Article NEW BRUNSWICK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA.-VICTORIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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New Brunswick.
feoted ; or that Nova Scotia , New Brunswick , Prince Edward ' s Island , and Newfoundland , if not now ready to take upon themselves the entire control of their own affairs , will no doubt , ere long follow in the wake of the other colonial dependencies . Little do the parent bodies suppose that the system which is now in operation -will eventually be the means of weaning the Brethren from their original allegiance , and encouraging them to unite in one independent body . The only Grand body in New Brunswick is under the English jurisdictionhaving as its chief heada Brother who is Provincial Grand
, , Master in Nova Scotia—a rather strange anomaly , one Provincial Grand Master over two Provincial Grand Lodges , under the same jurisdiction—with a Deputy in St . John . Before a Provincial Grand Lodge was instituted in this Province , the head of English Masonry in Nova Scotia was the controlling power . —Freemason ' s Monthly Monitor ( New Brunswick ) .
New Zealand.
( From the " Colonist" New Zealand Journal , of March Uh , 1 S 5 S . ) NEW MASONIC HALL AT NELSON . The laying of the foundation stone of a public edifice is at all times an interesting ceremony , and , as a token of progress , it is highly gratifying ; but the fact of laying the foundation stone of a structure belonging to a fraternity that existed before chronology became a science , and which numbered among its members the wise Solomon ,
the politic Henry VII ., and the great Cardinal Wolsey , was an occasion possessing peculiar interest . This event , which occurred on Tuesday , the 2 nd of March , might aptly be termed a red letter day in the annals of Nelson , whether we regard it as an out-door demonstration of good feeling on the part of the assembled multitude , or as an exhibition of well-regulated order and display on the part of two most important societies , acting together in concert for an imposing and good object . Moreover , this was the first occasion of the Freemasons in Nelson appearing in public .
The Brethren , who had assembled at the Wakatu Hotel , formed in procession , and moved at half-past two , and passed up the centre of the two Nelson Lodges of Odd Fellows , who were courteously waiting to receive them ; the latter then fell into line , and the whole moved to the site of the intended building in Trafalgar Street , headed by a band playing martial airs . On reaching the ground , his honour the Superintendent , and J . Poynter , Esq ., resident Magistrate , joined the procession , and the following hymn was sung , Mr . J . Percy kindly presiding at the harmonium : —
OPENING HYMN . Great Architect of earth and heaven , By time nor space confined , Enlarge our love , to comprehend Our brethren , —all mankind . Where'er we are , whate ' er we do . Thy presence let us own ;
. Thine eye , all-seeing , marks our deeds , To Thee all thoughts are known . While nature ' s works and science laws We labour to reveal , 0 ! be our duty done to Thee With fervency and zeal . With faith our guideand humble hope
, , Warm charity and love , May all at last be raised to share Thy perfect light above . When this was concluded , preparations were made for the ceremony of laying the stone , by Bro . T . Sullivan , and a parchment record was enclosed and sealed in a glass jar , with this inscription : — " This foundation Stone of a Masonic Hall for the Southern Star Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons , in the province of Nelson , New Zealand , was laid by THOMAS SULLIVAN , P . M ., on March 2 nd , A . D . 1858 , A . L . 5858 . OFFICERS—John Sharp , W . M . ; Nathaniel Edwards , P . M . ; Fedor Helling , S . W . ; John Percy , J . W . ; Richard Beckford Scott , S D . ; John Symons , JD . ; John Reed Dodson , Treasurer ; Henry Jossey Goodman , Secretary , " After the usual Masonic ceremonies , the workmen slowly lowered the stone , the band accompanying with solemn music ; and when
this was concluded , and a prayer offered up , the Venerable Archdeacon Paul uttered a benediction in an impressive manner . The proceedings then terminated with a concluding ode : — "Placed in form the corner-stone , True and trusty Brothers own ; Come and bring , in thought sincere , Hands to help and hearts to cheer . Marked with love , the Master ' s will
Kindly proved the work of skill . Beauteous forms in grace shall rise , "Neath the arch of favouring skies . CHORUS . " Beauteous forms in grace shall rise , 'Neath the arch of favouring skies . " Join we now our offering true
, While our homage we renew . Bear to Jiim whoso praise we sing , Thanks that from each bosom spring . When on earth our work is o ' er , Be a dearer life in store , Each in form , in heart upright , Taught by truth ' s unerring light . CHORUS .
" Each in form , in heart upright , Taught by truth ' s unerring light . " ¦ The procession then retired in the order in which thoy arrived , the band playing "God Save the Queen . " The building , when completed , will cost about £ 620 . The design is simple and elegant , and reflects great credit on the able architect , Bro . Maxwell Bury , who has nobly given his professional labours gratuitously .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Victoria was held at the Lodge Room , on Monday the 29 th of March , 1858 , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Hon . Capt . Clarke , R . E ., presiding , supported by his Prov . Grand Officers . The Prov . G . M . announced that from various reasons which he assigned , he deemed it desirable to re-appoint the Brethren to the Provincial offices which they now respectively heldThe ProvG
. . . Treas . was also re-elected . The R . W . Prov . G . M . for South Australia , Benjamin Archer Kent , Esq ., M . D ., having been announced , he was duly nshcred into the Prov . Grand Lodge by the Deacons and Stewards , and received with the grand honours on his being conducted to the right of the P . G . M . On a complimentary vote of thanks being voted to Bro . Kent , ou the motion of V . W . Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . H . W . Lowrv , seconded and supported by Bro . J . J . Moody , P . Prov . J . G . W . for Cheshire , and Robert Levick
Bro . , P . M ., and others , that distinguished Brother , in an appropriate speech , returned thanks , expressing his gratification at seeing Freemasonry so ably supported in Victoria , and alluded to his being happily instrumental in promoting to his office the H . 'W . Prov . G . M . for Victoria , the Hon . Capt . Clarke , R . E ., whose appointment had been so cordially approved by the Brethren . The Prov . G . M . caused to be announced his having granted dispensations to three new Lodges . The several sums collected by the respective Lodges for the sufferers
in India wore then announced . The subscriptions were still beinucollected . ° On the motion of Bro . J . J . Mood y , seconded by Bro . Levick , P . M ., it was resolved to transmit such funds through the Prov . G . M . to the Prov . G . Ms , of the Presidencies in Iudia , where the mutiny had taken place , for distribution among the destitute Brethren , and those of the survivors of deceased Brothers who had suffered from the mutiny . Bro . J . J . Moody explained that this application of the fund was just , as numerous Brethren had not only subscribed to the Melbourne Citizen ' s Fund , but also to the Masonic Fund raised in their respoe-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Brunswick.
feoted ; or that Nova Scotia , New Brunswick , Prince Edward ' s Island , and Newfoundland , if not now ready to take upon themselves the entire control of their own affairs , will no doubt , ere long follow in the wake of the other colonial dependencies . Little do the parent bodies suppose that the system which is now in operation -will eventually be the means of weaning the Brethren from their original allegiance , and encouraging them to unite in one independent body . The only Grand body in New Brunswick is under the English jurisdictionhaving as its chief heada Brother who is Provincial Grand
, , Master in Nova Scotia—a rather strange anomaly , one Provincial Grand Master over two Provincial Grand Lodges , under the same jurisdiction—with a Deputy in St . John . Before a Provincial Grand Lodge was instituted in this Province , the head of English Masonry in Nova Scotia was the controlling power . —Freemason ' s Monthly Monitor ( New Brunswick ) .
New Zealand.
( From the " Colonist" New Zealand Journal , of March Uh , 1 S 5 S . ) NEW MASONIC HALL AT NELSON . The laying of the foundation stone of a public edifice is at all times an interesting ceremony , and , as a token of progress , it is highly gratifying ; but the fact of laying the foundation stone of a structure belonging to a fraternity that existed before chronology became a science , and which numbered among its members the wise Solomon ,
the politic Henry VII ., and the great Cardinal Wolsey , was an occasion possessing peculiar interest . This event , which occurred on Tuesday , the 2 nd of March , might aptly be termed a red letter day in the annals of Nelson , whether we regard it as an out-door demonstration of good feeling on the part of the assembled multitude , or as an exhibition of well-regulated order and display on the part of two most important societies , acting together in concert for an imposing and good object . Moreover , this was the first occasion of the Freemasons in Nelson appearing in public .
The Brethren , who had assembled at the Wakatu Hotel , formed in procession , and moved at half-past two , and passed up the centre of the two Nelson Lodges of Odd Fellows , who were courteously waiting to receive them ; the latter then fell into line , and the whole moved to the site of the intended building in Trafalgar Street , headed by a band playing martial airs . On reaching the ground , his honour the Superintendent , and J . Poynter , Esq ., resident Magistrate , joined the procession , and the following hymn was sung , Mr . J . Percy kindly presiding at the harmonium : —
OPENING HYMN . Great Architect of earth and heaven , By time nor space confined , Enlarge our love , to comprehend Our brethren , —all mankind . Where'er we are , whate ' er we do . Thy presence let us own ;
. Thine eye , all-seeing , marks our deeds , To Thee all thoughts are known . While nature ' s works and science laws We labour to reveal , 0 ! be our duty done to Thee With fervency and zeal . With faith our guideand humble hope
, , Warm charity and love , May all at last be raised to share Thy perfect light above . When this was concluded , preparations were made for the ceremony of laying the stone , by Bro . T . Sullivan , and a parchment record was enclosed and sealed in a glass jar , with this inscription : — " This foundation Stone of a Masonic Hall for the Southern Star Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons , in the province of Nelson , New Zealand , was laid by THOMAS SULLIVAN , P . M ., on March 2 nd , A . D . 1858 , A . L . 5858 . OFFICERS—John Sharp , W . M . ; Nathaniel Edwards , P . M . ; Fedor Helling , S . W . ; John Percy , J . W . ; Richard Beckford Scott , S D . ; John Symons , JD . ; John Reed Dodson , Treasurer ; Henry Jossey Goodman , Secretary , " After the usual Masonic ceremonies , the workmen slowly lowered the stone , the band accompanying with solemn music ; and when
this was concluded , and a prayer offered up , the Venerable Archdeacon Paul uttered a benediction in an impressive manner . The proceedings then terminated with a concluding ode : — "Placed in form the corner-stone , True and trusty Brothers own ; Come and bring , in thought sincere , Hands to help and hearts to cheer . Marked with love , the Master ' s will
Kindly proved the work of skill . Beauteous forms in grace shall rise , "Neath the arch of favouring skies . CHORUS . " Beauteous forms in grace shall rise , 'Neath the arch of favouring skies . " Join we now our offering true
, While our homage we renew . Bear to Jiim whoso praise we sing , Thanks that from each bosom spring . When on earth our work is o ' er , Be a dearer life in store , Each in form , in heart upright , Taught by truth ' s unerring light . CHORUS .
" Each in form , in heart upright , Taught by truth ' s unerring light . " ¦ The procession then retired in the order in which thoy arrived , the band playing "God Save the Queen . " The building , when completed , will cost about £ 620 . The design is simple and elegant , and reflects great credit on the able architect , Bro . Maxwell Bury , who has nobly given his professional labours gratuitously .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Victoria was held at the Lodge Room , on Monday the 29 th of March , 1858 , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Hon . Capt . Clarke , R . E ., presiding , supported by his Prov . Grand Officers . The Prov . G . M . announced that from various reasons which he assigned , he deemed it desirable to re-appoint the Brethren to the Provincial offices which they now respectively heldThe ProvG
. . . Treas . was also re-elected . The R . W . Prov . G . M . for South Australia , Benjamin Archer Kent , Esq ., M . D ., having been announced , he was duly nshcred into the Prov . Grand Lodge by the Deacons and Stewards , and received with the grand honours on his being conducted to the right of the P . G . M . On a complimentary vote of thanks being voted to Bro . Kent , ou the motion of V . W . Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . H . W . Lowrv , seconded and supported by Bro . J . J . Moody , P . Prov . J . G . W . for Cheshire , and Robert Levick
Bro . , P . M ., and others , that distinguished Brother , in an appropriate speech , returned thanks , expressing his gratification at seeing Freemasonry so ably supported in Victoria , and alluded to his being happily instrumental in promoting to his office the H . 'W . Prov . G . M . for Victoria , the Hon . Capt . Clarke , R . E ., whose appointment had been so cordially approved by the Brethren . The Prov . G . M . caused to be announced his having granted dispensations to three new Lodges . The several sums collected by the respective Lodges for the sufferers
in India wore then announced . The subscriptions were still beinucollected . ° On the motion of Bro . J . J . Mood y , seconded by Bro . Levick , P . M ., it was resolved to transmit such funds through the Prov . G . M . to the Prov . G . Ms , of the Presidencies in Iudia , where the mutiny had taken place , for distribution among the destitute Brethren , and those of the survivors of deceased Brothers who had suffered from the mutiny . Bro . J . J . Moody explained that this application of the fund was just , as numerous Brethren had not only subscribed to the Melbourne Citizen ' s Fund , but also to the Masonic Fund raised in their respoe-