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Documenta Latomica Inedita.
he shall be payd in wise as hit shall be declaryd hereafter ; that ys to say when he hath takyn his ground * of the sayd kirke , [ a ] isles , botrasse , porches , and stepill , hewyn and set his ground tabte-stones , and his ligements , f and the wall thereto withyn and Avithout , as hit ought to
be well and duly made , then he shall haf vilL xiijs- iiijd- And Avhen the said Will . Horwode hath set ooj fote abof the ground-table-stone , also Avell throughout the outer side as the inner side of all the said werke , then he shall haf payment of an c - Sterling ; and so for every fote of the seid werke , aftir that hit be fully wroght and set , as hit ought to be , and as it is afore devysed , till hit come to the full hight of the highest of the fymals and batayllment of the seyd body , hewvng
settyng and reysing [ the toAver ]§ of the steple , aftyr hit be passyd the hig hest of the embattailment of the sayd body , he shall [ have ] but xxx - Sterlingues till hit be fully endyd andperformyd in wise as it is afore devysed . And when alle the Averk abof written rehersyd and devised is fully
fynisht , as hit ought to be and as hit is above accordyd and devysed betwix the seyd commissaris and the sayd William : then the seyd Will . Horwode shall haf full payment of the sayd ccc 1 L Sterling if any be due , or left unpayed thereof untilljj hym : And during all the sayd wei-ke the seid Will . HorAA ocle shall nether set mo [ re ] nor fewer free masons ,
ro gh setters ne leyes ^ f thereupon , but as such as shall be ordeigned to haf the governance and ofersight of the said Averke , undre my lord of Yorke Avell or deign him and assigne him for to haf .
And yf so be , that the seyd Will . HorAVode mak noght full payment of all or any of his workmen , then the clerke of the werke shall pay him in his presence and stoppe als mykyll ** in the said Will . Hor-Avode hbnd , ft as the payment that shall be deAve unto the workemen comyth to .
And duryng all the seyd Averke the setters shall be chosyn and takyn by such as shall haf the governance and oversight of the sayd werke by my seid lord ; they to be payed by the hand of the said Will . Horwode , in forme and manner abofwrytten and devysed . And yf so be that the sayd Will . Horwode wol complayn and say at
any time , that the two sayd setters , or any of them , be noght profitable ne suffisant Avorkmen for my lordy ' s avayle ; % X then by oversight of master-masons of the countre they shall be demyd §§; and yf they be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Documenta Latomica Inedita.
he shall be payd in wise as hit shall be declaryd hereafter ; that ys to say when he hath takyn his ground * of the sayd kirke , [ a ] isles , botrasse , porches , and stepill , hewyn and set his ground tabte-stones , and his ligements , f and the wall thereto withyn and Avithout , as hit ought to
be well and duly made , then he shall haf vilL xiijs- iiijd- And Avhen the said Will . Horwode hath set ooj fote abof the ground-table-stone , also Avell throughout the outer side as the inner side of all the said werke , then he shall haf payment of an c - Sterling ; and so for every fote of the seid werke , aftir that hit be fully wroght and set , as hit ought to be , and as it is afore devysed , till hit come to the full hight of the highest of the fymals and batayllment of the seyd body , hewvng
settyng and reysing [ the toAver ]§ of the steple , aftyr hit be passyd the hig hest of the embattailment of the sayd body , he shall [ have ] but xxx - Sterlingues till hit be fully endyd andperformyd in wise as it is afore devysed . And when alle the Averk abof written rehersyd and devised is fully
fynisht , as hit ought to be and as hit is above accordyd and devysed betwix the seyd commissaris and the sayd William : then the seyd Will . Horwode shall haf full payment of the sayd ccc 1 L Sterling if any be due , or left unpayed thereof untilljj hym : And during all the sayd wei-ke the seid Will . HorAA ocle shall nether set mo [ re ] nor fewer free masons ,
ro gh setters ne leyes ^ f thereupon , but as such as shall be ordeigned to haf the governance and ofersight of the said Averke , undre my lord of Yorke Avell or deign him and assigne him for to haf .
And yf so be , that the seyd Will . HorAVode mak noght full payment of all or any of his workmen , then the clerke of the werke shall pay him in his presence and stoppe als mykyll ** in the said Will . Hor-Avode hbnd , ft as the payment that shall be deAve unto the workemen comyth to .
And duryng all the seyd Averke the setters shall be chosyn and takyn by such as shall haf the governance and oversight of the sayd werke by my seid lord ; they to be payed by the hand of the said Will . Horwode , in forme and manner abofwrytten and devysed . And yf so be that the sayd Will . Horwode wol complayn and say at
any time , that the two sayd setters , or any of them , be noght profitable ne suffisant Avorkmen for my lordy ' s avayle ; % X then by oversight of master-masons of the countre they shall be demyd §§; and yf they be