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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
and a member of Biggar Lodge , No . , was initiated a member of this lodge ; dues seven and sixpence sterling . —Thos . Grieve , Master . July 23 rd , 1801 . Alexander Bruuton , Shoemaker in Peebles . —Thos . Grieve , Master . November 17 th , 1801 , John Watson , Merchant in Peebles . —Thos . Grieve ,
Master . December 2 nd , 1802 , Adam Wilson and James Dalgliesh , WeaA ers in Peebles . —John Veitch , Master . December 24 th , 1802 , William Scott , son of Robert Scott , Mason in Peebles . — John Veitch , Master .
Same day . —It Aras motioned that Eobert Scott , Merchant in Peebles , should be admitted a Member of this Lodge , and in consideration of some very weighty motives , they unanimously receive the saitl Eobert Scott accordingly upon paying seven and sixpence . —John Veitch , Master . December 27 th , 1802 , James Smibert , Weaver in Peebles . — -John Veitch ,
Master . August 31 , 1803 , James McGibbon , of the 94 th Eegiment of Foot , John Dow and Alexander Martin , belonging to the Army of Eeserve . —John Veitch , Master . September 2 nd , 1803 , John Orr and John Alston , belonging to the Army of Eeserve . —John Veitch , Master . December llth , 1803 , Thomas Dalgliesh , Weaver in Peebles . —John Veitch Master .
December 27 th , 1 S 03 , Thomas Thompson , tennant in Scot's Mill . —John Veitch , Master . Same day it was moved , seconded , and agreed to , that Brothers Dr . William Dalgliesh , Minister of the parish of Peebles , and John Watson , Farmer at Whitslaid , both present , be admitted Honorary Members of the Lodge . —John Veitch , Master .
This exhausts the list of entrants in this Minute Book . It may be added that the fees generally charged at this period Avere 20 s . sterling as composition , and 2 s . 9 d . for enrolment in the books of Grand Lodge . Resuming the old records again , the next one is a meeting of the
Committee held llth December , 1802 , at Avhich the revisal of the laws and regulations of the Lodge is brought up . The minute , however , is badly written , and the matter is postponed till next St . John ' s Day , when it becomes part of the business of the meeting , and a well-written , extended minute is given of the same . The
subject being introduced by the newly-elected R . W . Master , Bro . Alexr . Murray Bartram . There were forty-eight Members present at the meeting , and the folloAving is the minute : — " It Avas stated to the meeting by Bro . Alexr . Murray Bartram , that
in the regulations and laws adopted by the Friendly Society of this Lodge , certain dues of entries , etc ., were said to be fixed by the Lodge , while no such appeared upon the record , but were only understood and acted upon . He also said that the laAvs of this Lodge , in many particulars , did not apply to present circumstances , and were deficient
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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
and a member of Biggar Lodge , No . , was initiated a member of this lodge ; dues seven and sixpence sterling . —Thos . Grieve , Master . July 23 rd , 1801 . Alexander Bruuton , Shoemaker in Peebles . —Thos . Grieve , Master . November 17 th , 1801 , John Watson , Merchant in Peebles . —Thos . Grieve ,
Master . December 2 nd , 1802 , Adam Wilson and James Dalgliesh , WeaA ers in Peebles . —John Veitch , Master . December 24 th , 1802 , William Scott , son of Robert Scott , Mason in Peebles . — John Veitch , Master .
Same day . —It Aras motioned that Eobert Scott , Merchant in Peebles , should be admitted a Member of this Lodge , and in consideration of some very weighty motives , they unanimously receive the saitl Eobert Scott accordingly upon paying seven and sixpence . —John Veitch , Master . December 27 th , 1802 , James Smibert , Weaver in Peebles . — -John Veitch ,
Master . August 31 , 1803 , James McGibbon , of the 94 th Eegiment of Foot , John Dow and Alexander Martin , belonging to the Army of Eeserve . —John Veitch , Master . September 2 nd , 1803 , John Orr and John Alston , belonging to the Army of Eeserve . —John Veitch , Master . December llth , 1803 , Thomas Dalgliesh , Weaver in Peebles . —John Veitch Master .
December 27 th , 1 S 03 , Thomas Thompson , tennant in Scot's Mill . —John Veitch , Master . Same day it was moved , seconded , and agreed to , that Brothers Dr . William Dalgliesh , Minister of the parish of Peebles , and John Watson , Farmer at Whitslaid , both present , be admitted Honorary Members of the Lodge . —John Veitch , Master .
This exhausts the list of entrants in this Minute Book . It may be added that the fees generally charged at this period Avere 20 s . sterling as composition , and 2 s . 9 d . for enrolment in the books of Grand Lodge . Resuming the old records again , the next one is a meeting of the
Committee held llth December , 1802 , at Avhich the revisal of the laws and regulations of the Lodge is brought up . The minute , however , is badly written , and the matter is postponed till next St . John ' s Day , when it becomes part of the business of the meeting , and a well-written , extended minute is given of the same . The
subject being introduced by the newly-elected R . W . Master , Bro . Alexr . Murray Bartram . There were forty-eight Members present at the meeting , and the folloAving is the minute : — " It Avas stated to the meeting by Bro . Alexr . Murray Bartram , that
in the regulations and laws adopted by the Friendly Society of this Lodge , certain dues of entries , etc ., were said to be fixed by the Lodge , while no such appeared upon the record , but were only understood and acted upon . He also said that the laAvs of this Lodge , in many particulars , did not apply to present circumstances , and were deficient