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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
COMPILED BY BRO . ROBERT SANDERSON , P . G . SEC . PEEBLES AND SELKIRK ( s . C . ) ( Continued from page 423 , Vol . IX ., of tlie Masonic Magazine . )
/^ VUR next extracts from the old records brings up the list of ^ S entrants from the year 1797 to the end of the old Minute Book . In former extracts this list was brought forward to 1796 . We simply give the date , name , and designation of the candidate , & c .
March 4 th , 1797 , John Hiddleson , Mason , Peebles . —Thos . Brown , Master . October 27 th , 1797 , James Mcintosh , Serjeant in the Angusshire Fensible Volunteers . —Thos . Brown , Master . November 22 nd , 1797 , William Murray , tenant in Cademuir , near Peebles , and George Spottiswoode , soldier in His Maj esty ' s First or Eoyal Eegiment of Foot .
December 25 th , 1797 , Andrew Walker , Mason in Peebles , and John Ferguson , Serjeant in the Sth Eegiment . —Thos . Brown , Master . February 12 th , 1798 , William Campbell , Mason , Peebles . —John Gray , Master . September 28 th , 1798 , John Clark , Mason , presently with Brother John Jamieson , Mason , in Peebles , and Lawrence McDougall , Corporal of the 47 th
Eegiment of Foot , presently in Peebles . —John Hislop , D . Master . December 21 st , 1798 , Eobert Scott , Junior , Mason , and Christopher Young , both Masons in Peebles . —Eobt . Scott , Master . April 12 th , 1799 , John Smith , Mason in Stobo . —Eobt . Scott , Master . June 28 th , 1799 , William Hall , Serjeant to the Volunteers of Peebles . —Eobert Scott , Master .
December 26 th , 1799 , John Dobson , Dyer , George Dickson , Shoemaker , and William Brown , Shoemaker , and James Fairgrieve , Slater , all of Peebles . —Eobert Scott , Master . December 28 th , 1799 , Eobert Brown , Shoemaker in Peebles . —Thomas Grieve Master . June 27 th , 1800 , John Nicol , Mason in Peebles . —Thomas Grieve , Master .
September 26 th , 1800 , Walter Dickson , Slater in Peebles . —Thomas Grieve , Master . November Sth , 1800 , Thomas Borrowman , Smith in Peebles , and James Grieve , Weaver there . —Thos . Grieve , Master . March 24 th , 1801 , Adam Govan , Merchant in Peebles . —Thos . Grieve ,
Master . June 4 th , 1801 , Brother Andrew Turn bull , present Dean of Guild Peebles ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
COMPILED BY BRO . ROBERT SANDERSON , P . G . SEC . PEEBLES AND SELKIRK ( s . C . ) ( Continued from page 423 , Vol . IX ., of tlie Masonic Magazine . )
/^ VUR next extracts from the old records brings up the list of ^ S entrants from the year 1797 to the end of the old Minute Book . In former extracts this list was brought forward to 1796 . We simply give the date , name , and designation of the candidate , & c .
March 4 th , 1797 , John Hiddleson , Mason , Peebles . —Thos . Brown , Master . October 27 th , 1797 , James Mcintosh , Serjeant in the Angusshire Fensible Volunteers . —Thos . Brown , Master . November 22 nd , 1797 , William Murray , tenant in Cademuir , near Peebles , and George Spottiswoode , soldier in His Maj esty ' s First or Eoyal Eegiment of Foot .
December 25 th , 1797 , Andrew Walker , Mason in Peebles , and John Ferguson , Serjeant in the Sth Eegiment . —Thos . Brown , Master . February 12 th , 1798 , William Campbell , Mason , Peebles . —John Gray , Master . September 28 th , 1798 , John Clark , Mason , presently with Brother John Jamieson , Mason , in Peebles , and Lawrence McDougall , Corporal of the 47 th
Eegiment of Foot , presently in Peebles . —John Hislop , D . Master . December 21 st , 1798 , Eobert Scott , Junior , Mason , and Christopher Young , both Masons in Peebles . —Eobt . Scott , Master . April 12 th , 1799 , John Smith , Mason in Stobo . —Eobt . Scott , Master . June 28 th , 1799 , William Hall , Serjeant to the Volunteers of Peebles . —Eobert Scott , Master .
December 26 th , 1799 , John Dobson , Dyer , George Dickson , Shoemaker , and William Brown , Shoemaker , and James Fairgrieve , Slater , all of Peebles . —Eobert Scott , Master . December 28 th , 1799 , Eobert Brown , Shoemaker in Peebles . —Thomas Grieve Master . June 27 th , 1800 , John Nicol , Mason in Peebles . —Thomas Grieve , Master .
September 26 th , 1800 , Walter Dickson , Slater in Peebles . —Thomas Grieve , Master . November Sth , 1800 , Thomas Borrowman , Smith in Peebles , and James Grieve , Weaver there . —Thos . Grieve , Master . March 24 th , 1801 , Adam Govan , Merchant in Peebles . —Thos . Grieve ,
Master . June 4 th , 1801 , Brother Andrew Turn bull , present Dean of Guild Peebles ,