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Documenta Latomica Inedita.
a , nd in aither side so many lights as will suffice ; and a sqAvare enbattaillment above , and in hight according to the place where hit is set . And in the west end of the said body shall be a stepyll standing [ high above ]* the chirche upon three strong and mighty arches
vawthidf with stoon ; the which steepil shall haf in lenght iiij fete after the mete-yard [ of ] three fete to the yard above the ground , [ ars to be ] table-stones , and [ it shall measure ] xx fote sqware withyn the Avails , the walles berying six fote thicknesse abof the said ground table-stones . And to the hight of the said body [ of the church ] hit
shall be sqware , with tAvo mighty botresses joyning thereto , oon in aither side of a large dore , AAdiich shall be in the west end of the same stepill . And when the said stepill cometh to the hight of the said bay [ taillment ] J then hit shall be chaungid and turnyd in viii panes , § and at
• every scouchon , || a boutrassee fynysht with [ a ] fimal according to the fymals of the said qAvere and body ; the said chajjell [ to ^ be ] embattailled with a sqAvare ^ " embattailment large : and abof the dore of the said stepill a wyndow rysing in hight al so high as the gret arche of the stepill , and in brede as the body will issue . And in the said
stepill shall be two flores , and abof each flore viii . clerestorial windows set yn the myddes of the walle , eche window of three lights , and alle the OAvter side of the stepill of clen wroght fre-stone ; and the inner side of rough ston . And in the said stepill shall be a nice ** towrnyng ,
servyng till the said body , [ a ] isles and qwere , both beneth and abof , with all mannere other werke necessary that longyth to such a body , [ a ] isles stepill and porches , also Avell noght comprehenditff in this indenture , as comprehendit and expressyd . And of all the werke that in thise same endenture is devised and
rehersyd , my said lord of Yorke shaJl fynde the carriage and stvtSe ; that ys to say stone , lyme , sonde , ropes , boltes , ladderis , tymbre , scaffolds , gynnes , JJ and all manere of stuffe that [ be ] longeth to the said werke , for the which werke , well , truly , and duly to be made and fiynisht in Avyse as it ys afore devised and declaryd , the said Will . Horwode shall haf of my said lord ccc - Sterlingues : of Avhich summe
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Documenta Latomica Inedita.
a , nd in aither side so many lights as will suffice ; and a sqAvare enbattaillment above , and in hight according to the place where hit is set . And in the west end of the said body shall be a stepyll standing [ high above ]* the chirche upon three strong and mighty arches
vawthidf with stoon ; the which steepil shall haf in lenght iiij fete after the mete-yard [ of ] three fete to the yard above the ground , [ ars to be ] table-stones , and [ it shall measure ] xx fote sqware withyn the Avails , the walles berying six fote thicknesse abof the said ground table-stones . And to the hight of the said body [ of the church ] hit
shall be sqware , with tAvo mighty botresses joyning thereto , oon in aither side of a large dore , AAdiich shall be in the west end of the same stepill . And when the said stepill cometh to the hight of the said bay [ taillment ] J then hit shall be chaungid and turnyd in viii panes , § and at
• every scouchon , || a boutrassee fynysht with [ a ] fimal according to the fymals of the said qAvere and body ; the said chajjell [ to ^ be ] embattailled with a sqAvare ^ " embattailment large : and abof the dore of the said stepill a wyndow rysing in hight al so high as the gret arche of the stepill , and in brede as the body will issue . And in the said
stepill shall be two flores , and abof each flore viii . clerestorial windows set yn the myddes of the walle , eche window of three lights , and alle the OAvter side of the stepill of clen wroght fre-stone ; and the inner side of rough ston . And in the said stepill shall be a nice ** towrnyng ,
servyng till the said body , [ a ] isles and qwere , both beneth and abof , with all mannere other werke necessary that longyth to such a body , [ a ] isles stepill and porches , also Avell noght comprehenditff in this indenture , as comprehendit and expressyd . And of all the werke that in thise same endenture is devised and
rehersyd , my said lord of Yorke shaJl fynde the carriage and stvtSe ; that ys to say stone , lyme , sonde , ropes , boltes , ladderis , tymbre , scaffolds , gynnes , JJ and all manere of stuffe that [ be ] longeth to the said werke , for the which werke , well , truly , and duly to be made and fiynisht in Avyse as it ys afore devised and declaryd , the said Will . Horwode shall haf of my said lord ccc - Sterlingues : of Avhich summe