey and Wilts . The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested as Prov . Grand Officers . —Bro . Atlev , No . 859 , S . G . W . ; Bro . Botlev , No . 597 , J . G . W . ; Rev . Bro . J . C . Farmborough , No . 861 , G . Chap . ; Bro . Moxhay , No . 597 , G . Reg . ; Bro . J . B . Gibson , No . 597 , G . Sec . ; Bro . Maddigan , No . 252 , S . D . ; Bro . S . W . Hopwood , No . 861 , J . D . ; Bro . GillNo . 597 G . Dir . of Cers . Bro . CaveNo . 839 Asst . G . Dir . of
, , ; , , Cers . ; Bro . James Claey , G . Supr . of Works ; Bro . Lovegrove , G . Sword Bearer ; Bro . Tiill , G . Org ; Bro . Leaver , G . Purs . ; Bros . Weadon , Williams , Bursey , Cousens , Prince , and Barley , G . Stewards . The brethren were then marshalled by Bro . Henry Mnggeridge , as Dir . of Cers . for the occasion , and proceeded to the ancient parish church of St . Lawrence , close adjoining to attend divine service . The evening service was read by Bro . the Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart
., P . Grand Chaplain , and the Rev . Bro Authur Roberts , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain , preached a sermon , taking for his text , " By their fruits shall ye know thorn . " Matt . vii . 20 . Service concluded , the brethren , preceded by tho excellent brass band of the 36 th Regiment playing the air " The Entered Apprentice " then adjourned to the ground laid out for the new Masonic Hull , at the western end of the town , and on arrival there , the brethren separating right and left , the Prov . Grand Master advanced , followed by his distinguished visitors and Grand Officers , and having by his side the Past Grand Chaplain , Bro . Roberts . He then proceeded to place a phial containing coins of our day , and a scroll of vellum , recording the event within a cavity of the stone , a suitable address
being first given by tho reverend Brother . Corn , wine , and oil were scattered , and a brass plate covering the cavity was laid . which bore this inscription : — "This corner stone of the Reading Masonic Hall , Lodge of Union , No . 597 , was laid by the most noble the Marquis of Downshire , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Berks and Bucks , on Wednesday , the 23 rd day of March , 1869 . " With a silver trowel the Prov . Grand Master spread the mortar , and the upper stone was slowly lowered , the hand playing the National Hymn . The stone having been proved by the plumb-ruleleveland square
, , , the Prov . Grand Master pronounced it true , and giving three knocks with his mallet , said— " May the Great Architect of the Universe enable us successfully to carry on and finish the work of which we have now laid the . corner stone . May he in His mercy and goodness permit this building to be erected to his honour and glory , and to the praises of his most holy name . " The plans of the building were presented by tho architect , Bro . James Clacy , Prov . G . Sup . of Works , to the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , who handed them to Bro . Child ,
the builder . The ceremony was concluded by a benediction from the P . Prov . G . Chaplain . Soon after five o'clock the Brethren , numbering considerably over one hundred and twenty , were assembled at a splendid banquet in the . noble hall . The Most Noble the Marquis of Downshire presided . Tho P . G . M . in responding to his health said , he hoped the Brethren would overlook any imperfections they might have observed in the conduct of the proceedings on his part ; and with regard to the past he would make a clean breastand acknowledging he had been
ne-, glectful , promised to make up by future diligence , and would henceforth hold a Provincial Grand Lodge in every ensuing year . The next meeting , if the Buckingham Lodge desired it , would he held at Aylesbury . -DORSETSHIRE . The M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to appoint Bro . Joseph Gundry , of the Hyde , near Bridport , as Prov . Grand Master lor Dorsetshu-e .
WARWICKSHIRE . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE LEAMINGTON NATIONAL SCHOOLS . On Tuesday , the 12 th April , the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new National Schools at Leamington " , was performed by the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master , assisted by the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and a large number of the Brethrenamong whom were Bro . Chandos Wren HoskvnD . Prov .
, , G . M . ; Bro . C . W . Elkington , P . G . S . B ., of England ; Bros . Newton , J . W . Lloyd , W . Lloyd , Maslin , and Empson , Past Prov . Grand Wardens ; Bro . the Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Bros . Blenkinsop , S . W . ; Clarke , J . W . ; Robins , S . D . ; Nason , J . D . ; Bro . Dymock , D . Prov . G M ., North Wales ; Bro . Captain Vaughton ; Bro . Bridges , Totnes ; Bro . Adams , P . Prov . D C . ; Bro . Inns , Towcester ; Bros . Weiss , Overell , Read , Hudson , Hobbs , Hartley ; Rev . H . Roxburgh ; H . Bown , W . M ., of Guy ' s Lodge ; Bui-sell , Cooke ,
Hogan , J . Stanley , Bowen , Hackfortb , Eve , Green , W . Russell , Bell , Adkins , R . Bird , Flinn ; Bro . Winton , Prov . G . D ., Sussex ; and numerous members of all the Lodges in the Province , with several Craft Visitors . At eleven o'clock the friends of the undertaking—Masonic and otherwise . —assembled at the public hall , and there formed in order . After the committee of the schools , the local boards , & c , came the Masonic body , two and two , according to seniority .
The Brethren proceeded to the parish church , where divine service was performed . The Rev . John Craig , vicar , Rev . Hamilton Davies , curate , and Rev . A . Pettigrew , of Trinity Chapel , took the desk services ; and the Rev . John Craig , vicar , and liev . T . Bowen , curate , the communion service . The responses were chanted by the choristers . After the prayers the Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , rector of Sutton Coldfield , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , preached a most impressive sermon . Upon the conclusion of the service the procession re-formedheaded
, by the band , and walked along to the site of the schools in Bath place . The usual preliminaries having been accomplished , Lord Leigh proceeded to the ceremony of the day , the members of the Craft surrounding the stone . The Rev . Bro . Bedford pronounced the following prayer * . — " 0 Lord , our Heavenly Father , who hast commanded us not to hide thy goodness from the children of the generations to come , but to shew them thine honour and the mighty and wonderful works winch thou hast done—pour down Thy blessing upon this building
, the first stone of which we have now laid in Thy name . Bring it to completion , and grant that it may continue as a seminary of sound learning and religious instruction from generation to generation . Grant , 0 Lord , wo beseech thee , thy blessing on all who shall hereafter teach within these walls . Grant that they may instil into the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
freshments ; and that as large a sum as possible should be annually given from the fund of General Purposes to the Masonic charities . " Bro . W . Rttss , P . M ., No . 90 , said he cordially concurred in the observation of the Rev . Bro . Portal ,-and with great pleasure seconded his resolution . Bro . Wyndbam Portal confessed there was some difficulty in handling this subject . It included a question of very great importance , both to the London and Provincial Brethren , and it was a misfortune that the facts as discussed in Grand Lodge concerning itwore so
, little known among the Brethren generally . The present accommodation of officers was wholly insufficient , and he wished their R . W . Brother had spoken more strongly on that point . He and many other Brethren had found the difficulty arising from not having a general place of assembly , where they could meet with Masons when in London . There was an excess of £ 2501 ) a year , and the Board of General Purposes might spend that , either in giving the Craft a general accommodation , ov in benevolent purposes . The Worshipful
Brother expressed his objection to any funds at all being expended for the purpose of providing refreshments in any shape . Bro . Stabbing further addressed the meeting in explanation of the exact appropriation of the funds of the Hoard of General Purposes ; and expressed his anxiety to make every Brother present feel that any very considerable expense for alteration of Grand Lodge property , would diminish the likelihood of assistance to the benevolent fund from that of General Purposes . Bro . Beach thought that these wore fit points upon which to
very call the attention of the Brethren . Although it was of some importance that they should have a building in accordance with the dignity of the Craft , still , at the same time , they should be careful not to entrench too far upon the funds . He thought a library of reference would be useful on matters of Masonry , but a general library , containing the standard authors of the day , he was of opinion was undesirable . He approved of the Rev . Bro . Portal ' s resolution . The resolution was then put to tho meeting , and carried without a
dissentient voice . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then said he believed the business was concluded for which they had been called together , and he would therefore proceed to close the Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Stebhing then proposed a motion , appreciating the kindness of the Prov . Grand Master in submitting the points to the discussion of the members of the province ; which was seconded by Brother Perkins , and carried by acclamation . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master briefly acknowledged the compliment , and the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form .
BERKSHIRE AND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . PROVISCIAL GRAND LODGE . The foundation stone of the Masonic Hall at Reading was laid on Wednesday , March 23 rd . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Town Hall , and was opened in due form by the most noble the Marquis of Downshiro , R . W . Prov . G . M ., in the presence of above one hundred brethren . The Prov . Grand Master for Oxfordwith some thirty brethren of
, that province , was announced , and was received with grand honours , as was also the D . Prov . Grand Masters for Surrey and Wilts . The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested as Prov . Grand Officers . —Bro . Atlev , No . 859 , S . G . W . ; Bro . Botlev , No . 597 , J . G . W . ; Rev . Bro . J . C . Farmborough , No . 861 , G . Chap . ; Bro . Moxhay , No . 597 , G . Reg . ; Bro . J . B . Gibson , No . 597 , G . Sec . ; Bro . Maddigan , No . 252 , S . D . ; Bro . S . W . Hopwood , No . 861 , J . D . ; Bro . GillNo . 597 G . Dir . of Cers . Bro . CaveNo . 839 Asst . G . Dir . of
, , ; , , Cers . ; Bro . James Claey , G . Supr . of Works ; Bro . Lovegrove , G . Sword Bearer ; Bro . Tiill , G . Org ; Bro . Leaver , G . Purs . ; Bros . Weadon , Williams , Bursey , Cousens , Prince , and Barley , G . Stewards . The brethren were then marshalled by Bro . Henry Mnggeridge , as Dir . of Cers . for the occasion , and proceeded to the ancient parish church of St . Lawrence , close adjoining to attend divine service . The evening service was read by Bro . the Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart
., P . Grand Chaplain , and the Rev . Bro Authur Roberts , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain , preached a sermon , taking for his text , " By their fruits shall ye know thorn . " Matt . vii . 20 . Service concluded , the brethren , preceded by tho excellent brass band of the 36 th Regiment playing the air " The Entered Apprentice " then adjourned to the ground laid out for the new Masonic Hull , at the western end of the town , and on arrival there , the brethren separating right and left , the Prov . Grand Master advanced , followed by his distinguished visitors and Grand Officers , and having by his side the Past Grand Chaplain , Bro . Roberts . He then proceeded to place a phial containing coins of our day , and a scroll of vellum , recording the event within a cavity of the stone , a suitable address
being first given by tho reverend Brother . Corn , wine , and oil were scattered , and a brass plate covering the cavity was laid . which bore this inscription : — "This corner stone of the Reading Masonic Hall , Lodge of Union , No . 597 , was laid by the most noble the Marquis of Downshire , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for Berks and Bucks , on Wednesday , the 23 rd day of March , 1869 . " With a silver trowel the Prov . Grand Master spread the mortar , and the upper stone was slowly lowered , the hand playing the National Hymn . The stone having been proved by the plumb-ruleleveland square
, , , the Prov . Grand Master pronounced it true , and giving three knocks with his mallet , said— " May the Great Architect of the Universe enable us successfully to carry on and finish the work of which we have now laid the . corner stone . May he in His mercy and goodness permit this building to be erected to his honour and glory , and to the praises of his most holy name . " The plans of the building were presented by tho architect , Bro . James Clacy , Prov . G . Sup . of Works , to the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , who handed them to Bro . Child ,
the builder . The ceremony was concluded by a benediction from the P . Prov . G . Chaplain . Soon after five o'clock the Brethren , numbering considerably over one hundred and twenty , were assembled at a splendid banquet in the . noble hall . The Most Noble the Marquis of Downshire presided . Tho P . G . M . in responding to his health said , he hoped the Brethren would overlook any imperfections they might have observed in the conduct of the proceedings on his part ; and with regard to the past he would make a clean breastand acknowledging he had been
ne-, glectful , promised to make up by future diligence , and would henceforth hold a Provincial Grand Lodge in every ensuing year . The next meeting , if the Buckingham Lodge desired it , would he held at Aylesbury . -DORSETSHIRE . The M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to appoint Bro . Joseph Gundry , of the Hyde , near Bridport , as Prov . Grand Master lor Dorsetshu-e .
WARWICKSHIRE . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE LEAMINGTON NATIONAL SCHOOLS . On Tuesday , the 12 th April , the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new National Schools at Leamington " , was performed by the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master , assisted by the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and a large number of the Brethrenamong whom were Bro . Chandos Wren HoskvnD . Prov .
, , G . M . ; Bro . C . W . Elkington , P . G . S . B ., of England ; Bros . Newton , J . W . Lloyd , W . Lloyd , Maslin , and Empson , Past Prov . Grand Wardens ; Bro . the Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Bros . Blenkinsop , S . W . ; Clarke , J . W . ; Robins , S . D . ; Nason , J . D . ; Bro . Dymock , D . Prov . G M ., North Wales ; Bro . Captain Vaughton ; Bro . Bridges , Totnes ; Bro . Adams , P . Prov . D C . ; Bro . Inns , Towcester ; Bros . Weiss , Overell , Read , Hudson , Hobbs , Hartley ; Rev . H . Roxburgh ; H . Bown , W . M ., of Guy ' s Lodge ; Bui-sell , Cooke ,
Hogan , J . Stanley , Bowen , Hackfortb , Eve , Green , W . Russell , Bell , Adkins , R . Bird , Flinn ; Bro . Winton , Prov . G . D ., Sussex ; and numerous members of all the Lodges in the Province , with several Craft Visitors . At eleven o'clock the friends of the undertaking—Masonic and otherwise . —assembled at the public hall , and there formed in order . After the committee of the schools , the local boards , & c , came the Masonic body , two and two , according to seniority .
The Brethren proceeded to the parish church , where divine service was performed . The Rev . John Craig , vicar , Rev . Hamilton Davies , curate , and Rev . A . Pettigrew , of Trinity Chapel , took the desk services ; and the Rev . John Craig , vicar , and liev . T . Bowen , curate , the communion service . The responses were chanted by the choristers . After the prayers the Rev . W . K . R . Bedford , rector of Sutton Coldfield , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , preached a most impressive sermon . Upon the conclusion of the service the procession re-formedheaded
, by the band , and walked along to the site of the schools in Bath place . The usual preliminaries having been accomplished , Lord Leigh proceeded to the ceremony of the day , the members of the Craft surrounding the stone . The Rev . Bro . Bedford pronounced the following prayer * . — " 0 Lord , our Heavenly Father , who hast commanded us not to hide thy goodness from the children of the generations to come , but to shew them thine honour and the mighty and wonderful works winch thou hast done—pour down Thy blessing upon this building
, the first stone of which we have now laid in Thy name . Bring it to completion , and grant that it may continue as a seminary of sound learning and religious instruction from generation to generation . Grant , 0 Lord , wo beseech thee , thy blessing on all who shall hereafter teach within these walls . Grant that they may instil into the