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Club Rules* Of The Stonehewers' And Masons' Handicraft Here In Stuttgart, 1580.
of 5 sch . hel ., which is in Kreutzer currency 10 kr . 5 hel ., or according to the gravity of his offence ; which fine everyone shall at once pay Avithout murmuring , into the society ' s poor box ; whereof yearly one half of that which in this , or any manner
is collected , shall go to the poor box , and the other half shall belong to the society . Secondly . Every good fellow Craft shall in this room be held equal to the other ; and whoever is entered and received into this society shall be bound to assist the appointed master ( Stuben-meister )
and the servitor ( Shtben-knecht ) to truly observe all aforesaid and hereafter written points and articles , under a penalty of 5 sch . hel ., in Wurttemberg currency 10 kr . 5 hel . ; and Avhoever shall oppose himself to these ordinances as above said shall no longer be admitted to the society , but he shall be shut out .
Thirdly . If anyone , be he master or fellow , be summoned on account of the Craft or society to this room , and without an honest weighty excuse absent himself , contemptuously disobedient , he shall Avithout debate pay into the aforesaid punishment-box 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel .
Fourthly . If anyone in this room should give another the lie in earnest , or pull , hit , push , mishandle , throAv clown , or wound him , or otherwise injure him by shameful and opprobrious names , then shall the master or servitor , or , if they be not present , the members who are present , on their oath and duty be bound to bring the case according to the circumstances before the magistrate ; none the less shall the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Club Rules* Of The Stonehewers' And Masons' Handicraft Here In Stuttgart, 1580.
of 5 sch . hel ., which is in Kreutzer currency 10 kr . 5 hel ., or according to the gravity of his offence ; which fine everyone shall at once pay Avithout murmuring , into the society ' s poor box ; whereof yearly one half of that which in this , or any manner
is collected , shall go to the poor box , and the other half shall belong to the society . Secondly . Every good fellow Craft shall in this room be held equal to the other ; and whoever is entered and received into this society shall be bound to assist the appointed master ( Stuben-meister )
and the servitor ( Shtben-knecht ) to truly observe all aforesaid and hereafter written points and articles , under a penalty of 5 sch . hel ., in Wurttemberg currency 10 kr . 5 hel . ; and Avhoever shall oppose himself to these ordinances as above said shall no longer be admitted to the society , but he shall be shut out .
Thirdly . If anyone , be he master or fellow , be summoned on account of the Craft or society to this room , and without an honest weighty excuse absent himself , contemptuously disobedient , he shall Avithout debate pay into the aforesaid punishment-box 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel .
Fourthly . If anyone in this room should give another the lie in earnest , or pull , hit , push , mishandle , throAv clown , or wound him , or otherwise injure him by shameful and opprobrious names , then shall the master or servitor , or , if they be not present , the members who are present , on their oath and duty be bound to bring the case according to the circumstances before the magistrate ; none the less shall the