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Club Rules* Of The Stonehewers' And Masons' Handicraft Here In Stuttgart, 1580.
the punishment of offences against the Craft ordinances , every effort being made to collect as large an amount of fines as possible . * The apprenticeship varies , but lasts at least two years ; and the journeyman must travel for the same term before he can report himself a candidate for the mastership .
The masterpiece consisted of a plan of a wooden building . The carpenters form only journeyman fraternities . The travelling journeyman carpenter carries his knapsack like the masons , on his left shoulder ; the son of a master on his right . He wears a black hat ( cylindrical ) .
Bespeaking The Master.
( He knocks similar to the Mason ) . Stranger : Are you the worshipful master carpenter ? Master : Yes . Stranger : B y Leave and Favour : A friendly greeting from the
honourable ( FJhrsam ) f master carpenter N . or M . in Avhose employment I stood so many Aveeks , from the mistress and the sister [ i . e ., his ivife and daughter ' ] also from all the fellows in his employ , as likewise the stranger fellows and the whole honourable carpenters' craft in N . or M . ( the place where he last Avorked ) , to the honourable master ,
mistress , and the sister ; also to all the fellows in the employ , as likewise to the Avhole honourable carpenters' craft here in the free city of Lubeck : and I , the present carpenter journeyman N . or M ., from N . or M ., Avish to bespeak the honourable master for eight or fourteen days' work , or for so long as it may please both the master and me ,
according to Craft custom and usage . Master : I thank you , heartily . If the master accepts him as a journeyman he must then report himself to the elder , and be entered on the fellowship book , also appear every fortnight at the house of call . In the contrary case , the master hands him the donation , and wishes him luck on his travels .
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Club Rules* Of The Stonehewers' And Masons' Handicraft Here In Stuttgart, 1580.
the punishment of offences against the Craft ordinances , every effort being made to collect as large an amount of fines as possible . * The apprenticeship varies , but lasts at least two years ; and the journeyman must travel for the same term before he can report himself a candidate for the mastership .
The masterpiece consisted of a plan of a wooden building . The carpenters form only journeyman fraternities . The travelling journeyman carpenter carries his knapsack like the masons , on his left shoulder ; the son of a master on his right . He wears a black hat ( cylindrical ) .
Bespeaking The Master.
( He knocks similar to the Mason ) . Stranger : Are you the worshipful master carpenter ? Master : Yes . Stranger : B y Leave and Favour : A friendly greeting from the
honourable ( FJhrsam ) f master carpenter N . or M . in Avhose employment I stood so many Aveeks , from the mistress and the sister [ i . e ., his ivife and daughter ' ] also from all the fellows in his employ , as likewise the stranger fellows and the whole honourable carpenters' craft in N . or M . ( the place where he last Avorked ) , to the honourable master ,
mistress , and the sister ; also to all the fellows in the employ , as likewise to the Avhole honourable carpenters' craft here in the free city of Lubeck : and I , the present carpenter journeyman N . or M ., from N . or M ., Avish to bespeak the honourable master for eight or fourteen days' work , or for so long as it may please both the master and me ,
according to Craft custom and usage . Master : I thank you , heartily . If the master accepts him as a journeyman he must then report himself to the elder , and be entered on the fellowship book , also appear every fortnight at the house of call . In the contrary case , the master hands him the donation , and wishes him luck on his travels .