Article Provincial. ← Page 6 of 6 Article GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE HAVERS-ROXBURGH PARTY. Page 1 of 2 →
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members of Lodges , be applied to the said fund , pursuant to the resolution of the Prov . Grand Lodge , on the 20 th of October , 1858 . " This resolution was also carried . It was next resolved unanimously , * ' That the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge be given to the committee on the subject of the Fund of Benevolence ; " and the following Brethren were appointed a committee to revise the scheme of the educational Fund , and to report to a future Lodge ;—The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the R . W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bros . T . J . Bremridge , Hon . J .
B . Yarde Buller . C . J . Laidman , J . R . Chanter , Rev . W . Y . Dakin ; with power to add to their number . On reading the petition of Elizabeth Hooper , widow of William Hooper , late a Brother of Lodge , No . 238 , a donation of £ 10 was ordered to be made , to which the Prov . Grand Master , added £ 1 ; and on a motion duly made and seconded , a donation of £ 10 was awarded to Bro . Thomas Gregory , formerly Prov . G . Tyler , to which the Prov . Grand Master added £ 1 . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master announced his intention to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge on
Wednesday in the next sessions' week , viz ., the 29 thof June . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ancient form , with solemn prayer . DERBYSHIRE . The installation of the Marquis of Harrington , as P . G M ., took place on the 16 th , the ceremony being ablv performed by Col . Vernon P . G . M . for Staffordshire . Lord Leigh P . G . M . for Warwickshireand the D . P . G . M . for Leicester and Nottinghamwere also
, , present . The noble Marquis appointed the following P . G . Officers : —Bros . Colvile , D . P . GM . ; Collison , S . G . W . ; Gambel , J . G . W . ; Wright , P . G . C . ; Heckley , P . G . R ; Coulson , P . G . S . ; Redfearn , S . G . D . ; Prince , J . G . D . ; German , J . D . C . ; Smith , G . S . ; W . Trimriell , G . O . ; Wykes , G . S . B . ; Ison , G . S . B . ; Breavly , G . P ; Faulkner , G . Tyler ; about 200 brethren were present , and after the G . L . a banquet took place .
Grand Officers.
TIIE Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge for the proclamation of the Grand Master , and appointment of Grand Officers , was held in the Temple , on Wednesday April 27 th , the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , presiding . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read and confirmed , so far as regarded the re-election of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Baron Dundas , & c , his lordship was proclaimed and reelected in due formamidst loud applause
, The Most Worshipful Grand Master briefly acknowledged the honour which had been again conferred upon him , assuring the brethren that it would be his earnest desire to promote the interests of the Craft to the best of his ability . The Grand Master was next pleased to appoint the following Grand Officers for the ensuing year . Those marked with a * are re-appointments : —Bros . Lord de Tabley , S . G . W . ; Sir Thomas Hcsketh , Bart ., J . GW . ; Saml . Tomkins , * G . Treas . ; Revs .
Arthur R . Ward * and Wentworth Bowyer , G . Chaplains , ; F . Roxburgh , * G . Reg . ; W . Gray Clarke , * G . Sec . ; H . L . Crohn , * G . Sec ; for German Correspondence ; John Savage , S . G . D . ; F . Slight , J . G . D . ; Samuel W . Daukes , ' G . Sup . of Works ; Richard W . Jennings , * G . Dir . of Cers ; Albert W Woods . * Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Gavin E . Pocock , G . S . B . ; Wm . Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec ; Charles E . Horsley , * G . Org . ; and Joseph Smith , * G . Pursuivant . His lordship then presented Bro . Thory Chapman , P . M . and P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., with an elegant jewel bearing a suitable
inscription , in acknowledgment of his services for seventeen years to the Grand Lodge , which was voted by Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication in June last . TheM . W . G . M . expressed the great satisfaction he had in presenting the worthy brother with this testimonial of the esteem of Grand Lodge , and trusted that he might long be spared to wear it among them . In reference to the foregoing appointments the following letter has been addressed to the Organ of the Executive . — THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS . 7 'o the Editor of the Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror .
DEAR SIR AND B ROTHER , —I addressed you a short time since upon the subject of Grand Office , while the appointments for the year were yet in abeyance , and whilst I still hoped that the promised spirit of justice and impartiality would be exercised in the distribution of them . I need scarcely assert that the recent selection affords no trace of either the one or the other , and with one exception , is calculated to excite universal dissatisfaction and
resentment . I allude to the appointment of Bro . John Savage , who has at length received a due acknowledgment of his many services ; but wo must in this case adopt the old adage of "better late than never , " as the tardiness of the reward has robbed it of its grace . Bros . Jennings and Smith are doubtless worthy of the offices they hold , and there would be no objection to their re-appointment , were it not that they have for several years monopolized honours to the exclusion of other brethren , who are equally deserving of them . The Grand Wardens , Lord de Tabley and Sir Thomas Hesketh ,
have evidently been chosen from consideration of their social station ; and as they have accepted honours in the Craft , we may reasonably hope and expect that , they will now show some zeal for its interests . Bro . Gavin Pocock will no doubt merit , in due course of time , what has been prematurely assigned to him , and in the mean time there are many ripe for honours , whose labours are ignored and unrequited . With reference to the appointment of Bro . Frederick Slight , I have as yet met with no one who can explain his claims to it , in any point of view We would fain be
enlightened as to his Masonic merits , assuming that private friendships are not weighed in the balance . If Grand Lodge were empowered to choose a portion of its own Grand Officers , the selection would have been vastly different , and the result far more satisfactory . I hold this to be the only remedy against a repetition of these social evils , and I do not look upon it as an infringement of the Grand Master's prerogative , but , on the contrary , I am of opinion that it will release him from an irksome responsibility , and free him from much of the censure to which he is at present subjected through the injudicious advice of his privy council . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Mai / 6 lh , 1859 . ' ¦ AN INDEPENDENT P . M .
The Havers-Roxburgh Party.
Till-: FOLLOWING APPEARS IN THE "ERA . " BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . From a Correspondent . On Thursday , a meeting was held at Bro . Roxburgh's office , consisting of Bros . Adams , S . B . Wilson , Smith , Wheeler , Warren , Symonds , Gregory , and seventeen other Brothers . Bro . Roxburgh stated he had called them together at the request of Bro . John Havers , who , notwithstanding the great loss of time and money , would
agree to be their President , provided that a respectable Board , and tree from the " Observer Party , " be elected , and that the Brothers present agree to support an entire list . That Bros . Hopwood , Scott , and Hervey retire from the Grand Master ' s list , and the two Grand Deacons and Bro . Levi be nominated in their stead . The list for the other members to he made by E ' . ros . Roxburgh and Havers , after the nomination on Wednesday next . These propositions were , agreed to , after the meeting had pledged themselves to Bro . Savage that no purples should be nominated at the Board of Masters . The meeting was anything but unanimous , as they find great difficulty in leading Bros . Savage , Wilson , and Smith , who appear not at present willing to sacrifice ad their independence and the Craft , to party purposes .
TO THE MASONIC CRAFT . It had been earnestly hoped that internal dissensions were about to cease , and that unity and concord would once again characterize the deliberations of the . Masonic body . A paragraph in the Era of the 15 th inst , dispels this hope—while it unmistakeably demonstrates the insincerity of those who , while foremost in denouncing " party , " promote an organization for " party" purposes . The questionable taste of the responsible legal adviser of the Craft—the Grand Registrar—needs no comment . Attention is directed to an extract from the paragraph alluded to : —
" On Thursday , a meeting was held at Bro . lioxburgh ' s office , consisting of Bros . Adams , Wilson , Smith , Warren , Symonds , Gregory , and seventeen other Brothers Bro . Roxburgh states that he had called them together at the request of Bro . Havers , who would consent to be their President , provided that a respectable Board be elected , and that the Brothers present agree to support an entire list . * * * * The meeting was anything but unanimous , as they find great difficulty in leading Bros . Savage , Wilson , and Smith , who appear not at present willing to sacrifice all their nuUineu . den . ce aud the Craft to y / . u'ty purposes . " It is believed that the great body of the fraternity is actuated by a similar
spirit to that manifested by the three Brethren just named . Will the unbiassed reflecting portion of the members of Grand Lodge thus bow the knee at the dictation of those who , at once seek to trample upon the prerogative of the Grand . Master , and to annihilate the liberties of the representatives of the Masons of England ? It is hoped that this attempted monopoly of power , may be defeated by the election to the Board , of Brethren of known independence , whose names wilt be submitted tor your suffrages on Wednesday , the 1 st of June . All semblance ot "faction" is emphatically disclaimed . Unusual combinations justify , nay demand , extraordinary measures to counteract them . Hence this appeal to the Craft .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
members of Lodges , be applied to the said fund , pursuant to the resolution of the Prov . Grand Lodge , on the 20 th of October , 1858 . " This resolution was also carried . It was next resolved unanimously , * ' That the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge be given to the committee on the subject of the Fund of Benevolence ; " and the following Brethren were appointed a committee to revise the scheme of the educational Fund , and to report to a future Lodge ;—The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the R . W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bros . T . J . Bremridge , Hon . J .
B . Yarde Buller . C . J . Laidman , J . R . Chanter , Rev . W . Y . Dakin ; with power to add to their number . On reading the petition of Elizabeth Hooper , widow of William Hooper , late a Brother of Lodge , No . 238 , a donation of £ 10 was ordered to be made , to which the Prov . Grand Master , added £ 1 ; and on a motion duly made and seconded , a donation of £ 10 was awarded to Bro . Thomas Gregory , formerly Prov . G . Tyler , to which the Prov . Grand Master added £ 1 . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master announced his intention to hold a Prov . Grand Lodge on
Wednesday in the next sessions' week , viz ., the 29 thof June . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ancient form , with solemn prayer . DERBYSHIRE . The installation of the Marquis of Harrington , as P . G M ., took place on the 16 th , the ceremony being ablv performed by Col . Vernon P . G . M . for Staffordshire . Lord Leigh P . G . M . for Warwickshireand the D . P . G . M . for Leicester and Nottinghamwere also
, , present . The noble Marquis appointed the following P . G . Officers : —Bros . Colvile , D . P . GM . ; Collison , S . G . W . ; Gambel , J . G . W . ; Wright , P . G . C . ; Heckley , P . G . R ; Coulson , P . G . S . ; Redfearn , S . G . D . ; Prince , J . G . D . ; German , J . D . C . ; Smith , G . S . ; W . Trimriell , G . O . ; Wykes , G . S . B . ; Ison , G . S . B . ; Breavly , G . P ; Faulkner , G . Tyler ; about 200 brethren were present , and after the G . L . a banquet took place .
Grand Officers.
TIIE Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge for the proclamation of the Grand Master , and appointment of Grand Officers , was held in the Temple , on Wednesday April 27 th , the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , presiding . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read and confirmed , so far as regarded the re-election of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Baron Dundas , & c , his lordship was proclaimed and reelected in due formamidst loud applause
, The Most Worshipful Grand Master briefly acknowledged the honour which had been again conferred upon him , assuring the brethren that it would be his earnest desire to promote the interests of the Craft to the best of his ability . The Grand Master was next pleased to appoint the following Grand Officers for the ensuing year . Those marked with a * are re-appointments : —Bros . Lord de Tabley , S . G . W . ; Sir Thomas Hcsketh , Bart ., J . GW . ; Saml . Tomkins , * G . Treas . ; Revs .
Arthur R . Ward * and Wentworth Bowyer , G . Chaplains , ; F . Roxburgh , * G . Reg . ; W . Gray Clarke , * G . Sec . ; H . L . Crohn , * G . Sec ; for German Correspondence ; John Savage , S . G . D . ; F . Slight , J . G . D . ; Samuel W . Daukes , ' G . Sup . of Works ; Richard W . Jennings , * G . Dir . of Cers ; Albert W Woods . * Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Gavin E . Pocock , G . S . B . ; Wm . Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec ; Charles E . Horsley , * G . Org . ; and Joseph Smith , * G . Pursuivant . His lordship then presented Bro . Thory Chapman , P . M . and P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., with an elegant jewel bearing a suitable
inscription , in acknowledgment of his services for seventeen years to the Grand Lodge , which was voted by Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication in June last . TheM . W . G . M . expressed the great satisfaction he had in presenting the worthy brother with this testimonial of the esteem of Grand Lodge , and trusted that he might long be spared to wear it among them . In reference to the foregoing appointments the following letter has been addressed to the Organ of the Executive . — THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS . 7 'o the Editor of the Freemasons' Magazine and Masonic Mirror .
DEAR SIR AND B ROTHER , —I addressed you a short time since upon the subject of Grand Office , while the appointments for the year were yet in abeyance , and whilst I still hoped that the promised spirit of justice and impartiality would be exercised in the distribution of them . I need scarcely assert that the recent selection affords no trace of either the one or the other , and with one exception , is calculated to excite universal dissatisfaction and
resentment . I allude to the appointment of Bro . John Savage , who has at length received a due acknowledgment of his many services ; but wo must in this case adopt the old adage of "better late than never , " as the tardiness of the reward has robbed it of its grace . Bros . Jennings and Smith are doubtless worthy of the offices they hold , and there would be no objection to their re-appointment , were it not that they have for several years monopolized honours to the exclusion of other brethren , who are equally deserving of them . The Grand Wardens , Lord de Tabley and Sir Thomas Hesketh ,
have evidently been chosen from consideration of their social station ; and as they have accepted honours in the Craft , we may reasonably hope and expect that , they will now show some zeal for its interests . Bro . Gavin Pocock will no doubt merit , in due course of time , what has been prematurely assigned to him , and in the mean time there are many ripe for honours , whose labours are ignored and unrequited . With reference to the appointment of Bro . Frederick Slight , I have as yet met with no one who can explain his claims to it , in any point of view We would fain be
enlightened as to his Masonic merits , assuming that private friendships are not weighed in the balance . If Grand Lodge were empowered to choose a portion of its own Grand Officers , the selection would have been vastly different , and the result far more satisfactory . I hold this to be the only remedy against a repetition of these social evils , and I do not look upon it as an infringement of the Grand Master's prerogative , but , on the contrary , I am of opinion that it will release him from an irksome responsibility , and free him from much of the censure to which he is at present subjected through the injudicious advice of his privy council . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Mai / 6 lh , 1859 . ' ¦ AN INDEPENDENT P . M .
The Havers-Roxburgh Party.
Till-: FOLLOWING APPEARS IN THE "ERA . " BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . From a Correspondent . On Thursday , a meeting was held at Bro . Roxburgh's office , consisting of Bros . Adams , S . B . Wilson , Smith , Wheeler , Warren , Symonds , Gregory , and seventeen other Brothers . Bro . Roxburgh stated he had called them together at the request of Bro . John Havers , who , notwithstanding the great loss of time and money , would
agree to be their President , provided that a respectable Board , and tree from the " Observer Party , " be elected , and that the Brothers present agree to support an entire list . That Bros . Hopwood , Scott , and Hervey retire from the Grand Master ' s list , and the two Grand Deacons and Bro . Levi be nominated in their stead . The list for the other members to he made by E ' . ros . Roxburgh and Havers , after the nomination on Wednesday next . These propositions were , agreed to , after the meeting had pledged themselves to Bro . Savage that no purples should be nominated at the Board of Masters . The meeting was anything but unanimous , as they find great difficulty in leading Bros . Savage , Wilson , and Smith , who appear not at present willing to sacrifice ad their independence and the Craft , to party purposes .
TO THE MASONIC CRAFT . It had been earnestly hoped that internal dissensions were about to cease , and that unity and concord would once again characterize the deliberations of the . Masonic body . A paragraph in the Era of the 15 th inst , dispels this hope—while it unmistakeably demonstrates the insincerity of those who , while foremost in denouncing " party , " promote an organization for " party" purposes . The questionable taste of the responsible legal adviser of the Craft—the Grand Registrar—needs no comment . Attention is directed to an extract from the paragraph alluded to : —
" On Thursday , a meeting was held at Bro . lioxburgh ' s office , consisting of Bros . Adams , Wilson , Smith , Warren , Symonds , Gregory , and seventeen other Brothers Bro . Roxburgh states that he had called them together at the request of Bro . Havers , who would consent to be their President , provided that a respectable Board be elected , and that the Brothers present agree to support an entire list . * * * * The meeting was anything but unanimous , as they find great difficulty in leading Bros . Savage , Wilson , and Smith , who appear not at present willing to sacrifice all their nuUineu . den . ce aud the Craft to y / . u'ty purposes . " It is believed that the great body of the fraternity is actuated by a similar
spirit to that manifested by the three Brethren just named . Will the unbiassed reflecting portion of the members of Grand Lodge thus bow the knee at the dictation of those who , at once seek to trample upon the prerogative of the Grand . Master , and to annihilate the liberties of the representatives of the Masons of England ? It is hoped that this attempted monopoly of power , may be defeated by the election to the Board , of Brethren of known independence , whose names wilt be submitted tor your suffrages on Wednesday , the 1 st of June . All semblance ot "faction" is emphatically disclaimed . Unusual combinations justify , nay demand , extraordinary measures to counteract them . Hence this appeal to the Craft .