Article THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Charities. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Report Of The Board Of General Purposes.
so large and so important a Society , and they regret that the want of a Library and Heading-room , together with appropriate dining and refreshment rooms for the nseof'the Fraternity when out of Lodge , has been so long and severely felt . Considering the present means of the Society , as regards the funds for General Purposes , and the advantage am \ convenience which such accommodation would afford , not only to London , but especially to Provincial Brethren , the Board are of opinion that the time has arrived when
arrangements for obtaining it should be no longer delayed . The Board , however , feel that before they can proceed further in the matter it is necessary that they should have—1 st . A . ucciucii txpYcssion of the opinion of CrraM Lodge upon certain principles . 2 nd . That they should have the sanction of Grand Lodge to take the necessary steps , and its authority to incur the necessary expenses to carry out the object they have in view . 3 rdThat they should have tlie opinions of the Brethren generallyand
. , the sanction and co-operation of the Provincial . Brethren . Acting , therefore , under that constitutional power which gives them authority to submit to Grand Lodge whatever may be deemed necessary or advantageous to the welfare of the Order , they submit to Grand
Lodge—1 st . That it is desirable that the freehold property , now belonging to the Society , or such part thereof as may be necessary , shall be devoted exclusively to -Masonic purposes . ' 2 nd . They recommend that the subject should be referred back to the Board , with directions to report thereon to the next Grand Lodge , and to lay before it such a scheme as may appear to be practicable for the carrying out of the foregoing resolutions , and to authorize the Board to expend a sum not exceeding £ 300 for that purpose ; and if they see fit to submit the subject to the public competition of the whole Masonic body , and to offer a sum not exceeding 150
guineas in premiums for the best design . 3 rd . In order to guide them in their endeavour to carry out the foregoing resolutions , the Board desire to have the opinion of Grand Lodgewhether , in the scheme which they will have to consider , it will be desirable to proceed only with the view of providing fitting and appropriate accommodation , to be devoted solely and exclusively to Jlasonic purposes , which would absorb only a part of the present property , and may eventuate in the sacrifice of some portion of the income receivable for General rurposes—ov whether such scheme shall embrace not only the arrangements above described , but also
include very much improved Tavern accommodation , to which the public shall he admitted as heretofore . Receiving such instructions , the Board will apply themselves with all diligence towards carrying out the objects in view , and in the preparation of such a scheme as may appear practicable to them , and will take especial earc that the subject shall bo brought fully under the cognizance of the Brethren generally , in order that their opinions shall be fully ascertained , and have their due weight in determining any plan which the Board may think it desirable to submit for the consideration of Grand Lodge . The Board also report that the new edition of the Constitutions is now ready .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
Two new Charters for Lodges have recently been granted by tbe M . W . G . M . —No 1058 , to be held at Dacca , and called the Good Hope Lodge ; and No . 1059 , to be held at Bombay , and called the Concord . THE BOYS' SCHOOL . The October General Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this School , was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D ., V . P ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Symonds , Barrett ,
Bisgood , E . Roberts , Binckes , Hopwood , Paas , Hewlett , Barnes , Young , Davis , Leveau , Kennedy , Dean , & c ., & c , the attendance of Subscribers being more numerous than usual . The minutes of the last Quarterly Court having been read and confirmed , The following Report of the House Committee , recommending the admission of an increased number of pupils into the School , was read : — " The House Committee , at an adjourned meeting , held at the
School House , on Friday the 3 rd September , unanimously resolved , That it is desirable that all the Boys now on the Institution , whose parents may desire it , should be received into the establishment at Hornsey .. " The House Committee beg now to submit for the consideration of the General Committee the following statements : — Analysis of receipts and expenditure , together with a statement of the actual expenses for six months of this year , of the present limited establishment .
" The receipts and expenditure for six years only are given , viz ., from March , 1 S . 5 J , to March , 1857 , as at the former date , the edit cation and clothing were considerably extended and improved , rendering reference to any previous year unnecessary , '' Statement of receipts and expenditure , and amount invested in each year from March , 1851 , to March , 1857 , showing the cost ofthe Institution under the old System : — Kent of
Offices Advertising mil ] Priiitilig , ' , Secretnry ' s Kn- Qr 0 . s £ x „ Gross Receipts . - ; Evmcsriion . CUrthmg . lary , CoVlec- Investments , torscomnns- nenditurc . sion , (' rein , tlntl petty disbursements . £ sd £ sd \ £ sd £ sa £ sd £ sd
. . . . . . . . . . . . 18-53 .... 1215 0 5 287 11 21 314 15 4 800 2 0 1031 8 G 1853 .... 1812 C 2 29 S 1 Oi 204 17 8 2 ( 19 14 4 SG 2 13 0 400 0 0 18-34 .... 174 G -5 4 250 2 Oi 310 10 0 244 12 11 S 14 5 S 400 0 0 185-5 .... 142 S 15 3 253 12 5 i 83 G 19 G 273 5 2 803 17 1 300 0 0 1 S 5 C .... 1451 IS 3 277 12 1 294 5 0 282 14 6 S 54 12 1 300 0 0 1 S 57 .... 1527 13 3 275 IS 5 338 7 4 297 4 7 011 10 4 550 0 0
"In addition to the receipts as above shown , an amount of £ U 71 has been contributed in subscriptions and donations towards the Building Fund , which amount , with the sum of £ 1624 transferred from the surplus of the General Fund ( as per resolution of the Quarterly Court of the 5 th January , 1852 ) , has been devoted , together with donations from Grand Lodge of £ 1350 , to the purchase of the freehold property at ' Hornsey ; w Inch may be taken to represent a bona fide value of upwards of £ -1000 . The total amount invested in the 3 per cent , consols up to the present date , being £ 13 , 500 .
" An alteration in the period of keeping the accounts , viz ., to the 31 st December in each year , prevents any definite statement being rendered for 1857 ; the receipts , however , for the last ten months of that year , amounted to upwards of £ 2000—the receipts ofthe current year , being estimated at £ 2130 . " Cost of Maintenance at School House , Hornsey , for Six Months , ending 30 th June , JS 58 . ¦ £ s . d . To Lady-Day ... ... ... ... 160 5 2
To Midsummer ... ... ... ... 162 8 6 For Six Months ... ... ... 322 13 8 Per Annum ... ... ... 645 7 4 Add 10 per cent for Incidental Expenses ... 64 10 8 709 IS 0 Proportion of Clothing of said charges ... 219 7 6
Total cost at Hornsey ... ... 92 !) 5 6 Cost of Education , Clothing , and proportion ') of fixed expenses of Forty-five Boys , not V 572 1 3 in the School House ... ... J
Total Expenditure under present System ... £ 1501 6 9 " The disproportion in expenditure is amply compensated for by the great boon afforded to widowed mothers and parents , by taking the children completely off their hands and maintaining them . " Estimated Cost of School for the total number of Boys to be received , Educated , Clothed , and Maintained therein . £ s , d . Salaries of Masters and Matron , and "Wages , , ™ , „ of Servants j ° °
Coals ... .. ... ... ... 30 0 0 Medical attendance ... ... ... 30 0 0 Water Rate and Insurance ... ... 8 10 0 Add for Contingencies 10 per cent . ... 43 2 9 Books ... ... ... ... ... 26 0 0 Board of seventy-eight persons , including ) . . .. n allowance of 10 per cent . ... J itu 4 u " Clothing on the average of the last six years 319 19 3 Fixed the of the last )
expenses on average 9 q , „ six years ... ... ... j - * Total ... ... ... ... £ 2129 4 9 "By a reference to the accounts of past years , and by analysis of the results as shown from them , the House Committee have thus endeavoured to afford the means of comparing the past and present condition of the School , and have also submitted an estimate of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Report Of The Board Of General Purposes.
so large and so important a Society , and they regret that the want of a Library and Heading-room , together with appropriate dining and refreshment rooms for the nseof'the Fraternity when out of Lodge , has been so long and severely felt . Considering the present means of the Society , as regards the funds for General Purposes , and the advantage am \ convenience which such accommodation would afford , not only to London , but especially to Provincial Brethren , the Board are of opinion that the time has arrived when
arrangements for obtaining it should be no longer delayed . The Board , however , feel that before they can proceed further in the matter it is necessary that they should have—1 st . A . ucciucii txpYcssion of the opinion of CrraM Lodge upon certain principles . 2 nd . That they should have the sanction of Grand Lodge to take the necessary steps , and its authority to incur the necessary expenses to carry out the object they have in view . 3 rdThat they should have tlie opinions of the Brethren generallyand
. , the sanction and co-operation of the Provincial . Brethren . Acting , therefore , under that constitutional power which gives them authority to submit to Grand Lodge whatever may be deemed necessary or advantageous to the welfare of the Order , they submit to Grand
Lodge—1 st . That it is desirable that the freehold property , now belonging to the Society , or such part thereof as may be necessary , shall be devoted exclusively to -Masonic purposes . ' 2 nd . They recommend that the subject should be referred back to the Board , with directions to report thereon to the next Grand Lodge , and to lay before it such a scheme as may appear to be practicable for the carrying out of the foregoing resolutions , and to authorize the Board to expend a sum not exceeding £ 300 for that purpose ; and if they see fit to submit the subject to the public competition of the whole Masonic body , and to offer a sum not exceeding 150
guineas in premiums for the best design . 3 rd . In order to guide them in their endeavour to carry out the foregoing resolutions , the Board desire to have the opinion of Grand Lodgewhether , in the scheme which they will have to consider , it will be desirable to proceed only with the view of providing fitting and appropriate accommodation , to be devoted solely and exclusively to Jlasonic purposes , which would absorb only a part of the present property , and may eventuate in the sacrifice of some portion of the income receivable for General rurposes—ov whether such scheme shall embrace not only the arrangements above described , but also
include very much improved Tavern accommodation , to which the public shall he admitted as heretofore . Receiving such instructions , the Board will apply themselves with all diligence towards carrying out the objects in view , and in the preparation of such a scheme as may appear practicable to them , and will take especial earc that the subject shall bo brought fully under the cognizance of the Brethren generally , in order that their opinions shall be fully ascertained , and have their due weight in determining any plan which the Board may think it desirable to submit for the consideration of Grand Lodge . The Board also report that the new edition of the Constitutions is now ready .
Masonic Charities.
Masonic Charities .
Two new Charters for Lodges have recently been granted by tbe M . W . G . M . —No 1058 , to be held at Dacca , and called the Good Hope Lodge ; and No . 1059 , to be held at Bombay , and called the Concord . THE BOYS' SCHOOL . The October General Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this School , was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D ., V . P ., in the chair , supported by Bros . Symonds , Barrett ,
Bisgood , E . Roberts , Binckes , Hopwood , Paas , Hewlett , Barnes , Young , Davis , Leveau , Kennedy , Dean , & c ., & c , the attendance of Subscribers being more numerous than usual . The minutes of the last Quarterly Court having been read and confirmed , The following Report of the House Committee , recommending the admission of an increased number of pupils into the School , was read : — " The House Committee , at an adjourned meeting , held at the
School House , on Friday the 3 rd September , unanimously resolved , That it is desirable that all the Boys now on the Institution , whose parents may desire it , should be received into the establishment at Hornsey .. " The House Committee beg now to submit for the consideration of the General Committee the following statements : — Analysis of receipts and expenditure , together with a statement of the actual expenses for six months of this year , of the present limited establishment .
" The receipts and expenditure for six years only are given , viz ., from March , 1 S . 5 J , to March , 1857 , as at the former date , the edit cation and clothing were considerably extended and improved , rendering reference to any previous year unnecessary , '' Statement of receipts and expenditure , and amount invested in each year from March , 1851 , to March , 1857 , showing the cost ofthe Institution under the old System : — Kent of
Offices Advertising mil ] Priiitilig , ' , Secretnry ' s Kn- Qr 0 . s £ x „ Gross Receipts . - ; Evmcsriion . CUrthmg . lary , CoVlec- Investments , torscomnns- nenditurc . sion , (' rein , tlntl petty disbursements . £ sd £ sd \ £ sd £ sa £ sd £ sd
. . . . . . . . . . . . 18-53 .... 1215 0 5 287 11 21 314 15 4 800 2 0 1031 8 G 1853 .... 1812 C 2 29 S 1 Oi 204 17 8 2 ( 19 14 4 SG 2 13 0 400 0 0 18-34 .... 174 G -5 4 250 2 Oi 310 10 0 244 12 11 S 14 5 S 400 0 0 185-5 .... 142 S 15 3 253 12 5 i 83 G 19 G 273 5 2 803 17 1 300 0 0 1 S 5 C .... 1451 IS 3 277 12 1 294 5 0 282 14 6 S 54 12 1 300 0 0 1 S 57 .... 1527 13 3 275 IS 5 338 7 4 297 4 7 011 10 4 550 0 0
"In addition to the receipts as above shown , an amount of £ U 71 has been contributed in subscriptions and donations towards the Building Fund , which amount , with the sum of £ 1624 transferred from the surplus of the General Fund ( as per resolution of the Quarterly Court of the 5 th January , 1852 ) , has been devoted , together with donations from Grand Lodge of £ 1350 , to the purchase of the freehold property at ' Hornsey ; w Inch may be taken to represent a bona fide value of upwards of £ -1000 . The total amount invested in the 3 per cent , consols up to the present date , being £ 13 , 500 .
" An alteration in the period of keeping the accounts , viz ., to the 31 st December in each year , prevents any definite statement being rendered for 1857 ; the receipts , however , for the last ten months of that year , amounted to upwards of £ 2000—the receipts ofthe current year , being estimated at £ 2130 . " Cost of Maintenance at School House , Hornsey , for Six Months , ending 30 th June , JS 58 . ¦ £ s . d . To Lady-Day ... ... ... ... 160 5 2
To Midsummer ... ... ... ... 162 8 6 For Six Months ... ... ... 322 13 8 Per Annum ... ... ... 645 7 4 Add 10 per cent for Incidental Expenses ... 64 10 8 709 IS 0 Proportion of Clothing of said charges ... 219 7 6
Total cost at Hornsey ... ... 92 !) 5 6 Cost of Education , Clothing , and proportion ') of fixed expenses of Forty-five Boys , not V 572 1 3 in the School House ... ... J
Total Expenditure under present System ... £ 1501 6 9 " The disproportion in expenditure is amply compensated for by the great boon afforded to widowed mothers and parents , by taking the children completely off their hands and maintaining them . " Estimated Cost of School for the total number of Boys to be received , Educated , Clothed , and Maintained therein . £ s , d . Salaries of Masters and Matron , and "Wages , , ™ , „ of Servants j ° °
Coals ... .. ... ... ... 30 0 0 Medical attendance ... ... ... 30 0 0 Water Rate and Insurance ... ... 8 10 0 Add for Contingencies 10 per cent . ... 43 2 9 Books ... ... ... ... ... 26 0 0 Board of seventy-eight persons , including ) . . .. n allowance of 10 per cent . ... J itu 4 u " Clothing on the average of the last six years 319 19 3 Fixed the of the last )
expenses on average 9 q , „ six years ... ... ... j - * Total ... ... ... ... £ 2129 4 9 "By a reference to the accounts of past years , and by analysis of the results as shown from them , the House Committee have thus endeavoured to afford the means of comparing the past and present condition of the School , and have also submitted an estimate of the