Article OUR HOLIDAY JAUNT. Page 1 of 4 →
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Our Holiday Jaunt.
THAT it will do us all good to have a holiday is an undoubted fact ; but Avhether we shall all get one is quite another question . Let us hope that we all may , and that , as the poet sings , it may do us all good , and send us back to Avork and duty strong , cheery , and
contented . From meadows dappled o ' er with daisies , Or sweet with scent of new-mown hay , From Avoods amid whose tangled mazes The laughing sunbeams dart and play ,
From rippling brooks and river reaches , From haunts of heather and of fern , From giant cliffs and pebbly beaches , Glad-hearted wanderers return . The Summer holiday is
over—The few short weeks , or days , or hours— . ^ And homeward goes eachjhappy rover Beside the sea or ' mid the flowers . Once more for all the path of duty ; But hand and brain are now made strong ;
And , steeped unconsciously in beauty , The heart retains its Summer song . Thus richly blessed , have Ave no pity For those whose lives are sad with care , Who herd in alleys in the city ,
And cry alond for God ' s pure air ? Surely the Summer days will darken , Earth will not be one half so fair , Unless with willing hearts we hearken , And of our pleasures yield a share .
Still there seem to be one or two warnings for us all , Avhich it may do us some little good to remember and to realize . If our holiday jaunt has led us abroad among the " parlez-vous " or " ausgezeichnets , " as someone has said , let us hope that Ave have not been ashamed to speak
a foreign language . Thei ~ e are many John Bulls who seem to dislike conversing in what they term " outlandish lingo . " But how foolish , and worse than foolish , is such a feeling , such a prejudice . The acquisition of a foreign language increases not only the possibility of extending our OAvn knoAvledge of things , men , bodies and countries ,
but raises us in the scale of ruminating , thinking , and conversable
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Our Holiday Jaunt.
THAT it will do us all good to have a holiday is an undoubted fact ; but Avhether we shall all get one is quite another question . Let us hope that we all may , and that , as the poet sings , it may do us all good , and send us back to Avork and duty strong , cheery , and
contented . From meadows dappled o ' er with daisies , Or sweet with scent of new-mown hay , From Avoods amid whose tangled mazes The laughing sunbeams dart and play ,
From rippling brooks and river reaches , From haunts of heather and of fern , From giant cliffs and pebbly beaches , Glad-hearted wanderers return . The Summer holiday is
over—The few short weeks , or days , or hours— . ^ And homeward goes eachjhappy rover Beside the sea or ' mid the flowers . Once more for all the path of duty ; But hand and brain are now made strong ;
And , steeped unconsciously in beauty , The heart retains its Summer song . Thus richly blessed , have Ave no pity For those whose lives are sad with care , Who herd in alleys in the city ,
And cry alond for God ' s pure air ? Surely the Summer days will darken , Earth will not be one half so fair , Unless with willing hearts we hearken , And of our pleasures yield a share .
Still there seem to be one or two warnings for us all , Avhich it may do us some little good to remember and to realize . If our holiday jaunt has led us abroad among the " parlez-vous " or " ausgezeichnets , " as someone has said , let us hope that Ave have not been ashamed to speak
a foreign language . Thei ~ e are many John Bulls who seem to dislike conversing in what they term " outlandish lingo . " But how foolish , and worse than foolish , is such a feeling , such a prejudice . The acquisition of a foreign language increases not only the possibility of extending our OAvn knoAvledge of things , men , bodies and countries ,
but raises us in the scale of ruminating , thinking , and conversable