Article THE HAVERS-ROXBURGH PARTY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE CLUB. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Havers-Roxburgh Party.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE "ERA . " ¦ Dear Sir and Brother , —You published in your paper of Sunday last , n statement from a correspondent relative to a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh ' s ( in which my name is used as being present ) , which is so opposed to the truth , that I feci bound to ask you to allow me to contradict it . It unfortunately happens that though regularly having the Saturday edition of the Era , I do not sec the Sunday ' s edition , and the notice did not therefore come under my notice until Thursday , or I should have felt it my duty to call attention to it in the Freemasons ' , Magazine , published on Wednesday last It is true that there was a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh ' s , and it is true that I was present ; but it is not true that stated he hud called
Bro . Roxburgh the meeting , eitherat the request of Bro Havers , or of any other Brother : neither is it true that the meeting deputed to Bros . Roxburgh and Havers , the preparing of a list of candidates for the Board of General Purposes . The meeting nominated a list of sixteen or seventeen candidates—certainly leaving it to Bro . Roxburgh to reduce it to fourteen—so that there should not be any particular predominating interest upon it ( whilst the law will not allow to serve two from the same Lodge ); and there never was the slightest allusion to the Observer or any other party . Who may have been subsequently consulted with regard to the reduction of ' the list I am not prepared to but I freely admit that I for have been
say . one so consulted—and I believe the list as now arranged , will be as popular as any ever submitted to Grand Lodge . What Bro . Roxburgh particularly impressed upon the Brethren at the meeting was this—that the time for exclusiveness and secrecy in the proceedings or elections of Grand Lodge had passed ; and lie called upon the Brethren duly to consider all the business to be brought before Grand Lodge prior to the meetings—to take their fair share in the businessand so render the decisions & me to by . firaud Lodge and its boards what they ought to be . the reflex of the opinions of the large mass of the Brethren . Before concluding , i may add that I am Informed , that at the Board of Masterson Wednesday lasteight actual Masters of Lodges in nomina
, , were put - tion , of whom seven nwst , and the whole eight may , be elected ; whilst / orty-ste Past Masters wore also nominated , of whom seven only can be elected . Of these P . M . ' s , four or Jive wore on the Board last year , and in all probabilitv . the majority of the number will be on it next year Claiming , as an old contributor to your columns , insertion for this letter , I have the pleasure to remain , yours fraternally , HENRY J . WARREN . Freemasons' Magazine Office , 2 , Red Lion Court ( E . G . ) , May 20 , 1 S 59 .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE "ERA . " Sir , —My attention has been directed to a paragraph in the Era of last Sunday , purporting to give an account of what took place at my Chambers on Thursday , the 12 th inst . I beg , through the same medium , to declare that the statement contained in that paragraph is a wicked fabrication as to evervtliinebut the fact that a meeting was held . fa Your obedient servant , _ . , , T „ „ , FRANCIS ROXBURGH . Lincoln ' s Inn , May 19 , 1 S 59 . ¦ WE hear that Bro . Havers hasat the request of a large bodof
, y his Masonic friends , reconsidered his determination to retire from taking an active part in the affairs of Masonry , for the present . We cannot but think this highly gratifying : for though not always agreeing with the views of Bro . Havers his great practical talent is undeniable , and cannot well be spared , especially—whilst the question with regard to the future arrangements " of the Grand Lodge property remains unsettled . —Masonic Mirror .
Correspondence .
To the Editor . " LAX DM AUKS . " SIR , —Your correspondent " Fair Play , " in votir last number , alluded to the frequent quotation of the "Ancient Landmarks ; " can any of your readers furnish me with a definition or a list of them ? They must , I should think , be very numerous and comprehensive , jud"innat . least from the number and variety of cases which are referred to them , though the words or terms of the "landmark" alluded to are never quoted . —I amSirvonrs fraternall
, , y , A tOTJNG MEMBER OF GRAND LODGE . To the Editor . SIR AND BROTHER , —I noticed in G . L . on the 1 st . that Bro . Denison , our old reporter , was absent , and I was informed that lie had been dismissed by the Board ot General Purposes , i . e . by Bro . Havers , for declining to furnish awbatim report at the price agreed upon for an abstract , without any opportunity being atlordcd him of explanation or defence . I further understand that the reporter to the new organ of the Executive has got his place—doubtless that the said organ , i . e . its new proprietors , may obtain their report at the of GL
expense .. . I notice that no mention of Bro . Denison's dismissal appears in the report of the Board . iNow that we have what Bro . Stebbing well termed a " packed jury , by way of a Board , wc may expect a good many more jobs of this kind . I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Q IN THE CORNER . THE CHARITIES AND THE EXECUTIVE . To the Editor . SIR , —The Executive of G . L . seem determined to get the management of the Chanties into then- hands . These have hitherto been considered neut ral "round but , if Bro . Havers and his friends arc to have the control of them , I trust that
during that millennial period , a good many will cease to exert themselves in their behalf , and so follow the example of your obedient servant , AN OLD . LIFE GOVEUNOit OF THE THREE CHARITIES . To the Editor . SIR , —Bro . Wan-en was pleased to state in Grand Loclue that I " and a noble Earl , " had on former occasions arranged a list for the Board of General Purposes , with one of the Grand Officers . Few , I suppose , expect much accuracy , in any statement of the proprietor of the Magazine , and it will not , therefore , occasion much surprise when I state that the meeting referred to was between myself and a Grand Officer alone , and that so far as any " noble Earl " is concerned , Bro . Wan-en's statement is an entire fiction . I am , your obedient servant , G . R . PORTAL .
Grand Lodge Club.
Pl'CSllfBltt ' Bro . J . UDALL , P . M ., 10 , and P . G . D . Vice-Presidents : Bro . J . R . STEBBING , W . M ., 10 . and P . D . G . M ., Hants ' Bro . J . H . HEARN , P . M ., and P . D . G . M ., Isle of Wight . Treasurer : Bro . J . WHITMORE , P . M ., 329 . Secretory : Bro F . BINCKESP . M 11 .
, , The objects of the club are" 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy and privileges " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due regard to the preservation of the antient landmarks of the Order—such of the Masonic laws and regulations as are found to operate prejudicially to the interests of the Craft . " 3 . To secure to Provincial Brethren a more active participation in the
proceedings of G . L . " 4 . To promote the adoption of a liberal and enlightened policy towards Colonial Lodges . " 5 . To encourage throughout the Craft a more extended interest in the Charities of the Order . " 6 . To form a Masonic Library of Reference . " Entrance Fee , 5 s . ; Annual Subscription , os . ; Election of Members by Ballot . The Club dines together before each . G . L . ; Dinner , 2 s . 6 d ., Wine , 3 s . ' ' The Club now numbers upwards of Sixty Members . Brethren desirous of joining are requested to communicate with the Secretary , 3 , Lawn Villus , South Lambeth , London , S .
WHITE'S WEST END MASONIC DEPOT , 14 , » ™ Green Street , Leicester Square , London . BROTHER GEORGE WHITE , Maker of Masonic Clothing , Jewels , and Furniture , of every degree , in thanking his friends for their appreciation of his rule and practice in business , assures them that he will continue to supply none but good work and materials , and that no copper lace will on any account be used , unless as an unwilling exception when especially ordered . Brother WHITE ' terms bein ^ invariably for ready money , he is able to charge the lowest prices consistent with fair trading . Orders of merchants and Shippers , or from the Colonies direct , executed immediately at wholesale rate , on receipt of a remittance or reference for payment to a London House . Bro . WHITE will be glad to Purchase , or take in Exchange for other Pictures , any Paintings of a Masonic Character . Masonic Depot and Picture Gallery , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London .
NOTICE . Norton TO SUBSCRIBERS . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Offic ? Order , at their earliest convenience . ' 1 he Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and may be obtained from the London Publishers , through all local booksellers . SOBSCRIBHKS may be supplied direct from the Office , bv sending their subscriptions ( 2 s Annum ) in advance to MessrsPeach and
per . George , 1 , Argyle Street , Bath . TYLKRS of Lodges will be allowed 2 S per cent , on all sums remitted to Mr Peach . ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . G . White , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London by the loth of March , June , September , and December , and not later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
BATH : Printed and Published b y Messrs . PEACH and GEORGE No . 1 , Argyle Street . ' TT L , ° ! 5 , D 0 X : J , | l b ! isIied lly SIMI ' , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers ' Hall Court E . C ; and Sold by G . Wmra , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , W . O . ; H . M . ARI . ISS , 15 , Great Queen Street , W C . ; STANFORD Charing Cross , S . W . ; and all Booksellers iu London and the Country . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Havers-Roxburgh Party.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE "ERA . " ¦ Dear Sir and Brother , —You published in your paper of Sunday last , n statement from a correspondent relative to a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh ' s ( in which my name is used as being present ) , which is so opposed to the truth , that I feci bound to ask you to allow me to contradict it . It unfortunately happens that though regularly having the Saturday edition of the Era , I do not sec the Sunday ' s edition , and the notice did not therefore come under my notice until Thursday , or I should have felt it my duty to call attention to it in the Freemasons ' , Magazine , published on Wednesday last It is true that there was a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh ' s , and it is true that I was present ; but it is not true that stated he hud called
Bro . Roxburgh the meeting , eitherat the request of Bro Havers , or of any other Brother : neither is it true that the meeting deputed to Bros . Roxburgh and Havers , the preparing of a list of candidates for the Board of General Purposes . The meeting nominated a list of sixteen or seventeen candidates—certainly leaving it to Bro . Roxburgh to reduce it to fourteen—so that there should not be any particular predominating interest upon it ( whilst the law will not allow to serve two from the same Lodge ); and there never was the slightest allusion to the Observer or any other party . Who may have been subsequently consulted with regard to the reduction of ' the list I am not prepared to but I freely admit that I for have been
say . one so consulted—and I believe the list as now arranged , will be as popular as any ever submitted to Grand Lodge . What Bro . Roxburgh particularly impressed upon the Brethren at the meeting was this—that the time for exclusiveness and secrecy in the proceedings or elections of Grand Lodge had passed ; and lie called upon the Brethren duly to consider all the business to be brought before Grand Lodge prior to the meetings—to take their fair share in the businessand so render the decisions & me to by . firaud Lodge and its boards what they ought to be . the reflex of the opinions of the large mass of the Brethren . Before concluding , i may add that I am Informed , that at the Board of Masterson Wednesday lasteight actual Masters of Lodges in nomina
, , were put - tion , of whom seven nwst , and the whole eight may , be elected ; whilst / orty-ste Past Masters wore also nominated , of whom seven only can be elected . Of these P . M . ' s , four or Jive wore on the Board last year , and in all probabilitv . the majority of the number will be on it next year Claiming , as an old contributor to your columns , insertion for this letter , I have the pleasure to remain , yours fraternally , HENRY J . WARREN . Freemasons' Magazine Office , 2 , Red Lion Court ( E . G . ) , May 20 , 1 S 59 .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE "ERA . " Sir , —My attention has been directed to a paragraph in the Era of last Sunday , purporting to give an account of what took place at my Chambers on Thursday , the 12 th inst . I beg , through the same medium , to declare that the statement contained in that paragraph is a wicked fabrication as to evervtliinebut the fact that a meeting was held . fa Your obedient servant , _ . , , T „ „ , FRANCIS ROXBURGH . Lincoln ' s Inn , May 19 , 1 S 59 . ¦ WE hear that Bro . Havers hasat the request of a large bodof
, y his Masonic friends , reconsidered his determination to retire from taking an active part in the affairs of Masonry , for the present . We cannot but think this highly gratifying : for though not always agreeing with the views of Bro . Havers his great practical talent is undeniable , and cannot well be spared , especially—whilst the question with regard to the future arrangements " of the Grand Lodge property remains unsettled . —Masonic Mirror .
Correspondence .
To the Editor . " LAX DM AUKS . " SIR , —Your correspondent " Fair Play , " in votir last number , alluded to the frequent quotation of the "Ancient Landmarks ; " can any of your readers furnish me with a definition or a list of them ? They must , I should think , be very numerous and comprehensive , jud"innat . least from the number and variety of cases which are referred to them , though the words or terms of the "landmark" alluded to are never quoted . —I amSirvonrs fraternall
, , y , A tOTJNG MEMBER OF GRAND LODGE . To the Editor . SIR AND BROTHER , —I noticed in G . L . on the 1 st . that Bro . Denison , our old reporter , was absent , and I was informed that lie had been dismissed by the Board ot General Purposes , i . e . by Bro . Havers , for declining to furnish awbatim report at the price agreed upon for an abstract , without any opportunity being atlordcd him of explanation or defence . I further understand that the reporter to the new organ of the Executive has got his place—doubtless that the said organ , i . e . its new proprietors , may obtain their report at the of GL
expense .. . I notice that no mention of Bro . Denison's dismissal appears in the report of the Board . iNow that we have what Bro . Stebbing well termed a " packed jury , by way of a Board , wc may expect a good many more jobs of this kind . I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , Q IN THE CORNER . THE CHARITIES AND THE EXECUTIVE . To the Editor . SIR , —The Executive of G . L . seem determined to get the management of the Chanties into then- hands . These have hitherto been considered neut ral "round but , if Bro . Havers and his friends arc to have the control of them , I trust that
during that millennial period , a good many will cease to exert themselves in their behalf , and so follow the example of your obedient servant , AN OLD . LIFE GOVEUNOit OF THE THREE CHARITIES . To the Editor . SIR , —Bro . Wan-en was pleased to state in Grand Loclue that I " and a noble Earl , " had on former occasions arranged a list for the Board of General Purposes , with one of the Grand Officers . Few , I suppose , expect much accuracy , in any statement of the proprietor of the Magazine , and it will not , therefore , occasion much surprise when I state that the meeting referred to was between myself and a Grand Officer alone , and that so far as any " noble Earl " is concerned , Bro . Wan-en's statement is an entire fiction . I am , your obedient servant , G . R . PORTAL .
Grand Lodge Club.
Pl'CSllfBltt ' Bro . J . UDALL , P . M ., 10 , and P . G . D . Vice-Presidents : Bro . J . R . STEBBING , W . M ., 10 . and P . D . G . M ., Hants ' Bro . J . H . HEARN , P . M ., and P . D . G . M ., Isle of Wight . Treasurer : Bro . J . WHITMORE , P . M ., 329 . Secretory : Bro F . BINCKESP . M 11 .
, , The objects of the club are" 1 . To maintain the constitutional supremacy and privileges " 2 . To amend or modify—so far as can be done with a due regard to the preservation of the antient landmarks of the Order—such of the Masonic laws and regulations as are found to operate prejudicially to the interests of the Craft . " 3 . To secure to Provincial Brethren a more active participation in the
proceedings of G . L . " 4 . To promote the adoption of a liberal and enlightened policy towards Colonial Lodges . " 5 . To encourage throughout the Craft a more extended interest in the Charities of the Order . " 6 . To form a Masonic Library of Reference . " Entrance Fee , 5 s . ; Annual Subscription , os . ; Election of Members by Ballot . The Club dines together before each . G . L . ; Dinner , 2 s . 6 d ., Wine , 3 s . ' ' The Club now numbers upwards of Sixty Members . Brethren desirous of joining are requested to communicate with the Secretary , 3 , Lawn Villus , South Lambeth , London , S .
WHITE'S WEST END MASONIC DEPOT , 14 , » ™ Green Street , Leicester Square , London . BROTHER GEORGE WHITE , Maker of Masonic Clothing , Jewels , and Furniture , of every degree , in thanking his friends for their appreciation of his rule and practice in business , assures them that he will continue to supply none but good work and materials , and that no copper lace will on any account be used , unless as an unwilling exception when especially ordered . Brother WHITE ' terms bein ^ invariably for ready money , he is able to charge the lowest prices consistent with fair trading . Orders of merchants and Shippers , or from the Colonies direct , executed immediately at wholesale rate , on receipt of a remittance or reference for payment to a London House . Bro . WHITE will be glad to Purchase , or take in Exchange for other Pictures , any Paintings of a Masonic Character . Masonic Depot and Picture Gallery , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London .
NOTICE . Norton TO SUBSCRIBERS . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Offic ? Order , at their earliest convenience . ' 1 he Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and may be obtained from the London Publishers , through all local booksellers . SOBSCRIBHKS may be supplied direct from the Office , bv sending their subscriptions ( 2 s Annum ) in advance to MessrsPeach and
per . George , 1 , Argyle Street , Bath . TYLKRS of Lodges will be allowed 2 S per cent , on all sums remitted to Mr Peach . ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . G . White , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , London by the loth of March , June , September , and December , and not later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
BATH : Printed and Published b y Messrs . PEACH and GEORGE No . 1 , Argyle Street . ' TT L , ° ! 5 , D 0 X : J , | l b ! isIied lly SIMI ' , MARSHALL , and Co ., Stationers ' Hall Court E . C ; and Sold by G . Wmra , 14 , Green Street , Leicester Square , W . O . ; H . M . ARI . ISS , 15 , Great Queen Street , W C . ; STANFORD Charing Cross , S . W . ; and all Booksellers iu London and the Country . '