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Documenta Latomica Inedita.
latlay * hit suffisantly as hit ought to be by oversight of maisters of the same craft , which stuff [ is ] suffisantly ordeigned for him at my seide lords cost , as [ be ] longeth to such a Averke , And to the said body he shall make two [ a ] isles , and takthe ground [ Avork and voidf ] [ t ] hem in wise aforesaid , both the [ a ] isles [ to be ] according to heght
and brede to the [ a ] isles of the saide quere , and in height to the body aforesaid , the ground of the same body and [ a ] isles to be maad within the ende under the ground-table-stones J with rough stone ; and fro the ground-stone b ments ; and alle the remanent of the said body and [ a ] isles unto the full hig ht of the said quire with clene
hewen ashler altogedir in the outer side unto the full hight of the said quire : and all the inner side [ to be ] of rough-stone , except the bench-table-stones , § the soles !) of the windows , the pillars and
chapetrels that the arches and pendants shall rest upon , which shall be altogedir of free-stone wroght trewly and deAvly as hit ought to be . And in eche [ a ] isle shall be wyndows of free-stone , accordyng in all poynts unto the windows of the said quire , sawf ^[ they shal no bowtels ** haf at all . And in the west-end of aither of the said
[ a ] isles , he shal mak a wyndoAV of four lights , according altogedir to the wyndows of the said isles . And tilf f aither [ a ] isle shall be as sperware ^ J enbattailement of free-stoon throwgh out , and both the end enbattailled butting upon the stepill . And aither of the said [ a ] isles shal have six mighty botrasse of free-stoneclen-hewyn §§;
, and every botrasse fynisht with a fymal , | j \\ according in all points to the fymals ||]| of the said quere , safe only that the botrasse of the bod }^ shalbe more large , more strong and mighty than the botrasse of the said qwere .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Documenta Latomica Inedita.
latlay * hit suffisantly as hit ought to be by oversight of maisters of the same craft , which stuff [ is ] suffisantly ordeigned for him at my seide lords cost , as [ be ] longeth to such a Averke , And to the said body he shall make two [ a ] isles , and takthe ground [ Avork and voidf ] [ t ] hem in wise aforesaid , both the [ a ] isles [ to be ] according to heght
and brede to the [ a ] isles of the saide quere , and in height to the body aforesaid , the ground of the same body and [ a ] isles to be maad within the ende under the ground-table-stones J with rough stone ; and fro the ground-stone b ments ; and alle the remanent of the said body and [ a ] isles unto the full hig ht of the said quire with clene
hewen ashler altogedir in the outer side unto the full hight of the said quire : and all the inner side [ to be ] of rough-stone , except the bench-table-stones , § the soles !) of the windows , the pillars and
chapetrels that the arches and pendants shall rest upon , which shall be altogedir of free-stone wroght trewly and deAvly as hit ought to be . And in eche [ a ] isle shall be wyndows of free-stone , accordyng in all poynts unto the windows of the said quire , sawf ^[ they shal no bowtels ** haf at all . And in the west-end of aither of the said
[ a ] isles , he shal mak a wyndoAV of four lights , according altogedir to the wyndows of the said isles . And tilf f aither [ a ] isle shall be as sperware ^ J enbattailement of free-stoon throwgh out , and both the end enbattailled butting upon the stepill . And aither of the said [ a ] isles shal have six mighty botrasse of free-stoneclen-hewyn §§;
, and every botrasse fynisht with a fymal , | j \\ according in all points to the fymals ||]| of the said quere , safe only that the botrasse of the bod }^ shalbe more large , more strong and mighty than the botrasse of the said qwere .