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be understood , I must call your attention to the requests which were made to me in the Petition just received : — "' a . They petitioned to have the power Of electing their own Provincial Grand Master . '" A . That they should retain all Fees of every sort and kind . '" o . That their Provincial Grand Master should grant Warrants for New Lodges . "' d . That he should bo empowered to appoint subordinate Provincial Grand Masters
. "' e . That Grand Lodge should still retain a supervising power . "' 3 . This it will be at once perceived would be , if granted , to declare them to all intents and purposes a body independent of the Grand Lodge of England . I need hardly point out to you that this was a course I could not consent to , for it would have amounted to a subversion of the constitution and laws of English Masonry ; and had that petition received a reply , which I much wish had been sent to it , it could only have been replied to by a direct negative . I was
naturally anxious to preserve unimpaired in my own person , and to hand down to my successor , the privileges and prerogatives with which you have entrusted me as your Grand Master , not from any desire oi my own or for my own personal sake ( for let me assure you that the appointment of officers is a very irksome and frequently a very unenviable task ) , hut solely as representing the Grand Lodge of England . I am as anxious now , as I was theu , to maintain the privileges of the Grand Master intact , because I conceive that it conduces to the welfare of the Craft that I should do so ; but I have , after careful consideration , and upon more full information , come to the conclusion that I may afford the relief desired by our Canadian Brethren ,
without a sacrifice of those privileges . " ' 4 . The Canadian Masons contend that they have full and ample means of judging who would best serve their interests , and those of Masonry , as their Provincial Grand Master—whilst I , at this distance , have not the same favorable opportunity . I feel the force of that remark , and , taking into consideration all the circumstances , I am prepared to say that I will consider the propriety of appointing as Provincial Grand Master of Canada West any Brother whom they shall report to me as most acceptable to themselvesThey do
. may this , if they desire it , either in the form of a resolution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , or in such other way as may be agreed upou . Such nomination shall be subject only to my approval ; and I need hardly say that I should feel it to be my duty , in making this offer , not to withhold my nomination of such a Brother so recommended , unless for weighty reasons , which I should be prepared to justify . In making this concession , I beg it to he clearly understood that I only announce my own intention , and do not propose or consent to
any alteration of the laws . That in nominating a Provincial Grand Master recommended by the Provincial Grand Lodge , I thereby should do so of my own free will , and though I may set an example to , I will not consent to bind my successor . "' 5 . As regards the question of Fees , I have already laid a scheme before you which I am told is recommended for your adoption by the Colonial Board . The present Fees payable by the Canadians are : For Registration , 10 s ., of which one-half goes to the Provincial Grand Lodge ; Certificate , 6 s . Sd . ; Total , 16 s . M . Fees proposed by the Grand Master : Registration and Certificate together , 7 s . 6 d . The whole scale of Fees will stand thus :
London . Country . For . , fc CoL £ s . d . £ 5 . d . £ s . a . Registration and Certificate .... 1 7 G .... 0 17 0 .... 0 1 6 To Fund of Benevolence 0 4 0 .... 0 2 0 .... nil . "' I may say that the question of Fees is a matter of secondary importance , for I am veiy sure that a mere money consideration will never influence us in our dealings with our Canadian Brethren '" 0 . 1 have already provided for the issuing of blank Certificates in such numbers as will prevent further complaints arising on
any that score : whilst , as regards the issuing of Warrants , I must remind Brethren that such a power , or an equivalent to it , lias always been exercised by the Provincial Grand Masters of Colonial Grand Lodges , who have hitherto granted dispensations for the holding of New Lodges , Warrants for which are never refused ; this is a matter , however , together with that regarding Fees , which may properly be left to the Colonial Board , who will advise us on the matter . "' 7 . Some representations have reached mo the subject of
upon subdividing the districts of Canada ; and I am inclined to think that —from the extent of the Province , the number of the Lodges , and the distance of many of them from any one central situation , that it would he advisable to divide it . I have received a communication from the Provincial Grand Master of Quebec , and several petitions on this subject , and I may state that it is my intention , after consulting with Brethren on the spot , to take steps to subdivide the district , and to appoint other Provincial Grand Masters , so that every Lodge hi the
Canadas shall be within reasonable distance of its Provincial Grand Lodge . "' 8 . There is one point more to which I must refer , namely : — to the demand that the Provincial Grand Master of Canada shall be empowered to appoint subordinate Provincial Grand Masters aud Provincial Grand Lodges ; this I at once say I cannot consent to . The appointment of Provincial Grand Masters ever has been , and , in my opinion , ought ever to remain a part of the prerogative of the Grand Master for the time beingjust as the appointment of officers
, rests with the Masters of all Private Lodges . I have already stated that I have determined on further subdividing the Canadian Districts , and I shall not be slow in listening to the expressed wishes of the Brethren as to the appointment of a Provincial Grand Master who will he acceptable to them . I may hero remark that this determination has not been come to without mature consideration ; and I can appeal to at least one member of Grand Lodge , who takes a great interest in this question , as to the fact of having expressed to him my intention to take this the 3 rd of
course so long ago as January last . '" 9 . I believe that by this concession I shall not have derogated from those powers and privileges which I have received from you ; my object has been , and that from no selfish motive , to preserve them ; I am equally sure that you have no wish to invade them . The maintenance of their allegiance by the Canadian Masons is to be desired , and is quite as much for their advantage as ours . I believe that the lan I have proposedand the concessions which I have expressed
p , my willingness to make , will be satisfactory both to you and to our Canadian Brethren . I thought it better to make this announcement to you at the present moment , as I trust it will be the moans of bringing the matter to an amicable termination , aud will save any protracted discussion in Grand Lodge . I have , I repeat , given the matter my anxious and attentive consideration ; I think that , under the circumstances , you may safely trust that the appointment of Provincial Grand Master will be settled by me to the satisfaction of
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada , and the details will be carried out by the Colonial Board . "' 10 . I trust that I have done justice . I repeat my regret that the matter has not been settled before , and I know that I may rely in full confidence on that support which you have never yet withheld from me in the endeavor to discharge my duty as your Grand Master . '
" I have further to inform you that this communication of the Grand Master was received by a Grand Lodge of larger than usual numbers with great satisfaction aud acclamation . " The Grand Master ' s object in making this communication arises from his desire that no time should be lost in your being made acquainted with his views , in order that the Canadian Masons may have the earliest opportunity of availing themselves of the advantages sought to be conveyed to them by the proposed concessions offered bhis Lordshior to make suggestions or observations which
y p , any they may be desirous of submitting to him . " The Grand Master further commands me to state that the arrangements which he has made for the future conduct of the correspondence and communications of Colonial Lodges are such as will secure to them for the future a prompt and effectual attention . " The Grand Master directs me to echo the expressions contained in paragraph 9 ; and to state to you his earnest hope that the eoncession he has made to the wishes of the Colonial Brethren will be
not only acceptable to them , and be the means of allaying those feelings of irritation which have naturally arisen—but may also be the means of bringing back to their allegiance those Lodges , which he cannot but think have lost sight of their best interests in severing themselves from the protection of the Grand Lodge of England . "At a later period of the evening , the Memorial , which had been entrusted to Brother the Rev . G . 1 ? . Portal , was presented to Grand Lodgebut no discussion took place thereonit being unanimousl
, , y agreed , upon the motion of Bro . Portal , seconded by Lord Panmure , that , after the announcement which the Grand Master had been pleased to make , the Memorial should be referred to the Colonial Board . " I have to request that you will communicate to me , with as little delay as possible , any suggestions you may desire to make , together with your views in reference to carrying out the desire expressed by the Grand Master in h 7
paragrap . " I have the honor to be , fraternally , " E . W . Prov . Grand Master , " Your obedient Servant and Brother , " ( SignedJ WILLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . " To Sir Allen MaaSab , Bart , & o ., & c , & c , "Prov . G . M . for Canada West ,
Copies were sent by the same post to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Grand Secretary for Canada West ; to the Hon . Williain Badgley , Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
be understood , I must call your attention to the requests which were made to me in the Petition just received : — "' a . They petitioned to have the power Of electing their own Provincial Grand Master . '" A . That they should retain all Fees of every sort and kind . '" o . That their Provincial Grand Master should grant Warrants for New Lodges . "' d . That he should bo empowered to appoint subordinate Provincial Grand Masters
. "' e . That Grand Lodge should still retain a supervising power . "' 3 . This it will be at once perceived would be , if granted , to declare them to all intents and purposes a body independent of the Grand Lodge of England . I need hardly point out to you that this was a course I could not consent to , for it would have amounted to a subversion of the constitution and laws of English Masonry ; and had that petition received a reply , which I much wish had been sent to it , it could only have been replied to by a direct negative . I was
naturally anxious to preserve unimpaired in my own person , and to hand down to my successor , the privileges and prerogatives with which you have entrusted me as your Grand Master , not from any desire oi my own or for my own personal sake ( for let me assure you that the appointment of officers is a very irksome and frequently a very unenviable task ) , hut solely as representing the Grand Lodge of England . I am as anxious now , as I was theu , to maintain the privileges of the Grand Master intact , because I conceive that it conduces to the welfare of the Craft that I should do so ; but I have , after careful consideration , and upon more full information , come to the conclusion that I may afford the relief desired by our Canadian Brethren ,
without a sacrifice of those privileges . " ' 4 . The Canadian Masons contend that they have full and ample means of judging who would best serve their interests , and those of Masonry , as their Provincial Grand Master—whilst I , at this distance , have not the same favorable opportunity . I feel the force of that remark , and , taking into consideration all the circumstances , I am prepared to say that I will consider the propriety of appointing as Provincial Grand Master of Canada West any Brother whom they shall report to me as most acceptable to themselvesThey do
. may this , if they desire it , either in the form of a resolution of the Provincial Grand Lodge , or in such other way as may be agreed upou . Such nomination shall be subject only to my approval ; and I need hardly say that I should feel it to be my duty , in making this offer , not to withhold my nomination of such a Brother so recommended , unless for weighty reasons , which I should be prepared to justify . In making this concession , I beg it to he clearly understood that I only announce my own intention , and do not propose or consent to
any alteration of the laws . That in nominating a Provincial Grand Master recommended by the Provincial Grand Lodge , I thereby should do so of my own free will , and though I may set an example to , I will not consent to bind my successor . "' 5 . As regards the question of Fees , I have already laid a scheme before you which I am told is recommended for your adoption by the Colonial Board . The present Fees payable by the Canadians are : For Registration , 10 s ., of which one-half goes to the Provincial Grand Lodge ; Certificate , 6 s . Sd . ; Total , 16 s . M . Fees proposed by the Grand Master : Registration and Certificate together , 7 s . 6 d . The whole scale of Fees will stand thus :
London . Country . For . , fc CoL £ s . d . £ 5 . d . £ s . a . Registration and Certificate .... 1 7 G .... 0 17 0 .... 0 1 6 To Fund of Benevolence 0 4 0 .... 0 2 0 .... nil . "' I may say that the question of Fees is a matter of secondary importance , for I am veiy sure that a mere money consideration will never influence us in our dealings with our Canadian Brethren '" 0 . 1 have already provided for the issuing of blank Certificates in such numbers as will prevent further complaints arising on
any that score : whilst , as regards the issuing of Warrants , I must remind Brethren that such a power , or an equivalent to it , lias always been exercised by the Provincial Grand Masters of Colonial Grand Lodges , who have hitherto granted dispensations for the holding of New Lodges , Warrants for which are never refused ; this is a matter , however , together with that regarding Fees , which may properly be left to the Colonial Board , who will advise us on the matter . "' 7 . Some representations have reached mo the subject of
upon subdividing the districts of Canada ; and I am inclined to think that —from the extent of the Province , the number of the Lodges , and the distance of many of them from any one central situation , that it would he advisable to divide it . I have received a communication from the Provincial Grand Master of Quebec , and several petitions on this subject , and I may state that it is my intention , after consulting with Brethren on the spot , to take steps to subdivide the district , and to appoint other Provincial Grand Masters , so that every Lodge hi the
Canadas shall be within reasonable distance of its Provincial Grand Lodge . "' 8 . There is one point more to which I must refer , namely : — to the demand that the Provincial Grand Master of Canada shall be empowered to appoint subordinate Provincial Grand Masters aud Provincial Grand Lodges ; this I at once say I cannot consent to . The appointment of Provincial Grand Masters ever has been , and , in my opinion , ought ever to remain a part of the prerogative of the Grand Master for the time beingjust as the appointment of officers
, rests with the Masters of all Private Lodges . I have already stated that I have determined on further subdividing the Canadian Districts , and I shall not be slow in listening to the expressed wishes of the Brethren as to the appointment of a Provincial Grand Master who will he acceptable to them . I may hero remark that this determination has not been come to without mature consideration ; and I can appeal to at least one member of Grand Lodge , who takes a great interest in this question , as to the fact of having expressed to him my intention to take this the 3 rd of
course so long ago as January last . '" 9 . I believe that by this concession I shall not have derogated from those powers and privileges which I have received from you ; my object has been , and that from no selfish motive , to preserve them ; I am equally sure that you have no wish to invade them . The maintenance of their allegiance by the Canadian Masons is to be desired , and is quite as much for their advantage as ours . I believe that the lan I have proposedand the concessions which I have expressed
p , my willingness to make , will be satisfactory both to you and to our Canadian Brethren . I thought it better to make this announcement to you at the present moment , as I trust it will be the moans of bringing the matter to an amicable termination , aud will save any protracted discussion in Grand Lodge . I have , I repeat , given the matter my anxious and attentive consideration ; I think that , under the circumstances , you may safely trust that the appointment of Provincial Grand Master will be settled by me to the satisfaction of
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada , and the details will be carried out by the Colonial Board . "' 10 . I trust that I have done justice . I repeat my regret that the matter has not been settled before , and I know that I may rely in full confidence on that support which you have never yet withheld from me in the endeavor to discharge my duty as your Grand Master . '
" I have further to inform you that this communication of the Grand Master was received by a Grand Lodge of larger than usual numbers with great satisfaction aud acclamation . " The Grand Master ' s object in making this communication arises from his desire that no time should be lost in your being made acquainted with his views , in order that the Canadian Masons may have the earliest opportunity of availing themselves of the advantages sought to be conveyed to them by the proposed concessions offered bhis Lordshior to make suggestions or observations which
y p , any they may be desirous of submitting to him . " The Grand Master further commands me to state that the arrangements which he has made for the future conduct of the correspondence and communications of Colonial Lodges are such as will secure to them for the future a prompt and effectual attention . " The Grand Master directs me to echo the expressions contained in paragraph 9 ; and to state to you his earnest hope that the eoncession he has made to the wishes of the Colonial Brethren will be
not only acceptable to them , and be the means of allaying those feelings of irritation which have naturally arisen—but may also be the means of bringing back to their allegiance those Lodges , which he cannot but think have lost sight of their best interests in severing themselves from the protection of the Grand Lodge of England . "At a later period of the evening , the Memorial , which had been entrusted to Brother the Rev . G . 1 ? . Portal , was presented to Grand Lodgebut no discussion took place thereonit being unanimousl
, , y agreed , upon the motion of Bro . Portal , seconded by Lord Panmure , that , after the announcement which the Grand Master had been pleased to make , the Memorial should be referred to the Colonial Board . " I have to request that you will communicate to me , with as little delay as possible , any suggestions you may desire to make , together with your views in reference to carrying out the desire expressed by the Grand Master in h 7
paragrap . " I have the honor to be , fraternally , " E . W . Prov . Grand Master , " Your obedient Servant and Brother , " ( SignedJ WILLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . " To Sir Allen MaaSab , Bart , & o ., & c , & c , "Prov . G . M . for Canada West ,
Copies were sent by the same post to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Grand Secretary for Canada West ; to the Hon . Williain Badgley , Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial