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Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
eluded , and for reasons which must be obvious to the reader , they must be discontinued . We may add , however , that the Lodge property so frequently the subject of the records , and the object of repeated attempts to sell , is at the present day still in the possession of the
Brethren of Peebles Lodge . There is another old minute book of the old Jedburgh Lodge , in this province , which dates from 1730 to 1803 , but with a few exceptions , the minutes are of no historic value , further than that they record the names and dates of entry of the members during that period , of Avhom there is an interesting list of more than 200 , with their marks .
Memoir Of Elias Ashmole.
( Continued from page 370 , Vol . IX ., of the Masonic Magazine ) . rriHE year 1660 may be looked upon as marking a new era in the career of Ashmole . Hitherto , in spite of the vicissitudes to
Avhich men of both jjolitical parties had been subject , and esjjecially those Avho had es 230 used the Royal cause , he appears to have had influential friends in both camps , and to have been able to pursue his favourite studies with little or no interruption . But within a few clays after the King had got his own again , Ashmole was introduced into the Royal presence and kissed hands . This Avas on the 18 th June , 1666 . He was forthwith constituted Windsor Herald , his patent
bearing date the 22 nd of that month , and on the 10 th August he took the oaths and entered on the duties of his office . He Avas also appointed by the King to make a description of . his medals , and had them placed in his hands ; King Henry VTII . ' s closet being assigned to his use , and his diet alloAved at Court . On the 21 st August he had .
the honour to present his three books , already enumerated , to his Majesty , AAdio AA'as graciously pleased to accej ) t them . On the 3 rd September , in consequence of a letter written by Mr . Secretary Morris to the Earl of Southanrpton , Lord High Treasurer , by the King ' s express command , in which [ see account in the "Biographia Britannica" ] his lordship is told that "treatingMr . Ashmole kindly would be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Records Of The Lodge Of Peebles.
eluded , and for reasons which must be obvious to the reader , they must be discontinued . We may add , however , that the Lodge property so frequently the subject of the records , and the object of repeated attempts to sell , is at the present day still in the possession of the
Brethren of Peebles Lodge . There is another old minute book of the old Jedburgh Lodge , in this province , which dates from 1730 to 1803 , but with a few exceptions , the minutes are of no historic value , further than that they record the names and dates of entry of the members during that period , of Avhom there is an interesting list of more than 200 , with their marks .
Memoir Of Elias Ashmole.
( Continued from page 370 , Vol . IX ., of the Masonic Magazine ) . rriHE year 1660 may be looked upon as marking a new era in the career of Ashmole . Hitherto , in spite of the vicissitudes to
Avhich men of both jjolitical parties had been subject , and esjjecially those Avho had es 230 used the Royal cause , he appears to have had influential friends in both camps , and to have been able to pursue his favourite studies with little or no interruption . But within a few clays after the King had got his own again , Ashmole was introduced into the Royal presence and kissed hands . This Avas on the 18 th June , 1666 . He was forthwith constituted Windsor Herald , his patent
bearing date the 22 nd of that month , and on the 10 th August he took the oaths and entered on the duties of his office . He Avas also appointed by the King to make a description of . his medals , and had them placed in his hands ; King Henry VTII . ' s closet being assigned to his use , and his diet alloAved at Court . On the 21 st August he had .
the honour to present his three books , already enumerated , to his Majesty , AAdio AA'as graciously pleased to accej ) t them . On the 3 rd September , in consequence of a letter written by Mr . Secretary Morris to the Earl of Southanrpton , Lord High Treasurer , by the King ' s express command , in which [ see account in the "Biographia Britannica" ] his lordship is told that "treatingMr . Ashmole kindly would be