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Grand Master , and the Grand Secretary for Montreal ; to Thomas D . Hariugtoii , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master ; the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; aud the Grand Secretary for Quebec . " Provincial Grand Lodge , Canada West , " W . Brother , " Toronto , April Oth , 1 S 57 . " I am commanded by the R . W . Deputy Grand Master to
acknowledge the receipt of your communication , dated the 13 th March , and to assure you , that although he duly appreciates the Masonic spirit which has dictated the statement made by the M . W . Grand Master to the Grand Lodge of England , yet he fears that the concessions proposed in that statement are made at too late a period to be acceptable to the Canadian craft , and that they will not be sufficient to allay the strong feeling of discontent prevailing throughout the whole of this jurisdiction . The Brethren are now waiting for a reply to the memorial of this Prov . Grand Lodgelaid before the Grand
, Lodge of England on the 4 th of March last , and it is the decided opinion of the E . W Deputy Grand Master and the officers of his Grand Lodge , that should an unfavourable reply to that memorial be received , in three months from that date there will scarcely be a Lodge that will retain its allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England . IV " . Bro . Beach , of England , has just left this city , after passing a & w hours amongst us ; a number of the leading Masons ( including the R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Quebec and Three Rivers ) had an
interview with him , and explained most fully the true position of Masonry in this Province at the present time . He clearly saw- the hopelessness of any concession short of the prayer of our memorial being acceptable to the Canadian Craft , and I have no doubt he will convoy to the M . W . Grand Master all the information he has received on Canadian affairs . "TheR . W . Deputy Grand Master further commands me to say , that it would be very desirable if a reply to the memorial could be transmitted to us before the last week in May , as about that time our
Prov . Grand Lodge will meet , and the Brethren are anxiously looking forward to that meeting , hoping to receive a positive aud final reply to their appeal to the Grand Lodge of England . In conclusion , the E . W . Deputy Grand Master begs me to express his deep regret that the proposed concessions had not been made prior to the formation of the Independent Grand Lodge , which is now in full and successful operation j had such been done , he has no doubt that the proposed alterations in the constitutions in regard to Colonial Lodges would have been sufficient to allay all dissensionsand to have prevented a
, severance of the Canadian Lodges from their Mother Grand Lodge , now he fears unavoidable . " I have the honour to be , W . Brother , " Yours fraternally , ( Signed ) " FRANCIS RICHARDSON , P . G . S . " William H . White , Esq ., Freemasons' Hall , London . "
"Freemasons Hall , London , 10 th April , 18 o 7 . "To Francis Richardson , Esq ., P . G . S ., Toronto . " Sir and Brother , " I have the honour to inform you that the Memorial from the P . G . L ., of Canada West , was presented to the Grand Lodge of England by the W . Brother , the Rev . G . R . Portal , at the Quarterly Communication in March last , and was ordered to be referred to the Colonial Board in conjunction with the M . W . the G . M ., that a reply
might be sent to the Provincial G . L . of Canada West at as early aperiod as possible . I am directed to transcribe for j'our information and that of the Prov . G . L ., a communication from the M . W ., the G . M . to the Grand Lodge of England at the Quarterly Communication in March relative to Canada , in which he says : — [ Here follows the Communication of the M . W . ihe G . Master , dated 13 < A March , 1857 , —See A . ] "I am further directed to express the earnest hope of this Grand
Lodge , that the remedies proposed by the M . W . the G . M . will be found to meet the requirement of the P . G . L . of Canada West , and that your P . G . L . will accept in the true Masonic spirit of brotherly love the frank and hearty expression of regret contained in the above recited communication as the earnest of a sincere desire to co-operate with them in the promotion of the interests of our common order . " I am also desired to direct your attention to the appointment of a Colonial Board , for the solo purpose of transacting all business between the G . L . of England and the District G . Lodges , as an assurance that no efforts will be wanting to prevont all ground for complaint in future .
" I am finally instructed to express to you the confidence enter' tainod by this G . L . in the continued loyalty of the P . G . L . of Canada West , and its firm reliance upon that attachment to your mother G . L . which has been so honorably manifested under circumstances of peculiar trial , aud I am to assure you that both the M . W . the G . M . and the Colonial Board will be at all times most anxious to entertain any suggestions from your P . G . L ., as well as to render you their utmost assistance in promoting the welfare and extending the influence of your Provincial Grand Lodge .
" I have the honour to remain , dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternally , " ( Signed ) WILLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . " By order of the Colonial Board , " ( Signed ) W . BURLTON , President . " " To the Earl of Zetland .
" Most Worshipful Grand Master , " I beg to communicate to you some information relating to the affairs of Canada . When I arrived at Toronto , your Lordship's letter had been received a few days before . A meetinf was summoned , to consist of tho most influential Brethren , for the purpose of considering the best line of conduct . The Provincial Grand Master of Quebec , and tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Canada West attendedas well as many Masters of Lod Your
, ges . Lordship ' s letter was read , and appeared to give considerable satisfaction . Each Brother then proceeded to give his opinion on the subject . I was thus enabled to gain the information I desired . They appeared to be very desirous of maintaining their allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England , if such could be done without injury to the Canadian Masons . They acknowledged that the concessions were large and gracefully bestowed , but that the time had gone by ; they would have been considered amplebut that it was now too late . The
Indepen-, dent body had gained such strength that it was now impossible to resist them . Many of the most energetic Brethren in Canada were amongst their numbers . They were continually gaining proselytes . Many went over to them , but none returned . The greatest friends were debarred from Masonic intercourse , because they belonged
respectively to the legitimate and spurious body . Nothing eould restore the happiness of the Provinces that failed to unite the whole of the Freemasons iu Canada . The Independent movement mi <* lit have been checked , but several causes rendered it now impossible . The Grand Lodge of Ireland , on being applied to for recognition of the Independent Body as a Grand Lodge , wrote to the Grand Lodge of England for advice on the subject . Unfortunately no answer was received . Tho Grand Lodge of Ireland proceeded to recognize the Independent body as a Grand Lodge , reserving her jurisdiction over
any Lodge that did not wish to join them . It is almost needless to say that this had greatly added to the difficulties . " The intelligence had just been received of the formation of a Grand Chapter by the Independent body . " At tho funeral of Brother Zimmerman , a very large number of Freemasons attended to demonstrate their respect for the deceased . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Canada West and the Grand Master ( so called ) of the Independents were both present . In order to prevent any unpleasing demonstration of feelingit was thought
, advisable to request an American Grand Master to preside on the occasion . It is with great difficulty that a great proportion of our Lodges have been prevented from seceding . ContinuaPmotions have been announced , and withdrawn by particular request . In short , nothing short of Independence would suffice for the present emergency . It is , therefore , the humble request of the Freemasons in Canada , who still maintain their allegiance to you , M . W . Sir , and to the Grand Lodge of England , that you would be pleased to allow them to form an Independent Grand Lodge ; that their Charters
( after having been restored ) might be returned to them , to hang in their Lodges as a memorial of the connection that has so long existed . In the event of this concession being granted , the Independent bodv would agree to join them , and to elect a Grand Master , and that they would then recognize the Grand Lodge of England as their Court of Appeal . " Firmly persuaded as I am that this is the only solution of the difficulty , * I venture most earnestly to submit it for your Lordshi p ' s considerationIf render further information
. I can any , I shall be happy to do so . ' ¦ I have tho honor to remain , yours fraternally , " Boodles , May 5 , 1857 . ( Signed ) W . WITHER BEACH . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Master , and the Grand Secretary for Montreal ; to Thomas D . Hariugtoii , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master ; the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; aud the Grand Secretary for Quebec . " Provincial Grand Lodge , Canada West , " W . Brother , " Toronto , April Oth , 1 S 57 . " I am commanded by the R . W . Deputy Grand Master to
acknowledge the receipt of your communication , dated the 13 th March , and to assure you , that although he duly appreciates the Masonic spirit which has dictated the statement made by the M . W . Grand Master to the Grand Lodge of England , yet he fears that the concessions proposed in that statement are made at too late a period to be acceptable to the Canadian craft , and that they will not be sufficient to allay the strong feeling of discontent prevailing throughout the whole of this jurisdiction . The Brethren are now waiting for a reply to the memorial of this Prov . Grand Lodgelaid before the Grand
, Lodge of England on the 4 th of March last , and it is the decided opinion of the E . W Deputy Grand Master and the officers of his Grand Lodge , that should an unfavourable reply to that memorial be received , in three months from that date there will scarcely be a Lodge that will retain its allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England . IV " . Bro . Beach , of England , has just left this city , after passing a & w hours amongst us ; a number of the leading Masons ( including the R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Quebec and Three Rivers ) had an
interview with him , and explained most fully the true position of Masonry in this Province at the present time . He clearly saw- the hopelessness of any concession short of the prayer of our memorial being acceptable to the Canadian Craft , and I have no doubt he will convoy to the M . W . Grand Master all the information he has received on Canadian affairs . "TheR . W . Deputy Grand Master further commands me to say , that it would be very desirable if a reply to the memorial could be transmitted to us before the last week in May , as about that time our
Prov . Grand Lodge will meet , and the Brethren are anxiously looking forward to that meeting , hoping to receive a positive aud final reply to their appeal to the Grand Lodge of England . In conclusion , the E . W . Deputy Grand Master begs me to express his deep regret that the proposed concessions had not been made prior to the formation of the Independent Grand Lodge , which is now in full and successful operation j had such been done , he has no doubt that the proposed alterations in the constitutions in regard to Colonial Lodges would have been sufficient to allay all dissensionsand to have prevented a
, severance of the Canadian Lodges from their Mother Grand Lodge , now he fears unavoidable . " I have the honour to be , W . Brother , " Yours fraternally , ( Signed ) " FRANCIS RICHARDSON , P . G . S . " William H . White , Esq ., Freemasons' Hall , London . "
"Freemasons Hall , London , 10 th April , 18 o 7 . "To Francis Richardson , Esq ., P . G . S ., Toronto . " Sir and Brother , " I have the honour to inform you that the Memorial from the P . G . L ., of Canada West , was presented to the Grand Lodge of England by the W . Brother , the Rev . G . R . Portal , at the Quarterly Communication in March last , and was ordered to be referred to the Colonial Board in conjunction with the M . W . the G . M ., that a reply
might be sent to the Provincial G . L . of Canada West at as early aperiod as possible . I am directed to transcribe for j'our information and that of the Prov . G . L ., a communication from the M . W ., the G . M . to the Grand Lodge of England at the Quarterly Communication in March relative to Canada , in which he says : — [ Here follows the Communication of the M . W . ihe G . Master , dated 13 < A March , 1857 , —See A . ] "I am further directed to express the earnest hope of this Grand
Lodge , that the remedies proposed by the M . W . the G . M . will be found to meet the requirement of the P . G . L . of Canada West , and that your P . G . L . will accept in the true Masonic spirit of brotherly love the frank and hearty expression of regret contained in the above recited communication as the earnest of a sincere desire to co-operate with them in the promotion of the interests of our common order . " I am also desired to direct your attention to the appointment of a Colonial Board , for the solo purpose of transacting all business between the G . L . of England and the District G . Lodges , as an assurance that no efforts will be wanting to prevont all ground for complaint in future .
" I am finally instructed to express to you the confidence enter' tainod by this G . L . in the continued loyalty of the P . G . L . of Canada West , and its firm reliance upon that attachment to your mother G . L . which has been so honorably manifested under circumstances of peculiar trial , aud I am to assure you that both the M . W . the G . M . and the Colonial Board will be at all times most anxious to entertain any suggestions from your P . G . L ., as well as to render you their utmost assistance in promoting the welfare and extending the influence of your Provincial Grand Lodge .
" I have the honour to remain , dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternally , " ( Signed ) WILLIAM H . WHITE , G . S . " By order of the Colonial Board , " ( Signed ) W . BURLTON , President . " " To the Earl of Zetland .
" Most Worshipful Grand Master , " I beg to communicate to you some information relating to the affairs of Canada . When I arrived at Toronto , your Lordship's letter had been received a few days before . A meetinf was summoned , to consist of tho most influential Brethren , for the purpose of considering the best line of conduct . The Provincial Grand Master of Quebec , and tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Canada West attendedas well as many Masters of Lod Your
, ges . Lordship ' s letter was read , and appeared to give considerable satisfaction . Each Brother then proceeded to give his opinion on the subject . I was thus enabled to gain the information I desired . They appeared to be very desirous of maintaining their allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England , if such could be done without injury to the Canadian Masons . They acknowledged that the concessions were large and gracefully bestowed , but that the time had gone by ; they would have been considered amplebut that it was now too late . The
Indepen-, dent body had gained such strength that it was now impossible to resist them . Many of the most energetic Brethren in Canada were amongst their numbers . They were continually gaining proselytes . Many went over to them , but none returned . The greatest friends were debarred from Masonic intercourse , because they belonged
respectively to the legitimate and spurious body . Nothing eould restore the happiness of the Provinces that failed to unite the whole of the Freemasons iu Canada . The Independent movement mi <* lit have been checked , but several causes rendered it now impossible . The Grand Lodge of Ireland , on being applied to for recognition of the Independent Body as a Grand Lodge , wrote to the Grand Lodge of England for advice on the subject . Unfortunately no answer was received . Tho Grand Lodge of Ireland proceeded to recognize the Independent body as a Grand Lodge , reserving her jurisdiction over
any Lodge that did not wish to join them . It is almost needless to say that this had greatly added to the difficulties . " The intelligence had just been received of the formation of a Grand Chapter by the Independent body . " At tho funeral of Brother Zimmerman , a very large number of Freemasons attended to demonstrate their respect for the deceased . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Canada West and the Grand Master ( so called ) of the Independents were both present . In order to prevent any unpleasing demonstration of feelingit was thought
, advisable to request an American Grand Master to preside on the occasion . It is with great difficulty that a great proportion of our Lodges have been prevented from seceding . ContinuaPmotions have been announced , and withdrawn by particular request . In short , nothing short of Independence would suffice for the present emergency . It is , therefore , the humble request of the Freemasons in Canada , who still maintain their allegiance to you , M . W . Sir , and to the Grand Lodge of England , that you would be pleased to allow them to form an Independent Grand Lodge ; that their Charters
( after having been restored ) might be returned to them , to hang in their Lodges as a memorial of the connection that has so long existed . In the event of this concession being granted , the Independent bodv would agree to join them , and to elect a Grand Master , and that they would then recognize the Grand Lodge of England as their Court of Appeal . " Firmly persuaded as I am that this is the only solution of the difficulty , * I venture most earnestly to submit it for your Lordshi p ' s considerationIf render further information
. I can any , I shall be happy to do so . ' ¦ I have tho honor to remain , yours fraternally , " Boodles , May 5 , 1857 . ( Signed ) W . WITHER BEACH . "