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Club Rules* Of The Stonehewers' And Masons' Handicraft Here In Stuttgart, 1580.
offender be liable in a fine to the society according to the gravity of his offence : thereof , as usual , one half to the poor box and the other half to the society . *" Fifthly . Whoever shall , either during or not during the
meeting , break , destroy , or injure any drinking vessel or other article belonging to the landlord or the society shall be bound , without debate , to pay for or make good such article , under a fine of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Sixthly . Whoever shall in this room during a meeting be found
guilty of disorderly , coarse , indecorous speech , words , or deeds , he shall be condemned to immediately pay a fine of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . to the society , and 1 sch . hel ., or 2 kr . 1 hel . to the servitor . Seventhly . Whenever in the future a member of this room and society , be he bachelor or Avidower , wishes to get married , he shall , according to ancient custom , pay for a drink to the whole society , or 5 sch ., that is , 10 kr . 5 hel .
Eighthly . Whoever shall in this room indulge in excessive noise , or otherwise misconduct himself , or will not be led , quieted , or warned on fitting occasion , he shall be required to pay the society 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Ninthly . Whoever shall take refreshment in the room , and leave
without paying his score or by permission of the master , or for other good reason , he shall not only pay his reckoning , but also , without debate , be under fine to the society of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Tenthly . If one or more in this room wish to play for amusement they may do so for cash , but on no account for credit ; neither any of
the harmful game forbidden in the State ordinances of our gracious Lord the Prince ; neither shall any one induce another against his will ; still less , angrily tear up the cards and throw them out of Avindow , under a penalty of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . And also , if such pernicious forbidden games as aforesaid do occur , then shall the master or servitor be bound on every occasion by his duty to bring
the matter before the magistrate . Eleventhly . And no one , be he who he may , who shall desire to amuse himself , take refreshment , or play in this room , shall be permitted to sit longer in summer than nine o ' clock , and in winter than . eight o ' clock ; but if anyone disobey this rule , then shall he be liable
to the Government according to the laws of the realm in the ordained punishment , and also to the society in 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Twelfthly . And all untimely excessive drinking shall be strictly forbidden in the room and society , under penalty to the Government , 1 fl ., and to the societ y 5 sch . hell ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Thirteenthly . And should one or more come to the room to play
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Club Rules* Of The Stonehewers' And Masons' Handicraft Here In Stuttgart, 1580.
offender be liable in a fine to the society according to the gravity of his offence : thereof , as usual , one half to the poor box and the other half to the society . *" Fifthly . Whoever shall , either during or not during the
meeting , break , destroy , or injure any drinking vessel or other article belonging to the landlord or the society shall be bound , without debate , to pay for or make good such article , under a fine of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Sixthly . Whoever shall in this room during a meeting be found
guilty of disorderly , coarse , indecorous speech , words , or deeds , he shall be condemned to immediately pay a fine of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . to the society , and 1 sch . hel ., or 2 kr . 1 hel . to the servitor . Seventhly . Whenever in the future a member of this room and society , be he bachelor or Avidower , wishes to get married , he shall , according to ancient custom , pay for a drink to the whole society , or 5 sch ., that is , 10 kr . 5 hel .
Eighthly . Whoever shall in this room indulge in excessive noise , or otherwise misconduct himself , or will not be led , quieted , or warned on fitting occasion , he shall be required to pay the society 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Ninthly . Whoever shall take refreshment in the room , and leave
without paying his score or by permission of the master , or for other good reason , he shall not only pay his reckoning , but also , without debate , be under fine to the society of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Tenthly . If one or more in this room wish to play for amusement they may do so for cash , but on no account for credit ; neither any of
the harmful game forbidden in the State ordinances of our gracious Lord the Prince ; neither shall any one induce another against his will ; still less , angrily tear up the cards and throw them out of Avindow , under a penalty of 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . And also , if such pernicious forbidden games as aforesaid do occur , then shall the master or servitor be bound on every occasion by his duty to bring
the matter before the magistrate . Eleventhly . And no one , be he who he may , who shall desire to amuse himself , take refreshment , or play in this room , shall be permitted to sit longer in summer than nine o ' clock , and in winter than . eight o ' clock ; but if anyone disobey this rule , then shall he be liable
to the Government according to the laws of the realm in the ordained punishment , and also to the society in 5 sch . hel ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Twelfthly . And all untimely excessive drinking shall be strictly forbidden in the room and society , under penalty to the Government , 1 fl ., and to the societ y 5 sch . hell ., or 10 kr . 5 hel . Thirteenthly . And should one or more come to the room to play