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History Of The Anchor And Hope Lodge, No. 37, Bolton.
1738 , the name occurs twice ( page 129 ) , as " Montagu , " and in the edition of 1756 it is again " Montacute . " The editors of those works evidently thought with the Irishman , " that a man was a poor scholar that could only spell a word in one way . " A reference to Bro . Gould ' s " Four Old Lodges and their
Descendants " ( an invaluable work ) , will enable Masonic students to trace many earlier Lodges than that of No . 37 , warranted in the country , from No . 28 , Bath , in 1724 ; but all have disappeared from the roll ; so that considering over twenty have thus succumbed to the adverse influences of " wear and tear , " the Anchor and Hope Lodge may well
hold its head high as the oldest living representative of the Provinces , Lodges chartered from 1724 to 1732 . Treading closely on its heels is the Royal Cumberland Lodge , No . 41 , Bath , and the St . Paul ' s Lodge , No . 43 , Birmingham , both of 1733 .
Bro . Newton's particulars of the copy he now possesses of Pine ' s List of 1734 , * are very interesting indeed ; and as the Grand Lodge of England has not an engraved List for that year , I hope he will leave instructions in his will for the library of that body to be its final resting place , only I trust it will be many years before that event
happens . The roll of members from an early date , and the numerical changes will prove items of special importance for the brethren who now are connected with the Lodge , and I feel sure their gratitude will be warmly expressed to Bros . Brockbank and Newton for their timely and carefully prepared history of No . 37 , which has a value
far beyond its own circle , and should act as an incentive to numerous other brethren to " go and do likewise " for their Lodges . Should my suggestion as to the reproduction not be carried out , I shall again allude to the capital history by my two friends ; and
meanwhile shall be engaged in somewhat similar studies .
The History Of Freemasonry.
BRO . GOULD has already , as is well known to those who interest themselves in the true history of Freemasonry , added to our authoritative Masonic books in his " Athol Lodges " and " History of the Four Old Lodges . " However much we had to thank him for these works , we are still more indebted to him for the handsome
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History Of The Anchor And Hope Lodge, No. 37, Bolton.
1738 , the name occurs twice ( page 129 ) , as " Montagu , " and in the edition of 1756 it is again " Montacute . " The editors of those works evidently thought with the Irishman , " that a man was a poor scholar that could only spell a word in one way . " A reference to Bro . Gould ' s " Four Old Lodges and their
Descendants " ( an invaluable work ) , will enable Masonic students to trace many earlier Lodges than that of No . 37 , warranted in the country , from No . 28 , Bath , in 1724 ; but all have disappeared from the roll ; so that considering over twenty have thus succumbed to the adverse influences of " wear and tear , " the Anchor and Hope Lodge may well
hold its head high as the oldest living representative of the Provinces , Lodges chartered from 1724 to 1732 . Treading closely on its heels is the Royal Cumberland Lodge , No . 41 , Bath , and the St . Paul ' s Lodge , No . 43 , Birmingham , both of 1733 .
Bro . Newton's particulars of the copy he now possesses of Pine ' s List of 1734 , * are very interesting indeed ; and as the Grand Lodge of England has not an engraved List for that year , I hope he will leave instructions in his will for the library of that body to be its final resting place , only I trust it will be many years before that event
happens . The roll of members from an early date , and the numerical changes will prove items of special importance for the brethren who now are connected with the Lodge , and I feel sure their gratitude will be warmly expressed to Bros . Brockbank and Newton for their timely and carefully prepared history of No . 37 , which has a value
far beyond its own circle , and should act as an incentive to numerous other brethren to " go and do likewise " for their Lodges . Should my suggestion as to the reproduction not be carried out , I shall again allude to the capital history by my two friends ; and
meanwhile shall be engaged in somewhat similar studies .
The History Of Freemasonry.
BRO . GOULD has already , as is well known to those who interest themselves in the true history of Freemasonry , added to our authoritative Masonic books in his " Athol Lodges " and " History of the Four Old Lodges . " However much we had to thank him for these works , we are still more indebted to him for the handsome