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Extract Of The Defence Made By Seventy-Five Templars.
In the county of Rousillon , they denied every article of the accusation . In Bretagne and Provence , they maintained their innocence , and it is thought that they Avere put to death . At Nismes there were two persecutions ; in the former the Knights ,
who were put to the torture , refused to make any confession * that was required of them . At Boulogne and Ravenas in Italy , they were absolved by the councils . At Arragon , after having victoriously borne the torture of the
rack , they were absolved by the councils of Salamanca and Tarragona . In the island of Cyprus , although Avith arms in their hands , powerful and numerous , yet they delivered themselves up to justice ; and it appears that they escaped proscription . In Germany they presented themselves in a numerous body , and in
arms before the council of Mayence . Forty-nine witnesses gave testimony in their favour . The Fathers of the council Avithout delay proclaimed their innocence . It appears that in England , only a few were put to death . We have met with almost a hundred depositions of English Templars , and nearly the whole agree in maintaining the
innocence of the receptions , and the virtue of the Order and the chiefs ; and indignantly deny that any ever spit upon the Cross , or Avere encouraged in depravity of morals . f
This diversity of judgments pronounced by the different councils is a striking circumstance , which , of itseif , should suffice to prove the injustice of the sentence pronounced on the Knights Templars . Well , for Avhat crime Avere they persecuted ? For being of an Order , Avhich , at the reception of new members , imposed a law of
impiety and depravity of morals . This , according to the prosecutors , was a fundamental statute , to which all the candidates were subjected . If , in many countries , the Knights have been acquitted , it is evident then , that the tribunals in those countries were persuaded that no such statute existed for the knights of those countries . We must
then add to the absurdity and improbability of the accusation , the still greater absurdity and improbability of the existence of such statute for the French knights only , who were condemned in France . The council of Vienne was assembled chiefly for the purjsose of discussing the fate of the Templars . A great number of those proscribed heroes took refuge in the mountains , in the vicinity of Lyons .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extract Of The Defence Made By Seventy-Five Templars.
In the county of Rousillon , they denied every article of the accusation . In Bretagne and Provence , they maintained their innocence , and it is thought that they Avere put to death . At Nismes there were two persecutions ; in the former the Knights ,
who were put to the torture , refused to make any confession * that was required of them . At Boulogne and Ravenas in Italy , they were absolved by the councils . At Arragon , after having victoriously borne the torture of the
rack , they were absolved by the councils of Salamanca and Tarragona . In the island of Cyprus , although Avith arms in their hands , powerful and numerous , yet they delivered themselves up to justice ; and it appears that they escaped proscription . In Germany they presented themselves in a numerous body , and in
arms before the council of Mayence . Forty-nine witnesses gave testimony in their favour . The Fathers of the council Avithout delay proclaimed their innocence . It appears that in England , only a few were put to death . We have met with almost a hundred depositions of English Templars , and nearly the whole agree in maintaining the
innocence of the receptions , and the virtue of the Order and the chiefs ; and indignantly deny that any ever spit upon the Cross , or Avere encouraged in depravity of morals . f
This diversity of judgments pronounced by the different councils is a striking circumstance , which , of itseif , should suffice to prove the injustice of the sentence pronounced on the Knights Templars . Well , for Avhat crime Avere they persecuted ? For being of an Order , Avhich , at the reception of new members , imposed a law of
impiety and depravity of morals . This , according to the prosecutors , was a fundamental statute , to which all the candidates were subjected . If , in many countries , the Knights have been acquitted , it is evident then , that the tribunals in those countries were persuaded that no such statute existed for the knights of those countries . We must
then add to the absurdity and improbability of the accusation , the still greater absurdity and improbability of the existence of such statute for the French knights only , who were condemned in France . The council of Vienne was assembled chiefly for the purjsose of discussing the fate of the Templars . A great number of those proscribed heroes took refuge in the mountains , in the vicinity of Lyons .