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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
in some respects . He therefore moved the propriety and necessity of having a new set of regulations entered in the minutes , and produced a draft of such as occurred to him , Avhich he should read over for the consideration of the very full meeting present . They Avere read over , approved of , and appointed to be engrossed in the Minute Book , and
to be signed by the Brethren and those who may hereafter join , declaring them to be the existing Laws of the Lodge , and to be obeyed as such in room of those inserted in the front of this Book , subject , however , to such alterations or additions a ? times and circumstances may require , at a general meeting , and approved of by a majority of the
Lodge . " They are as follow , viz . : —
" LAWS AND REGULATIONS OP THE OLD LODGE OF PEEBLES , NO . 25 . '' 1 st . That no man shall be admitted a member of this Lodge unless the haill ordinary or residing Brethren be duly Avarned . Failing the appearance of any Member after such intimation , and not having a reasonable excuseshall be fined in one merk .
, " 2 nd . That due time must be allowed betAveen the date of intimation and the hour of meeting , that enquiry may be made into the reputation and capacity of the Candidate ; and the majority of votes shall regulate the point " admit or not admit . " The Master shall appoint tAvo instructors to the entrant .
" 3 rd . That each person admitted an apprentice shall pay down at his admission twenty shillings , besides 2 s . 9 d . for entering with the Grand Lodge , and one shilling to the officer . For passing , five shillings to the Lodge and 6 d . to the clerk and 6 cl . to the officer . If passed and raised at the same meeting , they shall only have 6 d . each
for both . One shilling annually on St . John ' s Day shall be paid by every ordinary residing Member for defraying the expense of coal and candle and other incidents . Members of the Friendly Society of this Lodge exempted . Members of another Lodge and to be initiated into this Lodge shall pay seven shillings and sixpence to the Treasurer .
These dues must be all ready money . " 4 bh . That the Office-bearers of the Lodge shall consist of a Master , three Wardens , Treasurer and Secretary , and tAvo Stewards , Avho shall be annually elected on St . John ' s Day ; also a Chaplain and Ty ler . " 5 th . Should Members of this Lodge take upon them to enter an
apprentice , or pass or raise a Brother Avithout the Brethren beingwarned as aforesaid , they hereby subject themselves to a fine not exceeding two shillings and sixpence , or be reprimanded , as a majority of the meeting shall judge proper , over and above being accountable for the clues above fixed .
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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
in some respects . He therefore moved the propriety and necessity of having a new set of regulations entered in the minutes , and produced a draft of such as occurred to him , Avhich he should read over for the consideration of the very full meeting present . They Avere read over , approved of , and appointed to be engrossed in the Minute Book , and
to be signed by the Brethren and those who may hereafter join , declaring them to be the existing Laws of the Lodge , and to be obeyed as such in room of those inserted in the front of this Book , subject , however , to such alterations or additions a ? times and circumstances may require , at a general meeting , and approved of by a majority of the
Lodge . " They are as follow , viz . : —
" LAWS AND REGULATIONS OP THE OLD LODGE OF PEEBLES , NO . 25 . '' 1 st . That no man shall be admitted a member of this Lodge unless the haill ordinary or residing Brethren be duly Avarned . Failing the appearance of any Member after such intimation , and not having a reasonable excuseshall be fined in one merk .
, " 2 nd . That due time must be allowed betAveen the date of intimation and the hour of meeting , that enquiry may be made into the reputation and capacity of the Candidate ; and the majority of votes shall regulate the point " admit or not admit . " The Master shall appoint tAvo instructors to the entrant .
" 3 rd . That each person admitted an apprentice shall pay down at his admission twenty shillings , besides 2 s . 9 d . for entering with the Grand Lodge , and one shilling to the officer . For passing , five shillings to the Lodge and 6 d . to the clerk and 6 cl . to the officer . If passed and raised at the same meeting , they shall only have 6 d . each
for both . One shilling annually on St . John ' s Day shall be paid by every ordinary residing Member for defraying the expense of coal and candle and other incidents . Members of the Friendly Society of this Lodge exempted . Members of another Lodge and to be initiated into this Lodge shall pay seven shillings and sixpence to the Treasurer .
These dues must be all ready money . " 4 bh . That the Office-bearers of the Lodge shall consist of a Master , three Wardens , Treasurer and Secretary , and tAvo Stewards , Avho shall be annually elected on St . John ' s Day ; also a Chaplain and Ty ler . " 5 th . Should Members of this Lodge take upon them to enter an
apprentice , or pass or raise a Brother Avithout the Brethren beingwarned as aforesaid , they hereby subject themselves to a fine not exceeding two shillings and sixpence , or be reprimanded , as a majority of the meeting shall judge proper , over and above being accountable for the clues above fixed .