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The Legend Of The Introduction Of Masons Into England.
cut out of the earth , and raised above the ground all round like a wall , having in front of it the ditch whence the sods were taken , and strong stakes of wood fixed upon its top . Thus Severus drew , a great ditch and strong rampart , fortified with several towers , from sea to
sea ; and was afterwards taken sick and died at York , " & c * "Then the Romans ceased to reign in Britain , almost 470 years after Cains Julius Cassar entered the island . They resided within the rampart , which as we have mentioned , Severus made across the island , on the south side of it , as the cities , temples , bridges and paved roads
there made , testify to this day . " " On account of the irruptions of these nations , ! [ the Picts and Scots in A . D . 414 ] , the Britons sent messengers to Rome Avith letters in mournful manner , praying for succours , and promised perpetual subjection , provided that the impending enemy should be driven away . An armed legion Avas immediately sent them , which , arriving
in the island , and engaging the enemy , slew a great multitude of them , drove the rest out of the territories of their allies , and having delivered them from their cruel oppressors , advised them to build a wall between the two seas , across the island , that it might secure them and keep off the enemy ; and thus they returned home with great
triumph . The islanders , raising the wall , as they had been directed , not of stone , as having no artist capable of doing such a work , J but of sods , made it of no use . However , they dreAV it for many miles between the two bays or inlets of the seas , Avhich we have spoken of , [ one of which runs in far and broad into the land of Britain , from
the Eastern Ocean , and the other from the Western , though they do not reach so as to touch one another ] , to the end that where the defence of Avater was wanting they might use the rampart to defend their borders from the irruptions of the enemies . Of Avhich work there erected , that is , of a rampart of extraordinary breadth and height , there are evident remains to be seen at this day . "
Bede then tells that as soon as the Romans had left the country , the old enemies attacked the Britons . Another request is sent to Rome sometime in the year , or soon after A . D . 416 , and a legion comes to Britain , " arriving unexpectedly in autumn . " The enemy is slaughtered , and the Romans inform the Britons that they cannot again
undertake such troublesome expeditions , advise them " to handle their weapons like men , " and to fight their own enemies , " and thinking it might be some help to the allies , whom they were forced to abandon ,
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The Legend Of The Introduction Of Masons Into England.
cut out of the earth , and raised above the ground all round like a wall , having in front of it the ditch whence the sods were taken , and strong stakes of wood fixed upon its top . Thus Severus drew , a great ditch and strong rampart , fortified with several towers , from sea to
sea ; and was afterwards taken sick and died at York , " & c * "Then the Romans ceased to reign in Britain , almost 470 years after Cains Julius Cassar entered the island . They resided within the rampart , which as we have mentioned , Severus made across the island , on the south side of it , as the cities , temples , bridges and paved roads
there made , testify to this day . " " On account of the irruptions of these nations , ! [ the Picts and Scots in A . D . 414 ] , the Britons sent messengers to Rome Avith letters in mournful manner , praying for succours , and promised perpetual subjection , provided that the impending enemy should be driven away . An armed legion Avas immediately sent them , which , arriving
in the island , and engaging the enemy , slew a great multitude of them , drove the rest out of the territories of their allies , and having delivered them from their cruel oppressors , advised them to build a wall between the two seas , across the island , that it might secure them and keep off the enemy ; and thus they returned home with great
triumph . The islanders , raising the wall , as they had been directed , not of stone , as having no artist capable of doing such a work , J but of sods , made it of no use . However , they dreAV it for many miles between the two bays or inlets of the seas , Avhich we have spoken of , [ one of which runs in far and broad into the land of Britain , from
the Eastern Ocean , and the other from the Western , though they do not reach so as to touch one another ] , to the end that where the defence of Avater was wanting they might use the rampart to defend their borders from the irruptions of the enemies . Of Avhich work there erected , that is , of a rampart of extraordinary breadth and height , there are evident remains to be seen at this day . "
Bede then tells that as soon as the Romans had left the country , the old enemies attacked the Britons . Another request is sent to Rome sometime in the year , or soon after A . D . 416 , and a legion comes to Britain , " arriving unexpectedly in autumn . " The enemy is slaughtered , and the Romans inform the Britons that they cannot again
undertake such troublesome expeditions , advise them " to handle their weapons like men , " and to fight their own enemies , " and thinking it might be some help to the allies , whom they were forced to abandon ,