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Some Account Of The Rosicrucians.
finding some hidden Treasure , soon prompted him to force open the Door . He was immediately surprised by a sudden Blaze of Light , and discovered a very fair Vault : At the upper end of it was a Statute of a Man in Armour , sitting by a Table , and leaning on his Left
Arm . He held a Truncheon in his Right Hand , and had a Lamp burnbefore him . The Man had no sooner set one Foot within the Vault , than the Statue , erecting itself from its leaning Posture , stood bolt upright ; and upon the Fellow ' s advancing another Step , lifted up the Truncheon in his Right Hand . The Man still ventured a third
Step , when the Statue , with a furious Blow , broke the Lamp into a thousand Pieces , and left his guest in a sudden darkness . U ] DOII the Report of this Adventure , the Country-People soon came with Lights to the Sepulchre , and discovered that the Statue , which was made of Brass , was nothing more than a Piece of Clockwork ; that the Floor of
the Vault was all loose , and underlaid with several Springs , which , upon any Man ' s entering , naturally produced that which happened . Rosicrncius , say his Disci ] : >] es , made use of this Method , to show the World , that he had re-invented the ever-burning Lamps of the Ancients , tho' he was resolved that no one should reap any Advantage from the Discovery . "
Afterwards , that Society , which in Reality , is but a Sect of Mountebanks , began to multiply , but durst not appear publickly , and for that Reason was sir-named the Invisible . The Inlightened , or Illnminati , of Spain , proceeded from them ; both the one and the other have been condemned for Fanaticks and Deceivers : We must add , That John
Bringeret Printed , in 1615 , a Book in Germany , which comprehends two Treaties , Entituled , The Manifesto and Confession of Faith of the Fraternity of the Rosicucians in Germany : It was dedicated to Monarchs , States , and the Learned . These Persons boasted themselves to be the Library of Ptolemy Philadelphus , the Academy of Plato ,
the Lycteum , & c . and bragged of extraordinary Qualifications , whereof the least was , That they could sjoeakall Languages ; and after , in 1622 , they gave this advertisement to the Curious : " We , deputed by our College , the Principal of the Brethren of the Rosicrusians , to make our visible and invisible Abode in this City , thro' the Grace of
the Most High , towards whom are turned the Hearts of the Just : We teach without Books or Notes , and speak the Languages of the Countries wherever Ave are , to draw Men , like our selves , from the Error of Death . " This Bill was Matter of Merriment ; in the mean Time , the Brethren of the Rosicrucians ha \ e disapjDeared , though it
be not the Sentiment of that German Chymist , the Author of a Book , entituled , De Volncri Arborea ; and of another , Avho hath composed a Treatise stil'd , De Philosophic Puria .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Account Of The Rosicrucians.
finding some hidden Treasure , soon prompted him to force open the Door . He was immediately surprised by a sudden Blaze of Light , and discovered a very fair Vault : At the upper end of it was a Statute of a Man in Armour , sitting by a Table , and leaning on his Left
Arm . He held a Truncheon in his Right Hand , and had a Lamp burnbefore him . The Man had no sooner set one Foot within the Vault , than the Statue , erecting itself from its leaning Posture , stood bolt upright ; and upon the Fellow ' s advancing another Step , lifted up the Truncheon in his Right Hand . The Man still ventured a third
Step , when the Statue , with a furious Blow , broke the Lamp into a thousand Pieces , and left his guest in a sudden darkness . U ] DOII the Report of this Adventure , the Country-People soon came with Lights to the Sepulchre , and discovered that the Statue , which was made of Brass , was nothing more than a Piece of Clockwork ; that the Floor of
the Vault was all loose , and underlaid with several Springs , which , upon any Man ' s entering , naturally produced that which happened . Rosicrncius , say his Disci ] : >] es , made use of this Method , to show the World , that he had re-invented the ever-burning Lamps of the Ancients , tho' he was resolved that no one should reap any Advantage from the Discovery . "
Afterwards , that Society , which in Reality , is but a Sect of Mountebanks , began to multiply , but durst not appear publickly , and for that Reason was sir-named the Invisible . The Inlightened , or Illnminati , of Spain , proceeded from them ; both the one and the other have been condemned for Fanaticks and Deceivers : We must add , That John
Bringeret Printed , in 1615 , a Book in Germany , which comprehends two Treaties , Entituled , The Manifesto and Confession of Faith of the Fraternity of the Rosicucians in Germany : It was dedicated to Monarchs , States , and the Learned . These Persons boasted themselves to be the Library of Ptolemy Philadelphus , the Academy of Plato ,
the Lycteum , & c . and bragged of extraordinary Qualifications , whereof the least was , That they could sjoeakall Languages ; and after , in 1622 , they gave this advertisement to the Curious : " We , deputed by our College , the Principal of the Brethren of the Rosicrusians , to make our visible and invisible Abode in this City , thro' the Grace of
the Most High , towards whom are turned the Hearts of the Just : We teach without Books or Notes , and speak the Languages of the Countries wherever Ave are , to draw Men , like our selves , from the Error of Death . " This Bill was Matter of Merriment ; in the mean Time , the Brethren of the Rosicrucians ha \ e disapjDeared , though it
be not the Sentiment of that German Chymist , the Author of a Book , entituled , De Volncri Arborea ; and of another , Avho hath composed a Treatise stil'd , De Philosophic Puria .