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Reviews .
Catherine de Yere . Longmans , 1857 . This very pleasing story will be found highly interesting , combining , as it does , considerable powers of construction , with a deeply religious tone , unmixed however with the slightest tinge of party spirit , and free from all party feeling or party nomenclature . We can cordially recommend it , especially for the young of both sexes . Prospectus of The Freemasons' Monthly Monitor . Edward Willis ,
Proprietor and Publisher . The Freemasons' Monthly Monitor , King Street , Carleton , New Brunswick , promises , from its prospectus , to represent the feeling and supply the wants of the important and rapidly increasing Masonic Body in N . B . We' shall be happy to exchange cop ies with our Brother Willis , and wish him all success in his undertaking , feeling certain that the prosperity of the Order is coincident with that of the Masonic Publications .
Notes And Queries.
MASONIC BLAZONRY . —Although the sciences of Masonry and Heraldry have much in common , in their symbolical and allegorical character , there are very few English armorial bearings in which I have been able to trace anything like an allusion to the Craft . Foreign Heralds have been more free in their allusions . I have now before me a beautifully executed illumination of a German coat of arms , in which , on a golden shield , two hands are seen extending from clouds on either side of the escutcheon , exchanging the mystic grip ;
below them is a ring , and above , the five-leaved heartsease , emblematic of the five points of fellowship : the crest , a Pegasus' head , divided perpendicularly into yellow and blue , has , on its outspread wings . the same symbol ; while above , two ethorial figures , the one on the right holding a sealed book , and that on the left masked , horned , wdth peacook ' s wings , and holding a palm branch , support a laurel crown , through which rays of light dart downwards on the shield . In the volume from which I am quoting , emblems often occur , and in one escutcheon ( bearing the date of Nurnberg A . D . 1498 ) a circular
rain-, bow surrounds a three-leaved plant ; while a snail crawls below , as if carrying the shield on his back , and a hawk soars above : the whole combining in an idea of symbolism , which , though I cannot exactly explain , I feel must have relation to some of our mighty secrets . — PAULUS .
W . Bro . the EARL OF CARNARVON has accepted the office of Prov . S . G . W . of Hampshire . The P . G . L . will be held in October . MONEY ORDERS . —On the 1 st of September the following alteration was made in the regulations regarding tho issue and payment of money orders : —The initial of the Christian name , if tendered by the remitter of a money order , either verbally or in writing , will bo taken , and payment of the relative order will be made , provided the payee ' s signature be not inconsistent therewith ; and even if tho Christian name be advised in full , the initial of the payee's signature to the order will in future suffice . By command of the Postmaster General , ROWLAND HILL , Secretary . —Genera ) Post Office , 27 th August , 1857 .
NOTICE . NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Office Order , at their earliest convenience . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and may be obtained from the London Publishers , through all local booksellers . SUBSCRIBERS may he supplied direct from the Officeby sending
, their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath . ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pulteney Street , London , by the 15 th of March , June , September , and December , and not later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
Jfrkitbcmcnk SV 1 ASONJC QUARTERLY PAPER . npHE MASONIC OBSERVER AND GRAND LODGE A CHRONICLE is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and contains a full Report of the proceedings in the previous GHAND LODGE , as well as Articles upon the various subjects affecting the welfare of the Craft . It is intended to meet a rapidly increasing demand for fuller information upon matters of general , as distinguished from local , interest . The actual condition of Masonry at home and in the Colonies , its policy , the measures required for its progress and efficiency , as well as the state of its Charities , are the subjects principally noticed . The great success that has attended the establishment of this Paper , leads the Proprietors to hope that it will be recognised as a useful medium of information , as well as of mutual communication , by the Craft at large . Published in LONDON , by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., Stationers ' Hall Court , E . C . ; R . Spencer , Great Queen Street , W . C .: R . E . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath ( by whom Subscriptions are received , payable in advance ) : and Sold by all Booksellers in London and the Country . —Price , Two Shillings per Annum .
ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . ELECTION , Sill DAY OF OCTOBER , 1857 . LAST APPLICATION . nnf-IE GOVERNORS arid SUBSCRIBERS to this laudable J . Institution are respectfully and earnestly solicited to support , by their Votes aud Interest , the Candidate , ELLEH MAEY STUART , Aged 10 * Years , Daughter of the late CHARLES MARTIN STUART , a Medical Man , who died in May , 1857 , leaving a Wife and -Four Children totally unprovided for . The deceased Father was initiated into Masonry , November , 1840 , in the Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity , No . 20 , at Chatham ; also a member of the United Lodge , of Benevolence , No . 216 , likewise at Chatham ; member of the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , at Colchester ; also of the Lodge of Hope , No . 627 , at Brightlingsea , Essex ; was a Past Principal of the Angel Chapter , No . 59 , at Colchester ; served the offices of Pr . G . Organist , and Pr . G . Treasurer , for Kent , At the time of his death was a subscribing member of the Jordan Lodge , No . 237 , and of the Jerusalem Chapter , No . 218 . * „ , * If not elected on THIS occasion will be above the prescribed age , and consequently ineligible for any future Election . Earnestly recommended to your favorable consideration by Brothers * John Hervey , P . S . G . D ., V . P ., 84 , King William Street , City . ' * Ste . Bar . Wilson , J . G . D ., 7 , Frederick Place , Gray ' s-Inn-Road . * Dr . G . R . Rowe , P . J . G . D ., P . Pr . D . G . M ., Essex , 33 , Cavendish Sq . G . P . Do Rhe Philipe , P . G . S . B ., 10 , Gray's-Inn-Square . * George Biggs , P . G . S . B ., Coal Exchange . * E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., 11 , Arthur Street , West , City . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . Pr . S . G . W ., Oxon , 3 , Wilton Crescent . * Charles Isaacs , Pr . G . Sec , Kent , Chatham . Fre . Adlard , P . Pr „ A . G . D . C , Essex ; 225 , High Holborn . * G . H . Wan-en , G . S . Lodge , 35 , Gloucester Street . Queen Square . * Edward S . Snell , P . M . 5 , V . P ., 27 , Albemarle Street . * Benjamin Head , P . M . 5 , 38 , Edward ' s Square , Kensington . * Isidor Levinson , W . M . 7 , 61 , Charing Cross . * James Burton , P . M . 9 , 25 , Pleasant Row , Pentonville . W . S . Masterman , W . M . 11 , 15 , Clifford's Inn . * Fr . Binokes , P . M . 11 , 3 , Lawn Villas , South Lambeth . Samuel Glover , W . M . 14 , 3 , Harrington Square . Thomas Tomhleson , P . M . 25 , 6 , Park Place , Chelsea . * John Barnes , P . M . 30 , V . P ., 126 , Oxford Street . * W . R . Pans , P . M . 30 , 66 , St . James ' s Street . * W . H . Varden , P . M . 57 , 154 , High Street , Borough . Lewis Solomon , P . M . 108 , 10 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden . * Samuel Aldrich , P . M . 196 , Hampstead . * George Barrett , P . M . 212 , 247 , Tottenham Court Road . * George Lambert , W . M . 234 , 11 , Coventry Street . * J . R . Sheen , P . M . 237 , 20 , Upper St . Martin ' s Lane . Those marked thus (*) will thankfully receive Proxies , which it is most respectfully requested may be forwarded as early as possible .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews .
Catherine de Yere . Longmans , 1857 . This very pleasing story will be found highly interesting , combining , as it does , considerable powers of construction , with a deeply religious tone , unmixed however with the slightest tinge of party spirit , and free from all party feeling or party nomenclature . We can cordially recommend it , especially for the young of both sexes . Prospectus of The Freemasons' Monthly Monitor . Edward Willis ,
Proprietor and Publisher . The Freemasons' Monthly Monitor , King Street , Carleton , New Brunswick , promises , from its prospectus , to represent the feeling and supply the wants of the important and rapidly increasing Masonic Body in N . B . We' shall be happy to exchange cop ies with our Brother Willis , and wish him all success in his undertaking , feeling certain that the prosperity of the Order is coincident with that of the Masonic Publications .
Notes And Queries.
MASONIC BLAZONRY . —Although the sciences of Masonry and Heraldry have much in common , in their symbolical and allegorical character , there are very few English armorial bearings in which I have been able to trace anything like an allusion to the Craft . Foreign Heralds have been more free in their allusions . I have now before me a beautifully executed illumination of a German coat of arms , in which , on a golden shield , two hands are seen extending from clouds on either side of the escutcheon , exchanging the mystic grip ;
below them is a ring , and above , the five-leaved heartsease , emblematic of the five points of fellowship : the crest , a Pegasus' head , divided perpendicularly into yellow and blue , has , on its outspread wings . the same symbol ; while above , two ethorial figures , the one on the right holding a sealed book , and that on the left masked , horned , wdth peacook ' s wings , and holding a palm branch , support a laurel crown , through which rays of light dart downwards on the shield . In the volume from which I am quoting , emblems often occur , and in one escutcheon ( bearing the date of Nurnberg A . D . 1498 ) a circular
rain-, bow surrounds a three-leaved plant ; while a snail crawls below , as if carrying the shield on his back , and a hawk soars above : the whole combining in an idea of symbolism , which , though I cannot exactly explain , I feel must have relation to some of our mighty secrets . — PAULUS .
W . Bro . the EARL OF CARNARVON has accepted the office of Prov . S . G . W . of Hampshire . The P . G . L . will be held in October . MONEY ORDERS . —On the 1 st of September the following alteration was made in the regulations regarding tho issue and payment of money orders : —The initial of the Christian name , if tendered by the remitter of a money order , either verbally or in writing , will bo taken , and payment of the relative order will be made , provided the payee ' s signature be not inconsistent therewith ; and even if tho Christian name be advised in full , the initial of the payee's signature to the order will in future suffice . By command of the Postmaster General , ROWLAND HILL , Secretary . —Genera ) Post Office , 27 th August , 1857 .
NOTICE . NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —We have to request our Subscribers to forward the amounts for which application has been made , either in Stamps , or by Post Office Order , at their earliest convenience . The Masonic Observer and Grand Lodge Chronicle is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and may be obtained from the London Publishers , through all local booksellers . SUBSCRIBERS may he supplied direct from the Officeby sending
, their subscriptions ( 2 s . per Annum ) in advance to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath . ADVERTISEMENTS may be sent to Mr . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath , or to Mr . J . Clements , Little Pulteney Street , London , by the 15 th of March , June , September , and December , and not later than one week after each G . L . of emergency .
Jfrkitbcmcnk SV 1 ASONJC QUARTERLY PAPER . npHE MASONIC OBSERVER AND GRAND LODGE A CHRONICLE is published on the 20 th of March , June , September , and December ; and contains a full Report of the proceedings in the previous GHAND LODGE , as well as Articles upon the various subjects affecting the welfare of the Craft . It is intended to meet a rapidly increasing demand for fuller information upon matters of general , as distinguished from local , interest . The actual condition of Masonry at home and in the Colonies , its policy , the measures required for its progress and efficiency , as well as the state of its Charities , are the subjects principally noticed . The great success that has attended the establishment of this Paper , leads the Proprietors to hope that it will be recognised as a useful medium of information , as well as of mutual communication , by the Craft at large . Published in LONDON , by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., Stationers ' Hall Court , E . C . ; R . Spencer , Great Queen Street , W . C .: R . E . Peach , Bridge Street , Bath ( by whom Subscriptions are received , payable in advance ) : and Sold by all Booksellers in London and the Country . —Price , Two Shillings per Annum .
ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . ELECTION , Sill DAY OF OCTOBER , 1857 . LAST APPLICATION . nnf-IE GOVERNORS arid SUBSCRIBERS to this laudable J . Institution are respectfully and earnestly solicited to support , by their Votes aud Interest , the Candidate , ELLEH MAEY STUART , Aged 10 * Years , Daughter of the late CHARLES MARTIN STUART , a Medical Man , who died in May , 1857 , leaving a Wife and -Four Children totally unprovided for . The deceased Father was initiated into Masonry , November , 1840 , in the Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity , No . 20 , at Chatham ; also a member of the United Lodge , of Benevolence , No . 216 , likewise at Chatham ; member of the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , at Colchester ; also of the Lodge of Hope , No . 627 , at Brightlingsea , Essex ; was a Past Principal of the Angel Chapter , No . 59 , at Colchester ; served the offices of Pr . G . Organist , and Pr . G . Treasurer , for Kent , At the time of his death was a subscribing member of the Jordan Lodge , No . 237 , and of the Jerusalem Chapter , No . 218 . * „ , * If not elected on THIS occasion will be above the prescribed age , and consequently ineligible for any future Election . Earnestly recommended to your favorable consideration by Brothers * John Hervey , P . S . G . D ., V . P ., 84 , King William Street , City . ' * Ste . Bar . Wilson , J . G . D ., 7 , Frederick Place , Gray ' s-Inn-Road . * Dr . G . R . Rowe , P . J . G . D ., P . Pr . D . G . M ., Essex , 33 , Cavendish Sq . G . P . Do Rhe Philipe , P . G . S . B ., 10 , Gray's-Inn-Square . * George Biggs , P . G . S . B ., Coal Exchange . * E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B ., 11 , Arthur Street , West , City . Rev . G . R . Portal , P . Pr . S . G . W ., Oxon , 3 , Wilton Crescent . * Charles Isaacs , Pr . G . Sec , Kent , Chatham . Fre . Adlard , P . Pr „ A . G . D . C , Essex ; 225 , High Holborn . * G . H . Wan-en , G . S . Lodge , 35 , Gloucester Street . Queen Square . * Edward S . Snell , P . M . 5 , V . P ., 27 , Albemarle Street . * Benjamin Head , P . M . 5 , 38 , Edward ' s Square , Kensington . * Isidor Levinson , W . M . 7 , 61 , Charing Cross . * James Burton , P . M . 9 , 25 , Pleasant Row , Pentonville . W . S . Masterman , W . M . 11 , 15 , Clifford's Inn . * Fr . Binokes , P . M . 11 , 3 , Lawn Villas , South Lambeth . Samuel Glover , W . M . 14 , 3 , Harrington Square . Thomas Tomhleson , P . M . 25 , 6 , Park Place , Chelsea . * John Barnes , P . M . 30 , V . P ., 126 , Oxford Street . * W . R . Pans , P . M . 30 , 66 , St . James ' s Street . * W . H . Varden , P . M . 57 , 154 , High Street , Borough . Lewis Solomon , P . M . 108 , 10 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden . * Samuel Aldrich , P . M . 196 , Hampstead . * George Barrett , P . M . 212 , 247 , Tottenham Court Road . * George Lambert , W . M . 234 , 11 , Coventry Street . * J . R . Sheen , P . M . 237 , 20 , Upper St . Martin ' s Lane . Those marked thus (*) will thankfully receive Proxies , which it is most respectfully requested may be forwarded as early as possible .