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The Worshipful Craft Of Stonehewers In Germany.
7 . None shall use unbecoming speech , nor play at cards or dice . Whoever offends against the above , before him is held the box , in order that he may pay a fine . Now follows the welcoming of stranger guests .
Elder : [ Taking the welcome up by the cloth attached to it ] : By Favour : That I may uncover the Avelcome ' s head . By Favour : That I may lift it from the Craft table and raise it to my mouth . By Favour : That I may dedicate it to the stranger f ellowcraft , and
drink out of it a draught of honour , according to Craft usage and ¦ custom . He then drinks and pushes it on to the next fellow with the words : By Favour : That I may take the welcome from my lips , and place it
• on the Craft table , and pass it on to this honest fellow . Every fellow , before accepting the cup must first three times refuse it with the words " much obliged . " When the Avelcome has travelled round to the last fellow , he replies with the Thankpledge , thus :
By Favour and Leave : Dear brothers , inasmuch as this welcome has been passed on to me by the Avorshipful elder , and the whole of the brothers of this praiseworthy Brotherhood , I cannot fail to express my dutiful thanks therefor , and to drink to your health . Therefore , by Favour and Leave : To the health of the worshi pful
master and fellows who have instituted this welcome . To the health of all felloAVS assembled here , as also of those Avho still Avander on the green heath , may the Almighty God assist them to speedily join us in order that they also may share in this Welcome . And finally , to the health of the Avhole fraternity and of our Craft .
By Favour : I have drunk . By Favour : I set the welcome down . By Favour : That I may once more cover up its head . *
( To he continued ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Worshipful Craft Of Stonehewers In Germany.
7 . None shall use unbecoming speech , nor play at cards or dice . Whoever offends against the above , before him is held the box , in order that he may pay a fine . Now follows the welcoming of stranger guests .
Elder : [ Taking the welcome up by the cloth attached to it ] : By Favour : That I may uncover the Avelcome ' s head . By Favour : That I may lift it from the Craft table and raise it to my mouth . By Favour : That I may dedicate it to the stranger f ellowcraft , and
drink out of it a draught of honour , according to Craft usage and ¦ custom . He then drinks and pushes it on to the next fellow with the words : By Favour : That I may take the welcome from my lips , and place it
• on the Craft table , and pass it on to this honest fellow . Every fellow , before accepting the cup must first three times refuse it with the words " much obliged . " When the Avelcome has travelled round to the last fellow , he replies with the Thankpledge , thus :
By Favour and Leave : Dear brothers , inasmuch as this welcome has been passed on to me by the Avorshipful elder , and the whole of the brothers of this praiseworthy Brotherhood , I cannot fail to express my dutiful thanks therefor , and to drink to your health . Therefore , by Favour and Leave : To the health of the worshi pful
master and fellows who have instituted this welcome . To the health of all felloAVS assembled here , as also of those Avho still Avander on the green heath , may the Almighty God assist them to speedily join us in order that they also may share in this Welcome . And finally , to the health of the Avhole fraternity and of our Craft .
By Favour : I have drunk . By Favour : I set the welcome down . By Favour : That I may once more cover up its head . *
( To he continued ) .