Article EPPING FOREST. Page 1 of 3 →
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Epping Forest.
A TTACKS are often made upon the Corporation of the City of ¦* - * - London , or on the City Companies , by those who have apparently a great hankering after their funds ; but those conservators of Epp ino-Forest , AVIIO incurred the wise and seasonable expenditure it needed to compass so desirable an end , deserve the earnest acknowledgments
of all loA'ers of Avoodland haunts , and the grateful recognition of our English people . Many an artist , many a student , many a weary toil-borne beinowill find his spirits refreshed and his life made happier by a glimpse of those noble trees and kindly glades , in which Nature is seen in all her
grace and beauty , and the fearful lines of dull brick and mortar are vividly contrasted Avith a glad oasis of cheering verdure . There are now 5531 acres of the remaining 6000 of Epping Forest preserved for the English people by the thoughtful prevision of the
Corporation of the City of London , and we trust that so great a privilege Avill be duly prized and carefully guarded . Of old , Ave are told , there were sixty-nine forests in England maintained for the royal chase , and Epping Forest is at one time believed to have spread over a great portion of Essex . These forests were governed
by the strict old Norman Forest Laws , laws unknown to English jurisprudence or English common law , and were administered by the King ' s Chief Woodman , or Ranger , under the directions of the Woodmote or Court of Attachment , Avhich met every forty days , the Swanmcde , which sat every four months , the Justice Seat , Avhich
assembled every three years . These Forest Laws Avere most severe , and the preservation of " vert and venison" was considered above all things needful and desirable , and hedged round with terrible penalties and cruel punishments .
When the Corporation intervened , what remained of Epping Forest was in a terrible state of confusion . As the Times says , " the rights of the Crown Avere in some cases sold , and even before they were extinguished the sharp distinctions of the forest laws had fallen into disuse . The commoners turned their cattle into the forest to feed ,
subject to the supervision of the reeves and forest courts . From time to time a lord of the manor enclosed a tempting piece of land to round off his property , or a cottager stole a morsel to make a garden . For a long time the forest Avas almost ungoverned , or was subject only
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Epping Forest.
A TTACKS are often made upon the Corporation of the City of ¦* - * - London , or on the City Companies , by those who have apparently a great hankering after their funds ; but those conservators of Epp ino-Forest , AVIIO incurred the wise and seasonable expenditure it needed to compass so desirable an end , deserve the earnest acknowledgments
of all loA'ers of Avoodland haunts , and the grateful recognition of our English people . Many an artist , many a student , many a weary toil-borne beinowill find his spirits refreshed and his life made happier by a glimpse of those noble trees and kindly glades , in which Nature is seen in all her
grace and beauty , and the fearful lines of dull brick and mortar are vividly contrasted Avith a glad oasis of cheering verdure . There are now 5531 acres of the remaining 6000 of Epping Forest preserved for the English people by the thoughtful prevision of the
Corporation of the City of London , and we trust that so great a privilege Avill be duly prized and carefully guarded . Of old , Ave are told , there were sixty-nine forests in England maintained for the royal chase , and Epping Forest is at one time believed to have spread over a great portion of Essex . These forests were governed
by the strict old Norman Forest Laws , laws unknown to English jurisprudence or English common law , and were administered by the King ' s Chief Woodman , or Ranger , under the directions of the Woodmote or Court of Attachment , Avhich met every forty days , the Swanmcde , which sat every four months , the Justice Seat , Avhich
assembled every three years . These Forest Laws Avere most severe , and the preservation of " vert and venison" was considered above all things needful and desirable , and hedged round with terrible penalties and cruel punishments .
When the Corporation intervened , what remained of Epping Forest was in a terrible state of confusion . As the Times says , " the rights of the Crown Avere in some cases sold , and even before they were extinguished the sharp distinctions of the forest laws had fallen into disuse . The commoners turned their cattle into the forest to feed ,
subject to the supervision of the reeves and forest courts . From time to time a lord of the manor enclosed a tempting piece of land to round off his property , or a cottager stole a morsel to make a garden . For a long time the forest Avas almost ungoverned , or was subject only