Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article The Colonies. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge.
Lodge was called upon to act , that a member had the right of making a motion that they should or should not do so , and not in reference to the expression of an opinion . Bro . HAVERS admitted that there had been a difference of opinion on the point at the last G . L ., and had no objection to the present motion . He thought , however , that the amendment should be limited to the subject matter of the report . The M . W . GRAND MASTER decided that Bro . Whitmore might himself make the required addition to his resolution .
Bro . the Rev . G . R . PORTAL supported the resolution , as it would place the other members of Grand Lodge on an equality with the President of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . WHITMORE then added to his resolution the words , " such amendment having distinct reference to such motion , " and moved it afresh . Bro . NASH seconded it . Bro . BINCKES moved the insertion of words " giving a member
, of Grand Lodge the power to make a motion upon any communication presented to it . " The M . W . GRAND MASTER said such an amendment would be contrary to what he had just ruled , and therefore he should refuse to put it . The motion , as altered , was then agreed to . This concluded the business of the evening , after which Grand Lodge was closed in ample form .
The Colonies.
The Colonies .
CANADA . A meeting of the committee of Officers of the Grand Lodge of Canada , specially convened by order of the M . W . G . M ., was held at Hamilton , on the 7 th and 8 th days of May , A . L . 5858 , for the purpose of considering certain correspondence and suggestions which had been received on the subject of a permanent union of all the Lodges in the Province under one Grand Lodge . There were present the Most Worshipful Grand Master , Bro . Win . M . Wilson , presiding ; the R . W .
Bros . W . C . Stephens , Capt . Thompson Wilson , James Daniels , Richard Bull , Thos . B . Harris , John Osborne , Charles Magill , John R . Holden , and the V . W . Bros . F . J . Rastriclc , H . Grouse , and H . Grist . The M . W . G . M . submitted for the consideration ami opinion of the committee a letter he had received on the 4 th instant , from R . W . Bro . T . G . Ridout , which enclosed a copy of " Proposed Articles of Union between the Grand Lodges of Canada , submitted for the consideration of the Craft , by R . W . Bro . T . D . Harington , " which proposal Bro . Pddout expressed his belief " was well adapted to the wants of the
Craft under the Antient Grand Lodge , " and suggested , " that if the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada was of opinion that the Grand Lodge of Canada would accept the same as a satisfactory basis upon which to found a union , that the sense of the whole Craft under the two jurisdictions should be taken at a special meeting of each body , to be summoned for that purpose at an early day . " The committee having read the letter from Bro . Ridout , and the
suggested articles of union ; and having likewise read an address to the Grand Lodge of Vermont , from the M . W . Bro . P . C . Tucker , its Grand Master , which appeared in the printed proceedings of that Grand Lodge in January last , and also a report to the Grand Lodge of South Carolina , by W . Bro . Albert G . Mackay , its Grand Secretary , which appeared in the printed proceedings of that Grand Lodge in December last , and also various other documents and letters relating thereto ; and having likewise read letters from R . W . Bro . A . Bernard , P . D . G . M ., R . W . Bro . W . B . Simpson , D . G . M ., and R . W . Bro . Kivas
Tully , the representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , expressive of their opinions on the subject , which were carefully considered and discussed ; it was unanimously resolved : — "That the committee are fully aware that the members of the Grand Lodge of Canada , whilst themselves actuated by a sincere desire for the welfare of the Craft in the Province in their action in the organization of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1855 , readily concede an equal sincerity of motive to those Brethren , who considered that the proper time had not then arrived for taking the final step
which was to sever their connection with their mother Grand Lodges —without further efforts being first made to obtain the necessary concessions from the Grand Lodge of England for ameliorating the condition of the Canadian Craft . " That the prompt recognition of the Grand Lodge of Canada byone of its mother Grand Lodges—the Grand Lodge of Ireland—and
by nineteen other Grand Lodges , affords abundant confirmation of that action having been taken in strict accordance with Masonic law and usage . " That the desire for union so fraternally expressed , not only in the communications referred to the consideration of this committee , but also by the Brethren generally , of itself shows that on that point no diversity of opinion exists between the members of the Grand Lodge of Canada and those Brethren , who at the time did not concur in its formation , and that whether the proper time for taking such a step
had or had not then arrived , which has been confessedly the only point of difference , such doubt has now boon removed , and all are agreed that Masonry in Canada should possess its one Grand Lodge . " The Committee therefore hail with pleasure the prospect of an immediate union of all the Masons in the Provinces , under one Grand Lodge , and would therefore propose that all should now unite , in every respect as if they had originally concurred in the organization of the Grand Lodge of Canada . "That the maintenance of the dignity of the Grand Lodge of
Canada , for the future , must be an object of equal interest to all the Canadian fraternity , and too much care cannot , therefore , be taken to avoid any disrespect or cause of offence to those Grand Lodges who have so favourably recognized the exertions of the Canadian Craft for the advancement of the Order , and have taken such a fraternal interest in their movements . " That for the consummation of the union with ceremonies befitting the auspicious occasion , the day most convenient for all parties be selected , the committee suggesting the 14 th day of July next—a large proportion of the Brethren in all parts of the province having been summoned to meet in Toronto on that day , for which they will probably have made their arrangements .
"That the first business of such meeting be , to proceed to a new election of officers . " That in order to render the proposed union of the Canadian Craft perfect and complete , it is essential that all Provincial Grand Lodges , and all private Lodges in the province should be afforded an opportunity of concurring in this union , so that all their Past Provincial Grand Officers may at once assume similar rank in the Grand Lodge , and that all Canadian Lodges may be placed on the Grand Lodge register in numerical order , according to antiquity , and that for such
purpose a special meeting of Grand Lodge be called within six months from the date of this meeting , for arranging the proposed union . " The foregoing appears to the committee of the Grand Lodge of Canada to form a fair basis for a union of the Craft in Canada ; all parties claiming for themselves , and according to others , equal sincerity of motive—all agreeing in the grand principle of a Grand Lodge of Canada being a matter of present and imperative necessity —all being placed in the position of equally concurring in its formation—and all being alike interested in adopting the course best
calculated to secure and maintain for the Grand Lodge a position of dignity and usefulness . — Resolved : — "That various letters with suggestions for effecting union , referred to in the proceeding of this Committee , have already been circulated amongst all the Lodges of the province , the committee consider it proper that the Lodges should also be placed in possession of the addresses from W . Bro . A . G . Mackay and M . W . Bro . Philip C . Tucker , and any other information that will enable them to arrive at a correct conclusion as to the proper means of accomplishing the union amongst all the Craft in the province , as proposed by the foregoing resolution of the committee , and that the Grand Secretary be therefore directed to have the proceedings of the committee printed and circulated amongst the Craft . "
( A true copy ) THOMAS B . HARRIS , Grand Secretary . The final consummation of the unanimous wish of the Canadian Masons took place in Toronto , on the 14 th July , amid the greatest enthusiasm . The largest Masonic sssemblage ever witnessed in Canada gathered together on that day to discuss first , separately , as two Grand Lodges , the basis of the union ; and having agreed upon them , sent deputations to each other to communicate the intelligence ; and
then , unitedly , amid the enthusiastic cheers of between ' three and four hundred Masons , the great Masonic family in Canada became one . At the last meeting of the Antient Grand Lodge , R . W . Bro . T . IX Harington was appointed to agree with a member of the Independent Grand Lodge on the details of the union . R . W . Bro . W . C . Stephens , of Hamilton , met him ; and finding points of agreement , drew up a series of resolutions . Bro . Stephens reported them to his Grand Lodge , which met early in the day ; and they were sanctioned by a vote of 154 to 3 . In the evening , the Antient Grand Lodge met , M . W . G . M . Sir A . N . MacNab , Bart ., in the chair . After reading the
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Grand Lodge.
Lodge was called upon to act , that a member had the right of making a motion that they should or should not do so , and not in reference to the expression of an opinion . Bro . HAVERS admitted that there had been a difference of opinion on the point at the last G . L ., and had no objection to the present motion . He thought , however , that the amendment should be limited to the subject matter of the report . The M . W . GRAND MASTER decided that Bro . Whitmore might himself make the required addition to his resolution .
Bro . the Rev . G . R . PORTAL supported the resolution , as it would place the other members of Grand Lodge on an equality with the President of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . WHITMORE then added to his resolution the words , " such amendment having distinct reference to such motion , " and moved it afresh . Bro . NASH seconded it . Bro . BINCKES moved the insertion of words " giving a member
, of Grand Lodge the power to make a motion upon any communication presented to it . " The M . W . GRAND MASTER said such an amendment would be contrary to what he had just ruled , and therefore he should refuse to put it . The motion , as altered , was then agreed to . This concluded the business of the evening , after which Grand Lodge was closed in ample form .
The Colonies.
The Colonies .
CANADA . A meeting of the committee of Officers of the Grand Lodge of Canada , specially convened by order of the M . W . G . M ., was held at Hamilton , on the 7 th and 8 th days of May , A . L . 5858 , for the purpose of considering certain correspondence and suggestions which had been received on the subject of a permanent union of all the Lodges in the Province under one Grand Lodge . There were present the Most Worshipful Grand Master , Bro . Win . M . Wilson , presiding ; the R . W .
Bros . W . C . Stephens , Capt . Thompson Wilson , James Daniels , Richard Bull , Thos . B . Harris , John Osborne , Charles Magill , John R . Holden , and the V . W . Bros . F . J . Rastriclc , H . Grouse , and H . Grist . The M . W . G . M . submitted for the consideration ami opinion of the committee a letter he had received on the 4 th instant , from R . W . Bro . T . G . Ridout , which enclosed a copy of " Proposed Articles of Union between the Grand Lodges of Canada , submitted for the consideration of the Craft , by R . W . Bro . T . D . Harington , " which proposal Bro . Pddout expressed his belief " was well adapted to the wants of the
Craft under the Antient Grand Lodge , " and suggested , " that if the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada was of opinion that the Grand Lodge of Canada would accept the same as a satisfactory basis upon which to found a union , that the sense of the whole Craft under the two jurisdictions should be taken at a special meeting of each body , to be summoned for that purpose at an early day . " The committee having read the letter from Bro . Ridout , and the
suggested articles of union ; and having likewise read an address to the Grand Lodge of Vermont , from the M . W . Bro . P . C . Tucker , its Grand Master , which appeared in the printed proceedings of that Grand Lodge in January last , and also a report to the Grand Lodge of South Carolina , by W . Bro . Albert G . Mackay , its Grand Secretary , which appeared in the printed proceedings of that Grand Lodge in December last , and also various other documents and letters relating thereto ; and having likewise read letters from R . W . Bro . A . Bernard , P . D . G . M ., R . W . Bro . W . B . Simpson , D . G . M ., and R . W . Bro . Kivas
Tully , the representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , expressive of their opinions on the subject , which were carefully considered and discussed ; it was unanimously resolved : — "That the committee are fully aware that the members of the Grand Lodge of Canada , whilst themselves actuated by a sincere desire for the welfare of the Craft in the Province in their action in the organization of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1855 , readily concede an equal sincerity of motive to those Brethren , who considered that the proper time had not then arrived for taking the final step
which was to sever their connection with their mother Grand Lodges —without further efforts being first made to obtain the necessary concessions from the Grand Lodge of England for ameliorating the condition of the Canadian Craft . " That the prompt recognition of the Grand Lodge of Canada byone of its mother Grand Lodges—the Grand Lodge of Ireland—and
by nineteen other Grand Lodges , affords abundant confirmation of that action having been taken in strict accordance with Masonic law and usage . " That the desire for union so fraternally expressed , not only in the communications referred to the consideration of this committee , but also by the Brethren generally , of itself shows that on that point no diversity of opinion exists between the members of the Grand Lodge of Canada and those Brethren , who at the time did not concur in its formation , and that whether the proper time for taking such a step
had or had not then arrived , which has been confessedly the only point of difference , such doubt has now boon removed , and all are agreed that Masonry in Canada should possess its one Grand Lodge . " The Committee therefore hail with pleasure the prospect of an immediate union of all the Masons in the Provinces , under one Grand Lodge , and would therefore propose that all should now unite , in every respect as if they had originally concurred in the organization of the Grand Lodge of Canada . "That the maintenance of the dignity of the Grand Lodge of
Canada , for the future , must be an object of equal interest to all the Canadian fraternity , and too much care cannot , therefore , be taken to avoid any disrespect or cause of offence to those Grand Lodges who have so favourably recognized the exertions of the Canadian Craft for the advancement of the Order , and have taken such a fraternal interest in their movements . " That for the consummation of the union with ceremonies befitting the auspicious occasion , the day most convenient for all parties be selected , the committee suggesting the 14 th day of July next—a large proportion of the Brethren in all parts of the province having been summoned to meet in Toronto on that day , for which they will probably have made their arrangements .
"That the first business of such meeting be , to proceed to a new election of officers . " That in order to render the proposed union of the Canadian Craft perfect and complete , it is essential that all Provincial Grand Lodges , and all private Lodges in the province should be afforded an opportunity of concurring in this union , so that all their Past Provincial Grand Officers may at once assume similar rank in the Grand Lodge , and that all Canadian Lodges may be placed on the Grand Lodge register in numerical order , according to antiquity , and that for such
purpose a special meeting of Grand Lodge be called within six months from the date of this meeting , for arranging the proposed union . " The foregoing appears to the committee of the Grand Lodge of Canada to form a fair basis for a union of the Craft in Canada ; all parties claiming for themselves , and according to others , equal sincerity of motive—all agreeing in the grand principle of a Grand Lodge of Canada being a matter of present and imperative necessity —all being placed in the position of equally concurring in its formation—and all being alike interested in adopting the course best
calculated to secure and maintain for the Grand Lodge a position of dignity and usefulness . — Resolved : — "That various letters with suggestions for effecting union , referred to in the proceeding of this Committee , have already been circulated amongst all the Lodges of the province , the committee consider it proper that the Lodges should also be placed in possession of the addresses from W . Bro . A . G . Mackay and M . W . Bro . Philip C . Tucker , and any other information that will enable them to arrive at a correct conclusion as to the proper means of accomplishing the union amongst all the Craft in the province , as proposed by the foregoing resolution of the committee , and that the Grand Secretary be therefore directed to have the proceedings of the committee printed and circulated amongst the Craft . "
( A true copy ) THOMAS B . HARRIS , Grand Secretary . The final consummation of the unanimous wish of the Canadian Masons took place in Toronto , on the 14 th July , amid the greatest enthusiasm . The largest Masonic sssemblage ever witnessed in Canada gathered together on that day to discuss first , separately , as two Grand Lodges , the basis of the union ; and having agreed upon them , sent deputations to each other to communicate the intelligence ; and
then , unitedly , amid the enthusiastic cheers of between ' three and four hundred Masons , the great Masonic family in Canada became one . At the last meeting of the Antient Grand Lodge , R . W . Bro . T . IX Harington was appointed to agree with a member of the Independent Grand Lodge on the details of the union . R . W . Bro . W . C . Stephens , of Hamilton , met him ; and finding points of agreement , drew up a series of resolutions . Bro . Stephens reported them to his Grand Lodge , which met early in the day ; and they were sanctioned by a vote of 154 to 3 . In the evening , the Antient Grand Lodge met , M . W . G . M . Sir A . N . MacNab , Bart ., in the chair . After reading the