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Masonic Charities.
The Treasurer was authorized and requested to sign cheques for the last quarter's disbursements , amounting to £ 460 10 s . 4 d ., and to purchase stock to the amount of £ 1 , 000 , which will increase the funded property to £ 11 , 000 , independent of £ 2 , 171 standing to the credit of the " Sustentation Fund , " leaving a balance of £ 995 in the banker's hands . In pursuance of a motion emanating from the House Committee , a recommendation was brought up from the General Committee that a gratuity of fifty guineas be presented to BroFCrewthe secretary of the institutionas a mark of
-. . , , appre ciation of long and faithful services , which was unanimously adopted . Three vacancies in the school were declared , the election to supply which takes place in October , the candidates being seven in number . Bro . E . H . Patten carried a motion—that the number ol children admitted on the establishment be increased from sixty-five to seventy , and notice of motion was given to render this applicable to the ensuing election , in the event of its being confirmed at the next Quarterly Court .
THE BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . The total investment on behalf of the Male Fund is £ 10 , 140 12 s . 10 d . ; on behalf of the Widows ' , £ 2 , 357 15 s . 5 d . The Sustentation Account now amounts to £ 615 19 s . Id . At the last meeting of the Board of Stewards of the late Festival , the amount declared as the result of the meeting was £ 1 , 558 6 s . 6 d ., and tho surplus in the hands of the Treasurer , after defraying the expences being £ 33 4 s . was ordered to he expended in coals and wood for
distri-, bution among the inmates of the asylum at Croydon . The following resolution was also unanimously adopted on the motion of the Rev . Br . Portal : — " The Board of Stewards of the Triennial Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , beg to express to the M . W . the G . M . their deep regret at the exceedingly unsatisfactory state of the income of the above excellent Institution . The Committee of Management having reported that during the last three years the said income
has steadily diminished . The Board begs also to remark upon the distressing fact , that out of fifty approved candidates at the present time , the funds have only admitted of the relief of eight . "Apart from the intrinsic claims which this Institution has upon the support of the Craft , the Board cannot lose sight of the circumstance , that its association with the name of the late G M ., H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , entitles it to more than ordinary consideration . " The Board beg therefore to suggest to the GM ' the expediency
.. of permitting the Festival of this Institution to be held annually , and they believe that while very great benefit would accrue to its funds by this means , no injury would be inflicted upon the other two charities . " They ground this belief no less upon the opinion of the Secretaries of the respective Charities , than upon the amount subscribed to all the three Charities at the Festivals during the present year , which they believe to be without precedent
" They would further suggest that the Benevolent Festival should be held either immediately before , or after Christmas . " If it were to be objected that four Festivals , including the G . Festival , is a larger number than the Craft would be likely to support , it would be a matter for consideration whether the Grand Festival might not , with advantage , be incorporated , in turn , with one of the Charity Festivals . " All these points the Board of Stewards beg respectfully to
submit to the earnest consideration of the M . W . the G . M . " It was further resolved , — " That the Committee of Management be requested to support the above representation to the M . W . the G . M ., " to which the following answer has been received : —
" Freemasons' Hall , August 20 , 1857 . " Sir and Brother , —I beg to inform you that I forwarded to the M . W . the Grand Master , on the 14 th instant , —the day on which your letter of the 11 th was received , —your letter , and the extract from the minutes of the late Board of Stewards for conducting the Festival in aid of the funds of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . I am desired by the M . W . the Grand Master to inform that the subject of that minute has been frequently under his
you lordship ' s careful consideration , anxious as he is to do everything in his power to promote the welfare of the Masonic Charities . His lordship begs me to express his regret that the institution does not meet with greater and more liberal support from the Craft , but as the recommendation of the Board of Stewards contains nothing that has not previously been brought to his notice , his lordship
desires me to state , that after due consideration , he deems it inexpedient to appoint an annual festival for that institution . —I beg to remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , "TO . GRAY CLARKE , G . S . "Bro . R . Spencer , Hon . Secretary to the Board of Stewards . " The question will be brought before Grand Lodge in December next by the Rev . Bro . Portal .
Colonial .
[ From the Canadian Masonic Pioneer . ] Hamilton , C . W ., January 19 , 1857 . We print the proceedings of a meeting of Royal Arch Masons held in the city of Hamilton on Monday , the 19 th January , 1857 , convened by a circular for the purpose of considering the pres ' ent state of Royal Arch Masonry in the Province of Canada , and to decide upon and take the necessary steps for securing its future welfare and prosperity . It was on motion unanimouslresolved— " That the Most
Wory shipful the Grand Master Companion , Colonel William M . Wilson , take the chair , and that M . E . Companion Charles Magill be requested to act as Seeetary . " The Meeting having been thus organized , and the subject for which it had been called having been introduced by the M . W . Bro . Wilson , the following preamble was , after mature deliberation , unanimously adopted : — " That the absence in this province of a authority for
supreme regulating the affairs of Royal Arch Masonry having long been attended with serious inconvenience to the order , and the Grand Lodge of Canada having been legally and constitutionally established on a firm and permanent basis , " It was resolved— ' To recommend to an adjourned meeting of Royal Arch Masons , to be held on Tuesday , the 20 th instant , at the Masonic Hall in this city , with the concurrence of the M . W . the Grand Master of Masons in Canada , at once to proceed in the ,
establishment of a Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada , on the following conditions : — " ' That the constitution of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of England be adopted mutatis mtmtandis as its constitution , and be taken as the guide in the arrangement of the various offices of the Grand Chapter with the following reservations . " ' That the principles established by the Grand Lodge of Canada of making the principal offices annually elective , be adopted by the Grand Chapter .
" ' That , in order to assimilate with the usages of Royal Arch Masonry in the United States , the three degrees not recognized by the Grand Chapter of England , viz ., the Mark Master , the Past Master , and the Most Excellent Master , shall be taken by all persons to entitle them to be admitted to membership , in any Chapter under this jurisdiction , but that Royal Arch Masons who may have taken their degrees in any regular warranted Chapter , under any other jurisdiction , may be admitted as visitors to any Chapter in this provincewhen working in the Royal Arch degreeor in other
, , any degree , which such visitors may have taken , under a regularly and properly warranted Lodge or Chapter , and that in conformity with the foregoing recommendation the M . W . G . M . he 1 st Grand Principal Z , and the R , W . D . G . M . be the 2 nd Grand Principal H , the election or appointment of the officers being left to the convention . '" The meeting then adjourned to meet at 6 p . m ., on Tuesday , the 20 th January . The convention reassembled at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday 201857 and
evening , January , , was presided over by M . E . Comp . Thomas Duggan , P . H . P ., who called upon the Secretary to read the circular issued to the various Chapters in the province , which having been read , the transactions of the preceding evening were read and unanimously approved . It was on motion unanimously resolved , "That the Grand Chapter of Canada be and is hereby established on the constitution recommended in the minutes of the convention of Royal Arch Masons now
read . " It was on motion resolved— " That the title of the Grand Chapter shall be , ' The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada . '" It was on motion resolved—'' That the Grand Chapter do now proceed to the election of Grand Officers to hold office till their successors are elected or appointed and installed . " The M . E . Comp . Z . then appointed the various committees for conducting aU matters connected with the Grand Chapter .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Charities.
The Treasurer was authorized and requested to sign cheques for the last quarter's disbursements , amounting to £ 460 10 s . 4 d ., and to purchase stock to the amount of £ 1 , 000 , which will increase the funded property to £ 11 , 000 , independent of £ 2 , 171 standing to the credit of the " Sustentation Fund , " leaving a balance of £ 995 in the banker's hands . In pursuance of a motion emanating from the House Committee , a recommendation was brought up from the General Committee that a gratuity of fifty guineas be presented to BroFCrewthe secretary of the institutionas a mark of
-. . , , appre ciation of long and faithful services , which was unanimously adopted . Three vacancies in the school were declared , the election to supply which takes place in October , the candidates being seven in number . Bro . E . H . Patten carried a motion—that the number ol children admitted on the establishment be increased from sixty-five to seventy , and notice of motion was given to render this applicable to the ensuing election , in the event of its being confirmed at the next Quarterly Court .
THE BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . The total investment on behalf of the Male Fund is £ 10 , 140 12 s . 10 d . ; on behalf of the Widows ' , £ 2 , 357 15 s . 5 d . The Sustentation Account now amounts to £ 615 19 s . Id . At the last meeting of the Board of Stewards of the late Festival , the amount declared as the result of the meeting was £ 1 , 558 6 s . 6 d ., and tho surplus in the hands of the Treasurer , after defraying the expences being £ 33 4 s . was ordered to he expended in coals and wood for
distri-, bution among the inmates of the asylum at Croydon . The following resolution was also unanimously adopted on the motion of the Rev . Br . Portal : — " The Board of Stewards of the Triennial Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , beg to express to the M . W . the G . M . their deep regret at the exceedingly unsatisfactory state of the income of the above excellent Institution . The Committee of Management having reported that during the last three years the said income
has steadily diminished . The Board begs also to remark upon the distressing fact , that out of fifty approved candidates at the present time , the funds have only admitted of the relief of eight . "Apart from the intrinsic claims which this Institution has upon the support of the Craft , the Board cannot lose sight of the circumstance , that its association with the name of the late G M ., H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , entitles it to more than ordinary consideration . " The Board beg therefore to suggest to the GM ' the expediency
.. of permitting the Festival of this Institution to be held annually , and they believe that while very great benefit would accrue to its funds by this means , no injury would be inflicted upon the other two charities . " They ground this belief no less upon the opinion of the Secretaries of the respective Charities , than upon the amount subscribed to all the three Charities at the Festivals during the present year , which they believe to be without precedent
" They would further suggest that the Benevolent Festival should be held either immediately before , or after Christmas . " If it were to be objected that four Festivals , including the G . Festival , is a larger number than the Craft would be likely to support , it would be a matter for consideration whether the Grand Festival might not , with advantage , be incorporated , in turn , with one of the Charity Festivals . " All these points the Board of Stewards beg respectfully to
submit to the earnest consideration of the M . W . the G . M . " It was further resolved , — " That the Committee of Management be requested to support the above representation to the M . W . the G . M ., " to which the following answer has been received : —
" Freemasons' Hall , August 20 , 1857 . " Sir and Brother , —I beg to inform you that I forwarded to the M . W . the Grand Master , on the 14 th instant , —the day on which your letter of the 11 th was received , —your letter , and the extract from the minutes of the late Board of Stewards for conducting the Festival in aid of the funds of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . I am desired by the M . W . the Grand Master to inform that the subject of that minute has been frequently under his
you lordship ' s careful consideration , anxious as he is to do everything in his power to promote the welfare of the Masonic Charities . His lordship begs me to express his regret that the institution does not meet with greater and more liberal support from the Craft , but as the recommendation of the Board of Stewards contains nothing that has not previously been brought to his notice , his lordship
desires me to state , that after due consideration , he deems it inexpedient to appoint an annual festival for that institution . —I beg to remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , "TO . GRAY CLARKE , G . S . "Bro . R . Spencer , Hon . Secretary to the Board of Stewards . " The question will be brought before Grand Lodge in December next by the Rev . Bro . Portal .
Colonial .
[ From the Canadian Masonic Pioneer . ] Hamilton , C . W ., January 19 , 1857 . We print the proceedings of a meeting of Royal Arch Masons held in the city of Hamilton on Monday , the 19 th January , 1857 , convened by a circular for the purpose of considering the pres ' ent state of Royal Arch Masonry in the Province of Canada , and to decide upon and take the necessary steps for securing its future welfare and prosperity . It was on motion unanimouslresolved— " That the Most
Wory shipful the Grand Master Companion , Colonel William M . Wilson , take the chair , and that M . E . Companion Charles Magill be requested to act as Seeetary . " The Meeting having been thus organized , and the subject for which it had been called having been introduced by the M . W . Bro . Wilson , the following preamble was , after mature deliberation , unanimously adopted : — " That the absence in this province of a authority for
supreme regulating the affairs of Royal Arch Masonry having long been attended with serious inconvenience to the order , and the Grand Lodge of Canada having been legally and constitutionally established on a firm and permanent basis , " It was resolved— ' To recommend to an adjourned meeting of Royal Arch Masons , to be held on Tuesday , the 20 th instant , at the Masonic Hall in this city , with the concurrence of the M . W . the Grand Master of Masons in Canada , at once to proceed in the ,
establishment of a Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada , on the following conditions : — " ' That the constitution of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of England be adopted mutatis mtmtandis as its constitution , and be taken as the guide in the arrangement of the various offices of the Grand Chapter with the following reservations . " ' That the principles established by the Grand Lodge of Canada of making the principal offices annually elective , be adopted by the Grand Chapter .
" ' That , in order to assimilate with the usages of Royal Arch Masonry in the United States , the three degrees not recognized by the Grand Chapter of England , viz ., the Mark Master , the Past Master , and the Most Excellent Master , shall be taken by all persons to entitle them to be admitted to membership , in any Chapter under this jurisdiction , but that Royal Arch Masons who may have taken their degrees in any regular warranted Chapter , under any other jurisdiction , may be admitted as visitors to any Chapter in this provincewhen working in the Royal Arch degreeor in other
, , any degree , which such visitors may have taken , under a regularly and properly warranted Lodge or Chapter , and that in conformity with the foregoing recommendation the M . W . G . M . he 1 st Grand Principal Z , and the R , W . D . G . M . be the 2 nd Grand Principal H , the election or appointment of the officers being left to the convention . '" The meeting then adjourned to meet at 6 p . m ., on Tuesday , the 20 th January . The convention reassembled at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday 201857 and
evening , January , , was presided over by M . E . Comp . Thomas Duggan , P . H . P ., who called upon the Secretary to read the circular issued to the various Chapters in the province , which having been read , the transactions of the preceding evening were read and unanimously approved . It was on motion unanimously resolved , "That the Grand Chapter of Canada be and is hereby established on the constitution recommended in the minutes of the convention of Royal Arch Masons now
read . " It was on motion resolved— " That the title of the Grand Chapter shall be , ' The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada . '" It was on motion resolved—'' That the Grand Chapter do now proceed to the election of Grand Officers to hold office till their successors are elected or appointed and installed . " The M . E . Comp . Z . then appointed the various committees for conducting aU matters connected with the Grand Chapter .