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The Colonies.
minutes , Bro . Harmgton road the resolutions , and informed Grand Lodge , that he was deputed by Bro . Stephens to inform the Brethren that the other body had already sanctioned them . A short discussion as to some verbal alterations followed , but finally , by a unanimous vote , they were adopted ; and a deputation , consisting of Bro Harington , P . G . M . ; Bro . Ridout , D . G . M . ; Bro . Whitehead , P . G . S . W . ; and Bro . Barman , P . G . S . W . ; were sent to the other Grand Lodge to inform them of our readiness to meet them . Their reception was most enthusiastic ; and on their return , the Antient Grand Lodge proceeded
to the meeting of the Independent Grand Lodge , and were received with grand honors . The resolutions of union were then proposed by Bro . Harington , seconded by Bro . Stephens , and unity once more was enthusiasticallv restored . Addresses were then delivered by the M . W . G . M . s Wilson and Sir A . N . MaeNab : also by M . W . Bro . Tucker , G . M . of Vermont ; R . W . Bro . Rob . Morris , D . G . M . of Kentucky ; R . W . Bros . Ridout , Harington , and others : after which Grand Lodge adjourned . Next , morning the United Grand Lodmet in the splendid
Mage sonic hall formerly belonging to the Antient Grand Lodge , and elected the following Officers : M . W . Grand Master , Col W . Mercer Wilson ; R . W . D . G . M ., Thomas Gibbs Ridout ; D . District G . M . s , — Toronto , F . W . Cumberland—Hamilton , R . Bull—London , James Moffat—Kingston , W . B . Simpson—Montreal , Edward Morris—Eastern Townships , E . B . Gustin ; G . S . W ., P D . Brown ; G . J . W ., J . K . Brown : G . Chaps ., Revs . S . Ramsay , M . A ., F . J . Lnndy , D . C . L ., E . Dewar , M . A ., and F . Tremayne ; G . Treas , Wm . Bellhouse ; G . Keg ., Francis Richardson ; G . Sec ., Thos B . Harris .
The following were appointed by the G . M .: G S . D ., E . R . O'Brien ; G . J . D ., Curtis ; G . Supt . Works , F . J . Rastrick ; G . Dir . of Cers ., S . B . Campbell ; Asst . G . Sec ., W . R . Harris ; G . Sword Bearer , Henry Bowsell ; G . Org , W . T . Thomas ; Asst . G . Org ., J . P . Clarke , Mus . Doc ; G . Tyler , J . Morrison . The following are the preamble and resolutions for the union , as proposed by the R . W . Bro . T . D . Harington , seconded by the R . W . Bro . W . C . Stephens .
" Whereas , the past condition and future welfare of Freemasonry in Canada rendered it absolutely necessary to organize and establish a ' Sovereign Grand Lodge , ' for the reasons , and on the basis , set forth in various documents from time to time circulated , the correctness of -which has not been refuted , although there has existed a diversity of opinion as to whether the proper time had arrived for severing the connection with the mother Grand Lodges of Great Britain and Ireland , without further efforts being first made to obtain such , necessary conditions as would tend to ameliorate the condition of the
Canadian Craft , and which diversity of opinion has been suffered to operate to the injury of the best " interests of Freemasonry in the province , and thereby to militate against the advancement of the entire order , by creating , as it has done , antagonistic bodies claiming separate and independent jurisdictions , by causing division amongst Brethren bound together b } strong and mutual ties , and by interfering here and elsewhere with that unity which is essentially a first principle of the landmarks of the ancient institution : " And whereas the anxious and generally expressed desire for
consummating a union of the fraternity under one governing and supreme authority testifies that , whether the proper time had or had not previously arrived , all are now agreed that Canadian Freemasonry should possess its own Grand Lodge : " And whereas the maintenance of the dignity of the Grand Lodge of Canada for the future must be an object of equal interest to the entire Canadian Fraternity : "It is resolved : That an impartial review of all the eventful circumstances attending its organizationits priorityits subsequent
, , important proceedings , and its recognition by a portion of the British empire , and by a very large proportion of the Grand Lodges of the United States of America , demonstrates that the Grand Lodge of Canada , organized on the 10 th October , 1855 , and known and recognized as aforesaid by the style and title of 'The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , ' should be acknowledged by the entire Canadian Craft , and should be and is hereby declared to be the Grand Lodge of the Fraternity in and throughout Canada .
"Resolved also : That the diversity of opinion heretofore mentioned , which in various ways retarded the union of the Fraternity , having given rise , amongst other circumstances to be regretted , to the anomaly in Freemasonry of the erection in one and the same territory of a second Grand ' Lodge , styled ' The Antient Grand Lodge of Canada , ' and exercising jurisdiction over a portion of the Canadian Craft , it is necessary for the interests of the institution , and in accordance with the previous resolution , that the said 'Antient Grand Lodge of Canada' should bo dissolved ; therefore the same is now
dissolved ; its Officers ( as Past Grand Officers ) and its members and Lodges hereby uniting with , and becoming enrolled according to their respective rank and seniority in the registry of 'The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , ' in every respect as though tliey had concurred originally in the organization of that Grand Lodge , to which they hereby pledge their willing and faithful obedience , feeling as all do , that the future prosperity and permanent welfare of Freemasonry require unanimity and harmony . " Resolved also : That a committee , to consist of , be appointed
for ascertaining and defining the respective rank and precedence of Brethren and of Lodges , according to the dates of their original warrants or dispensations ; the said committee to report to an especial communication of Grand Lodge , to be convened by the M . W . Grand Master at six months from this date . " Resolved also : That warrants under the seal of' The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , ' to bear date on this day of union , be forthwith prepared for each and every Lodge enrolled on the registry of 'The Antient Grand Lodge' aforesaid , and that the
names of seven members of each such Lodge be furnished with as little delay as possible to the Grand Secretary for insertion in such respective warrants ; the number of each such warrant to be affixed thereto , after receiving the report of the committee aforesaid . "And resolved also : That all Provincial Grand and private Lodges , not at present in alliance with ' The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada' he notified of these proceedings , and be invited to enrol themselves within six months , that they may be accorded their proper rank and precedence on the register of the said Grand Lodge at the especial communication before mentioned . "
GRAND LODGK OF CANADA . —In our last issue we announced to the Masonic World the union which had just been consummated in Canada . We had only time before going to press to state the fact , and publish the preamble and resolutions oi the union , and the names of the officers elected . We were indebted for the information to the indefatigable and devoted Brother , T . D . Harington , who laboured with zeal and perseverance to accomplish this great end with a
singleness of heart and purity of motive ; having no other end in view than the unity of the Craft , and the integrity of the Institution . —Bro . Harington informs us that the Grand Lodge commenced its Communication on the 14 th , and continued its sessions three days . The entire Craft of the Province appear to have been represented in ¦ Grand Lodge . About five hundred delegates were present , representing one hundred Lodges , showing clearly the vast interest taken by the fraternity in the important question of a union The membership of the two Grand Lodges are all now ranged under one headand
, under one banner they will pursue their mission of love and charity , in unity and peace . May the great I AM bless them in the performance of their benevolent duties , and crown their labours with abundant success . The Masonic world will unite in blessing and praise for the strong attachment to the principles of Masonry , and the desire to preserve the Institution intact , manifested by the fraternity in Canada . —A merictm Mirror and Keystone .
The following Correspondence has passed between the GRAND SECRETARY and Bro . HARINGTON , P . P . G . M ., of Quebec , andis the subject of Lord CARNARVON ' S motion in G . L ., in December next . [ The Letter from Bro . HARINGTON to which the following is a reply from the Grand Secretary , appeared in our impression for June 20 th . ] " Freemasons' Hall , London ; 10 th June , 1858 .
"R . W . Sir and Brother , —I have laid before the M . W . Grand . Master your letter received in May , and have taken his lordship's instructions thereon . In reply , I have to point out to you . that your first courteous and Masonic communication received from the M . W . Grand Master a carefully considered and deliberate reply . Not satisfied with that reply you forwarded a very lengthy communication , in which you sought to controvert the judgment of the Grand Masterin which you introduced passages from magazineswhich
; , were couched in objectionable and offensive terms ; and in which you referred to authorities unknown and unrecognized here ; but in which you allege no new facts which either require notice , or could justify the M . W . Grand Master in altering his expressed opinion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Colonies.
minutes , Bro . Harmgton road the resolutions , and informed Grand Lodge , that he was deputed by Bro . Stephens to inform the Brethren that the other body had already sanctioned them . A short discussion as to some verbal alterations followed , but finally , by a unanimous vote , they were adopted ; and a deputation , consisting of Bro Harington , P . G . M . ; Bro . Ridout , D . G . M . ; Bro . Whitehead , P . G . S . W . ; and Bro . Barman , P . G . S . W . ; were sent to the other Grand Lodge to inform them of our readiness to meet them . Their reception was most enthusiastic ; and on their return , the Antient Grand Lodge proceeded
to the meeting of the Independent Grand Lodge , and were received with grand honors . The resolutions of union were then proposed by Bro . Harington , seconded by Bro . Stephens , and unity once more was enthusiasticallv restored . Addresses were then delivered by the M . W . G . M . s Wilson and Sir A . N . MaeNab : also by M . W . Bro . Tucker , G . M . of Vermont ; R . W . Bro . Rob . Morris , D . G . M . of Kentucky ; R . W . Bros . Ridout , Harington , and others : after which Grand Lodge adjourned . Next , morning the United Grand Lodmet in the splendid
Mage sonic hall formerly belonging to the Antient Grand Lodge , and elected the following Officers : M . W . Grand Master , Col W . Mercer Wilson ; R . W . D . G . M ., Thomas Gibbs Ridout ; D . District G . M . s , — Toronto , F . W . Cumberland—Hamilton , R . Bull—London , James Moffat—Kingston , W . B . Simpson—Montreal , Edward Morris—Eastern Townships , E . B . Gustin ; G . S . W ., P D . Brown ; G . J . W ., J . K . Brown : G . Chaps ., Revs . S . Ramsay , M . A ., F . J . Lnndy , D . C . L ., E . Dewar , M . A ., and F . Tremayne ; G . Treas , Wm . Bellhouse ; G . Keg ., Francis Richardson ; G . Sec ., Thos B . Harris .
The following were appointed by the G . M .: G S . D ., E . R . O'Brien ; G . J . D ., Curtis ; G . Supt . Works , F . J . Rastrick ; G . Dir . of Cers ., S . B . Campbell ; Asst . G . Sec ., W . R . Harris ; G . Sword Bearer , Henry Bowsell ; G . Org , W . T . Thomas ; Asst . G . Org ., J . P . Clarke , Mus . Doc ; G . Tyler , J . Morrison . The following are the preamble and resolutions for the union , as proposed by the R . W . Bro . T . D . Harington , seconded by the R . W . Bro . W . C . Stephens .
" Whereas , the past condition and future welfare of Freemasonry in Canada rendered it absolutely necessary to organize and establish a ' Sovereign Grand Lodge , ' for the reasons , and on the basis , set forth in various documents from time to time circulated , the correctness of -which has not been refuted , although there has existed a diversity of opinion as to whether the proper time had arrived for severing the connection with the mother Grand Lodges of Great Britain and Ireland , without further efforts being first made to obtain such , necessary conditions as would tend to ameliorate the condition of the
Canadian Craft , and which diversity of opinion has been suffered to operate to the injury of the best " interests of Freemasonry in the province , and thereby to militate against the advancement of the entire order , by creating , as it has done , antagonistic bodies claiming separate and independent jurisdictions , by causing division amongst Brethren bound together b } strong and mutual ties , and by interfering here and elsewhere with that unity which is essentially a first principle of the landmarks of the ancient institution : " And whereas the anxious and generally expressed desire for
consummating a union of the fraternity under one governing and supreme authority testifies that , whether the proper time had or had not previously arrived , all are now agreed that Canadian Freemasonry should possess its own Grand Lodge : " And whereas the maintenance of the dignity of the Grand Lodge of Canada for the future must be an object of equal interest to the entire Canadian Fraternity : "It is resolved : That an impartial review of all the eventful circumstances attending its organizationits priorityits subsequent
, , important proceedings , and its recognition by a portion of the British empire , and by a very large proportion of the Grand Lodges of the United States of America , demonstrates that the Grand Lodge of Canada , organized on the 10 th October , 1855 , and known and recognized as aforesaid by the style and title of 'The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , ' should be acknowledged by the entire Canadian Craft , and should be and is hereby declared to be the Grand Lodge of the Fraternity in and throughout Canada .
"Resolved also : That the diversity of opinion heretofore mentioned , which in various ways retarded the union of the Fraternity , having given rise , amongst other circumstances to be regretted , to the anomaly in Freemasonry of the erection in one and the same territory of a second Grand ' Lodge , styled ' The Antient Grand Lodge of Canada , ' and exercising jurisdiction over a portion of the Canadian Craft , it is necessary for the interests of the institution , and in accordance with the previous resolution , that the said 'Antient Grand Lodge of Canada' should bo dissolved ; therefore the same is now
dissolved ; its Officers ( as Past Grand Officers ) and its members and Lodges hereby uniting with , and becoming enrolled according to their respective rank and seniority in the registry of 'The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , ' in every respect as though tliey had concurred originally in the organization of that Grand Lodge , to which they hereby pledge their willing and faithful obedience , feeling as all do , that the future prosperity and permanent welfare of Freemasonry require unanimity and harmony . " Resolved also : That a committee , to consist of , be appointed
for ascertaining and defining the respective rank and precedence of Brethren and of Lodges , according to the dates of their original warrants or dispensations ; the said committee to report to an especial communication of Grand Lodge , to be convened by the M . W . Grand Master at six months from this date . " Resolved also : That warrants under the seal of' The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada , ' to bear date on this day of union , be forthwith prepared for each and every Lodge enrolled on the registry of 'The Antient Grand Lodge' aforesaid , and that the
names of seven members of each such Lodge be furnished with as little delay as possible to the Grand Secretary for insertion in such respective warrants ; the number of each such warrant to be affixed thereto , after receiving the report of the committee aforesaid . "And resolved also : That all Provincial Grand and private Lodges , not at present in alliance with ' The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada' he notified of these proceedings , and be invited to enrol themselves within six months , that they may be accorded their proper rank and precedence on the register of the said Grand Lodge at the especial communication before mentioned . "
GRAND LODGK OF CANADA . —In our last issue we announced to the Masonic World the union which had just been consummated in Canada . We had only time before going to press to state the fact , and publish the preamble and resolutions oi the union , and the names of the officers elected . We were indebted for the information to the indefatigable and devoted Brother , T . D . Harington , who laboured with zeal and perseverance to accomplish this great end with a
singleness of heart and purity of motive ; having no other end in view than the unity of the Craft , and the integrity of the Institution . —Bro . Harington informs us that the Grand Lodge commenced its Communication on the 14 th , and continued its sessions three days . The entire Craft of the Province appear to have been represented in ¦ Grand Lodge . About five hundred delegates were present , representing one hundred Lodges , showing clearly the vast interest taken by the fraternity in the important question of a union The membership of the two Grand Lodges are all now ranged under one headand
, under one banner they will pursue their mission of love and charity , in unity and peace . May the great I AM bless them in the performance of their benevolent duties , and crown their labours with abundant success . The Masonic world will unite in blessing and praise for the strong attachment to the principles of Masonry , and the desire to preserve the Institution intact , manifested by the fraternity in Canada . —A merictm Mirror and Keystone .
The following Correspondence has passed between the GRAND SECRETARY and Bro . HARINGTON , P . P . G . M ., of Quebec , andis the subject of Lord CARNARVON ' S motion in G . L ., in December next . [ The Letter from Bro . HARINGTON to which the following is a reply from the Grand Secretary , appeared in our impression for June 20 th . ] " Freemasons' Hall , London ; 10 th June , 1858 .
"R . W . Sir and Brother , —I have laid before the M . W . Grand . Master your letter received in May , and have taken his lordship's instructions thereon . In reply , I have to point out to you . that your first courteous and Masonic communication received from the M . W . Grand Master a carefully considered and deliberate reply . Not satisfied with that reply you forwarded a very lengthy communication , in which you sought to controvert the judgment of the Grand Masterin which you introduced passages from magazineswhich
; , were couched in objectionable and offensive terms ; and in which you referred to authorities unknown and unrecognized here ; but in which you allege no new facts which either require notice , or could justify the M . W . Grand Master in altering his expressed opinion .