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Pre-Requisites For Masonic Initiation.—No. I.
regular Lodge , until he gets past the chair , and then as regularly ceases the operation . Also , it has seemed incongruous to hear such " sounding their own trumpets " about the number of candidates they have brought to their particular Lodges , and , if in the chair , the large
additions they have made to the roll , as if that constituted a claim for warm recognition by the members ; when , perhaps , if the truth were told , many members often are more of a curse than a blessing ; and that frequently the smaller Lodges are not only the most select but also the most Masonic . Not always so , because no increase may
mean stagnation ; but the point is to insist on a rigid compliance with the spirit of this injunction—to remember that Freemasonry is not a proselytising institution , and that every candidate who is introduced through improper solicitation , if a reasonable , thoughtful man , must think all the less of his Masonic adviser . We take it that any Brother
who introduces the subject of Freemasonry to a " profane , " or non-Mason , with a view to induce his hearer to " join " a Lodge , and who , at the same time , seeks to prevail upon him to be projoosed ( ho matter for what reasons ) is gnilty of " improper solicitation . " One thing is quite certain , however much may be uncertain , that we need not go far , alas , in this country , and so in others , to meet with " Masons '' Avhose proper side , as regards the fraternity , was the outside ; and what
is more , it the protecting clauses of our beloved Society had been respected as they deserve to be , their names would never have disfigured the roll of the ancient and honourable Fraternity . Candidates imist be " uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motive " in their application for admission . Of course all should be ; but we have
wondered how ship captains , and seamen , and others engaged in mercantile pursuits , manage to steer clear of this clause , when hoisting the " Masonic flag " immediately after initiation ; and those on land , working in the same pursuit , use all means in their power to exhibit their connection with the Craft so as to obtain the business
of those Avho are Freemasons . It is evident they have all " a favourable opinion conceived of the Institution , " though their method of showingit suggests quite a different interpretation of that well-known condition , and their " desire of knowledge " is exemplified in their desire for gain . Gentlemen Avho seek to join the society must be such
as will " cheerfully conform to all the ancient usages and established customs of the Order . " Cantankerous , cross-grained , bigotted , selfish beings , who must have all see " eye to eye " with them , or they become intolerant , abusive , and simply unbearable , should never be permitted to enter the Lodge , but only those Avho can be as pleasant when their propositions and wishes are rejected as if they Avere accepted . Some people we knoAv of are never happy unless they are miserable .
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Pre-Requisites For Masonic Initiation.—No. I.
regular Lodge , until he gets past the chair , and then as regularly ceases the operation . Also , it has seemed incongruous to hear such " sounding their own trumpets " about the number of candidates they have brought to their particular Lodges , and , if in the chair , the large
additions they have made to the roll , as if that constituted a claim for warm recognition by the members ; when , perhaps , if the truth were told , many members often are more of a curse than a blessing ; and that frequently the smaller Lodges are not only the most select but also the most Masonic . Not always so , because no increase may
mean stagnation ; but the point is to insist on a rigid compliance with the spirit of this injunction—to remember that Freemasonry is not a proselytising institution , and that every candidate who is introduced through improper solicitation , if a reasonable , thoughtful man , must think all the less of his Masonic adviser . We take it that any Brother
who introduces the subject of Freemasonry to a " profane , " or non-Mason , with a view to induce his hearer to " join " a Lodge , and who , at the same time , seeks to prevail upon him to be projoosed ( ho matter for what reasons ) is gnilty of " improper solicitation . " One thing is quite certain , however much may be uncertain , that we need not go far , alas , in this country , and so in others , to meet with " Masons '' Avhose proper side , as regards the fraternity , was the outside ; and what
is more , it the protecting clauses of our beloved Society had been respected as they deserve to be , their names would never have disfigured the roll of the ancient and honourable Fraternity . Candidates imist be " uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motive " in their application for admission . Of course all should be ; but we have
wondered how ship captains , and seamen , and others engaged in mercantile pursuits , manage to steer clear of this clause , when hoisting the " Masonic flag " immediately after initiation ; and those on land , working in the same pursuit , use all means in their power to exhibit their connection with the Craft so as to obtain the business
of those Avho are Freemasons . It is evident they have all " a favourable opinion conceived of the Institution , " though their method of showingit suggests quite a different interpretation of that well-known condition , and their " desire of knowledge " is exemplified in their desire for gain . Gentlemen Avho seek to join the society must be such
as will " cheerfully conform to all the ancient usages and established customs of the Order . " Cantankerous , cross-grained , bigotted , selfish beings , who must have all see " eye to eye " with them , or they become intolerant , abusive , and simply unbearable , should never be permitted to enter the Lodge , but only those Avho can be as pleasant when their propositions and wishes are rejected as if they Avere accepted . Some people we knoAv of are never happy unless they are miserable .