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GEAND LODGE was opened on the Second instant , by the M . W . GRAND MASTER in person . The event of the Evening was the reception of H . R-. H . THE PRINCE FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA , who was welcomed in becoming terms hy the G . M ., and saluted in due form b y the Brethren , who testified their appreciation of the visit ,
by their hearty cheers both on his arrival and at his departure . The Temple had been very tastefully decorated as a Waiting Boorn , the walls being adorned with various flags , among which , the Prussian Eagle occupied a prominent place , and here the G . M . received H . E . H . who then joined the procession of Grand Officers
before its entrance into G . L . The arrangements were very ably conducted by Bro . JENNINGS , G . D . C . The Hall was lighted by a row of gas burners running along the cornice , as well as by Standards placed at intervals , on either side . The effect was decidedly good , and the manner in which the details were carried out ,
as well as the precautions adopted against the risk of fire , reflect great credit upon Bro . HAVERS and his colleagues of the Lighting Committee . We have no doubt
from this trial , that a good light , and thorough ventilation would be secured by the adoption of the same principle as that in use in the Houses of Parliament . An attempt was made on the confirmation of the minutes , to obtain the adoption of the whole of the Report of the COLONIAL BOARD relative to Canada
, part of which only was adopted at the last G . L . ; but after a discussion which was rather excited than exciting , the minutes were confirmed . The technical Question at issue was , whether the main body of the Report was voted to "be not received , " which was denied by the Executive , but admitted by their garbled
and worthless organ the published minutes . The sum of dBlOOO was voted on the motion of the G . M . to the Indian Belief Fund . Much dissatisfaction at the vote had been expressed previously , and serious opposition had been expected ; but the vote was allowed to pass unquestioned .
A Memorial from the Ancient Grand Lodge of CANADA was read , and ordered to be entered on the Minutes . The necessary alterations were ordered in the Book of Constitutions , to give effect to the G . 'M . ' s
communication made in March last , relative to the payment of fees by COLONIAL Lodges . The said alterations are wrongly stated in the Business Paper to be " in conformity with the resolutions of Grand Lodge , " to whom they have never been submitted , but only communicated : Perhaps we may be permitted to suggest to District Grand Masters—e . g . Sumatra—the necessity of
resid-, ing in their own Districts in place of in England , so as to be ready to receive the fees of their subordinate Lodges , in accordance with the M . W . G . M . ' s desire . The Beport of the BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES was adopted , recommending the purchase of property in Great Queen Street , so as to enable the Society to
improve their accommodation . A Library and Beading Koom are promised , and as soon as this is provided , and not before , we have no doubt that books enough will be forthcoming . The publication of the name of a Brother , as connected with a complaint preferred against the Wellington Lodge , might with propriety have been
omitted . The Brethren nominated to serve on the BOARD OP BENEVOLENCE were declared to be duly elected . W . Bro . the Bev . G . R . PORTAL withdrew his motion in favour of an Annual Festival of the Benevolent Institution , on the understanding that the M . W . the
G . M . would agree to one being held every two years . A motion for enforcing a return from the P . G . M . of Berks and West Lancashire was also withdrawn hy the same Brother , it being understood that the Grand Secretary should repeat his applications for them . A motion by W . Bro , the Rev . W . WESTALL for
publishing the Initiation Charge was negatived . A motion by the same Brother for allowing any P . M . of a Lodge to attend the General Committee in the absence of the W . M . was carried .
A motion by Bro . BENSON , providing for the printing of all reports from Boards and Committees on their presentation to G . L ., was negatived . The reasons urged by its opponents against the measure , were , that matter might be contained in the reports which it would be inexpedient to publish . The same might be saidand was urged—against the publication of the Business
Paper . In either case discretion must be used ; but we have yet to learn that ignorance of the subject to be considered is a desirable element in legislation . Some members of the EXECUTIVE remarked that full information could be obtained , by attendance at the GENERAL COMMITTEE , or in the GRAND SECRETARY ' Office .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GEAND LODGE was opened on the Second instant , by the M . W . GRAND MASTER in person . The event of the Evening was the reception of H . R-. H . THE PRINCE FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA , who was welcomed in becoming terms hy the G . M ., and saluted in due form b y the Brethren , who testified their appreciation of the visit ,
by their hearty cheers both on his arrival and at his departure . The Temple had been very tastefully decorated as a Waiting Boorn , the walls being adorned with various flags , among which , the Prussian Eagle occupied a prominent place , and here the G . M . received H . E . H . who then joined the procession of Grand Officers
before its entrance into G . L . The arrangements were very ably conducted by Bro . JENNINGS , G . D . C . The Hall was lighted by a row of gas burners running along the cornice , as well as by Standards placed at intervals , on either side . The effect was decidedly good , and the manner in which the details were carried out ,
as well as the precautions adopted against the risk of fire , reflect great credit upon Bro . HAVERS and his colleagues of the Lighting Committee . We have no doubt
from this trial , that a good light , and thorough ventilation would be secured by the adoption of the same principle as that in use in the Houses of Parliament . An attempt was made on the confirmation of the minutes , to obtain the adoption of the whole of the Report of the COLONIAL BOARD relative to Canada
, part of which only was adopted at the last G . L . ; but after a discussion which was rather excited than exciting , the minutes were confirmed . The technical Question at issue was , whether the main body of the Report was voted to "be not received , " which was denied by the Executive , but admitted by their garbled
and worthless organ the published minutes . The sum of dBlOOO was voted on the motion of the G . M . to the Indian Belief Fund . Much dissatisfaction at the vote had been expressed previously , and serious opposition had been expected ; but the vote was allowed to pass unquestioned .
A Memorial from the Ancient Grand Lodge of CANADA was read , and ordered to be entered on the Minutes . The necessary alterations were ordered in the Book of Constitutions , to give effect to the G . 'M . ' s
communication made in March last , relative to the payment of fees by COLONIAL Lodges . The said alterations are wrongly stated in the Business Paper to be " in conformity with the resolutions of Grand Lodge , " to whom they have never been submitted , but only communicated : Perhaps we may be permitted to suggest to District Grand Masters—e . g . Sumatra—the necessity of
resid-, ing in their own Districts in place of in England , so as to be ready to receive the fees of their subordinate Lodges , in accordance with the M . W . G . M . ' s desire . The Beport of the BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES was adopted , recommending the purchase of property in Great Queen Street , so as to enable the Society to
improve their accommodation . A Library and Beading Koom are promised , and as soon as this is provided , and not before , we have no doubt that books enough will be forthcoming . The publication of the name of a Brother , as connected with a complaint preferred against the Wellington Lodge , might with propriety have been
omitted . The Brethren nominated to serve on the BOARD OP BENEVOLENCE were declared to be duly elected . W . Bro . the Bev . G . R . PORTAL withdrew his motion in favour of an Annual Festival of the Benevolent Institution , on the understanding that the M . W . the
G . M . would agree to one being held every two years . A motion for enforcing a return from the P . G . M . of Berks and West Lancashire was also withdrawn hy the same Brother , it being understood that the Grand Secretary should repeat his applications for them . A motion by W . Bro , the Rev . W . WESTALL for
publishing the Initiation Charge was negatived . A motion by the same Brother for allowing any P . M . of a Lodge to attend the General Committee in the absence of the W . M . was carried .
A motion by Bro . BENSON , providing for the printing of all reports from Boards and Committees on their presentation to G . L ., was negatived . The reasons urged by its opponents against the measure , were , that matter might be contained in the reports which it would be inexpedient to publish . The same might be saidand was urged—against the publication of the Business
Paper . In either case discretion must be used ; but we have yet to learn that ignorance of the subject to be considered is a desirable element in legislation . Some members of the EXECUTIVE remarked that full information could be obtained , by attendance at the GENERAL COMMITTEE , or in the GRAND SECRETARY ' Office .