Article Provincial. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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tender minds of their scholars tho knowledge , reverence , and love of God , the Heavenly Father and Maker of all , and a deep sense of the duty they owe to him ; and vouchsafe both to teachers and pupils thy sevenfold gifts of grace , the spirit of wisdom and understanding , the spirit of counsel and ghostly strength , the spirit of knowledge and true godliness , and fill them , 0 Lord , with the spirit of thy holy fear , to the honour of thy name and the benefit of their own souls . " The R W . Prov . Grand Master then placed a phial containing coins of our dayand a plan ( elevation ) of the buildingswithin a cavity of
, , the stone . Corn , wine , and oil were scattered , and a brass plate laid , covering the cavity , inscription downwards . The inscription , as read aloud by the noble lord , was as follows : — " This foundation stone of the Leamington National Schools was laid by the Right Honourable William Henry Lord Leigh , Lord Lieutenant of the County , and Provincial Grand " Master of Warwickshire , this day , 12 th April , 1859 , assisted by the Brethren of the Craft , with full Masonic honours . ArchitectsMessrs . Clarke and WorthingtouLondon ; Contractor
, , , Mr . William Green , Leamington . " With a silver trowel the Provincial Grand Master next spread the mortar , and the upper stone was slowly lowered , the band playing the national anthem . The stone having been proved by the plumbrule , level , and square , the Provincial Grand Master gave three knocks on tho stone with his mallet saying , in aloud and clear voice , " I declare this stone to be true . " The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then said , " Ladies and gentlemen ,
it has given me very great pleasure to have had the honour this day of laying the first stone of a school which I hope may prove a benefit to this important town . I shall ever remember the event with great satisfaction , and I shall keep the handsome trowel—which has this day been presented to me—as a pleasing memento of one of the brightest days of my life . ( Cheers . ) May the Great Architect of the universe enable us successfully to carry on and finish the work of which we have now laid the corner-stone . May He , in his mercy and goodness , permit this building to be erected to his honour and glory , and to the praises of his most holy name . The Brethren then partook of a cold dinner at the Music Hall , at which were also present many visitors not belonging to the Order .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge for West Yorkshire was held in the Masonic Hall , South Parade , Dewsbury , on Wednesday , the 13 th April , the Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , Provincial Grand Master , being present . The minutes of the meeting held at Dewsbury , in January last , were read and confirmed ; these were principally in reference to the Masonic charities , especially calling upon the Yorkshire Lodges and Brethren to give additional aid to the Boys' School ; at that meeting
it was stated that Bros . Bentloy Shaw , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Joseph Batley , M . P ., had consented to act as Stewards for the Boys' Institution this year . The first business to be transacted on this occasion was respecting motions made by Bro . Nelson , the Prov . G . Sec , and the Rev . A . V . A . Woodford , Prov . G . Chaplain , and which having been deferred at the last meeting , were now to be brought forward as one motion . The motion , as now put by Bro . Nelson , was to the effect that one Brother from each Lodge iu the West Riding should be appointed to form a
committee to conduct matters in connexion witli the four Masonic charities . At the same time it was understood that it should not be necessary , nor even always desirable , that the person selected by each Lodge should be the W . M . or P . M . thereof . The motion was carried . The D . Prov . G . M . read a list of the sum received for the Boys ' School , headed by the sum of one hundred pounds from the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire ; tho total sum subscribed in the province amounting to about four hundred pounds for that noble
institution . Soon after the Earl of Mexborough had taken his seat , the newly appointed officers for the ensuing year were called up , and invested by his lordship with their jewels and insignia of office . Tue following were the appointments made : —Bros . W . H . Bailes , P . M ., Nos . 298 and 162 , S . G . W . ; William Gath , P . M ., "No . 379 , J . G . W . ; Rev . H . do L . Willis , D . D ., No . 379 ; and Rev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., P . M ., No . 727 , G . Chaplains ; William Dixon , P . M ., No . 529 , Richard Nelson
G . Treasurer ; R . , P . M ., No . 251 , G . Secretary ; Henry Smith , P . M ., Nos . 543 and 379 , S . G . D . ; Joseph Batley , P ' . M ., Nos " . 342 and 937 , G . Reg . ; T . A . Haigh , P . M ., No . 174 , J . G . D . ; William Cocking , P . M ., No . 342 , G . Supt . of Works ; Josiah Thomas , P . M ., No . 315 , G . D . C . ; Joseph Need , P . M ., No . 656 , G . S . B . ; Jos . Wood , Nos 763 , G . Organist ; Thos . Wood , P . M ., No . 122 , G . Pursuivant . After the business was concluded , the Brethren sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Wigney , at the George Hotel , the Right Honourable the Earl of Mexborough in the chair . After dinner , the
usual loyal toasts were proposed , followed by others of a Masonic character ; and the proceedings passed off in a very pleasant and agreeable maimer , OXFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GIIAND LOBGE . The annual Prov . Grand Lodge was held in the Lodge room of the Chenvell Lodge , ( No . 873 ) , attached to the Red Lion Hotel , Banbury , which had been handsomely decorated for the occasion .
The chair was taken by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Henry Atkins Sowyer , at half-past two o ' clock , supported by Bros . Spiers , P . G . S . B . and D . Prov . G . M . ; Codrington , Prov . P . G . W . ; Looker . Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . R . W . Norman , M . A ., and J . S . Sidebotham , M . A ., as Prov . G . Chaplains ; Col . Burlton , P . Prov . G . M ., Bengal ; J . Havers , P . S . G . D . ; Rev . W . Bowyer , M . A ., G . Chaplain ; J . Savage , J . G . D . ; Mas-. on , P . G . S . B . ; Vigne , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Somersetshire ; Gibson , D . Prov . G . M ., Berkshire ; Irons , Prov . G . D . C ., Notts , and Hunts . ; Symonds , P G . Steward ; W . Thompson , P .
Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Wvatt , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . T . Ulster , P . Prov . SG . W . ; Houghton , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Cotteiil Dormer , P Prov . G . Reg . ; E . R . Owen , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; E . Binns , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Cook , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Ransford , P . G . Organist , & c , & c The Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last annual and of the special Grand Lodges , were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Master then appointed his Prov . Grand Officers as follows : —Bros . R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., Nos . 425 and 702 , D . Prov . G . M . ; R . Havers , W . M ., No . 873 , Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Belcher , W . M ., No . 425 , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . C . M . Style , B . D ., ( St . John's
College ) , No . 460 , and Rev . W . P . Walsh , M . A ., ( Worcester Coll . ) , No . 425 , Prov . G . Chaplains ; J . Prior , No . 425 , Prov . G . Registrar ; T . Randall , P . M ., No . 425 , Prov . G . Treasurer ; V . A . Williamson , ( Christ Church ) , Sec , No . 460 , Prov . G . Secretary ; T . M . Talbot , ( Christ Church ) , J . W ., No . 460 , Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Mills ( Christ Church ) , S . W ., No . 702 , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Fisher , No . 425 , Prov . G . Sup . of Works ; A . T . Blackiston ( New Inn Hall ) , Sec , No . 702 , and Sir G . Grant , Bart . ( Christ Church ) , No . 460 , Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Seraggs , Fo . 873 , Prov . G . S . B . ; Dr . Elvey ( New Coll . ) , No . 460 ,
Prov . G . Organist ; R . Hobb , No . 425 , Prov . Asst . Secretary ; J . Ilossom , No . 425 , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; W . Bowyer , ( Christ Ch . ) , No . 460 , J . Gunday ( Morton ) , No . 460 , T . Chamberlain , No . 873 , Cunningham , No . 425 , Dr . Cafarn , No . 873 , and Sheard , No . 425 , Prov . G . Stewards . The following sums were then voted to the Masonic charities : — Boys' School , £ 2 2 s , ; Girls' School , £ 2 2 s . ; Male Annuity Fund , £ 2 ; Widows' Ditto , £ 2 . The following sums were also voted to general charities :
—Radcliffe Infirmary , £ 3 3 s . ; Oxford Dispensary , £ 2 2 s . ; Oxford Blue Coat School , £ 1 Is . ; and Anti-Mendicity Society , £ 1 Is . The recommendations of Bros . Symonds and Lyall , with regard to the charities , were then taken into consideration , and with some trifling modifications , adopted . Bro . Talbot was invested with the charity jewel presented by the province to the Brother who serves the office of Steward at the festival . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form and harmony .
DEVONSHIRE . 1 'IIOVINCIAL GUANO LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge met at Exeter , on Wednesday , the 6 th of April , on which occasion there were present , the R . W . the Earl Fortescue , K . G ., Prov . G . M . ; R . W . the Rev . John Huyslie , M . A ., D . Prov . G . M . ; V . W . the Hon . John Yarde Buller , as Prov . S . G . W . ; V . W . JohnMilford . as Prov . J . G . W . ; V . W . the Rev . W . Yate DakinProv . G . Chaplain ; V . W . W . Denis MooreProv G .
, , Secretary ; V . W . II . W . Clarke , Prov . J . G . D . ; W . J . J . Clase , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . J . Tanner Davy , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , W . W . Hunt , Prov . G . Purs . ; W . James Gregory , Prov . G . Tyler ; and Bros . W . J . Channing , J . Gambell , R . R . Rodd , John Burrington , Prov . G . Stewards . There were also present several Past Provincial Grand Officers , and the representatives of Lodges Nos 46 , 83 , 122 , 129 , 185 , 224 , 270 , 309 , 312 , 380 , 610 , 650 , 719 , and 1012 . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and with
solemn prayer . The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge of the 5 th January , 1859 , having been read and partially confirmed , the R . W . Prov . Grand Master moved , " That a fund be established by private subscription , to be called ' The Devon Masonic Educational Fund , ' for the education , clothing , and advancement of tho children of Brethren ol inadequate means , within the province . " The resolution was carried . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master next moved , " That the whole of the increased payments on fees of honour and annual duos from
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tender minds of their scholars tho knowledge , reverence , and love of God , the Heavenly Father and Maker of all , and a deep sense of the duty they owe to him ; and vouchsafe both to teachers and pupils thy sevenfold gifts of grace , the spirit of wisdom and understanding , the spirit of counsel and ghostly strength , the spirit of knowledge and true godliness , and fill them , 0 Lord , with the spirit of thy holy fear , to the honour of thy name and the benefit of their own souls . " The R W . Prov . Grand Master then placed a phial containing coins of our dayand a plan ( elevation ) of the buildingswithin a cavity of
, , the stone . Corn , wine , and oil were scattered , and a brass plate laid , covering the cavity , inscription downwards . The inscription , as read aloud by the noble lord , was as follows : — " This foundation stone of the Leamington National Schools was laid by the Right Honourable William Henry Lord Leigh , Lord Lieutenant of the County , and Provincial Grand " Master of Warwickshire , this day , 12 th April , 1859 , assisted by the Brethren of the Craft , with full Masonic honours . ArchitectsMessrs . Clarke and WorthingtouLondon ; Contractor
, , , Mr . William Green , Leamington . " With a silver trowel the Provincial Grand Master next spread the mortar , and the upper stone was slowly lowered , the band playing the national anthem . The stone having been proved by the plumbrule , level , and square , the Provincial Grand Master gave three knocks on tho stone with his mallet saying , in aloud and clear voice , " I declare this stone to be true . " The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then said , " Ladies and gentlemen ,
it has given me very great pleasure to have had the honour this day of laying the first stone of a school which I hope may prove a benefit to this important town . I shall ever remember the event with great satisfaction , and I shall keep the handsome trowel—which has this day been presented to me—as a pleasing memento of one of the brightest days of my life . ( Cheers . ) May the Great Architect of the universe enable us successfully to carry on and finish the work of which we have now laid the corner-stone . May He , in his mercy and goodness , permit this building to be erected to his honour and glory , and to the praises of his most holy name . The Brethren then partook of a cold dinner at the Music Hall , at which were also present many visitors not belonging to the Order .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge for West Yorkshire was held in the Masonic Hall , South Parade , Dewsbury , on Wednesday , the 13 th April , the Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough , Provincial Grand Master , being present . The minutes of the meeting held at Dewsbury , in January last , were read and confirmed ; these were principally in reference to the Masonic charities , especially calling upon the Yorkshire Lodges and Brethren to give additional aid to the Boys' School ; at that meeting
it was stated that Bros . Bentloy Shaw , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Joseph Batley , M . P ., had consented to act as Stewards for the Boys' Institution this year . The first business to be transacted on this occasion was respecting motions made by Bro . Nelson , the Prov . G . Sec , and the Rev . A . V . A . Woodford , Prov . G . Chaplain , and which having been deferred at the last meeting , were now to be brought forward as one motion . The motion , as now put by Bro . Nelson , was to the effect that one Brother from each Lodge iu the West Riding should be appointed to form a
committee to conduct matters in connexion witli the four Masonic charities . At the same time it was understood that it should not be necessary , nor even always desirable , that the person selected by each Lodge should be the W . M . or P . M . thereof . The motion was carried . The D . Prov . G . M . read a list of the sum received for the Boys ' School , headed by the sum of one hundred pounds from the Prov . Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire ; tho total sum subscribed in the province amounting to about four hundred pounds for that noble
institution . Soon after the Earl of Mexborough had taken his seat , the newly appointed officers for the ensuing year were called up , and invested by his lordship with their jewels and insignia of office . Tue following were the appointments made : —Bros . W . H . Bailes , P . M ., Nos . 298 and 162 , S . G . W . ; William Gath , P . M ., "No . 379 , J . G . W . ; Rev . H . do L . Willis , D . D ., No . 379 ; and Rev . J . Senior , L . L . D ., P . M ., No . 727 , G . Chaplains ; William Dixon , P . M ., No . 529 , Richard Nelson
G . Treasurer ; R . , P . M ., No . 251 , G . Secretary ; Henry Smith , P . M ., Nos . 543 and 379 , S . G . D . ; Joseph Batley , P ' . M ., Nos " . 342 and 937 , G . Reg . ; T . A . Haigh , P . M ., No . 174 , J . G . D . ; William Cocking , P . M ., No . 342 , G . Supt . of Works ; Josiah Thomas , P . M ., No . 315 , G . D . C . ; Joseph Need , P . M ., No . 656 , G . S . B . ; Jos . Wood , Nos 763 , G . Organist ; Thos . Wood , P . M ., No . 122 , G . Pursuivant . After the business was concluded , the Brethren sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Wigney , at the George Hotel , the Right Honourable the Earl of Mexborough in the chair . After dinner , the
usual loyal toasts were proposed , followed by others of a Masonic character ; and the proceedings passed off in a very pleasant and agreeable maimer , OXFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GIIAND LOBGE . The annual Prov . Grand Lodge was held in the Lodge room of the Chenvell Lodge , ( No . 873 ) , attached to the Red Lion Hotel , Banbury , which had been handsomely decorated for the occasion .
The chair was taken by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Henry Atkins Sowyer , at half-past two o ' clock , supported by Bros . Spiers , P . G . S . B . and D . Prov . G . M . ; Codrington , Prov . P . G . W . ; Looker . Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . R . W . Norman , M . A ., and J . S . Sidebotham , M . A ., as Prov . G . Chaplains ; Col . Burlton , P . Prov . G . M ., Bengal ; J . Havers , P . S . G . D . ; Rev . W . Bowyer , M . A ., G . Chaplain ; J . Savage , J . G . D . ; Mas-. on , P . G . S . B . ; Vigne , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Somersetshire ; Gibson , D . Prov . G . M ., Berkshire ; Irons , Prov . G . D . C ., Notts , and Hunts . ; Symonds , P G . Steward ; W . Thompson , P .
Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Wvatt , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . T . Ulster , P . Prov . SG . W . ; Houghton , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Cotteiil Dormer , P Prov . G . Reg . ; E . R . Owen , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; E . Binns , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Cook , P . Prov . J . G . D ., Ransford , P . G . Organist , & c , & c The Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last annual and of the special Grand Lodges , were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Master then appointed his Prov . Grand Officers as follows : —Bros . R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., Nos . 425 and 702 , D . Prov . G . M . ; R . Havers , W . M ., No . 873 , Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Belcher , W . M ., No . 425 , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . C . M . Style , B . D ., ( St . John's
College ) , No . 460 , and Rev . W . P . Walsh , M . A ., ( Worcester Coll . ) , No . 425 , Prov . G . Chaplains ; J . Prior , No . 425 , Prov . G . Registrar ; T . Randall , P . M ., No . 425 , Prov . G . Treasurer ; V . A . Williamson , ( Christ Church ) , Sec , No . 460 , Prov . G . Secretary ; T . M . Talbot , ( Christ Church ) , J . W ., No . 460 , Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Mills ( Christ Church ) , S . W ., No . 702 , Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Fisher , No . 425 , Prov . G . Sup . of Works ; A . T . Blackiston ( New Inn Hall ) , Sec , No . 702 , and Sir G . Grant , Bart . ( Christ Church ) , No . 460 , Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Seraggs , Fo . 873 , Prov . G . S . B . ; Dr . Elvey ( New Coll . ) , No . 460 ,
Prov . G . Organist ; R . Hobb , No . 425 , Prov . Asst . Secretary ; J . Ilossom , No . 425 , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; W . Bowyer , ( Christ Ch . ) , No . 460 , J . Gunday ( Morton ) , No . 460 , T . Chamberlain , No . 873 , Cunningham , No . 425 , Dr . Cafarn , No . 873 , and Sheard , No . 425 , Prov . G . Stewards . The following sums were then voted to the Masonic charities : — Boys' School , £ 2 2 s , ; Girls' School , £ 2 2 s . ; Male Annuity Fund , £ 2 ; Widows' Ditto , £ 2 . The following sums were also voted to general charities :
—Radcliffe Infirmary , £ 3 3 s . ; Oxford Dispensary , £ 2 2 s . ; Oxford Blue Coat School , £ 1 Is . ; and Anti-Mendicity Society , £ 1 Is . The recommendations of Bros . Symonds and Lyall , with regard to the charities , were then taken into consideration , and with some trifling modifications , adopted . Bro . Talbot was invested with the charity jewel presented by the province to the Brother who serves the office of Steward at the festival . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form and harmony .
DEVONSHIRE . 1 'IIOVINCIAL GUANO LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge met at Exeter , on Wednesday , the 6 th of April , on which occasion there were present , the R . W . the Earl Fortescue , K . G ., Prov . G . M . ; R . W . the Rev . John Huyslie , M . A ., D . Prov . G . M . ; V . W . the Hon . John Yarde Buller , as Prov . S . G . W . ; V . W . JohnMilford . as Prov . J . G . W . ; V . W . the Rev . W . Yate DakinProv . G . Chaplain ; V . W . W . Denis MooreProv G .
, , Secretary ; V . W . II . W . Clarke , Prov . J . G . D . ; W . J . J . Clase , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . J . Tanner Davy , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , W . W . Hunt , Prov . G . Purs . ; W . James Gregory , Prov . G . Tyler ; and Bros . W . J . Channing , J . Gambell , R . R . Rodd , John Burrington , Prov . G . Stewards . There were also present several Past Provincial Grand Officers , and the representatives of Lodges Nos 46 , 83 , 122 , 129 , 185 , 224 , 270 , 309 , 312 , 380 , 610 , 650 , 719 , and 1012 . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and with
solemn prayer . The minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge of the 5 th January , 1859 , having been read and partially confirmed , the R . W . Prov . Grand Master moved , " That a fund be established by private subscription , to be called ' The Devon Masonic Educational Fund , ' for the education , clothing , and advancement of tho children of Brethren ol inadequate means , within the province . " The resolution was carried . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master next moved , " That the whole of the increased payments on fees of honour and annual duos from